Category Archives: WordPress

How To Add An Empty Cart Button With WooCommerce WordPress Plugin ?

WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce is a popular extendable eCommerce plugin that enables you to sell anything beautifully in your WordPress site. By default it doesn’t provides you any button or link for emptying cart but now you can easily add an empty cart button in your Woocommerce enabled WordPress site by using the new Woocommerce Empty Cart Button addon plugin.

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Increase Or Decrease Font Size With Simple Zoomer Widget For WordPress

Simple Zoomer is the new WordPress widget plugin by Chandra Sekhar Gudavalli that lets you add a widget and allows you readers to change your blog content font size by clicking the + & – buttons.

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New Metabox For Inserting Custom CSS In WordPress Posts & Pages

Custom CSS for Pages and Posts is the new WordPress plugin you can use for inserting custom CSS in your WordPress site posts and pages. The plugin enables a custom CSS metabox on post, page, custom post type edit screens.

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Enable WordPress Widget Visibility Module Without Jetpack

We already discussed about Powerful WordPress Widget Visibility Feature From Jetpack that allows you to controls what places your widgets appear on. Now this tutorial is on new WordPress plugin Widget Visibility Without Jetpack which is not a Jetpack Addon means you can use it (same Jetpack visibility features) when you are not connected to Jetpack.

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New Jetpack’s Google+ Integration Module To Connect WordPress And Google Accounts

Jetpack’s new 2.5 version update provides you Google+ profile module that allows you to connect your WordPress blog and Google+ accounts. It displays a link back to your Google+ profile and a Google+ follow button after your posts. Also a link is added to your Google+ profile.

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New Responsive WP Smart Mobile Theme For WordPress

WPSmart Mobile is the brand new responsive mobile theme plugin that automatically gets your WordPress website mobile-ready using a beautiful theme that automatically adjusts layout depending on the device like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone etc.

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Showcase WordPress Pages With Excerpt & Links Using Beautiful Boxed Columns

Page Showcaser Boxes is the new WordPress shortcode plugin that enables you to showcase your WordPress site pages with excerpt using beautiful boxed type columns linked to their full page via shortcodes. You can use the plugin’s shortcode in any post, page or custom post type.

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New WordPress WA Form Builder With Cool AJAX Features

WA Form Builder is the brand new WordPress plugin you can use for capturing user information from your website using its user friendly form builder and its cool AJAX drag and drop features. The plugin enables you to use textfields, textareas, dropdowns, radio buttons etc. You can provide an interactive visual editor on the front-end for styling forms.

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How To Set Auto Expire Widgets In WordPress ?

Yes you can set text widgets that automatically expires according to given date in WordPress. You can use it for displaying events, wishes or notifications etc. Auto Expire Widget is the new WordPress plugin that allows you auto expire widget section in WordPress.

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New WordPress Plugin To Set 22 Cool Social Media Buttons

22 Social Buttons is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to set 22 cool social buttons in few easy steps. All you need to do is select a social button, set your title and URL and get its code, that’s all. Use it where you like.

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How To Automatically Remove Old Revisions In WordPress ?

Remove Old Revisions is the new WordPress plugin that automatically removes deletes revisions older than given number of days in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to automatically remove revisions which are older than the given number of days or you can leave it to blank or 0 to disable the old revision check.

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How To Adds Categories Selection Menu In WordPress P2 Theme ?

Popular live frontend posting theme P2 lets you quickly create and publish posts from frontend but by default it only provides you a text field where you can add your post, there are no options to select and add categories from the frontend posting box. This tutorial is on a simple WordPress plugin that enable you to assign a category to your post when using P2 WordPress theme.

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Anchor First Image To Open Pretty Photo Modal Gallery In WordPress

PrettyPhoto WPGallery is the new WordPress plugin that takes over and enhances the WordPress Gallery shortcode with another gallery that shows only first image as an anchor to open up the modal gallery.

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Simplest Way To Add Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Styles In WordPress

Easy Bootstrap Shortcode is the new WordPress plugin that adds TinyMCE Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 style buttons in WordPress visual editor and enables you to use responsive bootstrap shortcodes inside your posts, pages and custom post in simplest manner.

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How To Show List Of Available WordPress Shortcodes Using A Metabox In Post Admin Section ?

For easy usage you can display a simple list of shortcodes available in your WordPress site using a meta box in post admin section i.e. ADD NEW/EDIT post pages. Not only this much but you can quickly insert the shortcodes into your content simply by clicking the small ‘Insert’ button left to each shortcode name in metabox. Insertions simply add brackets and any known required parameters. Metabox can also display help about shortcodes which you may get by clicking on the name.

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Easily Enable Bootstrap Glyphicons In WordPress Visual Editor

Bootstrap Glyphicons in Visual Editor is the brand new WordPress plugin that enabled a TinyMCE button in WordPress visual editor. Using this new button you can easily add Glyphicons included with Twitter Bootstrap 3 inside your WordPress site content like posts, pages and other CPTs etc.

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Top 4 Petition Plugins For Your WordPress Site

A petition is a request for doing something which is commonly addressed to a government officials and public entities. In the colloquial sense, a petition is a simple document signed by numerous individuals and addressed to some selected officials. This article lists some useful plugins you can use to add petitions forms and signatories in your WordPress site.  Continue reading Top 4 Petition Plugins For Your WordPress Site

New Circle Style Photo Gallery With Lightbox Popups For WordPress

IS Circular Photo Gallery is the new circle style image gallery with Lightbox popups WordPress plugin that uses images either from WordPress Media Library or directly from an uploaded directory of image files. The plugin simply allows you to show images as circle on current page or post by using basic JQuery library.

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How To Add jQuery Lazy Loading To WordPress Images ?

WP images lazy loading is the new WordPress plugin that adds jQuery to WordPress and enables lazy loading in images. Thus improves your page loading times and makes your Google PageSpeed Score better than before.

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Advanced Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor WordPress Plugin

WYSIWYG Visual HTML Editor & Drag And Drop Web Page Editor With CKEditor, Desktop Publisher For WordPress is a powerful WordPress Plug & Edit HTML Editor based on 3D page building design with height, width and depth.

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