Category Archives: Technology

How To Set External Links To Open In A New Tab In WordPress?

It is easy to link a word and set its target to blank so that it opens in a new tab. Most website owners want to make all external links open in a new window and all internal links open in the same tab, you can make this thing easy and automatic with the help of a plugin.

Simply install and activate Open external links in a new window on your WordPress site. Once the plugin is activated, navigate to your admin area dashboard Settings -> External Links page.

By default, the plugin makes all external links open in a new tab but on its settings page, you can type URLs that should either be forced to open in a new window or ignored. Some of the basic features of this plugin include:

  1. It opens up all (or specific) external links in a new window
  2. It produces XHTML Strict compliant and is search engine optimized (SEO)
  3. It can can open external links starting with http:// or https:// in a separate browser window or tab
  4. It handles the links client-side, which lets search engines follow the links properly
  5. It becomes inactive when a browser does not support JavaScript, and hence doesn’t result any errors

If you need more advanced features, there is another free plugin called WP External Links. This plugin lets you manage all external and internal links on your website by enabling you to control icons, nofollow, no opener, UGC (User Generated Content), sponsored, and yes if links open in a new window or new tab.

How To Assign Categories To WordPress Media Library Files?

Enabling categories over WordPress media files lets you easily group and find the images. Just like posts, you can enable the category taxonomy in your WordPress admin area dashboard’s ‘Media’ section.

To do so, simply navigate to your admin area Plugins -> Add New page to search and install the Media Library Categories plugin on your website. Upon activation, the plugin will add a categories section on Media -> Categories page.

From this page, you would be able to create and manage categories. The categories could be either assigned while uploading the image or from the Dashboard -> Media page. You can also browse images by their category and perform bulk editing actions from this page using the drop-down option.

Apart from enabling you to add, remove, edit categories, change the category of multiple photos at once, and browse images by their category. The plugin also lets you display photos from a selective category by using a shortcode.

How To Display Photo Galleries By Category?

For displaying photos from a category in a gallery format you simply need to add the ‘category‘ attribute to the shortcode and then use it on any post or page just like any other shortcode.

The value handed to the ‘category‘ attribute can be either the category slug such as:

[gallery category="my-category-slug"]

Or the term_id, such as:

[gallery category="14"]

When you only want to display attachments uploaded to the page and filtered by category then use the ‘id‘ in combination with the ‘category‘ attribute:

[gallery category="my-category-slug" id="123"]

Or leave the ID empty for the current page/post:

[gallery category="my-category-slug" id=""]

In the given example, the slug is used, but as you can see the term_id can also be used.

You should also know that the WordPress Media Library uses the same categories as WordPress does in posts. Still, if you want you can use separate categories as a custom taxonomy from Settings -> Media page or by clicking on the settings quick link on the plugins overview page.

How To Update Old Links After Changing The Domain Name In WordPress?

After changing your domain name, installing SSL, or changing any link on your website, the most important thing you need to do is update the links on your website.

When you move your WordPress Website to a new domain name, the most common issue that you notice is all internal links to pages and references to images are not updated, images don’t show up and internal links don’t work as they point to the old address which you have abandoned. This lesson will guide you two easy processes of updating such URLs on your WordPress site.

How To Update All Your WordPress Site URLs In One Click?

Login to your WordPress site and navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install Update URLs plugin on your website. Upon activation, navigate to Tools -> Update URLs page.

Here you simply need to type the old URL and the new URL address, then use the tick box option to select where you want to update URLs such as on posts, pages, attachments, excerpts or all GUIDs and then click ‘Update URLs Now’ button. That’s it, your URLs would get updated.

How To Auto Update Website URLs After Migrating To A New Domain Name?

There’s another plugin that automatically detects the domain name change and the auto-updates all old links and WordPress tables in the database of your website. It is especially coded for the domain name change and you don’t require to selectively mention the changes.

Navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install Automatic Domain Changer plugin on your WordPress site. After activation, navigate to Tools -> Change Domain and first you may backup and save your website database by clicking ‘Backup Database as SQL’.

Next, type the old domain name and new domain name in the fields and click ‘Change Domain’ button. The plugin lets you update HTTPS and the links with or without the ‘www’ prefix.

How To Use Separate Themes On Different Pages In WordPress?

You can assign a separate theme on home, posts, search, archive and other pages of your WordPress site.

In this lesson, you will learn how easily you can get control over the look and feel of your website by assigning different themes to different areas of your website.

Simply navigate to your admin area dashboard to find and install Multiple Themes plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Manage Themes page to assign different themes over different sections of your website.

The plugin will enable you to choose

  1. A Theme for All Posts
  2. A Theme for All Pages
  3. A Theme for Site Home
  4. A Theme for an Individual Post
  5. A Theme for an Individual Page
  6. A Theme for Selective Archive Page
  7. A Theme for Selective Search Pages, Terms, and more

The plugin enables you to choose a different theme for everything and override the active WordPress theme on your website.

Updating WordPress Theme Options

Now the question arises how you would be able to change the theme options for any theme you want? Well that is possible, you will find the complete process in this lesson.

The plugin doesn’t changes the active WordPress theme on your website. Instead, it works by dynamically overriding the settings on the pages and sections selected by you.

How To Use Common Gateway Interface (CGI) In Your Hosting Account?

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) extends the capabilities of your Web server to make your website communicate with other application or script.

These programs are common on Web servers to interact dynamically with users. Many forms containing web pages use a CGI program for processing the data from the form.

CGI service at supports server-side includes, form handlers, and the hit counters.

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How To Know Whether Email Is Seen By The Receiver?

Now you can easily know whenever your email message is seen by the receiver. By using a simple browser addon you can enable tracking and get notification for seen emails.

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The World’s Highest Payout Developer Marketplace

Marketplaces selling digital assets have been around for over a decade, so why we are taking time to write about this new developer marketplace that the programmers over at Never Settle are building?
Because they are addressing many user needs that are still outstanding and focusing on a niche vertical of quality code based products.  The Market is going to be a plugin, theme, and code marketplace built for developers rewarding quality and excellence.

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How To Create & Export Photo Slideshows As Video Files In Ubuntu?

Videoporama is available both for Linux & Windows. It is a free software you can use for creating videos or slideshow videos from images. It is mainly designed to make image slideshow and export them as video files.

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Using Third Ubuntu Click To Open Apps, Tabs, Pasting Text & More

There are many mice and some touchpads available that provides you a middle mouse button. In general mouse and touch pads doesn’t provides you the third click button i.e. middle click but now problem you can use third click by pressing both mouse buttons at the same time. This is more easy on laptops becuase there you have to put your finger on the place where both (left & right) click buttons meet each other (in center) and press both of them together, it seems difficult but its very easy. Or on a mouse with a a scroll wheel, you can usually press directly down on the scroll wheel to middle-click.

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Easily Install Gnome 3.10 Environ In Ubuntu 13.10

Gnome 3.10 release contains 34786 changes by approximately 985 contributors. It has major new features and large collection of small-small enhancements and an improved experience for users. Want to switch Gnome 3.10 from Ubuntu Unity environ. Here’s how you can easily install or uninstall Gnome 3.10 in Ubuntu 13.10 Linux.

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How To Install & Configure phpMyAdmin On Ubuntu 12.04 & Greater Versions?

phpMyAdmin is a free software that provides you a user friendly interface to work with MySQL on the web. It simply provides you a convenient visual frontend to access MySQL capabilities. This tutorial shows you the steps for installing phpMyAdmin on Ubunu Linux so before installing it make sure you must have root privileges on your virtual private server.

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Slax OS: Fast, Lightweight, Portable Pocket Linux In Modern KDE Interface & Outstanding Design

Slax is a fast, modern, lightweight, live boot free operating system with a modular approach and outstanding layout and style. It is small in size but still it provides you a wide range of pre-installed software useful for everyday use. It includes a well organized GUI (Graphical user interface) and recovery tools. Other than this it also provides you various modules you can download if you are missing any specific feature. For Example: If any networking tool or game is missing you can download its module with the software and copy it to your Slax OS without running any installation or setting up any configuration settings.

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How To Use Your Ubuntu Laptop As A WiFi Router (Hotspot)?

A few easy steps (no software installation is required) can turn your Ubuntu Laptop in to a Wireless Router and you can share your Internet connection with other users using other devices may be Netbook, Tablet or Laptop etc. You can do this thing visually right from the Ubuntu GUI (Graphical User Interface) but there are some limitations like for some devices. There are some devices that may not support ad-hoc wireless networks and Ubuntu can only create wireless hotspots using weak WEP encryption instead of strong WPA encryption.

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How To Easily Install Android On Your Laptop?

The tutorial is about installing Android on your laptop. This is possible for average Linux users and you can do it yourself without any coding skills required.

To Start, first thing you need to do get latest Android download so refer to Androidx86 project download page, Lookup for section RC 1 and download Android ISO for your laptop/tablet or netbook ISO and as you can see there are a few options available:

android download

Second step is to copy it to a flash drive. You have the ISO file and now its time to write it on a USB drive so that you can boot from it on your laptop.

You can create a flash drive by using UNetBootIn, it is an open source cross platform app about which we have already discussed. If you are using Ubuntu Linux the refer to its tutorial we posted before other wise you may install it on Windows, MAC etc by refering to its webpage here. Windows users can also use Linux Live USB Creator, best for windows users.

Copy the contents of the ISO to a flash drive, unlike to other ISOs, this can be done in just 1 GB USB drive.

Finally, Third step is to boot your laptop on USB. Put your USB and boot your laptop from USB drive and follow/select from on screen instructions.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

It provides you various options for partitioning, dual-botting etc. Check out the Androidx86 installation guide here.

Installing & Using UNetbootin (Bootable Linux USB Creator App) On Ubuntu

UNetbootin is an opensource cross platform application that provides you functions to easily create bootable Live USB drives for Android, Ubuntu, Fedora and other Linux distributions without any burning a CD. The application is compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Also you can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or you can supply your own Linux .iso file if you’ve already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn’t on the list. For installing UNetbootin in Ubuntu you have to give a few simple commands from terminal.

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How To Change Default Running Programs In Ubuntu?

Many new Ubuntu users spend hours in look up for settings to change default Ubuntu programs. For example: Suppose you want to change default video player from ‘Movie Player’ to ‘VLC Player’. For setting up default running programs in Ubuntu 12.04, first thing you need to do is click the settings icon present on the top left corner and select ‘System Settings’ option.

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HackerTray: Bring Hacker News To Your Ubuntu Linux Menu Bar

HackerTray, a free Linux app programmed with Python2 (inspired from Hacker Bar) simply brings Hacker News to your Linux menu bar. It is yet not compatible with all Linux systems but works really nice with Ubuntu. Following screenshot explains everything pretty well about how it works on your Ubuntu desktop. So now we are starting with its installation and upgrade process etc.


How to install HackerTray?

Open your Linux Terminal and use the following commands to install:

sudo pip install hackertray
sudo easy_install hackertray
#Download Source and cd to it
sudo python install

Now you can run hackertray from anywhere. Other than this you can now add it to your OS dependent session autostart method.

If you are a Ubuntu user then you can access it from:

  1. System > Preferences > Sessions
  2. System > Preferences > Startup Applications

Depending upon your Ubuntu Linux Version. Or simply put it in ~/.config/openbox/autostart if you are running OpenBox. Here you can see how the configuration should look like in Ubuntu and its derivatives.

How to upgrade HackerTray?

The latest stable version is always available on pip. You can check which version you have installed with pip freeze | grep hackertray.

To upgrade, run pip install -U hackertray.

In some cases (Ubuntu), you might need to clear the pip cache before upgrading:

sudo rm -rf /tmp/pip-build-root/hackertray

How To Detect Your Skype Friends Having Invisible Status On? is a online tool that lets you know which skype friends are hiding themselves from you. With this cloud app you can detect your invisible friends on Skype b y typing in your desired Skype ID and it will find out if he’s hiding or just logged out.

How to detect invisible Skype friends?

  1. Visit
  2. Type in your desired Skype ID and click the search button

The app detects real status of Skype users and your privacy is 100% protected, as advertised. The application doesn’t saves or share scanned skype users id.

Control & Use All Your Android Devices From Any Web Browser

AirDroid is a powerful but free cloud app that allows you to manage all your Android devices right from a web browser, your chromebook, from anywhere, from any web browser, all over the air. The application provides you complete control over your Android devices and best part is Desktop SMS that lest you easily Send & receive SMS right from your computer, you can type SMS using your keyboard giving your complete comfort with faster typing and navigation with the full keyboard and large screen.

Other features allows you to manage Files and Media. You can move photos, videos, ringtones and any other files on and off Android, all without a USB cable.

You can manage your Phone Calls, Clipboard , URL transfer. Make Calls, Contact, Share Clipboard Content across devices, push URL to Android and there are more features awaiting for you to discover them.

How to use AirDroid to manage all your Android devices from a web browser?

Step-1 First thing you need to do is visit and sign up your account. You may signup using your Facebook, Google etc accounts too. After you signup you will see a Android Home like desktop showing up in your web browser window.


Step-2 Now you may connect your Android devices. Install AirDroid App from Google Play, click sign-in button and login with the same account and your device will be connected.

AirDroid 2

You can Manage your Android Apps, gets to easy app search, installation and apk export. You can see through the lens of your Android camera, front and back. Or stream the screen of your Android in nearly real-time.

Not only this much but even you can find the location of your phone. Yes you can locate and lock your Android from any browser in-case if it’s lost. Also you can wipe all its data remotely.

Instantly Generating Colorful CSS Gradient Backgrounds is an easy, fast and elegant gradient background creation tool that works on cloud. All you need to do is visit its home page and you will know what you have to do. On homepage it provides you a button which generates random Gradient with CSS each and evrytime it is clicked. Also you can give a retouch to randomly generated backgrounds or in just a few click you can create your own beautiful gradient and copy its CSS to use it in your website or anywhere else.

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