Category Archives: Homeschool

Exploring New Domain Extensions: Which One Is Right For Your Website?

The internet has expanded significantly over the years, and so have the options for domain name extensions. While the traditional .com remains the most popular choice, many new domain extensions (also known as top-level domains or TLDs) have emerged. These new TLDs offer more possibilities for creating a memorable and relevant web address for your blog. But are they right for you? Let’s explore the pros and cons of using new domain extensions and how to determine if they fit your blog’s needs.

What Are New Domain Extensions?

New domain extensions go beyond the standard .com, .org, and .net to include a wide variety of options such as:

  • Industry-specific: .tech, .blog, .shop
  • Geographic: .nyc, .london, .berlin
  • Business-based: .photography, .cooking, .fitness
  • Creative and fun: .ninja, .guru, .rocks

These extensions can help you create a domain name closely aligned with your website or blog’s focus, audience, or geographic location.

Pros of Using New Domain Extensions

  1. Availability: With so many new TLDs, there’s a higher chance of finding your desired domain name available. This is particularly useful if your preferred domain has already been taken.
  2. Relevance: New TLDs can make your domain name more relevant to your blog’s content. For example, instantly tells visitors that your blog is about photography.
  3. Memorability: A unique and specific domain extension can make your blog’s URL more memorable and easier to share.
  4. Branding: Using a new TLD can help with branding and differentiation, especially if your blog is in a niche market.

Cons of Using New Domain Extensions

  1. Recognition and Trust: .com is still the most recognized and trusted domain extension. New TLDs are not so popular among the netizens.
  2. SEO Considerations: While new TLDs don’t inherently harm SEO, there’s no strong evidence that they provide a significant boost either. However, the relevance of the content and overall SEO strategy will play a bigger role. Sometimes search engines may take a longer time to crawl and archive them.
  3. Email Confusion: If you use a new TLD for your blog, be prepared for potential confusion with your email address. People might default to .com etc when trying to email you.
  4. Perception: Some new TLDs might be perceived as less professional or gimmicky, depending on the extension and your audience.

How to Decide if a New Domain Extension is Right for Your Blog

  1. Audience Analysis: Consider your target audience and their familiarity with new TLDs. If they are tech-savvy or part of a specific niche, they might appreciate the relevance and uniqueness of a new extension.
  2. Brand Alignment: Ensure the new TLD aligns with your blog’s branding and message. It should enhance your brand, not detract from it.
  3. Availability: Check the availability of your preferred domain name with both traditional and new TLDs. Sometimes a new TLD might allow you to get a shorter, more precise domain.
  4. Future-Proofing: Think about the long-term implications. Will the new TLD still be relevant and recognizable in the future?
  5. Cost: New TLDs can sometimes be more expensive than traditional ones. Consider your budget and the potential return on investment.

New domain extensions offer exciting possibilities for creating a unique and relevant online presence for your blog. While they come with certain challenges, the benefits can outweigh the drawbacks if chosen wisely. Evaluate your blog’s needs, audience, and branding to determine if a new domain extension is the right choice for you. Whether you go with a traditional or some new TLD, the most important thing is that your domain name effectively represents your blog and resonates with your audience.

How To Personalize WordPress Ecommerce For A Truly Unique Experience?

WordPress Ecommerce is a versatile eCommerce platform packed as managed hosting, WordPress & WooCommerce, empowering businesses to create and manage online stores with ease. It is one of the most popular eCommerce solutions globally in use due to its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and extensive customization options.

Whether you’re selling physical products, digital downloads, subscriptions, or services, it provides robust features such as product management, inventory tracking, secure payments integration (including major gateways like PayPal and Stripe), and shipping options tailored to various needs. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, offering a rich ecosystem of themes, plugins, and extensions to enhance functionality.

With built-in analytics and reporting tools, it enables store owners to monitor sales, customer behavior, and optimize their online presence efficiently. Supported by a vibrant community and continuous updates, it remains a leading choice for anyone looking to establish a professional and profitable online presence.

Personalizing WordPress Ecommerce can greatly enhance the user experience and set your store apart. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to achieve a truly unique experience for your WooCommerce site:

Customize Product Pages:

  • Product Descriptions: Write compelling and informative descriptions that highlight unique features and benefits.
  • Images and Videos: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase products from different angles and in use.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Display customer reviews prominently to build trust and credibility.

Offer Product Customization Options:

  • Customizable Options: Use WooCommerce product variations or plugins like “WooCommerce Product Add-ons” to allow customers to choose colors, sizes, engraving, etc.
  • Personalized Messages: Offer options for customers to add personalized messages or names to products.

Implement a User-Friendly Design:

  • Custom Themes: Choose a WooCommerce-compatible theme that reflects your brand and enhances usability.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site is responsive and functions well on mobile devices.

Optimize Checkout Experience:

  • Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify the checkout process with fewer steps and clear calls-to-action.
  • Guest Checkout Option: Offer guest checkout to reduce friction for first-time buyers.

Leverage Plugins and Extensions:

  • Personalization Plugins: Use plugins like “Personalized Products for WooCommerce” or “Product Personalizer” to enable customers to customize products in real-time.
  • Recommended Products: Implement recommendation engines to suggest products based on customers’ browsing and purchasing behavior.

Create a Loyalty Program:

  • Reward Points: Implement a points-based system where customers earn points for purchases, referrals, or social shares.
  • Exclusive Offers: Offer exclusive discounts or early access to new products for loyal customers.

Provide Excellent Customer Support:

  • Live Chat: Offer real-time support through live chat to assist customers with product queries or customization options.
  • FAQs and Knowledge Base: Create a comprehensive FAQ section or knowledge base to address common questions and concerns.

Personalize Marketing Efforts:

  • Email Marketing: Segment your email list based on purchase history or preferences and send personalized product recommendations.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Use retargeting ads to remind customers of products they showed interest in but didn’t purchase.

Monitor & Analyze Performance:

  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics or WooCommerce’s built-in analytics to track customer behavior, sales trends, and effectiveness of personalization efforts.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different personalized features and designs to optimize conversions.

Seek Feedback & Iterate:

  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from customers to understand their preferences and pain points.
  • Continuous Improvement: Based on feedback and data analysis, continuously refine and improve your personalized user experience.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a WooCommerce Website that meets and exceeds customer expectations, providing a truly unique and personalized shopping experience.

Migrating Your Website With Smooth Transition & Minimal Downtime

Migrating your website to a new hosting option involves several key steps to ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime.

First, choose a new hosting option at that meets your needs and create a full backup of your website’s files and databases. Next, export your database and upload your site’s files to the new server. After importing the database and updating any necessary configuration files, test your website on the new server using a temporary URL to ensure everything functions correctly.

Once satisfied, update your domain’s DNS settings to point to the new host and monitor the DNS propagation, which can take up to 48 hours. Scheduling the migration during low-traffic periods and notifying users in advance can help minimize disruption.

By carefully planning and executing the following steps, you can ensure a successful migration with minimal impact on your website’s availability and performance.

  1. Schedule the Migration During Low Traffic Periods – Plan the migration when your website experiences the least traffic to minimize user impact.
  2. Use a Temporary URL – Use a temporary URL or IP address to test your website on the new server before changing DNS settings.
  3. Notify Users in Advance – Inform your users about the scheduled migration and potential downtime.
  4. Check DNS TTL Settings – Lower the TTL (Time to Live) settings of your DNS records to speed up the propagation process.
  5. Maintain Backup Copies – Keep multiple backup copies of your website files and database in-case something goes wrong during the migration.
  6. Test Thoroughly – Test all aspects of your website, including forms, payment gateways, and interactive elements, on the new host before going live.
  7. Monitor the Website Post-Migration – Closely monitor your website after the migration for any issues and address them promptly.
  8. Ensure Compatibility – Check that all plugins, themes, and scripts are compatible with the new hosting environment.

By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth website migration with minimal downtime and disruption to your users. The steps may slightly differ based on the type of CMS or framework you are migrating. If you are migrating a WordPress site, follow this lesson here.

Answers To Your Most Common Website Hosting Questions

A strong online presence is essential for everyone, businesses, organizations, and individuals. At the heart of this presence is a website, a platform that serves as a virtual storefront, information hub, or personal portfolio. However, for a website to be accessible to visitors around the globe, it needs to be hosted on a server. This is where web hosting comes into play.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to post a website or web page onto the Internet. A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a system that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed on the Internet.

Different types of web hosting services are available

1. Shared Hosting

Overview: In shared hosting, multiple websites share a single server and its resources (such as CPU, RAM, and storage).


  • Cost-effective, making it ideal for beginners and small websites.
  • Easy to set up with minimal technical knowledge required.


  • Limited resources can lead to slower performance if other sites on the server consume too much bandwidth.
  • Less control over server settings.

2. VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

Overview: VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to provide dedicated resources on a shared server. Each website is hosted on its own virtual server.


  • More reliable and stable than shared hosting.
  • Greater control over server settings and configurations.
  • Scalability: Easier to upgrade resources as needed.


  • More expensive than shared hosting.
  • Requires some technical knowledge to manage.

3. Dedicated Hosting

Overview: Dedicated hosting provides an entire physical server exclusively for one website.


  • Full control over server settings and configurations.
  • High performance and reliability due to dedicated resources.
  • Enhanced security, as no other websites share the server.


  • Expensive, and suitable for large businesses or high-traffic websites.
  • Requires technical expertise to manage and maintain the server.

4. Cloud Hosting

Overview: Cloud hosting uses a network of virtual servers that host websites, offering scalable resources and high availability.


  • Scalability: Resources can be easily adjusted based on demand.
  • High reliability and uptime, as websites are hosted on multiple servers.
  • Cost-effective, as you pay only for the resources you use.


  • Can be more complex to set up and manage.
  • Costs can fluctuate based on resource usage.

5. Managed Hosting

Overview: In managed hosting, the hosting provider takes care of the technical aspects of running a server, including maintenance, security, and updates.


  • Less technical work for the website owner.
  • Enhanced security and performance, as the provider handles server optimization.
  • Ideal for businesses that prefer to focus on their core activities.


  • More expensive than unmanaged hosting.
  • Less control over certain server settings and configurations.

6. WordPress Hosting

Overview: Specifically optimized for WordPress websites, this hosting type offers features and performance tailored to the WordPress platform.


  • Optimized for speed and security for WordPress sites.
  • Often includes pre-installed WordPress, automatic updates, and dedicated support.
  • Cons:
    • Limited to WordPress websites.
    • Can be more expensive than general shared hosting.

7. Reseller Hosting

Overview: Reseller hosting allows individuals or businesses to purchase hosting resources and resell them to their clients. This comes packed with any VPS or Dedicated Server you subscribe to at


  • Ideal for entrepreneurs or businesses looking to offer web hosting services.
  • Provides control over allocated resources and pricing for clients.


  • Requires knowledge of web hosting to manage multiple client accounts.
  • Customer support responsibility falls on the reseller.

Each type of web hosting service has its unique advantages and disadvantages. The right choice depends on your website’s specific needs, your budget, and your level of technical expertise. Whether you’re just starting with a small blog or running a large eCommerce site, there’s a hosting solution that can meet your requirements.

Can I Host Multiple Websites on One Hosting Account?

Yes, you can host multiple websites on one hosting account, but this depends on the type of hosting plan you choose. Here’s how it works:

  • Add-On Domains: Many shared hosting plans offer the option to host multiple websites using add-on domains. Each add-on domain can have its website with separate content.
  • Subdomains: You can also create subdomains, which are extensions of your main domain (e.g., and can be used to host different sections or smaller websites.

How Do I Transfer My Website to a New Hosting Provider?

Here are some lessons that may help while you migrate your website, following are the basic tips involved during this process:

  1. Schedule the Migration During Low Traffic Periods– Plan the migration during times when your website experiences the least traffic to minimize the impact on users.
  2. Use a Temporary URL– Use a temporary URL or IP address to test your website on the new server before changing DNS settings.
  3. Notify Users in Advance– Inform your users about the scheduled migration and potential downtime.
  4. Check DNS TTL Settings– Lower the TTL (Time to Live) settings of your DNS records to speed up the propagation process.
  5. Maintain Backup Copies– Keep multiple backup copies of your website files and database in case something goes wrong during the migration.
  6. Test Thoroughly– Test all aspects of your website, including forms, payment gateways, and interactive elements, on the new host before going live.
  7. Monitor the Website Post-Migration– Closely monitor your website after the migration for any issues and address them promptly.
  8. Ensure Compatibility– Check that all plugins, themes, and scripts are compatible with the new hosting environment.

By following these steps and tips, you can ensure a smooth website migration with minimal downtime and disruption to your users.

Hope this comprehensive guide on web hosting answers has provided you with valuable insights and answers to your most common questions. Choosing the right web hosting service is a crucial step in ensuring your website’s success, and we’re here to help you make informed decisions.

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification on any aspect of web hosting, feel free to leave your comments below. Whether you’re a beginner just starting or an experienced webmaster looking for advanced tips, we’d love to hear from you. Your questions and experiences not only help you but also benefit our entire community of readers.

So, don’t hesitate – share your thoughts, ask your questions, and continue the conversation about web hosting!

Plesk Vs cPanel Web Hosting, Which One Is Better For You?

When choosing between Plesk and cPanel, several factors should be considered, as both have distinct advantages and may be better suited to different users based on their specific needs. Here is a comparison to help you decide which one might be better for you:

1. User Interface

  • Plesk: Known for its modern, clean, and user-friendly interface. It’s considered more intuitive, especially for beginners.
  • cPanel: Has a more traditional interface that some users find cluttered. However, it is also highly functional and well-organized for those familiar with it.

2. Operating System Compatibility

  • Plesk: Supports both Linux and Windows operating systems, providing greater flexibility in server environment choices.
  • cPanel: Primarily supports Linux-based servers (CentOS, CloudLinux, RHEL, AlmaLinux, and Ubuntu), with no official support for Windows.

3. Features and Tools

  • Plesk:
    • Strong in web application management, with built-in support for Docker, Git, and Node.js.
    • Offers a variety of extensions and integrations, including a comprehensive WordPress Toolkit.
    • Provides robust security features like Fail2Ban, built-in firewall, and automatic SSL/TLS certificate management.
  • cPanel:
    • Highly popular in the hosting industry, making it easy to find hosting services and support.
    • Offers extensive features for domain, email, and database management.
    • Integrates with WHM (Web Host Manager) for powerful reseller and server management.

4. Security

  • Plesk: Offers integrated security tools such as Fail2Ban, ModSecurity, and Let’s Encrypt for SSL certificates. Security settings are easily managed through the interface.
  • cPanel: Also provides robust security features, including Imunify360, CSF (ConfigServer Security & Firewall), and auto-SSL for easy certificate management.

5. Customization and Extensibility

  • Plesk: Known for its wide range of extensions available through the Plesk Extension Catalog, allowing extensive customization.
  • cPanel: Supports a variety of plugins and has a strong community contributing to its ecosystem, providing numerous customization options.

6. Ease of Use

  • Plesk: Often preferred by beginners due to its straightforward and intuitive design.
  • cPanel: Favored by experienced users and web hosting professionals for its comprehensive and familiar interface.

7. Performance and Resource Management

  • Plesk: Offers detailed resource usage statistics and monitoring tools, making it easier to manage server resources effectively.
  • cPanel: Also provides excellent resource management and performance monitoring, with tools to track server load, disk space usage, and more.

8. Support and Community

  • Plesk: Provides comprehensive documentation, dedicated support, and a supportive community forum.
  • cPanel: Has extensive online documentation, a large user community, and strong support channels, making it easy to find help and resources.

9. Cost

  • Plesk: Generally considered slightly more expensive than cPanel, but the difference may be justified by the additional features and support for Windows servers.
  • cPanel: Typically less expensive, especially for small to medium-sized hosting setups on Linux servers.


  • Choose Plesk if you need a user-friendly interface, support for both Linux and Windows, robust security features, and extensive development tools.
  • Choose cPanel if you prefer a traditional interface, need a widely-supported Linux-based hosting solution, and require strong integration with WHM for reseller hosting and server management.

Ultimately, the choice between Plesk and cPanel depends on your specific requirements, familiarity with the platforms, and the hosting environment you intend to use. Both are powerful and reliable control panels with their own strengths.

How To Subscribe To A Plesk Or cPanel Web Hosting Platform?

You simply need to register your domain name and then subscribe to a Plesk Hosting plan.

Things You Don’t Know About Plesk, It Works With Linux

Yes, Plesk is compatible with Linux. Plesk is a web hosting control panel that supports both Linux and Windows operating systems. On Linux, Plesk can be installed on various distributions, including:

  • CentOS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian

Plesk provides a user-friendly interface for managing web hosting environments, including features like domain management, email accounts, databases, and security settings. It’s widely used by web hosting providers and administrators to simplify the management of their hosting services.

Plesk offers several advantages for web hosting management, making it a popular choice among web hosting providers and administrators. Here are some key benefits:

1. User-Friendly Interface

Plesk’s intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface allows users of all skill levels to manage websites, domains, email accounts, and other server resources efficiently.

2. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Plesk supports both Linux and Windows operating systems, providing flexibility in choosing the server environment that best suits your needs.

3. Comprehensive Management Tools

Plesk includes a wide range of tools for managing various aspects of web hosting, such as:

  • Domain Management: Easily add and manage multiple domains and subdomains.
  • Email Management: Create and manage email accounts, configure spam filters, and set up email forwarding.
  • Database Management: Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases with easy backup and restore options.
  • File Management: Web-based file manager for uploading, editing, and organizing files.

4. Security Features

Plesk offers robust security features to protect your server and websites, including:

  • Firewall Management: Integrated firewall to manage network traffic.
  • SSL Certificate Management: Easy installation and management of SSL certificates.
  • Fail2Ban Integration: Protection against brute force attacks.
  • Malware Scanning: Built-in tools to scan and remove malware.

5. Automation and Scripting

Plesk supports automation through its powerful CLI (Command Line Interface) and API (Application Programming Interface), enabling administrators to automate repetitive tasks and integrate with other systems.

6. Extension Ecosystem

Plesk has a rich ecosystem of extensions available through the Plesk Extension Catalog. These extensions add additional functionality, such as:

  • SEO Toolkit: Tools for improving website search engine optimization.
  • WordPress Toolkit: Comprehensive management of WordPress installations.
  • Git Integration: Tools for deploying applications from Git repositories.

7. Resource Management and Monitoring

Plesk provides detailed resource usage statistics and monitoring tools to help manage server resources effectively. This includes CPU, memory, disk space, and bandwidth monitoring.

8. Backup and Recovery

Plesk includes built-in backup and recovery options, allowing administrators to schedule regular backups of websites, databases, and server configurations.

9. Multi-Tenant Environment

Plesk supports multi-tenancy, making it ideal for hosting providers who need to manage multiple clients or resellers on a single server.

10. Developer-Friendly Features

Plesk offers features tailored for developers, such as support for multiple PHP versions, Node.js, Ruby, and Docker integration, allowing for a flexible development environment.

11. Customer Support and Community

Plesk provides access to comprehensive documentation, a dedicated support team, and an active community forum where users can find solutions and share knowledge.

These advantages make Plesk a powerful and versatile tool for web hosting management, catering to both small businesses and large enterprises.

How To Subscribe A Plesk Web Hosting?

You simply need to register your domain name and then subscribe to a Plesk Hosting plan.

Why Do You Need Managed SSL?

Managed SSL (Secure Socket Layer) services offer numerous advantages, especially for businesses and website administrators looking to secure their websites and protect their users’ data. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Simplified Installation and Renewal: Managed SSL services handle the entire process of SSL certificate installation and renewal, reducing the administrative burden on website owners. This includes automatically generating Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), obtaining the certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), and installing it on the server.
  2. Enhanced Security: Managed SSL providers ensure that certificates are kept up-to-date with the latest security standards and best practices. This includes regular updates and patches to protect against vulnerabilities and ensuring that certificates use strong encryption algorithms.
  3. Automatic Renewal: One of the biggest risks with SSL certificates is expiration, which can lead to security warnings for users and potential loss of trust. Managed SSL services automatically renew certificates before they expire, ensuring continuous protection.
  4. Expert Support: Managed SSL services typically come with access to expert support teams who can assist with any issues or questions. This support can be crucial in resolving problems quickly and effectively, minimizing downtime and ensuring that the website remains secure.
  5. Centralized Management: For organizations with multiple websites or subdomains, managed SSL services provide a centralized dashboard to manage all SSL certificates. This streamlines the process of keeping track of certificate status and simplifies administration.
  6. Reduced Risk of Human Error: Manual handling of SSL certificates can lead to mistakes such as incorrect installation or failure to renew. Managed SSL services automate these processes, reducing the risk of errors that could compromise security.
  7. Cost-Effective: While there may be an upfront cost for managed SSL services, they can be cost-effective in the long run by reducing the time and resources needed for manual certificate management. Additionally, avoiding downtime and maintaining user trust can have significant financial benefits.
  8. Compliance: Managed SSL services ensure that certificates comply with industry standards and regulations, which is essential for businesses that need to adhere to compliance requirements like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  9. Scalability: As businesses grow, their SSL needs may become more complex. Managed SSL services can easily scale to accommodate additional domains, subdomains, and servers, making them a flexible solution for growing organizations.
  10. Improved User Trust and SEO: SSL certificates are crucial for user trust and SEO rankings. Managed SSL ensures that your website always has a valid certificate, helping to maintain user confidence and potentially improving search engine rankings.

Overall, managed SSL services provide a comprehensive, hassle-free solution for securing websites, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities while ensuring robust security and compliance.

How To Choose Between DV, SAN & EV SSL Certificates?

UCC (Unified Communications Certificate) and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificates are both types of SSL/TLS certificates used to secure websites and online communications. While they serve similar purposes, there are some key differences between them:

Usage and Compatibility

  • UCC SSL certificates are specifically designed for use with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS), which require SSL certificates with multiple domain names (also known as Subject Alternative Names or SANs) to secure various services such as Outlook Web Access, Autodiscover, and Unified Messaging.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more general-purpose SSL certificates that support multiple domain names (SANs) and can be used with a wide range of web servers and applications. They are commonly used to secure websites with multiple domain names or subdomains.

Validation Process

  • Both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates are Domain Validated (DV) certificates, meaning that the certificate authority verifies only the domain ownership of the applicant. This validation process is typically automated and does not involve extensive vetting of the organization or individual requesting the certificate.
  • As DV certificates, neither UCC nor SAN SSL certificates provide any information about the identity or legitimacy of the organization or individual behind the website. They simply confirm that the applicant has control over the domain(s) listed in the certificate.

Number of SANs Supported

  • UCC SSL certificates typically support a higher number of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) compared to SAN DV SSL certificates. UCC certificates can secure multiple domain names (up to 250 or more), making them ideal for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures and multiple domains.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates typically support a more limited number of SANs, often ranging from 1 to 100 domain names or subdomains. While this may be sufficient for many websites and small businesses, organizations with a larger number of domain names may require a UCC certificate for comprehensive coverage.

Price and Availability

  • UCC SSL certificates tend to be more expensive than SAN DV SSL certificates due to their advanced features and support for a higher number of SANs. The cost of UCC certificates may vary depending on the number of SANs included and the certificate authority (CA) issuing the certificate.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates are more affordable and widely available, making them a popular choice for small to medium-sized businesses and website owners looking to secure multiple domain names or subdomains without breaking the bank.

    While both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates offer support for multiple domain names, UCC certificates are specifically tailored for Microsoft environments and support a higher number of SANs. SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more versatile and cost-effective, making them suitable for a wide range of web servers and applications. The choice between the two depends on your specific requirements, budget, and compatibility with your IT infrastructure.

    The Extended Validation of EV SSL

    Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are a type of SSL/TLS certificate that provides the highest level of validation and assurance for websites. Unlike Domain Validated (DV) and Organization Validated (OV) certificates, which only verify domain ownership and basic organization information, EV SSL certificates undergo a rigorous validation process to verify the legal identity and legitimacy of the organization behind the website.

    The main features of EV SSL certificates include:

    1. Extended Validation Process: The validation process for EV SSL certificates involves thorough vetting of the organization’s legal identity, operational existence, physical address, and ownership details. Certificate authorities (CAs) conduct extensive background checks and verification procedures to ensure that the organization is legitimate and trustworthy.
    2. Green Address Bar: One of the most distinctive features of EV SSL certificates is the green address bar that appears in the browser when visitors access a website secured with an EV certificate. This green bar provides visual assurance to users that the website is authenticated and belongs to a legitimate organization. It helps build trust and confidence among visitors, increasing conversion rates and reducing the risk of phishing attacks.
    3. Highest Level of Encryption: Like other SSL/TLS certificates, EV SSL certificates provide strong encryption to secure data transmitted between the website and visitors’ browsers. They use industry-standard encryption algorithms (e.g., RSA or ECC) and support key lengths of 2048 bits or higher to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and interception.
    4. Browser Compatibility: EV SSL certificates are widely supported by modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others. They are recognized and trusted by all major browsers, ensuring that visitors see the green address bar and know that the website is authenticated and secure.
    5. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: By displaying the green address bar and undergoing a stringent validation process, websites secured with EV SSL certificates demonstrate a commitment to security and trustworthiness. This can have a positive impact on brand reputation, customer confidence, and online credibility, leading to increased user engagement, sales, and conversions.

    Overall, EV SSL certificates offer the highest level of validation, security, and trust for websites, making them ideal for e-commerce sites, financial institutions, government agencies, and any organization that values online trust and credibility. While EV certificates may be more expensive and require more extensive validation compared to DV and OV certificates, the benefits of enhanced security and customer trust justify the investment for many businesses and organizations.

    How To Choose & Subscribe?

    You may either choose the choice of your SSL from Regular SSL Service which also offers another SSL option called EV SSL i.e. extended validation. Alternatively, you may go for Managed SSL Service where a team handles the installation and maintenance of your SSL over your websites.

    From Brick & Mortar To Click & Order: The Process Of Online Business Expansion

    In today’s rapidly evolving internetic landscape, the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online platforms has become a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive and reach a wider audience.

    With the convenience of click-and-order commerce, businesses have the opportunity to expand their reach beyond geographical limitations and tap into new markets. In this guide, you’ll explore the steps involved in transitioning your brick-and-mortar business into the digital realm and navigating the complexities of online business expansion.

    Before diving into the world of online business, it’s essential to assess your current business model and identify areas for improvement. Evaluate your products or services, target market, and competitive landscape to determine how your business can thrive in the online sphere.

    Build Your Online Presence

    Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for attracting customers and building brand recognition. Invest in creating a professional website that showcases your products or services and provides a seamless user experience. You can easily build your website by registering your domain name and then subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan.

    Next, utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to drive traffic to your website and engage with potential customers.

    WordPress Ecommerce offers you ease of use, customization options, payment processing capabilities, and scalability. Whether you opt for a hosted solution like WordPress Eocmmerce or start a self-hosted website and then manually install WooCommerce, it always aligns with your business goals and budget.

    Mobile & Marketing

    With the majority of online shopping now taking place on mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your website for mobile users. Ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly, with fast loading times and intuitive navigation. Invest in mobile marketing strategies such as SMS campaigns and mobile apps to further enhance the mobile shopping experience for your customers.

    Once your online store is up and running, it’s time to implement online marketing strategies to attract customers and drive sales. Explore various digital marketing channels such as social media advertising, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to reach your target audience and generate leads.

    When you get your business running, excellent customer service becomes crucial for building trust and loyalty among your online customers. Offer multiple channels for customer support, including live chat, email, and phone support, and ensure timely responses to inquiries and concerns. Provide clear and transparent policies regarding shipping, returns, and refunds to enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

    By following these steps and embracing the opportunities of click-and-order commerce, you can successfully transition your brick-and-mortar business into the Internet age and unlock new growth opportunities in the online marketplace. With dedication, innovation, and a customer-centric approach, your business can thrive in the ever-expanding world of eCommerce.

    Apart from all this, continuously monitor the performance of your online business and adapt your strategies accordingly. Track key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction to identify areas for improvement and optimize your online operations. Stay informed about industry trends and technological advancements to stay ahead of the competition and ensure the long-term success of your online business.

    How To Repair MySQL Database?

    A MySQL database is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that utilizes structured query language (SQL) to store, retrieve, and manage structured data.

    MySQL databases consist of tables organized into rows and columns, with each table representing a specific data entity and each row representing a single record or entry. MySQL is widely used for web applications and websites, offering features such as data integrity, transaction support, scalability, and robust security mechanisms.

    It is an open-source database system, making it accessible and customizable for a wide range of applications and industries. MySQL is known for its reliability, performance, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for developers and businesses seeking a powerful and cost-effective solution for managing their data.

    Repairing a MySQL database involves several steps to identify and fix any issues that may be causing corruption or damage to the database. But to fix a database you need to access it. To access a MySQL database on cPanel, you typically follow these steps:

    1. Log in to cPanel: Open your web browser and navigate to your cPanel login page. This is usually accessed by appending “/cpanel” to your domain name (e.g., Enter your cPanel username and password to log in. If this doesn’t works, then alternatively you can access the cPanel from your hosting’s account page.
    2. Locate the MySQL Databases Icon: Once logged in, you’ll see a variety of icons representing different features and functions available in cPanel. Look for the “MySQL Databases” or “Databases” icon, which is usually located under the “Databases” section.
    3. Access MySQL Databases: Click on the “MySQL Databases” icon to access the MySQL Databases interface. This interface allows you to manage your MySQL databases, including creating new databases, adding users, and assigning privileges.
    4. Locate Your Database: In the MySQL Databases interface, you’ll see a list of existing databases under the “Current Databases” section. Each database will have a name preceded by your cPanel username and an underscore (e.g., username_database1). Locate the database you want to access.
    5. Access phpMyAdmin: To interact directly with your MySQL database, click on the “phpMyAdmin” icon, which is usually located next to the database name. phpMyAdmin is a web-based application that provides a graphical user interface for managing MySQL databases.
    6. Log in to phpMyAdmin: After clicking on the phpMyAdmin icon, you’ll be directed to the phpMyAdmin login page. Enter the username and password for the MySQL database user associated with the database you want to access. This may be different from your cPanel login credentials.
    7. Navigate Your Database: Once logged in to phpMyAdmin, you’ll see a list of databases on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the name of the database you want to access to expand it and view its tables. You can then click on individual tables to view and manage their contents.
    8. Perform Database Operations: From the phpMyAdmin interface, you can perform various database operations, such as running SQL queries, creating or modifying tables, importing or exporting data, and managing users and permissions.
    9. Log Out and Close phpMyAdmin: After you’ve finished working with your database, be sure to log out of phpMyAdmin to secure your data. You can do this by clicking the “Log Out” button in the phpMyAdmin interface. Once logged out, you can close the phpMyAdmin window or tab.

    By following these steps, you can easily access and manage your MySQL databases on cPanel using phpMyAdmin.

    Here’s a general guide on how to repair a MySQL database:

    Backup Your Database: Before making any changes to your database, it’s essential to create a backup to ensure that you can restore your data in case anything goes wrong during the repair process. You can use MySQL’s built-in tools or third-party backup solutions to create a backup of your database.

    Identify Database Issues: Use MySQL’s diagnostic tools to identify any issues or errors in your database. You can check the MySQL error log, run diagnostic queries, or use tools like MySQL Workbench to analyze the database’s structure and integrity.

    Use MySQL Check Table Command: MySQL provides a built-in command called CHECK TABLE that allows you to check the integrity of tables in your database and repair any corruption or damage. You can use this command to check individual tables or the entire database.

    CHECK TABLE table_name;

    Use MySQL Repair Table Command: If the CHECK TABLE command identifies any issues with your tables, you can use the REPAIR TABLE command to fix them. This command repairs corrupted tables by rebuilding the table’s indexes and data structure.

    REPAIR TABLE table_name;

    Use MySQL Repair Database Command: If you suspect that your entire database is corrupted, you can use the REPAIR DATABASE command to repair all tables in the database at once.

    REPAIR DATABASE database_name;

    Use MySQL Table Maintenance Operations: MySQL provides additional table maintenance operations, such as OPTIMIZE TABLE and ANALYZE TABLE, which can help improve the performance and integrity of your database. You can use these commands periodically to optimize and maintain your database.

    OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name;

    ANALYZE TABLE table_name;

    Monitor Repair Progress and Errors: During the repair process, monitor the progress and check for any errors or warnings that may occur. This will help you ensure that the repair is successful and that no further issues arise.

    Verify Database Integrity: After repairing your database, verify its integrity by running diagnostic queries and checking for any remaining issues. Ensure that your data is intact and that the database functions properly.

    Regular Maintenance and Monitoring: To prevent future database issues, implement regular maintenance tasks such as backups, monitoring, and optimization. Regularly check for errors, monitor database performance, and address any issues promptly to keep your MySQL database healthy and reliable.

    By following these steps and best practices, you can repair your MySQL database and ensure that it remains stable, reliable, and free from corruption or damage.

    Choosing The Right Hosting Control Panel: cPanel & Plesk Unveiled

    cPanel and Plesk are two popular web hosting control panels that provide a graphical interface for managing various aspects of web hosting environments. They both offer tools and features to simplify the management of websites, domains, email, databases, and more.

    However, there are some differences between cPanel and Plesk:

    The User Interface


    • Traditionally known for its user-friendly and visually appealing interface.
    • Features an organized layout with icons for different functions.
    • Icons are grouped into categories for easy navigation.


    • Also user-friendly but with a different look and feel compared to cPanel.
    • Uses a card-based interface for easier navigation.
    • The interface may appeal more to users who prefer a different aesthetic.

    The Operating System Support


    • Primarily designed for Linux-based hosting environments.
    • Has a Windows version called cPanel & WHM for Windows, but it’s less common.


    • Supports both Linux and Windows hosting environments.
    • Offers a unified interface for managing both Linux and Windows servers.

    Integration & Compatibility


    • May have better integration with certain Linux-based hosting environments.
    • Often seen as a standard for shared hosting on Linux servers.


    • Known for its ability to seamlessly integrate with both Linux and Windows servers.
    • Suitable for those who need flexibility in choosing their server OS.

    Updates & Licensing


    • Requires a license fee, and the pricing is often based on the number of cPanel accounts.
    • Regularly updated with new features and security patches.


    • Also requires a license fee, and pricing may be based on the number of domains or subscriptions.
    • Regularly updated with new features and security patches.

    Ecosystem & Extensions


    • Has a rich ecosystem of third-party plugins and extensions.
    • Many web hosting providers offer cPanel as part of their hosting packages.


    • Offers a variety of extensions and integrations for added functionality.
    • Known for its flexibility and ability to support various hosting scenarios.

    Security Features


    • Provides security features like SSL/TLS management and password-protected directories.
    • Users can configure security settings easily through the control panel.


    • Offers security features such as antivirus and anti-spam tools.
    • Has a security advisor tool to help users improve the security of their websites.



    • Supports popular databases like MySQL.
    • Provides tools for managing and configuring databases.


    • Supports a variety of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
    • Offers a unified database management interface.

    Email Management


    • Allows users to create and manage email accounts easily.
    • Supports popular email protocols and features.


    • Offers robust email management capabilities with features like spam protection.
    • Supports various email protocols and integrates with third-party email services.

    Both cPanel and Plesk are reputable control panels with their strengths. The choice between them often depends on personal preference, hosting environment requirements, and the specific features you need for your website or application. offers you a choice between cPanel and Plesk, allowing you to select the one that best fits your needs.

    cPanel has historically been more popular than Plesk, especially in the shared hosting market. cPanel has been widely adopted by many hosting providers and is often considered the standard control panel for managing Linux-based hosting environments. Its user-friendly interface and robust feature set have contributed to its popularity. If you are unable to make up your mind in selecting the one platform between the two then go for cPanel.

    The Website Success Code: From What Is A Website To What Defines Its Success

    A website is a web resource that can be accessed using the internet.

    In simple words, a website is something that people can open on a smartphone or computer and do whatever the owner of that website wants them to do. Like reading, buying, or watching something, etc.

    The Successful & Unsuccessful Websites

    The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful website is that a successful website is the one that makes people do what it wants them to do. Whereas, an unsuccessful website is the one that fails in making people do what the website owner wants them to. How successful a website is depends on how many people are using it i.e. how much traffic the website is getting on the internet.

    Technically, a website is a collection of web pages and related content that is typically accessible through a single domain name such as on the internet or through an internet search. It is hosted on a web server or a part of it called web-hosting and is designed to be viewed on web browsers like Google Chrome. Websites can serve various purposes, including providing information, offering products or services, facilitating communication, entertainment, or engaging with an audience.

    The Key Components Of A Website

    Domain Name: A unique address that users type into their browsers to access a website. For example, “” Technically, it is a human-readable format that masks the IP address to serve as the unique identifier for a specific location on the internet. It’s used to identify and locate websites, on the World Wide Web.

    Web Hosting: It is a service with a management platform provided to store and serve the website’s files, making it accessible to users online.

    Managed WordPress hosting, traditional web hosting, cloud hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS), and dedicated server hosting are different types of hosting services, each catering to different needs and requirements. You can explore and learn about each type of hosting plan from here.

    Design & Functionality: The layout, structure, and user interface elements that guide visitors through the website, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate. Features or interactive elements that allow users to interact with the website, such as forms, search bars, shopping carts, login systems, and more.

    Content: The information, media, or resources presented on the web pages, including articles, product descriptions, images, videos, and more.

    SSL & Security: SSL certificates i.e. HTTPS facilitate secure connections by encrypting data, thereby preventing interception or tampering during transmission. This encryption creates a secure tunnel between the user’s browser and the web server, ensuring that any information exchanged, such as login credentials, personal details, payment information, or other sensitive data, remains confidential.

    The Purpose Of Website

    Websites can vary in complexity and purpose, from simple personal blogs or informational sites to complex e-commerce platforms, social networking sites, or enterprise-level web applications. They serve as a fundamental tool for businesses, organizations, individuals, and various entities to establish an online presence, communicate with audiences, and conduct activities online.

    A successful website not only attracts visitors but also engages them, encourages conversions, and builds a positive online presence. Regular monitoring, updates, and responsiveness to user feedback are essential for maintaining and enhancing a website’s success over time.

    Anyone can easily start his website simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan.

    A Housewife’s Rise In The World Of Food Blogging

    Akanishtha is a devoted housewife who found solace in her love for cooking. Her days were filled with preparing delicious meals for her family, experimenting with recipes, and sharing culinary tips with friends.

    One day her son brought a book about homemployment and told her mother that she could earn money by helping people to come online. She can offer websites and smartphone apps to businesses, get the work done by purchasing necessary online support from, and earn profit from each deal. Akanishtha read the book completely and started out reaching people. But she realized that why not she do what she was suggesting others to do? She decided to share her recipes and cooking insights through her own blog. 

    She registered her domain name at to start blogging simply by subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan so that she could earn some money from that.

    Akanishtha found herself browsing cooking blogs, seeking inspiration, and exchanging ideas with other food enthusiasts. She discovered her passion for writing and documenting her culinary adventures, transforming her experiences into engaging stories.

    With a simple setup and boundless enthusiasm, she launched “Akanishtha’s Kitchen Tales” – a platform where she poured her heart into every recipe, accompanied by vivid storytelling and stunning visuals.

    Her initial blog posts garnered modest attention, primarily from friends and acquaintances. Undeterred, Akanishtha persisted, consistently sharing her passion for cooking, exploring diverse cuisines, and providing detailed cooking instructions with a personal touch. She monetized her blog with Google Adsense.

    As Akanishtha’s blog gained traction, her audience expanded beyond her social circle. Her authentic and relatable storytelling drew in readers who resonated with her journey from a passionate home cook to a budding food blogger. Her blog became a hub for culinary enthusiasts seeking easy-to-follow recipes and heartwarming anecdotes.

    With perseverance and dedication, Akanishtha’s blog gradually gained recognition in the online food community. Her engaging content, beautifully captured images, and practical cooking tips attracted a loyal following. Brands began noticing her influence and authenticity, approaching her for collaborations and sponsorships.

    As Akanishtha’s blog flourished, opportunities poured in. She diversified her content, sharing not only recipes but also lifestyle tips, cooking tutorials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into her kitchen. Her genuine passion for cooking and her humble beginnings resonated deeply with her audience, establishing her as a trusted voice in the culinary world.

    Through hard work, dedication, and an unwavering passion for her craft, Akanishtha transformed from a dedicated housewife to a successful and affluent blogger. Her journey taught that passion, authenticity, and a genuine connection with the audience were the key ingredients to her success. Akanishtha’s story inspired many aspiring bloggers, showing that anyone with dedication and a story to share could turn their passion into a fulfilling and lucrative career.

    Just like Aknistha, anyone can easily startup online simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan.

    Maintaining Data Protection As Your Online Business Grows

    In the Internet age, the expansion of businesses into the online realm has become a strategic imperative. However, as businesses leverage the vast opportunities of the internet, safeguarding their website’s business data becomes paramount. Protecting sensitive information amid this online expansion is not only a priority but also a responsibility that demands robust strategies and vigilant measures. offers various backup services, including website backups, to help users safeguard their website data. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can back up your website using’s backup service. The first thing you need to do is subscribe to a backup plan of your choice and then follow these steps.

    1. Log in to Your Account: Access your account by visiting the website and logging in with your credentials.
    2. Navigate to Website Backups: Within your account dashboard, look for the section or tab related to “Website Backups” or “Backup Services.”
    3. Select Your Website: Once in the backup service section, locate and select the website you want to back up. usually provides a list of websites associated with your account.
    4. Initiate Backup: Follow the prompts or options provided to initiate the backup process for your chosen website. This might involve selecting a backup frequency (daily, weekly, etc.) or specifying the data you wish to include in the backup.
    5. Customize Backup Preferences: Depending on the service or plan you’ve subscribed to, you might have options to customize your backup preferences. This could include choosing specific files, databases, or directories to be included in the backup.
    6. Confirm and Save Settings: Review your backup settings to ensure they align with your preferences. Once confirmed, save your settings to initiate the backup process.
    7. Monitor Backup Progress: also provides a dashboard or status updates to track the progress of your website backup. You also receive notifications or have access to logs indicating the backup completion.
    8. Verify Backup: After the backup process is complete, consider verifying the backup files to ensure they contain the necessary data and are accessible for potential restoration if needed.

    Remember, the steps to back up your website on might vary depending on the specific hosting plan or services you’ve subscribed to, as regularly updates its services. For any kind of support or guidance tailored to your account and services simply call the support team.

    The online expansion of businesses brings unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, it also presents a complex landscape of cybersecurity challenges. Protecting a website’s business data amid this expansion demands a multifaceted approach, encompassing technological fortification, awareness, regulatory compliance, and proactive vigilance. By fortifying their digital defenses and prioritizing data security, businesses can not only safeguard their information but also foster trust, resilience, and longevity in the Internet age.

    How To Make Your PHP-Fusion Website?

    PHP-Fusion is a free content management system and portal application you can use on your hosting account, VPS, or Dedicated Server.

    It is an open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and uses a MySQL database. It’s designed for simplicity and efficiency, offering a robust platform for building and managing websites, particularly community-driven sites, blogs, forums, or small-to-medium-sized business websites. Here are some key aspects:

    • User-Friendly Interface: PHP-Fusion provides an intuitive and user-friendly admin panel, making it accessible for beginners and experienced users alike.
    • Modules and Add-ons: It offers a range of modules, themes, and add-ons to extend functionalities, allowing users to customize their websites according to their needs.
    • User Management: Robust user management features with roles, permissions, and user groups, enabling the creation of various access levels and moderation control.
    • Multi-Language Support: Offers multilingual support, allowing users to create websites in multiple languages.
    • Content Creation: Easy content creation tools for articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of content.
    • Responsive Design: Many themes and templates are available with responsive designs, ensuring compatibility across different devices.

    Main Functions of PHP-Fusion

    1. News
    2. Discussion Forums
    3. Photo Galleries
    4. Articles
    5. Visitor/Member Comments
    6. Member Preferences
    7. Member Ratings
    8. Member Submissions
    9. Member Polls
    10. Weblinks
    11. User Groups
    12. Custom User Fields
    13. Custom BB Codes
    14. Private Messages
    15. Custom Themes
    16. Infusions
    17. Custom Panels
    18. Built-in Error Log
    19. Customizable User Log
    20. Choice of Captchas
    21. Flood Control
    22. Password Hashing
    23. Word Censor
    24. XHTML 1.0 Valid

    How To Install PHP-Fusion?

    Simply log in to your’s hosting or server account and launch Installatron, the one-click website installer.

    cPanel X

    Select the Application Browser tab:

    Installatron Applications Browser

    Scroll down to the ‘Apps for Content Management’ section and click ‘PHP-Fusion’.

    Clicking ‘PHP-Fusion’ opens up its installation page showing you details and features of a PHP-Fusion-based website. From here you can take an application demo, check other websites using the same application, etc.

    To start the PHP-Fusion installation process, click the ‘+install this application‘ button.

    PHP Fusion

    This asks you to select a domain/subdomain/directory for installing your new PHP-Fusion website. If you are already running a website on your main domain then you can either go for a subdomain or use a subdirectory for installation.

    Scroll down to the ‘Settings’ section type in your new website username, password, and admin email, and then click the ‘Install’ button.

    PHP Fusion 1

    It takes a few seconds and then provides you with your new website address & admin section URL from where you can log in and start managing your PHP-Fusion website.

    Advantages of PHP Fusion

    • Simplicity: PHP-Fusion is known for its simplicity, making it easy for users to set up and manage their websites without advanced technical skills.
    • Active Community: It has an active community that provides support, themes, add-ons, and continuous development.
    • Security: Regular updates and a vigilant community contribute to maintaining security standards.

    Use Cases

    • Community Websites: Ideal for building community-driven websites, forums, or social platforms.
    • Blogs and Small Business Sites: Suitable for bloggers, small businesses, or organizations seeking an easy-to-manage website.
    • Content-Rich Websites: Offers flexibility for content-heavy websites where articles, galleries, and various types of content need management.

    Customization and Development

    • Themes and Templates: Users can choose from a variety of themes and templates to customize the look and feel of their websites.
    • Extensions and Add-ons: PHP-Fusion allows the integration of additional features through various extensions and add-ons available in its ecosystem.
    • Updates and Maintenance: Regular updates are essential for security and compatibility, requiring attention to keep the system updated.
    • Limited Enterprise Features: While suitable for smaller-scale websites, larger enterprises might find it lacking in some advanced functionalities.

    PHP-Fusion stands as an accessible, versatile CMS, particularly fitting for users seeking a user-friendly platform to build community-driven websites or blogs without extensive technical knowledge.

    From Registering Your Domain Name To Launching Your Website

    Launching a website involves several steps, from registering your domain name, and choosing a hosting option to building and launching your site. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

    Register Your Domain Name

    Search and register your domain name simply by visiting Select a memorable and relevant domain name for your website. This can be or your

    Choosing a domain extension depends on various factors like the nature of your website, target audience, and availability. Sometimes, preferred extensions might be unavailable for your desired domain. In such cases, consider alternatives or modify your domain name.

    There are many extensions TLDs available such as .net, .org, etc. Some industries have dedicated extensions like .tech, .store, or .design, which can be suitable for tech businesses, e-commerce, or design portfolios.

    If your audience is region-specific, consider country-specific extensions like .us, .uk, .ca, or .de to target audiences in those countries.

    Choose the one that is available and better represents your business.

    Choose a Hosting Option

    Research Hosting Options: Compare hosting options based on features, reliability, customer support, and pricing.

    Select a Plan: Choose a hosting plan (shared, VPS, Dedicated Server, etc.) that suits your website’s needs and budget.

    Subscribe to the Hosting Option: After selecting the hosting plan simply subscribe it by adding it to your cart and completing the checkout process.

    Domain Configuration: Configure the domain settings to point to your hosting servers, at, you don’t need to do it until you subscribe to a VPS or Dedicated Server.

    If you have subscribed to a server, the IP of the server is shown on the management page of the server which you need to copy and paste to the ‘A’ record of the domain name’s DNS settings. Don’t worry if you are not good at that, simply call the support agent by visiting’s support page and he will guide you.

    Install WordPress

    Popular CMS options include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. You simply need to select the CMS (WordPress is recommended) and install it through the application installer.

    All hosting options at offer one-click installations for various CMS and website launching platforms.

    Following are the steps for installing WordPress via Installatron, the one-click website installer:

    1. Access cPanel: Log in to your account using your credentials, visit the ‘My Products’ page, and open cPanel of the hosting option you have subscribed to.
    2. Locate Installatron: Scroll down or use the search bar to find the Installatron Applications Installer section.
    3. Launch Installatron: Click on the Installatron Applications Installer icon.
    4. Find WordPress: Look for WordPress in the list of available applications or use the search bar to locate it.
    5. Initiate Installation: Click on the WordPress icon to begin the installation process.
    6. Fill in the required information:
      • Location: Choose where you want to install WordPress (usually, it’s your domain or a subdirectory).
      • Version: Select the preferred version of WordPress.
      • Settings: Enter the Site Title, Admin Username, Admin Password, and Admin Email.
    7. Advanced Options (Optional): Expand the Advanced Options if needed to customize settings like database name, table prefix, language, etc.
    8. Installation: Review your settings and click on “Install” or “Install Application” to start the WordPress installation.
    9. Confirmation: Wait for the installation process to complete. Once done, you’ll receive a confirmation message.
    10. Accessing Your WordPress Site: Visit your domain or the directory where you installed WordPress to see the default WordPress installation screen.
    11. Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard: To access the WordPress Dashboard, go to and log in using the credentials you set during installation.

    That’s it! You’ve successfully installed WordPress using Installatron in cPanel. Now, you can start customizing and building your website using WordPress.

    Design Your Website

    Select a Theme or Template: Choose a pre-designed theme or template that aligns with your website’s purpose. Add your content, including text, images, videos, and other media. Read this lesson to learn about all the important points in the management of your WordPress website.

    Optimize and Configure

    SEO Optimization: Configure SEO settings, including meta descriptions, keywords, and URLs. This can be easily done by subscribing to an SEO plan at

    Security Setup: Implement security measures, such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular backups.

    Test Your Website

    Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive across various devices and screen sizes. Most WordPress themes are mobile-friendly except a few ones.

    Functionality Check: Test all links, forms, and interactive elements to ensure they work correctly.

    Launch Your Website

    Preview and Review: Double-check your website for any errors or inconsistencies. Once everything is set, launch your website for public access.

    Promote Your Website

    Regularly publish valuable blog posts to attract and engage your audience. You can also share your posts on social media platforms to increase visibility.

    Regular Maintenance

    Updates: Keep your CMS, themes, and plugins updated to ensure security and functionality.

    Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor your website’s performance using analytics tools and address any issues.

    Maintain Backups: Keep your data safe while you grow your business online. offers you automatic backups and a one-click restore service that not only backs up your website data but also performs security monitoring and malware scanning.

    Creating a website is an ongoing process that requires maintenance, updates, and continuous improvement to ensure a seamless and effective online presence.

    Register Your Business As Top Level Domain For Developing Worldwide

    There is no way quicker to register your business and there is no better option to startup worldwide at once.

    When you register your business globally as a unique domain name at, your business grows online in completely cloud infrastructure with all possible online support and instant global exposure.

    Moreover you become an outlet to help others also to bring their business online and get independently paid from them.

    Sangkrit gets expanded by such outlets, who by selling their online support on an hourly basis per terminal charges, help others. So you too become one since nothing else is easier to startup and scale.

    How cPanel Accounts Are Created On WHM Of VPS & Dedicated Server?

    cPanel equips you with an easy interface to manage your domains and websites. The cPanel account at gives you access to several free applications to let you easily make different types of websites in a very short interval of time and that too without any technical skills.

    But do you know you can also create separate cPanel hosting accounts on your VPS or Dedicated Server by using the WHM interface? Each cPanel account can have its primary domain and each can be given the privilege to host multiple domains. You can also set resource limits over new cPanel accounts. This includes disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and more. You can either use the package defaults or customize these limits as per your requirements.

    To create a new cPanel account you will need to set the following things:

    1. Domain: The domain name for the new cPanel account.
    2. Username: A username for the new account.
    3. Password: A strong password for the new account or you may also use the password generator.
    4. Email: An email address associated with the account.
    5. Package: The hosting package or resource allocation for the account. If needed, you can create custom packages in WHM.
    6. Settings: You may also configure any additional settings such as selecting a theme, enabling or disabling DNS clustering, and more.

    Then simply follow these steps to create a new cPanel account:

    1. Login to your Account
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Click Manage button
    4. You will be directed to your server’s admin panel
    5. Click Account Functions or use the search box to find it
    6. Click Create a New Account
    7. Fill up the mandatory fields and click Create

    Now the Web Host Manager will display you a results page outlining your new Account. Next, you will see Account Creation Complete!!! at the bottom of the screen. Simply repeat the steps to create more cPanel accounts.

    The accounts you create are accessible from the Servers tab on your products page. Go back to step no. 1, and you will see all your cPanel accounts are listed there. The new account holders would be able to log in to cPanel with the provided username and password to manage their website, email, and other hosting-related services.

    How To Allocate Resources To Your Websites On Dedicated Server & VPS?

    Allocating and managing resources means creating hosting packages containing a set resource usage allowance for domains and websites you want to host on your dedicated server or VPS. You can set the maximum amount of resources that a domain can use so that other websites won’t get affected by it. 

    • If you are running only one website then you may simply allot all server resources to it
    • If you are running multiple websites then you may either set a resource quota for each website or let all your websites freely use server resources

    This lesson will guide you in creating new hosting packages, allocating resources, and assigning them to your domains.

    Log in to your Account then follow these steps:

    1. Visit Products page
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Next to the account, you want to use, click Launch
    4. From the management interface, next to the cPanel Site,
    5. Click Manage Server (WHM) 
    6. Click Proceed

    On your server’s home, add a new package:

    1. Find the Packages section on the left sidebar,
    2. Click Add a Package

    Define regulations such as:

    1. Disk space
    2. Max domains
    3. Max bandwidth usage
    4. Max database usage
    5. Max email, etc

    As required by you, each or selective option can be left to unlimited. Now, click the blue color Add button at the bottom of the screen. That’s it, your package has been successfully created.

    This way you can create as many packages as you want, and each package will work as a separate cPanel hosting account. You can edit or delete any packages by revisiting the packages page from the left sidebar of your dedicated server‘s home. The same steps also work for virtual private servers.

    How To Make Your Website On A Dedicated Server?

    A dedicated server is the most advanced form of web hosting where the client leases an entire server that is not shared with anyone else. It can handle a huge load of traffic and heavy page requests. Thus, it prevents your website from going down at the time when your traffic starts to rise.

    Setting up a dedicated server is easy. Just subscribe to your choice of dedicated server here,

    and then follow these steps:

    1. Login to your Account
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Click Launch (next to the account you want to use)
    4. Click Set Up (for the account you want to use )
    5. It will offer you a form as given below:
    SERVER NAMEGive a name to your new server.
    USER NAMEType in username to log in to your server.
    Create a password for your username to log in to your server.Type in your username to log in to your server.
    DATA CENTER REGIONSelect the location where you want to keep your server.
    IMAGESelect the operating system you want to use.
    CONTROL PANELSelect cPanel.
    IMPORT YOUR SITESYou may select any old cPanel shared hosting accounts that you want to import to your new server.

    Fill in the details, and then click the Create button. 

    This will take a few seconds to set up, and then you can access your cPanel by following these steps:

    1. Log in to Account Manager 
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Next to the cPanel account, which you want to use, click Launch

    To make, manage, or transfer a website –

    Visit the cPanel of the domain name (which you have created in the above-given steps) and follow these steps:

    1. Log in to Account Manager 
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Click the cPanel site you want to use

    That’s it, now you may install WordPress to startup your website or eCommerce store. The same steps work for all virtual private servers.

    How To Create A cPanel Account To Host Domain On Your Dedicated Server?

    For hosting your domain names, you are required to create at least one cPanel account on your dedicated server.

    What is cPanel?

    A cPanel offers you a user-friendly interface for hosting your domains, managing your website files, as well as installing web-building applications like WordPress, etc.

    The cPanel at offers you more than a hundred website maker apps as well as free backup solutions.

    First, complete the basic setup of your dedicated server, and then you will be able to create multiple cPanel hosting accounts and associate them with specific domain names of yours.

    Creating a cPanel Hosting Account:

    1. Login to your Account
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Click Manage button

    You will be directed to your server’s admin panel, here –

    Use the left-side search box to find List Accounts

    1. Click List Accounts
    2. Click Create a New Account button

    It will present you with a form where you can type in your domain name and select options for the cPanel account you are creating. Finally, click the ‘Create’ button to create a new cPanel account for your domain.

    After you have created a cPanel account, you can access it by following these steps:

    1. Visit your Account
    2. Click the Servers tab

    And, you will see that your cPanel account is listed in the Servers tab.

    Note: Some operating systems don’t support cPanel. So, while filling the cPanel setup form (as shown in step five), make sure to check for any possible warnings in the operating system field.

    Make sure that your domain name is pointed towards your dedicated server. Read these lessons:

    1. How to point a domain name to a dedicated server
    2. What is my dedicated server’s IP address?

    To add more domains, you might need to enable the remote domains on your dedicated server:

    The same steps also work on all virtual private servers.