Tag Archives: local naturalness

Do Not Trade Your Mother Tongue For Anything

People, who have traded their mother tongue for material well-being, cannot be treated as trustworthy anywhere. Next they trade their motherland seeking opportunities elsewhere. In fact they just destroy the local naturalness everywhere.

Local naturalness must get protected everywhere. Everywhere local development is also necessary. So superior is staying wherever you are born to work for your people in your own language. Sangkrit.net makes all that everywhere possible.

Just do not trade your mother tongue and motherland for anything at all. People who do so can trade anyone also like that.

Manage Diversity With A Direct Democracy

People using the smarphones become themselves also smart. They cannot be continued getting governed by the outdated substandards. Thus your future is almost destined to occur.

Minimising many chances of any public unrest, a Swiss style direct democracy may better be managing all human diversity along with conserving the local naturalness everywhere. Managing immigration with a national integration along with business-wise enhancing international cooperation with a neutrality in every other respect may complement that.

Politicians facilitating for that may get glorified in the final chapters of the political history of their respective countries. Smartphone stage of the internet age is already fast equipping almost all the peoples for implementing a direct democracy everywhere. That is going to be workable at very large scale also just like the internet works via smartphones.

Uphold Two Intertwined Essentials While Further Developing Any Civilization

Sangkrit insists for upholding two intertwined essentials while further developing any civilisation.

1. Conserving local naturalness everywhere

2. Everyone respecting human diversity

Respecting human diversity is what makes modern humankind. Conserving local naturalness everywhere is a must part of this practice. Thus conserving local naturalness everywhere doesn’t come into a conflict with everyone respecting human diversity.

Anyone upholding own naturalness cannot ever be disrespectful for human diversity. Conserving local naturalness everywhere along with everyone respecting human diversity is essential for peace and progress on planet Earth.

Poverty Of Politics

Development by displacement via economy of upheaval through the industrial age is failing and the politicians just do not know what to do thereafter. They yet try to reap the benefits of industrial age that is already over as it is the internet age going on. Such is the poverty of politics across all the countries alike.

A deprived majority on planet earth is the general outcome of industrialization. Hasty industrialization did cause polarized urban development massively making upheavals of peoples causing their cultural extinction. Its detachment is manifested by highrise buildings.

Highrise apartment buildings become hell for humanity during such pandemics and other calamities like earthquakes. Sangkrit insists for development by horizontalization with due respect to local naturalness everywhere.

Internet Integrates Humanity

Internet integrates humanity. There is no better way of uniting humankind. Internet unity is the greatest possible form of integrating humanity.

Let us uphold our human identity along with respecting local naturalness everywhere. That is the the way of not discriminating against anyone anywhere towards the ultimate globalization.

Consolidating the overall human force is a must to make humanity survive after all. Internet has made this possible so Sangkrit stands for that.