Tag Archives: SEO

How To Convert Accent Character Images Into SEO Friendly File Names In WordPress?

Bad filenames unrelated to the image are also not good for SEO. The reason is; that search engines like descriptive and meaningful filenames.

Another drawback of bad filenames is that they sometimes break your images in a web browser. The problem arises when you host many media files on a multi-author WordPress installation and you cannot monitor everyone to upload pictures with good and meaningful names.

These issues can be easily resolved by using a WordPress plugin called Clean Image Filenames.

The plugin works by auto-enforcing clean filenames on images and other media files you upload to the WordPress media library. Thus, it improves your website’s search engine optimization. The plugin works while you upload new files, it doesn’t work on old files uploaded on your media library.

How Does It Work?

Bad image filenames such as Château de Ferrières.jpg or Smörgåsbord.png are changed to good and clean filenames like chateau-de-ferrieres.jpg and smargasbord.png.

The plugin simply replaces accents and special characters, like Swedish or German umlauts, in the filename uploaded to your media library.

  • It converts accent characters to non-accent, Latin equivalents in Swedish, Danish, German, and more.
  • It removes special characters such as exclamation marks, periods, hashtags, and more.

You should also know that the range of files can be extended using a filter in your theme or plugin.

How To Use It?

Install and activate Clean Image Filenames plugin on your WordPress site. Upon activation visit your admin area dashboard Media -> Add New page and upload a new image file with accent characters like Smörgåsbord.png

On the plugin settings page, you can set whether the plugin should work only on images or all file types.

As soon the image is uploaded, the filename will be filtered by the plugin to smargasbord.png. That’s what this plugin does for you.

Renaming Filename Based On Post Title

File Renaming on Upload is another good plugin that provides you with more powerful controls and options.

Unlike the Clean Image Filenames plugin which works automatically and has one manual setting to make, File Renaming on upload allows you to select various options on how to rename an individual filename after upload.

For example: You can auto-add your site name in the image file, remove strings and accents, rename the file based on the post title, and more.

Why You Really Need To Update Old Blog Posts & Dates?

The post date of every blog is shown in the Google search result page. There are mainly two reasons why you must keep your old blog posts and their dates updated:

  1. Google prefers fresh content
  2. People prefer fresh content

That means even if Google shows one result with a very old date and another one with a new date, people are more likely to ignore the old post and click on the post that has been posted recently.

Google Freshness Algorithm states that people like content that is both relevant and recent but remember that not all website content needs to be updated and date changed, there is content that stays evergreen and we have discussed about it earlier in this lesson.

What Happens When You Don’t Update Your Blog Content?

Sometimes a well written and researched article needs some update to stay relevant for the search engines.

When you don’t update your old content, it starts slipping down on search engine results pages, its ranking start to decline and the traffic it was brining before begins to drop.

This happens mainly because of two reasons:

  1. Some other website has published a better version of your post which is more informative and new, so now Google prefers that.
  2. People are clicking on the new results because the date of your article is quite old.

This problem can be prevented by updating your posts and adding new important information, going in depth, removing or updating the text that has gone irrelevant with time, and then re-publishing the post.

How To Update Old Content & Dates In WordPress?

It is better to start with popular posts that you have posted years ago and then cover your worst performing articles. Managed WordPress users can easily do that from their admin panel or contact support team to get helped.

For editing any old post, you simply need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the post for editing
  2. Check if there is anything that has gone outdated
  3. Update that content
  4. Read your post
  5. Click ‘Save as Draft’ button
  6. Its asks for your conformation
  7. Confirm to un-publish the post and save it as draft
  8. Move to the right sidebar, under ‘Post’ section (left to the block section)
  9. Next to ‘Publish’ option you will see the publishing date
  10. Click that date and then select ‘Immediately’ option
  11. Now click the ‘Publish’ button

This will republish the post without changing its permalink. The permalink of the post is visible on the right sidebar of the post editing page, you can confirm it from there.

When you re-publish the post, it comes back to the latest feed of your website, become more visible to search spiders, and automatically goes to your blog subscribers, as well as social channels (if connected). Thus, it brings new traffic and becomes more visible on the search.

If you own a blog with evergreen content then you may also update post dates in bulk but only if your content is evergreen, otherwise don’t do that.

Make Use Of Google Freshness Algorithm To Rank Higher On Search

There is a lot of content out there that explains Google’s freshness algorithm and all is complicated. So, in this lesson, we will make you easily understand what exactly Google Freshness Algorithm is and how you can use it to increase your website traffic by ranking higher on search engine results pages.

What Bloggers Should Know About Google Freshness Algorithm?

One thing that you should know about Google Freshness Algorithm is that it states people want search results that are both relevant and recent.

For instance, if somebody is searching for ‘How to write a blog post in WordPress?’, most probably he is searching to write a blog post on the latest WordPress version and not years old version that now nobody uses.

Google Prefers Fresh Content

Google has stated that the change has already impacted about 35% of search queries which means a minimum of one result per page is getting affected and noticeably it has affected approximately 6% to 10% of search queries.

Get Benefitted From Google Freshness Algorithm

Bloggers should understand that Google is now ranking newer blog posts higher than older posts. There is no problem with poetry, literature, and stories blogs but if you are blogging in a niche such as technology, etc then you must keep your blog posts updated and reposted.

Updating Old Blog Posts Is The Solution

You can get benefitted from Google Freshness Algorithm by updating your old outdated posts and then switching their dates.

Managed WordPress users can easily do this from the post edit screen right below the ‘Post’ block. You simply need to click Publish – ‘Immediately’ link and then change the date of your updated blog post. But first, make sure that the content of your blog post is updated. You may also switch the post to draft, update it and then repost it on your website.

How Subscribing To Search Engine Visibility Benefits Your Business?

Creating a website is the first step for businesses to establish an online presence. Registering your domain name and subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan gets you a website. Your website should provide information about the business, including its products and services, and contact information.

The next step is to get yourself visible on the search engine results page, this automatically happens when you continuously post quality blogs on your website. But to give a boost to your online visibility and make it easier for search engines to archive your website, the SEO product can be subscribed here. It saves your bills for SEO optimization that you pay SEO experts. By having this product you can do all SEO on your own even if you don’t have any technical skills.

Subscribing to search engine visibility i.e. SEO gives you many benefits. These benefits cover the following list:

Increased Traffic To Your Website

SEO helps to improve a website’s ranking on SERPs, which leads to more traffic to the website. The higher a website ranks, the more likely it is to be clicked on by users, which can increase the number of visitors to the site.

The User Experience Is Improved

SEO involves optimizing a website’s content, structure, and navigation, which can lead to a better user experience. This can result in longer dwell time, lower bounce rates, and higher engagement, which can contribute to a website’s overall ranking.

The Conversion Rates Get Better With Time

SEO can help to improve the quality of traffic to a website, leading to better conversion rates. When a website’s content is optimized for specific keywords, it attracts users who are more likely to be interested in the products or services offered by the website, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Offers Cost-Effective Marketing

A search engine-optimized blog is a cost-effective Internet marketing strategy compared to other forms of advertising, such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Once a website is optimized, it can continue to generate traffic and leads without additional investment.

Domain Awareness Is Increased

A website that ranks high on SERPs can increase domain awareness and visibility. Users are more likely to trust and recognize a domain that appears at the top of search engine results.

SEO benefits a website by increasing traffic, improving user experience, boosting conversion rates, being cost-effective, and increasing awareness of your business.

By subscribing to the SEO product you get personalized phrases and words called keywords to add and increase traffic to your website and help it rank better. You are able to easily create, customize, and submit a site map to aid search engines in crawling your site. The progress of your website’s rank on Google over time can be tracked from the admin panel of your SEO product.

Removing Deleted Pages Of Your Website From Search Engine Results

When you delete any web page of your WordPress Website, it stays there on the search engines archive index for a very long time and the users following that link notice error pages.

This lesson will guide you in two things,

  1. How to redirect those broken page links to something relevant?
  2. How to ask search engines for removing deleted pages?

Fixing Links For Deleted Pages

Link Fixer, previously known as Permalink Finder is a very useful WordPress plugin that fixes all not found errors on your website.

Simply install it from Plugins -> Add New page of your WordPress site. Upon activation, the plugin automatically redirects all broken links internally and externally i.e. your website links present on search engines and other websites to something most relevant instead of showing a 404 not found error to your visitors.

Updating Search Engines

To update search engines like Google for removing deleted posts and pages of your website from their search index, you simply need to install and activate the Remove Deleted Pages from Search Index plugin on your WordPress site.

Upon activation, the plugin implements the 410 HTTP status code for all deleted web pages of your website, as that tells search engines that the web page is no longer available and must be removed from the index.

Improve Search Engines Crawl On Your Managed WordPress Website

Crawling is a process used by search engines to find content and present it to the people searching for it on the internet. In this process, search engines like Google send robots known as crawlers and spiders to find content on blogs and websites.

They not only take new content but also look up the updates made to content on websites. This content could be a blog post, image, video, or file such as PDF but anyhow of the format, the content is generally discovered by links.

Generally, websites contain a lot of information in headers which is not useful for many of us and instead makes the website insecure. For example, WordPress headers contain information about plugins and themes used on the website. This lesson will guide you on how you can remove such things on your website to better the crawl rate, make your website load faster and be more secure.

How To Remove Unnecessary Information From Your Header?

To make your website load faster, have a better crawl rate, and perform more securely on the internet you will need to remove unnecessary information from the header. This can be easily done by a plugin you can install on your website.

Simply navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on the admin area dashboard of your WordPress site and search the term ‘Crawl Optimization’.

Install and activate this plugin and it will deactivate elements such as short links, REST API links, RSD/WLW links, oEmbed links, generator tags, and X-Pingback headers to streamline website navigation and reduce the amount of data transferred.

Have A Faster, Secure & Easy Crawlable Website

As a result, your website will become faster as unnecessary data transfer and streamlining navigation are now minimized. SEO is enhanced as your website is not easily navigable by search engines. The crawl rate improves as the plugin removes all unnecessary links and information from the HTTP headers of your website.

How Subscribing To Search Engine Visibility Helps You Get Found On Google?

The SEO tool available at Sangkrit.net takes you through a step-by-step process of optimizing your website for search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

This is specially programmed for the people who don’t have a big budget of hiring an SEO expert and don’t have much time to invest in studying the trends and keywords that increase your chances to get more prominently visible on Google.

By subscribing to Search Engine Optimization you can bring more traffic over time to your website. Let’s see how this tool helps you with that.

Easily Sets Up On Your Website

The first thing you need to make sure of is you have your website hosted at Sangkrit.net, if you don’t you can transfer it by subscribing to a hosting plan such as cPanel Hosting, or if you use WordPress then you may choose Managed WordPress because it offers you setup, backup, updates, and support in one place.

Next, subscribe to Search Engine Optimization. Once you do that the automated system will help you in setting it up for your website.

Suggests Topics & Keywords

It offers you a keyword and topic suggestion tool that lets you describe what your content is all about. Suggestions are provided on the basis of what keywords are more frequently searched by people for finding any specific content type.

Hence, you get personalized phrases and words to add to increase traffic to your website and help it rank better on the search engine results pages. It lets you track your internet success over time.

The Sitemap

It automatically generates the sitemap for your website. A sitemap is a file created for search engines to effectively crawl your entire website and know about all the content, what needs to be indexed and what needs to be reindexed, the updates, and everything.

So it is indeed a nice tool to help you easily better the SEO of your website and more easily reach the people who are searching for you on the internet.

Grow Your Business With Content That Answers The Questions Of Prospects

Writing and posting content that answers the questions of your prospects and solves their problem drastically increases your lead prospects and brings new passive income from Google Adsense.

Quality content automatically attracts more link backs. So, it is the best SEO for your website and you don’t need to hire an expert for that. Simply register or transfer your domain at SANGKRIT.net, install WordPress and start writing new posts.

Continue reading Grow Your Business With Content That Answers The Questions Of Prospects

Is Keyword Research Important Before Posting Articles On Your Website?

No. Keyword targeting has become irrelevant after Google Hummingbird update which works on the concept of semantic web search. It pays more attention to the sentence or conversation or meaning instead of taking only keywords into account.

Continue reading Is Keyword Research Important Before Posting Articles On Your Website?

Transfer SEO Data From One WordPress Theme Or Plugin To Another

When switching to a new WordPress theme or plugin, there is a risk of losing all SEO data such as meta-title, descriptions and keywords etc.

There are some theme frameworks and plugins that allows you to add SEO data like you can set custom SEO title which is shown on search engine results pages, description etc.

Popular SEO plugins such as All in One SEO & Yoast SEO allows you to add more custom SEO data in your posts, pages and custom post types.

In this lesson you will learn about properly transferring all SEO settings with the help of SEO Data Transporter in WordPress.

Continue reading Transfer SEO Data From One WordPress Theme Or Plugin To Another

Best Free Keyword Research Tools To Rank Higher On Google

Keyword research is one practice of search engine optimization (SEO). Although there are many professionals in this field but there are also very good keyword research tools that makes it easier for startups to find and use better keywords that will help you come up higher on search engines.

Continue reading Best Free Keyword Research Tools To Rank Higher On Google

Twenty Innovative Approaches To Improve Startup Websites

Traffic on a website comes from various sources such as direct visits, from search engines, from social networks, web directories, links on other websites etc.

Hence, you need to discover the products and parts of your website that other web-services don’t understand. So that you can make good adjustments by debugging errors and eliminating functions that are of no use on your website. This way you can improve user experience and get more customers for your online startup.

In this lesson you will know about some of the best free online services to help analyze your website and optimize it for search engines, social media, web-browsers, users and more.

Continue reading Twenty Innovative Approaches To Improve Startup Websites

Autoptimize Your WordPress Website Minimizing JS, CSS & HTML

When it comes to optimizing your WordPress website, the question comes, how to? Now no worries, in this lesson you will learn about automatically optimizing your website and minifying JavaScript, CSS and HTML files which are pushed into header when you activate new plugins and themes in your WordPress installation.

Continue reading Autoptimize Your WordPress Website Minimizing JS, CSS & HTML

Enable Leverage Browser Caching To Speed Up Your Website

Leverage Browser Caching is one factor responsible for the browsing speed of your website. Likewise fetching resources over the network can be slow and expensive as some downloads may need multiple roundtrips between the client where your website is requested and your hosting server.

Continue reading Enable Leverage Browser Caching To Speed Up Your Website

How To Use SEO Friendly URL Structure In WordPress?

Default WordPress URL structure i.e. permalink structure is not considered as SEO friendly. Search engine likes permalinks with post name as slug in them.

SEO friendly URL structure increases your chance of better ranking on search engines like Google etc. Likewise search engines are the largest source of traffic to popular blogs and organic traffic also gives you better ad revenue.

A SEO friendly URL structure is a user-friendly URL structure in which a visitor can know where he is going to simply by looking at the URL. This also works for search engines as well.

Continue reading How To Use SEO Friendly URL Structure In WordPress?

Fix Up Incorrect Facebook Post Share Image Issue In WordPress

Facebook uses open graph meta tags to show up image on shared post links. There are various plugins (like official Facebook plugin for WordPress) that automatically generates open graph meta tags and optimize images for Facebook sharing in WordPress.  Continue reading Fix Up Incorrect Facebook Post Share Image Issue In WordPress

Increase Your Search Rankings With SANGKRIT.net’s Search Engine Visibility App

Search Engine Visibility from SANGKRIT.net allows you to easily promote your website on popular search engines like Google®, Yahoo!®, and Bing® and 100+ other search engines including web-directories in order to increase traffic and get more customers everyday.  Continue reading Increase Your Search Rankings With SANGKRIT.net’s Search Engine Visibility App

How To Bulk Seo Optimize Images In WordPress?

Now you can easily update all the ALT attribute of images published in your WordPress blog posts. You can add article name automatically to them and improve traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.

ALT attribute is important for improving website SEO, it is considered more important attribute than actual image title. It is entered manually while uploading and inserting images in WordPress post content via ‘Add Media’ button present in visual editor on ADD NEW/EDIT screens.

In general, all new bloggers and website owners leave this tag empty which leaves many images on WordPress lacking ALT attributes. In this lesson you will learn how to correct this mistake and automatically update all images with ALT attributes in your WordPress site.  Continue reading How To Bulk Seo Optimize Images In WordPress?

Enable qTranslate X Multilingual Framework For WordPress All In One SEO Pack

qTranslate X is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to add user-friendly multilingual content management and translation support in your WordPress site. The plugin is an up-to-date fork of qTranslate, it comes packed with many more additional features.

Whereas All in One SEO Pack is another plugin that provides you SEO functions to automatically optimize your WordPress based website for various popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo etc.

In this lesson you will see how to use both of these plugins together to optimize your multilingual website for Google and other popular search engines.  Continue reading Enable qTranslate X Multilingual Framework For WordPress All In One SEO Pack