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4521 Articles

Uphold Two Intertwined Essentials While Further Developing Any Civilization

Sangkrit insists for upholding two intertwined essentials while further developing any civilisation.

1. Conserving local naturalness everywhere

2. Everyone respecting human diversity

Respecting human diversity is what makes modern humankind. Conserving local naturalness everywhere is a must part of this practice. Thus conserving local naturalness everywhere doesn’t come into a conflict with everyone respecting human diversity.

Anyone upholding own naturalness cannot ever be disrespectful for human diversity. Conserving local naturalness everywhere along with everyone respecting human diversity is essential for peace and progress on planet Earth.

Be Mindful To The New Consumer

The pandemic situation might be improving in some parts of the world but COVID-19 is still here and it bounces back as people try to unlock themselves to old norms. As a business, you need to accept the fact that safety comes first and not everyone would be ready for the unlock in the future also. 

So being mindful to all your customers you will have to find a way of serving them with all necessary social distancing and safety guidelines, especially while carrying out your business activities. Bringing most of your business activities online can be a good solution, start thinking about what business activities you can bring online, and then carefully plan every step before you actually jump into the execution. This lesson will guide you on how you can make most of your business activities operational from your domain.

Register Your Domain 

Register your domain name and subscribe to a dedicated server. A dedicated server will accommodate your growing business needs and will never let you worry about the bandwidth and space especially at the time when your online success starts. Still, if your budget is limited, you may go for Business Hosting or a cheaper Managed WordPress plan.

Install WordPress On Your Domain

Once you have registered your domain name, it is time to make your business live on it. For that, you simply need to install WordPress on your domain. Whether you just want a simple business website for the online visibility of your business or a fully-fledged e-commerce store, WordPress provides you an easy and reliable interface for all that.

Follow this lesson and install WordPress on your server, if you have subscribed to a Managed WordPress plan then there’s no need to manually install WordPress, just click the Manage button on your account page and it will let you set up your website on the go.

Try To Bring All Your Business Activities Online

The local store owners and people in any kind of selling business (wholesale, retail, digital files, books, music, video, etc) may simply make use of WordPress Ecommerce to start selling their products online. Everyone else can make use of basic WordPress and its free plugins to set up their business website themselves.

You may also visit the support page here to call the online support and get a free consultancy on what type of website and internet marketing products your business will need.

If Required, Buy Necessary Programming Power

Plan what features you will need to run your business online, whether you need a smartphone app? Whether the features you need on your website can be fulfilled with some free WordPress plugin? or you will need a dedicated developer for that? 

If the basic WordPress installation is not your ideal business solution then you may limit it for blogging your business and get more advanced features developed in the form of a smartphone app or a plugin by a team of experts, for that you just need to purchase the necessary programming power from the

Collaborate With Your Team Online

Team collaboration is a critical business requirement, the good thing is with WordPress you can easily make your workspace collaboration live on your domain. Because being physically present in an office has its own disadvantages such as, 

  • You are not slowing down the progress of infections in society 
  • The office environ makes you, your people, your customers, and your family more vulnerable to the infection 
  • If in-case someone gets infected, the person can more easily pass on that infection to other people

Anyways, WordPress solves your problem of online team collaboration. It simply makes live interaction possible on your domain, you just have to make a few additions to your existing WordPress site and you would be able to establish your own online communication system. Again, for more complex options you can buy necessary programming support from the system at

Setup Online Billing & Inventory Management

If you are a big business, you can make use of a free IMS i.e. inventory management system, available via Installatron app installer on all dedicated server and hosting plans at Small businesses may simply use the built-in WordPress inventory. There are also some good business accounting apps, CRMs i.e. client relationship management platforms, billing and invoicing system along with cloud workspace softwares that can be easily installed on your domain from your server’s admin panel. 

Keep Blogging Your Business

You must have noticed various marketing emails in your inbox, most of these emails contain links to blog posts, some ask you to subscribe to their blog, most of the news notifications you see on your smartphone take you to some blog, most of the product releases, updates, and sale notifications are also broadcasted on their specific blogs. For example, every new Google update is first published on the Google blog and every new WordPress release is first discussed on the WordPress blog.

The reason is, blogging is the best marketing platform of your time, so keep blogging your business on your domain. You simply need a domain and WordPress to start posting content related to your business and with that, you can resolve simple issues that your potential customers face. 

When you post good quality content, search engines start to index your website and with time your posts start to rank higher on search engine results pages, this automatically brings new traffic to your website, and with that traffic, you can increase your sales by adding some call to action (i.e. links that take visitors to sale or checkout pages) after your posts.

Blogging your business is an effective yet lowest cost marketing method, so stop ignoring it and make its good in your business.

Make Your Purpose Of Life Your Domain

An individual without a domain wanders aimlessly through the Internet. Register your purpose in life as your domain name and start serving it by practicing Sangkrit’s four-fundaments of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business, it will give you a deep sense of what it means to be committed to something bigger than yourself. It gives you a complete sense of freedom as well as the responsibility of enabling humankind into the internet age, and belonging that it empowers you to make great positive changes in the world you are living in. 

Everything on the internet starts with a domain name, so the first thing you need to do is register your domain name to never stray from it. It may take some time and effort in self-reflection but by continuously practicing and promoting the four fundamentals of Sangkrit you will soon make yourself much more effective in the world.

Register the purpose of your life as your domain name, make it your obsession and your only mission, and stick only to that to lead a happier, safer, and successful life.

Serious Players Startup Only Seriously

Three things actually determine whether anything could seriously become your business.

1. Do you love doing what you do?

First of all you must ask yourself whether you love what you are planning doing for the rest of your life? So that your business could get judged at last as your lifetime achievement although that can happen only when this inspires your lifelong engagement.

Any chances to leave things midway are minimised once you truly love doing what you do. That is how your lifelong commitment matters most in determining if anything is seriously your business.

2. Do you adeqautely disrupt by doing so?

Secondly Sangkrit teaches you to start-up only if your idea of doing business adequately disrupts. As per his algorithm, up to the level, your idea can disrupt, determines the total sum of your scope to succeed as a startup.

That is how any serious people play their game to monopolise any particular human behaviour.

3. Did you startup on a dedicated server?

Finally when you are serious enough with your idea of doing business, you must start with a dedicated server and nothing less along with buying bulk domains in your bid for owning all possible extensions of your business domain globally because that is how this works best for monopolising any particular human behaviour as that is called a serious business.

Mediocres, who are not even sure about starting with a dedicated server, mostly fail on the internet contrary to the domainers starting on a dedicated server since any serious players startup only seriously.

How A Billion Dollar Idea Comes In A Mind?

First of all, to make you succeed in business, your purpose must become greater than yourself. Sangkrit provides such a purpose. Simply proceed into his all-inclusive execution.

Once equipped with his core pupose that is indeed greater than everyone around, you watch humankind and assess all their lives to deduct how billions could be doing any better. Thus you pick your disrupt to startup.

Resolving that technologically could become your billion dollar idea. Technologically reinventing any human behaviour by registering a domain name to monopolise over a dedicated server works just like that.

You must not overestimate any individuals while doing so as overestimating any individuals causes your catastrophe.

Do not delay in registering all possible domain names to globally own your this billion dollar idea forever. Sangkrit has made this secret of inception simplest as that.

Despite All Divisions

It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be (so should be) of an Indian origin. 

Democracy doesn’t disintegrate a country but actually integrates as gradually happened in America since a long time back and in India since not so ling time back. Whereas initiating into a totalitarianism actually disintegrates instead of integrating any nation as happened in China a long time back and gradually happening in Turkey now a days. Democratically adhering to a constitutional process helps forming the actual public unity.

Furthermore the Internet has a potential even for integrating different peoples beyond all political or superstitious divisions including that of any countries, constitutions or any set of beliefs. America and India are the best of examples of such a course and are capable of setting the best example furthering a common course as well. It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be of an Indian origin.

The oldest and the largest of all concurrent democracies can do a lot together by collaborating themselves in furthering cooperation among democracies. Healthcare, software and warfare are concurrently relevant industrial avenues for enhancing diplomatic cooperation among democracies.

Furthering Cooperation

The scope of furthering cooperation doesn’t end anywhere. Any wiser people always avail this.

If India and America stand solidly together, Taiwan can help Tibet and Hong Kong in furthering its democratic objective in China, completing all parties’ unfinished business.

Altogether they might help Tibet in restoring its sovereign borders with both its neighbours China & India. Altogether they might help Hong Kong in shedding any separatism for liberating a Bastille of democracy within China, where the Chinese people are politically imprisoned for more than half a century after a military occupation by the Communist Party of China.

Behaving Business-wise

Different worlds remain different despite unnecessary efforts of assimilating them altogether. Only business binds them together. Without that their crossing paths cause only ill-wills and accidents. China, Europe & Arab need help amicably.

Randomly killing people cannot be called any religion the way hurting the faith of any people is no freedom of expression and the forces forcing their people to migrate, must not get recognised as the governments.

This cannot be done without resolving the conflict of interests between Russia and America. India can help the US in resolving any mutual doubts with Russia that can even facilitate a fruitful cooperation in defence production within India at least. The US can further collaborate with Russia in enhancing a repairing recourse of political integration between Arab and China covering the whole of the Indian Ocean making India lead at its core. 

Together India, Russia and America can facilitate training in diplomacy & warfare for democracies at every other place. 

Staying Battle-ready

Staying battle-ready is a necessary constant for the soverigns alike. There is no variable for that. That is how any peace offensive never worked well in statecraft.

Contrary to Doklam standoff of 2017 in Bhutan, India’s prior leaderships historically failed to move forward for helping out any neighbours -such as Tibet, Persia and Gandhar- upon any foreign aggression, invasion and occupation so India suffered severly in the long run. India’s own unfinished battles also fated to bleed forever because the leaders mandated to lead were averse to war.

Tibet was occupied but not Taiwan. Even a successful warlord like Mao did not adventure to attack Taiwan although occupied Tibet. Saddam Hussein was toppled but not Kim Jong Un. The outgoing US President Donald Trump even befriended Kim Jong Un.

Behaving business-wise while staying battle ready is essential for saving humankind from all ill-will and violence. Thus; despite all divisions; India, America and every other responsible people can better be doing altogether.

What Is Corroding The Steel Frame?

Stubbornly honest IAS officers did idolise Mr Uday Kumar Varma in service while not that honest officers respected him like that so such an overall experience establishes the veteran’s examining the bureaucratic prospects of India’s civil service here as appropriate.

by Uday Kumar Varma

Not many will disagree on the Steel Frame’s erosion. Most civil servants today remain just tendril like embellishments on the frame – parasitic, even if presentable. Many have colluded with or ignored the rot that has been eating the frame. Officers of integrity heard echoes and saw strains that led some of them to doubt, question and at times condemn motives and actions of officers. But so deeply was the system entrenched in them that nothing they saw or heard could shake, shock or surprise them into action. Ostrich-like, they felt the problem would go away. But it did not. Why did the service go this way?

The Problem?

1. Obsession with power and privilege

Over the years, civil servants have become so obsessed with the power and privileges they enjoy that preserving and perpetuating them has become a necessity for them. The commensurate responsibility that accompanies such power may or may not be fulfilled – but the power must remain, it is something taken for granted and a matter of right; this is the persistent attitude.

2. Integrity no longer a necessity

Integrity and probity were their strongest suite. It made their cognition, comprehension and efficiency in meeting the endless challenges of administration stand out. It gave them the moral courage and conviction to stand against the corrupt and unscrupulous.

Over time, unfortunately, some of them became partners and allies of politicians and other vested interests. Some even chose to become the dominant entity in this cooperative. Politicians realized they were on the same page with them in our priorities and convergent on the purpose of being in power.

But the greater tragedy is that a large number of them, who did not wish to join the bandwagon, watched and kept quiet because they valued their own stable lives, children’s future and due progression in their careers. Being ensconced in positions of authority, they became so insensitive and inured of criticism that they dismissed this perception as the frustrated manipulations of other All India Services or the media.

3. Parameters for success have greatly altered

Over the years, first slowly and later rapidly, the definition of being successful altered. To survive in a post became the foremost criterion for being judged as successful. This became particularly critical in the early days of one’s career. Since most Collectors are trusted with the responsibility of effectively implementing developmental and welfare programs, doing so won them laurels, but in the process, leakages – particularly pecuniary leakages – became an integral part of implementation. So, the delivery of the program was successful, yet the full value of benefits did not reach the beneficiaries.

In other words, the criterion for successful implementation of government programs over time discounted the financial discipline and ethical underpinnings that had gone hand-in-hand with implementation in the early days. While the IAS must be given full credit for successfully translating several schemes on the ground, their inability or disinterest in neutralizing corrupt nexuses perpetuated this pernicious practice that eventually acquired an institutional status. Many of them, sometimes willingly, sometimes reluctantly, joined the commonwealth of the corrupt.

Why did this happen?

Did it begin like this when we got independence? Around this time, Sardar Patel had called the IAS the “Steel Frame” of India. For around a decade post-independence, the IAS, which had to live up to the legacy of the erstwhile ICS, went about their responsibilities and duties with the highest level of dedication and commitment. Those were difficult years –  beset with gigantic challenges following the biggest and bloodiest migration of humankind in history, a devastated economy and hunger and poverty of the worst kind. But the IAS held the country together and delivered what was expected of it in difficult times. It was also free from interference from the political leadership, which was altogether in a different class as far as their dedication, commitment and intent went. The fervor of building a new country subjugated for over eight centuries was strong, deep and pervasive. Personal comforts and privileges were relegated to the background. No sacrifice was considered big or exemplary enough in this pursuit.

While some bring in the issue of reservation as the cause for the first cracks to appear in the frame, a policy which was the first to divide civil servants internally, it is politically incorrect and socially inappropriate to question the policy of reservation, even as its consequences need objective evaluation. We must not forget that reservation is a far more complex issue with any discussion involving aspects of history, sociology, identity and economics, which one is not competent to do in a summary manner. 

1. Age of Entry

A major cause for the present day troubles of the service, in my opinion, starts with the relaxation of the age on entry. In the late seventies, the maximum age allowed for appearing in the civil service examination (the new terminology for the erstwhile IAS/IFS examination, IPS examination and IRS examination, which were earlier held separately) was raised to 27 and the number of attempts were also increased. The age limit was further relaxed by another 5 years for reserved category applicants. Consequently, there emerged a set of applicants who would invest 3-5 years of their lives in preparing for this examination. Some of them would eventually succeed. But the majority would end up seeking alternative avocation after exhausting all their attempts and in the process lose some of the best years of their lives. Many would retain that sense of bitterness towards the examination process and the successful entrants.

The modifications thus made in the recruitment process has led to a situation where the candidates may not be bringing with them the right social, cultural and ethical orientation that qualifies them to pursue a career such as the civil service, a career where apart from opportunities to serve society through positions carrying immense authority and responsibility, one has to display and genuinely pursue a life characterized by complete integrity and probity.

Today the average age of a fresh entrant to the IAS stands at 28 years plus. At this age, attitudes are more or less set and the value system inalterably shaped. To replace these deeply entrenched mindsets with a healthy and passionate ideology of service and sacrifice demands a training program, radically different from what obtains today.

2. Deficiencies of Training

The training of IAS probationers has failed to instill in them the right values and the sense of pride for being upright and beyond reproach in their conduct and comfort. In India training is often taken as a necessary but not a serious requirement. Therefore, while going through the motions of imparting training, no serious attempt is made to carefully design training content. The training of IAS probationers in India equips them well with legal knowledge and practical lessons to deal with the requirements of the job but it is woefully unmindful and casual about the ethical dimensions of an IAS officer’s duties and the underlying salience of integrity in their professional work. It is also no secret that the job of the Director of the Academy is rarely the first choice of most senior officers eligible for the post. Most of the officers of that seniority will like to serve a mainstream ministry. Consequently, while most of them try to discharge their duties as much as not to invite any criticism of lack of interest, they clearly lack the passion and personal commitment to use the opportunity to prepare the Probationers to deal with issues of corruption and ethics and instill in them an abiding value system that will make the trainees face the harsh and unsavory onslaught with fortitude and tact.

The fact remains that the trainees of the recent batches, during endless interactions, do believe that corruption is a way of life and it is not their objective in service to either eliminate them or deal with them decisively. After all, they argue, they have not joined the service to become social reformers. 

3. Willful Ignorance

There is now seen so much of deterioration in our public life and discourse that any thought of it being otherwise only engenders derision. Specifically, the bureaucrat (including police)-politician-contractor (business) nexus would not have become so strong as to control the system, if even a handful of IAS had resolutely raised the red flag. It would still have been there but it would have always been considered vile and to be carried out clandestinely. This is the difference that would have occurred. Ruefully, the majority of IAS succumbed to the machinations and manipulations of this nexus.

It is not to say that there are no honest officers in the system. There are, a lot many, but this tribe, barring rare exceptions, has chosen to look the other way, while people below and above and around go merrily plundering the resources, diminishing and robbing the entitlements at will and filling their bottomless pit of endless greed. The few, whose conscience still revolts and is likely to cause inconvenience to this nexus are suitably dealt with by the system by putting them in places where they can go on writing copious notes and preparing voluminous briefs with no real say in matters of governance.

4. No faceless bureaucracy

But the real failure for which future generations of administrators will hold them accountable and responsible, is their complete indifference to the idea of institutionalizing the good work many of us have done in the field or elsewhere.

In a typical career of an IAS officer, two positions hold special significance in terms of visible authority and potential to make noticeable impact. One is that of Collector/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner and the other is of Secretary to Government of India in a Ministry. In both these positions, officers have taken innovative and inspiring initiatives, many of them resulting in substantial success. However, documenting a successful initiative and institutionalizing it has never been the priority of such officers. The same is true of numerous Secretaries who have with or without the active support of their Ministers, conceived and grounded outstanding schemes and programs. But almost to the fault, they never documented the process and the thinking and philosophy behind such initiatives as also the way forward. Invariably, the successor officer has to understand these initiatives and adopt them for continuation.

This takes time and as human nature is, every officer desires to leave his own very special and personal impact in such assignments. The result is that many of these assiduously planned and developed initiatives are abandoned mid-way: often because either the successor officer did not like to carry on something his predecessor is credited with; or because it takes time to reinvent the wheel and come to the same initiative after a sizable gap of time. The streak, the weakness and the ambition to show individual brilliance and innovation almost completely overshadows the desirability of institutionalizing them and thus deprives the society and the country of the benefits of continuous, focused and sustained thinking, planning and building schemes of great value and impact.

5. Lessons given to the new generation

Today, nowhere, in the training of IAS officers, the necessity and importance of documentation of initiatives is emphasized. The question of being told that you should have zero tolerance for corruption and should not mind a transfer fighting corruption, is left open ended and vague with advice that it’s our job to “manage” politicians. The message between the lines is that the important thing is to survive, notwithstanding costs that fray your moral fiber and compromise your conscience.

6. Change is inevitable

IAS may be unique to India and a class apart but governments across the world need   bureaucracies to ground their programs and also to administer. Logically, therefore, they reflect the ideology, the vision, the compulsions and the priorities of the ruling dispensation. They, in the same vein, in many cases become the instruments to force their perverse and self–serving agenda. The bureaucracies, therefore, evolve in specific contexts. Our civil services are a legacy of British. There too, under the watch of Mrs. Margaret Thatcher reforms in civil services were initiated in 1979. A Commission headed by a non-civil servant Sir Derek Rayner deliberated and recommended reforms. Many of these recommendations were accepted and put through the grind despite stiff opposition from bureaucrats. The ‘Spoils System’ common in the US makes the term of top bureaucrats co-terminus with the President. The world over, the bureaucracies have been undergoing change and reform. The IAS must also reform to keep pace with the changing times and become more responsive and productive.       

7. It’s a wakeup call

‘Mission Karmyogi’, many believe, is the beginning of the end of supremacy of IAS in the bureaucracy. The fact that it was thought necessary to laterally induct specialists and domain experts at higher echelons of governance, is an indictment of IAS. It is like acknowledging that in certain areas, the generalist’s skills are not good enough. It also implies that many in IAS have not been able to acquire a level of subject matter knowledge and expertise necessary for certain key posts. The critics may also argue that the IAS has not worked hard enough to thoroughly understand and master critical issues related to the areas where they were at the helm of affairs.

However, this also remains a fact that this service has some of the brightest brains and many have an unparalleled commitment to the task assigned to them. But this is not universal. Its time, IAS as a group does some honest and ruthless introspection and take remedial measures at least a decade or two from now, they face the certain prospect of this service becoming a part of history.

It’s a wakeup call.

Make Server Grid Selling Like Power Grids

Physically colocating a server by the end-user is costlier and loses a lot of money in the long run whereas leasing a dedicated server from on monthly or annual subscription, proves much better and cheaper as technology is upgraded from time to time and physical servers are also changed regularly without charging any extra cost to the end-user.

Being a people’s personal outlet, you should focus upon helping businesses migrate into leased dedicated servers in remote clouds as that is the way of establishing and running any business in the internet age. Doing so you are most likely to get hired for administering that as well.

You ought to make server grid selling like power grids. Pursuing that on a daily basis would help you utmost to make the most wonderful living for your family.

The time has come when colocating physical server by the end-users should become obsolete the way establishing private electricity generators by the end-users did become a long time back.

Surviving The Global Crisis Of Unemployment

Permanent unemployment is on rise, especially for those who have not yet come to know the four-fundamentals of Sangkrit. The best way to stay out of the crowd of unemployment is to never let yourself or your family become a victim of the wage-slavery and this is quite possible when you develop a pandemic-proof domestic entrepreneurship by following Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business, to finally startup from your home as a people’s personal outlet

By starting up as a people’s personal outlet you not only solve your own money problem but you become empowered enough to solve the biggest problem of employment. 

You should understand that people are more likely to be interested in a business like yours. Permanent unemployment is on rise, and in this crisis time no formal method of business or employment is considered as safe. At the same time, everybody needs to make money at least to make a living, some equate it with better security, some wants to get rich fast, some want to accomplish it as a goal whereas some simply want to make more money in order to meet their requirements. And this means that you always have an unbeatable chance of home-employing anyone you see, meet or interact. 

So simply start to home-employ people as people’s personal outlets and encourage your outlets to keep home-employing more people, repeat this behaviour at least till the time your chain of outlets virally starts to develop into a web of your personal outlets.

Welcome To The Age Of Internet

Mr. Uday Varma belongs to the elite administrative service of India and has served in the federal government of India as Secretary in two key Ministries of Information and Broadcasting; and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. As Secretary, Information and Broadcasting he was instrumental in effecting the transition of Indian TV to a Digitised Access regime leading to a much diversified and expanded entertainment Sector in India. He strongly believes in technology led growth and development but advocates equity in opportunities of such growth.

Here he examines post-pandemic prospects of the world.

by Uday Kumar Varma

Few cross-roads in the history of human kind have offered her such compelling but clear a choice as the one of Corona pandemic. Not only within a time span of less than a year it has transformed our lives in a profoundly fundamental way but more significantly it has inexorably and relentlessly led us up a path that seem to be having no road signs or mile stones. How deep and irreversible is this transformation? Does it signal formally our entry into a new age- an age so very different from the one we have been part of and have got used to, and what we call as the Age of Industrialization? What do we call this new age? The Age of Internet? And have we irreversibly entered this age never to be able to go back to our old familiar ways?

Many of us have recently been using a term Industrial Revolution 4.1 for the all-encompassing influence Internet has been making to our day to day lives since it was invented a few decades ago. I intend to argue, however, that what is ahead of us is not merely Industrial Revolution 4.1 and thereby an extension of the Industrial Age but an altogether new Age – so different from the previous one and so distinctly and uniquely characterized that describing it as Industrial Revolution 4.1 will be both inaccurate and inadequate. In fact, the way we live, work and relax is going to be so fundamentally changed that such tectonic shift can only be described as the beginning of a new Age.

Over six centuries ago, when we invented steam power and locomotion, a new era of industrialization began. It radically and completely changed the way we used to live, survive and grow. The advent of factories leading to mass production, the birth of human conglomerates to be known as cities and towns mostly where the factories were located, the phenomenon of migration from villages to the new cities and towns, emergence of a new class to be known as ‘labor’ or ‘proletariat’ are some of the high points of this era. We called it a Revolution because its extent and scope were nothing less than a revolution. The ideas of Socialism and Capitalism emerged, spread, took countries after countries by storm, bloody wars were fought, older regimes toppled often violently, and a new balance of power emerged. The landed aristocracy was replaced by a new class of industrialists and business tycoons. The world got divided on the lines of political philosophies and systems. Two world wars were fought and a new world order was sought to be created. Then came the cold war and then détente. In less than 50 years since the second world war, socialism as a political system and philosophy got out of fashion and largely dysfunctional. Globalization became the new buzz word and integrating the economy of the globe as the only viable option for growth and development. And then came Corona that has seriously challenged our wisdom and understanding of the prevailing world social and economic order.

In over 600 years of its existence, the Industrial Age led to changes so huge and irreversible that to go back to a period before its advent was beyond the pale of imagination. Every vital indicator of our social, economic and cultural life altered in a permanent way. Even the poor of the earlier era were replaced by a new poor- the determinants of poverty getting altogether new definitions and contours.

We seem to be facing another moment of history. Our claim that human race is now infallible to any epidemic stands belied and mocks us with shame and pity. Human hubris, however, seldom gets subdued and justifies every failure. This beside, the corona period has not only been deeply affecting our personal lives, it has also affected several institutions. Most evidently it has affected, inter alia, our educational institutions, our health systems, our work place and our manufacturing process. They stand today fundamentally altered and has replaced the old ways with a new culture and a new approach. The on line teaching, the on line work and a manufacturing that is increasingly driven by Artificial intelligence, Machine Language, Iota and Robotics. Once the Corona goes away which surely it will, the life is not getting back to pre-corona days. It’s going to be a new normal. And the new normal will have incorporated within itself the beginning of a New age. Educational Institutions at all levels are going to continue with on line teaching. The work place will not be the typical office located in big buildings, and the manufacturing is not going to restore the primacy of human beings as the principal instrument of manufacturing process.

Implications of the new normal are going to be stunning. First, imagine the resources that are going to get conserved as we realize the futility of building huge buildings and office for our school, colleges and universities. Imagine how the transport scenario in the cities is going to change drastically as only half the work force is required in the offices. Imagine the decongestion on the roads and the consequent impact on environmental and the consumption of hydro-carbons. The impact on the global environment during Corona and following it will compel fresh assessment as many fixed boundaries have been breached and the new boundaries look blurred and uncertain. The positive aspects are likely to lead to huge saving of resources and the resultant windfall for the economy will make many of the challenges of development less severe.

The manufacturing process will see processes free of human interferences and therefore error. Products will be better and defect free. The process will be faster and the scope for innovation and experimentation limitless, because human considerations that cloud the judgment would have vanished.

What about employment then?

Employment will suffer huge losses. The number of unemployed will swell. The impact will be dramatic in developing countries. India would be one of the worst affected. And it will come sooner than later. 122 million people, three fourths of them small traders and laborers lost their jobs in April, 2020 alone, informs CMIE. Part of but not entire jobs so lost will be replaced by new jobs required in the new era. But there will be substantial shortfall. The state will be forced to look after a huge unemployed population by giving a liberal unemployment allowance or devise some such mechanism. The resources for such a program will have to come from surpluses generated as the new technologies and new way of life come into full play. Over a period of time, even this short fall of jobs will get addressed as the old generation will fade out and a new younger, energetic and better equipped generation takes over.

Who will be the new rich?

The new rich and emerging aristocrats will not be big industrialist or business magnates any more. The rich and powerful in this new Age will be the big owners of domains. The bigger and valuable your domain, greater will be your influence and control. The state will continue but will be a puppet manipulated by some or a conglomerate of domain owners. They will decide what is good for society and how society should think and react. The prospect is scary but real. We already have a fairly good idea of the kind of influence these domain owners exercise in the affairs of the state. They can win or lose elections for you. They can derail, even destroy your economic trajectory. They can foment strife and war. If even a fraction of big domain owners turns megalomaniacs, the world can come to an end. But it is highly unlikely. The history of mankind has one clear and unequivocal lesson for us, humans like nature always bring back the balance. How such a balance will unfold, we can, at this point of time, only speculate and more wisely simply wait and watch.

There is a looming fear, though, that may completely overtake everything else. The social fabric may get so stretched and stressed that something like a class war may erupt, a war between endowed and not so endowed, between skilled and unskilled with latter outnumbering the former. It’s too scary and intimidating a prospect but possibly the governments may be just able to contain it. Once this possibility or eventuality is over, and a natural order of checks and balances emerge and stabilize, the world would have settled in a new age, era and order.

The Core Culture Within The Universe Of Sangkrit Is Getting Enforced As Universal Order

The new normal is nothing but the normal in the internet age.

Everything is at a very serious threshold and since non-essential distractions cause ultimate disorientation that makes one feel tired and finally defeated so as to not get tired while passing through such a testing time, it is essential for everyone to avoid all distractions.

What has already been normal at the core of Sangkrit has become a new normal for the rest of the world that is condemned for searching and researching for surviving henceforth.

The core culture within the universe of Sangkrit is just getting enforced as universal order.

Grow Your Business With This Free & Unbeatable Marketing Strategy

People live with a habit of sharing their good and bad experiences with everyone they know. An illustration – when you watch a new movie, your mind automatically becomes eager to share that good or bad experience with others. After every new experience, the first natural born human reaction is to tell someone about that.

All advertising, branding and promotional industries work under this perspective, the only disparity is that they try to artifice some enthusiastic feeling by hiring some celebrity or model. However, the enthusiasm of the person who actually lived an experience, and the one of someone who has been paid for copying it in order to influence people, are thoroughly different. The first one is all natural and far more promising than the second one which is an old world thing artificially created for fooling the innocent people.

The first one is also free and is not bound by any sort of maxima. Hence, when operated with a few hacks can be transformed into an invincible viral marketing strategy especially for the people’s personal outlets. So in order to use this naturally born enthusiasm as your best viral marketing weapon, you will have to actually create it and then let it propagate. 

Now the question comes, why will this work? It will work because it always works, it’s well tested, just see around yourself, how people are busy in unwittingly marketing things for free and how others are seriously following them. The factual question is how you can make use of it to grow your home business as a people’s personal outlet? That you will know it in the next post.

Simple Formula To Success As A People’s Personal Outlet

One of the first things you’ll need to understand to build your home business as people’s personal outlet is to respect the process. Start following the four-fundamentals of Sangkrit, the system has laid this cycle only for you so that you can better manage your time and space to change your world from home.

So often people are wondering how to start up from home as people’s personal outlet. Unfortunately, when they read what they need to do, they do it differently and then depress on why they haven’t met the success they desire. 

Earnings may take some time to start or they may start to rain out instantly from the very first day. But in order to be a successful people’s personal outlet, you will have to respect and follow the system. So that you can become rich, stay rich and live a pandemic-proof lifestyle with your family.

There’s a simple formula for success as a people’s personal outlet and that is – start by following Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business. These four-fundamentals you need to master and do every day, don’t change. 

As a people’s personal outlet you have to spread the importance of these four-fundamentals to all slots of livelihoods and businesses and earn money by helping them to come online. This can easily be done by blogging your business and also you may freely prospect more people into this to grow your web of people’s personal outlets. 

It may take some time and effort to grow your small outlet into a big family business, but it’s worth it. 

Home-Employing At Least One Enthusiastic Salesperson Will Solve Your Money Problem

Starting up from home as people’s personal outlet and then home-employing others into your business is a decent approach to start your earnings and multiply them quickly. But this is only possible if you have recruited at least one committed sales person who can close deals and encourage others in doing the same or one who can simply create an example or benchmark for others.

Helping the world with home-employment is one thing but in order to build a good home business for yourself, you will have to recruit good salesmen, you will have to find people with great enthusiasm, you will have to look for people who are excited about your business. By hiring such people you are actually making them share their enthusiasm with others and then this enthusiastic sales force will lead to new sales and inductions of people’s personal outlets.

It is common-place to get discouraged or disheartened after facing some rejection or failure in closing deals, but the success is earned through persistence and perseverance. Hence, it is very important for you to consistently hire new marketing experts as that will cause you to begin emulating and then enlightening the way successful marketing pros act or think. Eventually, executing this can lead your outlets to an impressive success rate overall.

Innovation Must Not Get Interrupted By Idiocracy

Internet startup begins by registering a domain name. So that reinventing a particular human behaviour could innovatively get made possible via that over a dedicated server.

Internet startup should simply be driven by reinventing a particular human behaviour for monopolizing that over a domain so internet success simply upgrades that into an internet monopoly. Internet success is simple as that.

This is the new normal in the internet age. Human innovation must not get interrupted by the idiocracy of the industrial age.

Internet monopolies must stick together to enforce a change wherever this becomes necessary to get rid of centuries old outdated laws. Sponsoring Sangkrit is such an opportunity, open to all of them.

Enhancing Human Cooperation Holds The Key

Corona virus is not gone and will not be gone any time sooner. Panicking through the pandemic times won’t help but entrap deeper down within itself.

What could certainly help is devotedly developing many legions of people’s personal outlets as always taught here. Sangkrit banks upon developing human assets, called people’s personal outlets. People’s personal outlets enhance human cooperation. Human cooperation is the only force, capable of resetting everything back to normal.

However difficult might become a time but is never mightier than possible human cooperation within that particular time as only that might reset that back to normal. Thus enhancing human cooperation holds the key.

Why Everyone Must Startup As A People’s Personal Outlet?

Being a people’s personal outlet truly equips you to stay home and become rich living a pandemic proof lifestyle. You not only become absolutely empowered to home-employ anybody but you also save people from any paucity of essentials. You help them to become prosperous without letting any entity to boss them around.

The way is simple, you have to exactly start by practicing and promoting the Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business. Rehearse these fundamentals in your home with your family members and then coach these four-fundamentals to the world on your blog from your own domain name

Now diversify the fourth fundamental of blogging your business to spread its importance to all niches of livelihoods as a people’s personal outlet. Help people in blogging their business and make money by assisting them in setting up their business website using Managed WordPress

By doing this they can earn money by blogging their expertise (if they are self-employed), selling anything online (if they are a seller) or simply by writing posts to promote four-fundamentals of Sangkrit (if they are unemployed).

So start expanding your chain of people’s personal outlets by home-employing as many people you can into your business of bringing all businesses online.

Anonymously Altogether We Are People Of Earth

Minions go out looking for a job as they cannot even make a living for themselves without anyone bossing around or over them at least. Individually alone anywhere like that you remain just a drop that could get dried away in a strange world within no time but by helping humankind as people’s personal outlet, you build your legion, quite capable of everything possible, since counting on such a faithful induction into the universe of Sangkrit; anonymously altogether, you become an ocean. This ocean of people become great by giving due respect to their purpose of life.

Anonymously altogether even most vulnerable water drops become an invincible ocean. None of us is individually important here but our common purpose makes all of us adequately important. Anonymously altogether we are people of earth, burying everything forever that used to divide and rule us since ages.

Powered by the people across all the countries alike, Sangkrit homeschools internet users for home-employments in a course of becoming a domain registrant for individual internet enterprise up to the extent of building an internet monopoly in another course of enabling humankind to act as people’s personal outlets helping humanity in a pandemic-proof lifestyle.

People believe in Sangkrit as Sangkrit keeps their faith intact and this consolidates their complete trust in a future facilitating for each individual ambition & self-interest by ending the chaos caused due to their conflicting courses independent of a symmetry available only with an induction into the universe of Practicing and promoting four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business along with others also following a similar routine comfort; adequately prepares everyone for staying home with necessary social distancing not only through pandemic times but thereafter as well; ultimately leading the humanity through the saviour system at into the internet age.

So rising above apartheid of all sorts along with all outdated ideas, startup as a people’s personal outlet to build your legion now as legions are out everywhere saving minions simply by telling them what to do for themselves. Thus you emancipate everyone in the course of liberating the whole of humanity into the internet age.

Farsight The Great Salesmen

Don’t miss any proficient individual, farsight the great salesmen and then home-employ them into your business to grow it tremendously and get rich fast.

Every new person that joins you as another people’s personal outlet becomes your new opportunity to increase income and reduce your personal labor. So essentially look for individuals capable of taking your business to greater heights, never miss any talent slip through your hand.

In the first encounter, introduce the benefits of starting up from home as people’s personal outlet. Then share the product details and information on how your outlets can startup from home and make money by helping other businesses to come online. Also, learn about their potential to take the business forward and give them a clear-cut picture of this pandemic proof home based business model

Identify future leaders to step into aggressive marketing. Try to rapidly grow your network of outlets but most importantly learn to farsight the great salesmen and then take measures to bring them in to your business.

Earn Money From Home Starting Now

Keep your main focus on making new people’s personal outlets to expand your business and help more people with the safest kind of home employment. However, you should never lose the importance of selling your main products i.e. the domain and WordPress plans which are the foundation of your business, they let you bring any kind of business online, and for that neither you nor your customer or your outlet require any sort of coding or technical expertise. You might not even need a laptop. If you have a smartphone and you know how to use it then you are ready to go for the most part.

The technical and programming part all works in automation, the user registers his domain name, subscribes to a Managed WordPress plan, and the guided tour takes him to the admin panel of his website. The good thing is, this guided tour can be started from any end, no matter whether the user first registers his domain or subscribes Managed WordPress or only registers his domain or only subscribes a Managed WordPress plan. The automatic guided tour is going to take him to the process of making his business live on his domain name in just a couple of minutes. This is not just limited to domain or WordPress but each and every product is reasonably connected to a guided tour that starts with the setup of the subscribed product and completes with everything the person needs to operate and grow his business online.

So simply start by registering your full name as your domain name, follow the guided tour to bring your blog or store online to better master the skill of making money by doing the same thing for others as well.

Building a loyal customer base will help you to generate regular income and your customers will naturally start recommending your products by sharing the good experiences they had with you and your services. More often you may pick some enterprising customers and encourage their behaviour by motivating them to make money as people’s personal outlet. Earning money by formulating such contacts is a no-brainer.

Follow-Up with Your Prospects

It takes time for people to become a fan of some product or accept its importance in their life. Even when they make up their mind to buy something, they spend so much of their time learning about that product, finding good offers, and reliable services. When you follow-up with your client, clear his doubts and stay in touch with him then a stage comes when the person accepts you, your products (sometimes by ignoring your flaws) and you earn a strong relationship that brings you more business. 

Such connections help you a lot during the starting phase of your business as you can make use of such rapport to reach more clients, get more referrers, and prospect for more people’s personal outlets.

Following up with your prospects and customers improves your performance as well as your overall success rate and lets you close more deals. This is also a reason why you should help your client to register his domain name, subscribe his server himself from  and then add you as a delegate to let you manage his apps and websites as that reduces your administration and lets you focus more on selling. Because then your client is timely updated about new technologies, renewal and upgrades to keep his site running and thus the people’s personal outlet associated with each client is benefited with new work. This way, the System of helps you to retain your clients but that only works for you after you successfully close a deal and make your client register his Sangkrit account.

To close any deal, you need to follow-up with your prospect as there is no sense in introducing people with your offers if you don’t follow-up with them on time. A kind follow-up gives your customer an opportunity to be heard and they honor that.