Category Archives: Homeschool

Finding Short Domain Names By Number Of Characters

You can search for short domain names on selective extensions – There are tools such as BULK DOMAIN SEARCH that allows you to search domain names in bulk, here we will be using same tool for finding available short domain addresses on the extension of your choice.

Common short domain addresses have already been registered but still there are possibilities as many expired domains keep coming back to the registry after some time and short domain extensions such as .CO are also joining in.

Continue reading Finding Short Domain Names By Number Of Characters

No Seed Thrives Without A Patronage Network

Domestic entrepreneurship makes homeschool and family business ascertaining a sustainable private property as inheritance for your next generation.

We are not everyone. Everything is not going to help us either. Programming gives us ultimate pleasure so we do require inventing our patronage network. We do that by aggregating our programming power from worldwide for distributing across all countries alike as online support via to get paid by our domain registrants in hourly per terminal basis.

Patronage networks are necessary to make anyone survive and thrive. They make your world. No seed thrives without a patronage network around it. If there is none, you need to find one.

Sangkrit is such a patronage network to make the most of people survive and thrive simply by following its code that mandates for cleaning your place, cooking your meals, programming your world and blogging your knowledge. It is quite affordable for everyone to startup into this.

Life is limited. You should be very careful about investing your time and attention in only useful things. Free will of the individual for independent initiatives in entrepreneurship is the driving force of success. That could develop and diversify any domestic entrepreneurship.

Domestic entrepreneurship makes homeschool and family business ascertaining a sustainable private property as inheritance for your next generation. Endogamy within same trade makes more sustainable families. Thus a particular class becomes a particular caste in process. Independent castes work as great patronage networks. They do better than trade unions. This makes every family work together to grow together and no family member gathers a world apart from others so they sustainably stay together.

Thus Sangkrit builds a whole new world that works better. Professional programmers make its world to work. Users make its reality. Beyond that this doesn’t entertain others.

India Is The Global Opportunity Of Humanity

Unlike China’s corrosively closed future, democratic India could open up as the global opportunity of humanity spread between China and Arab, across many countries alike, assimilating many peoples altogether, making a common market including all of them.

Going through a storyline mostly grips you in attachment with a particular side of context damaging your independent observing awareness. This happens more often than not like whenever you watch a movie, game or news. Try practicing chess by playing from both the sides to balance your observing awareness for seeing neutral. Seeing neutral is the most difficult but true vision.

This time SAARC has survived by refusing a summit in Islamabad as India is emerging in the interest of south Asia and world. Abolishing all apartheid India integrates humanity fully well that include the most of Muslims also in south Asia. India sustainably stood, where even Arab failed and Europe didn’t succeed so there was no reason to let Pakistan occur. Now unlike China’s corrosively closed future, democratic India could open up as the global opportunity of humanity spread between China and Arab, across many countries alike, assimilating many peoples altogether, making a common market including all of them. What troubles all these prospects is a failed state named Pakistan that was artificially forked on discriminating basis of political Islam that goes up to the extremism of Islamic State with atom bombs threatening the humankind. Human history won’t ever absolve Anglo-American imperialism of United Kingdom and United States of America for inciting this evil against humanity.

Enforcing Arab culture everywhere in the name of a religion historically brought an apocalyptic havoc on different civilizations thrusting constant influx of refugees worldwide. Women and children suffer utmost. Humanity bleeds across all countries alike.

The most important necessity in this constantly coercive circumstance is to keep the homeland security intact everywhere. There is no other way to keep a constant check except to start profiling all Arabic style individual names to begin with an effective vigil against extremism, avoiding all mishaps in ensuring homeland security. Failing in doing that endangers the public security of humankind. Any failure in keeping the order intact is the worst crime on planet earth so homeland security failures must not go unpunished.

Free men and free women love free internet but they cannot stay free without a free homeland for their civilizations so that certain evilizations, which are very much disrespectful for the freedom of women, children and internet, just cannot ever end humane harmony.

To Not Let Them Make Any Nexus To Avoid User-friendly Competition

If your telecom operator is unwilling to charge for only one thing either data or calls, you must port away to the fair one.

Internet paves the way to monopolize perfectly. User-friendly disruptive competition is the right way of doing that. Advertising-oriented coercive corporates making any nexus to monopolize any business for not competing in the user-friendly manner is the worst thing they do to the people of any country.

Incumbent telecom operators in India and some other countries, are trying hard for not allowing internet telephony to succeed so that they can continue with their sub-standard ways of plundering people of their money in the name of internet data packs. Instead of competing well with the emergence of Jio, they actually try to prevent all modern benefits to people such as the ability to make calls over Wi-Fi, 90 per cent cheaper international calling, HD voice, and innovations like simultaneous data transmission, video calls, and much more for their coercive corporate interests. A few suppressing states also behave like that but the government of India refrained from entertaining their irrelevant rhetoric.

Mobile data matters most through the smartphone stage of internet age. Calling usage can comparatively be left behind increasing data usage with the internet of things. If your telecom operator is unwilling to charge for only one thing either data or calls, you must port away to the fair one. That is a way users may disallow telecom operators for unfair charging. This may work along with the governments becoming legally vigilant to not let them make any nexus for not competing hard.

Prevent Perishing In Poverty Or Prison

The educated elite very smartly plunders mostly public money for private luxury and rules over the deprived people, who if steal for livelihood by breaking into their homes or stores, mostly end up in jail or get killed in encounter.

Poor people mostly do not understand any ways to prosper. They live miserably. They go beyond the laws of land only to make their ends somehow meet and end up in prison, where some of them find it more systematic than their ghettoed neighborhood. They derive a sense of pride for ending up there and considering that as civilization start becoming hardened criminals.

On the contrary the educated elite very smartly plunders mostly public money for private luxury and rules over the deprived people, who if steal for livelihood by breaking into their homes or stores, mostly end up in jail or get killed in encounter. Only poverty or prison awaits them till they perish away from planet earth. Most of the people across all the countries alike are deprived of any success like that.

If you were born poor but yearn to avoid ending up in poverty or prison, you should start following the code of Sangkrit.

Sangkrit has paved a way for them too to learn, earn and govern this world simply by cleaning, cooking, coding and blogging. Personal outlets of help them to homeschool in this course that is quite affordable to them as well so that the best of them successfully become domainers, bloggers, programmers and investors also. Internet industry has great potential for facilitating like that.

If you were born poor but yearn to avoid ending up in poverty or prison, you should start following the code of Sangkrit. It is the movement about your liberation. You get involved to become a free man or free woman making many others also free to disallow any plundering of public money aggregated from taxpayers and stockholders.

Make The World More Peaceful

Sangkrit simply enhances individual initiatives of humankind for increasing peace on planet earth while humanity occupies webspace.

Occupy movements and anonymous attacks occurred because of the blockade on independence for individual initiatives of humankind. The blockade on independence for individual initiatives of humankind is caused by coercive corporations and suppressing states. Coercive corporations and suppressing states ultimately stagnate. Their stagnated situations result into occupy movements and anonymous attacks.

Moreover all sorts of reactionary apartheid endangers humane integrity. Let us proceed for an all-inclusive execution. That is called Sangkrit. Sangkrit simply enhances individual initiatives of humankind for increasing peace on planet earth while humanity occupies webspace.

Bringing everybody’s business online is the biggest business on planet earth so Sangkrit lets you do exactly that: –

  1. Sign up for free account as individual initiative
  2. Independently work as personal outlet of internet growth engine
  3. Make money by helping humankind for using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure
  4. Develop this as your domestic entrepreneurship for family business
  5. Clean your place, cook your meal, code your world and blog your views
  6. Get certified for upgrading humanity into internet age

You simply email to to get any support.

Every single humankind has a right to work for accumulating own wealth instead of working for undeserving masters.

When you become rich and help others as well in earning independent livelihood, this world gets better with every step of your individual success. Every single humankind has a right to work for accumulating own wealth instead of working for undeserving masters. Enhancing individual initiatives every time makes the world more peaceful.

The Quantum Reality Is Relayed As Per The Observing Awareness

Reality is the assertive illusion so accordingly to change it you do require getting adequately more assertive.

For upgrading humankind into internet age, you should start by opening your free account as a personal outlet of internet growth engine to help everyone in using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. Still you get only what you deserve so better learn to deserve far better by designing your desires pretty well. Your quantum reality is relayed as per your observing awareness.

Reality is the assertive illusion so accordingly to change it you do require getting adequately more assertive. The real world gets made by the quantum realities of everyone involved. To make the world better, Sangkrit insists upon economic independence, humane integrity, public security and legal reforms as per the smartphone stage of internet age across all countries alike.

  1. Domestic entrepreneurship developing family business may make many generations independent.
  2. The globally distributed order of internet growth engine must prevail manifesting humane integrity by integrating humanity.
  3. People across all countries do require enhancing democratic awareness about success/failures of homeland security setups. Protecting the populace is a state job. They get paid in revenue for doing that. Independent of all distractions, they must be successful in fulfilling their this duty.
  4. Peoples’ representatives are elected to make laws as per public aspirations.

The personal outlets of must become adequately efficient in changing the observing awareness of everyone around to change the world so only humane order prevails through that.

Cooperation Saves Humanity

Upgrade humankind into internet age by helping everyone to use internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure.

Sangkrit loathes coercion. Humanity has suffered this utmost. Only human cooperation can get rid of this absurdity of so many sham civilizations, which actually manifest this or that kind of reactionary apartheidism.

The globally distributed order of internet growth engine has a very simple mandate for humankind to cooperate. ‘Upgrade humankind into internet age by helping everyone to use internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure.’

Your following that increases another personal outlet for upgrading humanity. Getting really helpful matters most. Doing so you earn your livelihood as well. Any necessary cooperation is always appreciated. It is essential in a cooperation that the free will of people must always get respected.

Humankind cooperates. Coercion is not humane. It is an evil of reactionary apartheidism. All sorts of reactionary apartheidism has been eternal enemy of humanity. The globally distributed order of internet growth engine must prevail manifesting integral humanism by strengthening humanity.

Coercion decreases by enhancing cooperation. Cooperation saves humanity. Upgradation of humanity into internet age can make that happen utmost.

When You Forget To Control Your Regime, Your Regime Forgets Your Control

Freedom is quantum and things just cannot be left at ease.

Your domain is your regime of your particular business. Only business made explicit works. This works only when every move has a predefined purpose inbuilt.

A regimentation becomes necessary for that and that is always based on due attention on account of everyone involved. Everybody has to perform the given job as per the given schedule.

That is the quantum mechanics that a business demands. This just cannot ever be left at ease. Going easy doesn’t make anything go easy. Unnecessary conversations are always unnecessary.

When you feel comfortable enough forgetting to control your regime, your regime at the same time forgets your control. Only a strong awareness for not leaving your control keeps it intact. Freedom is quantum and things just cannot be left at ease.

Status Quo Is Not For Us

There are staircase people keeping the majority in poverty away from the castle of power, where a few rooftop people get their privacy managed at the top of prosperity.

History is troubling people. You do require unlearning a lot to get relieved from your historical consequences.

There are staircase people keeping the majority in poverty away from the castle of power, where a few rooftop people get their privacy managed at the top of prosperity. That has always been prevailing as status quo.

The state politically fought to become free from religion and now Internet has to become technologically free from state.

Selling some immediate future, you too climb up and the status quo is changed for you. But being ambassador of freedom you have to liberate humanity. So start by selling internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure to the status quo around you. As personal outlet of you are free to do so everywhere. Thereafter any status quo is not for you since you become the ambassador of the globally distributed order of as you are independently here to prevail over everything else.

The state politically fought to become free from religion and now Internet has to become technologically free from state. Aggregating programming power from worldwide for distributing online support across all countries alike ascertains that no entity other than you can ever do it better.

Sangkrit Eradicates All Discrimination

System at is a globally distributed order of humankind, who proceed for an all-inclusive execution. Enhancing everybody’s independent initiatives, personal outlets of are run everywhere by individuals, who understand the program, helping everyone buy internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure for upgrading humanity into internet age.

It is the revolution going on with freedom loving humankind increasingly join the movement. They themselves clean up their places and cook all their meals. They code immediate future of humanity and blog its arrival. Without discriminating on any basis, all of them clean, cook, code and blog, upholding the freedom for humanity from reactionary apartheid of all sorts to become free men and free women so that they keep busy upgrading humanity into internet age.

Upgrading humanity into internet age is the greatest ever job given to anyone and unlike wage slavery, Sangkrit gives that without taking away all your independence. Selling internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure, you work everywhere as personal outlets of, by doing all your works and together with everyone like you form the whole of a self-leading movement.

Mastering your domestic entrepreneurship, you do everything for your free family and children. Sangkrit gives you a global reputation. You are respected as ambassador of the globally distributed order of internet growth engine. You compete with the largest conglomerates as best in the world. Working like that your family becomes rich and you are respected. Your kids are homeschooled in a world-class way for inheriting your domestic entrepreneurship and Sangkrit continues changing the world.

You were not here. You won’t be here. You are given only some time as your life to perform and go away. Without considering anyone as part of yourself, you should be living your consistency by doing all your works as none is part of yourself. Nothing else has ever been that emancipating to humankind.

Protecting The Populace Is The Primary Political Task

State of internet age has to learn respectfully servicing its populace by ascertaining justice as its main business that actually builds a reason for all its revenue.

Old oppressive state and divisive politics cannot be allowed to continue as before. All reactionary apartheidism must get fought as a whole. Coercive measures must come to an end. State of internet age has to learn respectfully servicing its populace by ascertaining justice as its main business that actually builds a reason for all its revenue.

Disturbing public life is intolerable. Terrorism, assassinations and loss of populace are very criminal behaviors. Whoever attempts for these, should sure be shot dead then and there. Torture and killing in the custody are even more heinous crimes that must not go unpunished.

Delivering free and fair justice to all is a must. This is the only public reason left to let the state continue as protecting the populace is the primary political task everywhere.

Change Any Ongoing Ways Of Doing Things To Starup

Status quo is only stagnating. Innovation is all about changing ways of doing things. If you succeed in changing any ongoing ways of doing things, you are ready to startup.

You succeed, once your changed way attracts users. You make net worth by usage. Increasing usage becomes your business.

Now what you do is marketing. Till your changed way is not changed by another newly found way. Ideas are like locations. Anyone is free to reach there.

For staying in business you should be doing that too. Disrupt yourself as well.

Clean, Cook, Code And Blog To Become Free Forever

Free men and free women are smart creatives within their own ecosystems. They clean, they cook, they code and they blog in a ratio that is determined by individual calibers.

They do so without any discrimination on the basis of gender or status. Doing all that they cooperate and form free families to change the world. They are never afraid of anything at all.

Fear in changing any status quo is not only false but mentally retarding also. Fears make you mentally retarded and unnecessarily your masters are invented for bossing around you.

Sangkrit has configured the simplest way of humankind for going through internet age. Clean, cook, code and blog to become free forever!

Hindi Is Destined To Become The Largest Market Worldwide

If you do require learning another language and you are not well versed in Hindi, you must learn this because Hindi is globally best language to write and speak besides the fastest growing Indian economy becomes many times more accessible in Hindi. Hindi has always been the real gateway to India. Availing the internet share the languages deserve, Hindi is destined to become the largest market worldwide.

India has emerged as second largest base of internet because it is expanding in Hindi faster than in any other language. China is now number one but because of not being a democratic society, new people are not going to get assimilated among the Chinese speaking populations although the prospects of Hindi are very much open across all the countries. The numbers of Hindi speaking people are growing everywhere. They would soon become the most substantial portion of the global economic setup.

Free Families Running Free Outlets of

The globally distributed order of internet growth engine is expanding differently. Free families are running its free outlets. A family owning its house and domain, developing domestic entrepreneurship and homeschooling children to inherit all that, is a free family in the internet age.

Such a family environ stays always free from the education and economy of displacements and never indulges in a wage slavery. Only a free family is absolutely free for doing utmost to their children by doing their best to humanity. They do so by running their homeschool as per actual requirements of developing their domestic entrepreneurship. can license them a franchisee for developing own business since such a free family works well as Jeff Bezos’ two pizza team. Thereafter the head of such a family is called the ambassador of the globally distributed order of and their house can work as free outlet of selling its internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure worldwide.

Fulfilling certain conditions is required and equivalent to the annual license fee, happy hours of online support spread across 365 days, are given to get used in developing own business in competition with the best in world. Anyone from anywhere can email to to get involved.

Free families make the most wonderful teams. They do have the sustainable kind of mettle that is necessary to bring down the plundering conglomerates across all the countries alike. Bringing and managing everybody’s business online is the biggest possible business of internet age. They could be doing the best just because aggregates programming power from worldwide for distributing online support across all countries alike up to all their clients.

There Cannot Be Any Free Men Without Free Women

Free women form free families. Upbringing of free children occurs only in a free family. Without that much there cannot be any free men. So what actually sets a woman free?

A free woman must own her domain and domestic entrepreneurship. That much sets a woman actually free. Free children are homeschooled by parents for inheriting their free home equipped with its domestic entrepreneurship on a globally distinct domain. Together by their free will, they let a free man code for them and humanity.

A free man knows respecting the free will of a free woman, who owns herself. Naturally she shall be owning her household, domestic entrepreneurship and domain name along with homeschooling her children to keep her man also free. Only that sets a woman truly free.

Empowering Everybody’s Free Will With Necessary Quantum Freedom

Humankind like doing their own things, without disturbing others at all. That makes this world beautiful. But when savage people like untamed animals start disturbing others, ugly scenes are staged.

Everybody has a free will. You too. This is very much respected by Sangkrit since quantum mechanics, made of everybody’s free will , has made Sangkrit functional by not letting anybody’s free will clash with anybody’s, just to let us form free families in a free society of free men, free women and free children by empowering everybody’s free will with necessary quantum freedom.

Sangkrit respects the free will of humankind. You must be doing whatever you truly want doing without any outside pressures involved. That is your natural course.

Sangkrit facilitates for doing anything online to bring you into internet age with all necessary internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure for doing that. You control your time and space dealing with whole world as per your being useful to humanity. Thus Sangkrit constitutes your world of pleasure.

Users Make Your Reality

You do something that is necessary in your business. Thus you get busy actually engineering your next step since engineering your next step is the only task given.

Once your technology gets made, its usage defines your status. Make technology change the way you wish to change the world.

You do so by refining your products and enhancing your release cycle. So that increasing usage of your products brings in your prosperity. Your prosperity ensures your security.

Ultimately users make your reality and your world gets made but you stay busy engineering your next step like ever since Sangkrit loves your doing only that.

Either The Code Works Or Doesn’t, Leaving No Room For Any Argument

Programmers make the newest kind of people. They are mostly misunderstood by other people, who do not understand the mathematical exactitude of coding. Either the code works or doesn’t, leaving no room for any argument. Therefore other people are mostly unable to connect with them.

When castes are independent, they work better than trade unions.

Once you become really good at something, you cannot be doing that forever for free. System at is working hard to make programming a very successful business for every professional programmer across all the countries alike.

Traditionally successful business gets genetically casted. That has been a part of human evolution. Castes are also good or bad on the basis of only being independent or subordinate. When castes are independent, they work better than trade unions.

Programmers have always been very independent people. Their getting that much professional is a necessity of our times.

#OccupyWebspace Is The Greatest Ever Movement Going On

Become a netizen and occupy webspace. All netizens through the internet age are equal. They own their domains.

Their is no better way to protest or prosper than owning your domain.

Start by registering relevant domain names at and occupy necessary webspace for business, free press and online memorials. Sangkrit has made this a movement. Occupy webspace is the greatest ever movement going on. You become an equal netizen.

It is all about getting your rightful place within internet industry that is defining the internet age. Entire internet is distributed into the newest kind of private property i.e. called top level domains.

Their is no better way to protest or prosper than owning your domain.