Tag Archives: global exposure

Do Not Depreciate Yourself

Friends do not really help like the colleges haven’t ever made anyone wiser the way a fixed deposit cannot make anyone richer. These are only assumptions that friends, colleges and fixed deposits help you somehow.

In fact these only depreciate you over a period of time by making you even dumber and poorer for sure before to leave you ultimately helpless in life.

Moreover friends, colleges and fixed deposits actually eat into a lot of your precious time and money that is essential for your own growth. In fact you simply need not all that.

Colleges won’t ever make you any wiser.

What Steve Jobs felt in his Reed College was real that it is eating a lot of money that his parents earned by hard work without teaching him anything worthwhile and he decided to dropout. Bill Gates dropped out of the Harvard University. Mark Zuckerberg did the same since Harvard was just incapable of teaching him any dominant web technologies that could get used for facebook then.

Their colleges worked like institutional conspiracy to keep them backward but they got themselves timely freed from there. You too do that before this gets really late for you.

Fixed deposits won’t ever make you any richer.

Instead of buying your favourite smartphone you decide to make a fixed deposit. You do so just to increase your future purchasing power. But what happens after the lock-in period over your money completes?

You find that your that money has become now insufficient for purchasing your favourite smartphone since inflation proves to be greater than the return your fixed deposit earns over a period of time.

Appreciate yourself by expanding your universe

Far away from these deviations the open knowledge campus of Sangkrit.net helps you business-wise to become wiser, richer and a very helpful person for everyone around because its completely independent eco-system really helps everyone in becoming wiser, richer and friendly forever.

Sangkrit.net is just another universe to thrive independently the way that you never fail or feel lonely. You help everyone around to get involved like you are in helping everyone to bring own business online in a completely cloud infrastructure with online support and global exposure.

Thus expanding this universe makes money for everyone involved because being friendly works far better than having friends. Sangkrit.net really makes you wiser, richer and friendly forever.

We Are Clouds, Selling Clouds

Sangkrit.net, the global portal in the business of selling completely cloud infrastructure along with all the necessary online support & global exposure via independent outlets, is itself a completely cloud infrastructure just like that as it is often said that we are clouds, selling clouds.

This must not ever get violated; never by no one, nowhere. It is a matter of commercial essence that clouds get sold by clouds. That is why no one is permitted to open an office anywhere.

This grows peer to peer only organically without loading any debt burden upon anyone involved.

Sangkrit Homeschools Into System Engineering For Free

System Engineering is the ultimate course to lead in future so Sangkrit homeschools everyone into this for free. Henceforth here everyone is free for pursuing this at one’s own pace.

Startup interface Sangkrit.net already homeschools everyone for homemploying everywhere in a blockchain order of independent outlets. These outlets run the free trade of online support & global exposure from everywhere around this portal. Thus one can earn from the very beginning while continue to learn the advanced engineering that runs the actual system at Sangkrit.net.

The smartest whizkids must complete this qualification to get homemployed by their clients as System Administrator. This is necessary to get paid at the highest hourly per terminal rate.

Facilitating Homemployment For Everyone

Spreading Sangkrit; by developing everyone as an outlet; facilitates homemployment for everyone in developing everything to get distributed as a personal app.

Exit the old world to survive

You must immediately leave any old world ways. That party is already over. Now they are all doomed.

Homemployment is the new term coined by Sangkrit. Sangkrit defines this as your basic business in the new age:-

  1. Spreading Sangkrit by developing everyone as an outlet
  2. to let them satrtup by opening a free SANGKRIT.net account to begin with their homemployment
  3. to help everyone register a domain as their business instead of registering a company to begin with and startup upon a dedicated server instead of opening any office or shop
  4. and you could be selling to all of them any necessary online support & global exposure to make everyone succeed.

That exactly should become your business in the new age. You thrive by trading online support. Buying and selling online support makes all the outlets surive. Activating increasingly more outlets advances the revolution along with increasing everyone’s income.

The future is getting personal

The smart ones can be selling the networking-enabled smartphone apps along with a global exposure to cash-rich customers. Thus they can change their status in the world without wasting much time. That leads to another level in this business. Mail to system@sangkrit.net for any necessary help in this regard.

In any case homemployment is a must for ascertaining a pandemic-proof life-style. So that you need not go anywhere outside your home to make a living.

Get Rich To Help Poors Also Getting Rich

You must have really deep pockets tailored by a faraway foresight to let you be living a laidback lifestyle. To achieve like that; you ought to change yourself to change your status by changing your world.

This is quite possible even through these most terrible times of pandemic and recession in the old world. So first get rich by implementing the algorithm of Sangkrit to help poors also getting rich by following your real life example.

You may have really deep pockets

Your strategic objective must remain selling a sponsorship for Sangkrit as that is simplest and best to buy adequate annuities for yourself since you earn substantially each time you succeed.

Whatever regular pensions you get from your annuities must get strategically invested into equities of internet entities. Thus you gradually get double deep pockets tailored in your business suit while dealing as a people’s personal outlet of SANGKRIT.net. You earn this arrangement by a faraway foresight.

Tailored by a faraway foresight

Your faraway foresight is tailored at Sangkrit.org to let you try 14 ways of selling a sponsorship for Sangkrit. You must try each reason with 14 concerned and cash-rich entities at least.

Tactically you should regularly be selling SANGKRIT.net servers bundled with your own system administration plus any necessary online support from time to time to get settled separately at hourly per terminal rates from the free market of independent programmers.

SANGKRIT.net servers are to be purchased online at https://system.sangkrit.net but the server administration charges you receive in your personal bank account. Likewise online support charges are also to get paid into your personal bank account to get furthered to the personal bank accounts of any involved programmers from within that.

Transactions within only such personal bank accounts of people’s personal outlets run this Sangkrit eco-system. You pay each other independently for any necessary cooperation. That is how this works. Nowhere into this any company or current account gets involved. Sangkrit is also an individual position.

To let you be living a laidback lifestyle

Doing so independently you earn your living without depending on your annuities and equities till you really require to rest in peace. Thus you shall safely be living in a laidback lifestyle even through the most terrible times of ongoing pandemic and upcoming recession to save the world.

Everything else has already failed. There is no other way of living in a pandemic-proof way while progressing utmost.

Build A Globally Distributed Order Of Home Employments

Once again the universal working conditions require getting readjusted everywhere and that too very urgently so this is going to be the most intense struggle than what occurred earlier. An universal right to work from home is now necessary for the working class people.

This May Day demands

This May Day demands this public aspiration. Building a globally distributed order of home employments is no more any utopia. In the internet age there is no need to congregate all the people anywhere to get anything done.

Sangkrit works as a globally distributed order of home employments. So let us rebuild everything like that.

Developing the peoples’ personal outlets

Everyone should simply startup as a people’s personal outlet for accomplishing this very peacefully. Selling internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure altogether supports that fully well. This paves a seemless path for your leadership throughout the universal transformation.

People independently working as personal outlets of SANGKRIT.net become the leaders by helping out others. Dealing as the people’s personal outlet, you are actually in the business of developing human assets and human assets always cooperate.

For enhancing human cooperation

Human cooperation is the core thing for such a gigantic transformation from industrial age into internet age. Therefore this is to get enhanced up to the establishment of a direct democracy everywhere for everyone.

Human cooperation has a kind of unparalleled power to set everything back to normal even through the most difficult circumstances. That is why also we need to enhance this utmost through the terrible times of this ongoing pandemic.

Towards a core fundamental

The greatest path to get pursued into all this is the path of domaining a public purpose of life by the best of minds. This is constantly done by innovatively enforcing a different way for every public behaviour to make people feel better than before.

Domaining is the core fundamental for induction into the universe of Sangkrit. When all the divisive set of beliefs are finally failing to protect any people anywhere, people following his four fundamentals, are saved for sure. So Sangkrit is the true saviour of humankind.

A Sure Way To Succeed

Humanity comes under threat from divisive forces. Connection and cooperation leads to security and prosperity. Internet facilitates for all that. Sangkrit distributes this to the deprived majority as well.

Signup for free at sangkrit.net and spread the word among others as well. Your home employment could become simple as that.

Help people in knowing that how to live and work through these pandemic times: –

  1. Teach everyone about owning a part of internet by registering a top level domain.
  2. Teach them about developing their own idea of helping humankind over that.
  3. Teach them about investing in only that.
  4. Teach them about becoming a people’s personal outlet just like you are.
  5. Teach them about making money by selling online support and global exposure.

So that they work as your personal division in a globally distributed order to let you increasingly earn a residual income.

It is going to make your home employment very successful. Helping humankind paves a sure way to succeed as people’s personal outlet.

Stop Looking For Employment

Sangkrit is the globally distributed order that lets people work for themselves across all the countries alike.

Sangkrit is the globally distributed order that lets people work for themselves across all the countries alike. Once here you can comfortably stop looking for employment. Simply set the homepage of your browser to http://system.sangkrit.net for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet by charging reasonably.

People like you everywhere independently work with an android phone in hand instead of looking for employments. Together you upgrade humankind into smartphone stage of internet age by independently cooperating with each other as per any requirements in bringing everybody’s business online.

Every time you let someone earn 30% of business as fellowship for innovation or promotion in bringing down any concurrent web/app cost from 20% to 40% along with pacing up all updates in real-time advantage at a single web-place SANGKRIT.net that facilitates for complete internet infrastructure with online support and global exposure, becoming essential to every business alike.

Selling Balances Like Nothing Else

Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do and Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world.

To start own business simply sign up for free SANGKRIT.net account. It is easiest and best for starting own business as an individual initiative and you become a personal outlet of a globally distributed order.

Selling something balances you best in this world like nothing else would ever do and Sangkrit lets you get balanced by selling everything to change the world. Simply by cleaning your place, cooking your meals, programming your world and blogging your knowledge you may develop this into your domestic entrepreneurship for family business.

You independently work as internet growth engine and make money by helping humankind in using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. Bringing everybody’s business online is sure to become the biggest business of internet age and procuring online support from system@sangkrit.net lets you easily expand that way.

Doing that you help everyone around you. You get certified also for upgrading humanity into internet age.

Cooperation Saves Humanity

Upgrade humankind into internet age by helping everyone to use internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure.

Sangkrit loathes coercion. Humanity has suffered this utmost. Only human cooperation can get rid of this absurdity of so many sham civilizations, which actually manifest this or that kind of reactionary apartheidism.

The globally distributed order of internet growth engine SANGKRIT.net has a very simple mandate for humankind to cooperate. ‘Upgrade humankind into internet age by helping everyone to use internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure.’

Your following that increases another personal outlet for upgrading humanity. Getting really helpful matters most. Doing so you earn your livelihood as well. Any necessary cooperation is always appreciated. It is essential in a cooperation that the free will of people must always get respected.

Humankind cooperates. Coercion is not humane. It is an evil of reactionary apartheidism. All sorts of reactionary apartheidism has been eternal enemy of humanity. The globally distributed order of internet growth engine SANGKRIT.net must prevail manifesting integral humanism by strengthening humanity.

Coercion decreases by enhancing cooperation. Cooperation saves humanity. Upgradation of humanity into internet age can make that happen utmost.

Sangkrit Eradicates All Discrimination

System at SANGKRIT.net is a globally distributed order of humankind, who proceed for an all-inclusive execution. Enhancing everybody’s independent initiatives, personal outlets of SANGKRIT.net are run everywhere by individuals, who understand the program, helping everyone buy internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure for upgrading humanity into internet age.

It is the revolution going on with freedom loving humankind increasingly join the movement. They themselves clean up their places and cook all their meals. They code immediate future of humanity and blog its arrival. Without discriminating on any basis, all of them clean, cook, code and blog, upholding the freedom for humanity from reactionary apartheid of all sorts to become free men and free women so that they keep busy upgrading humanity into internet age.

Upgrading humanity into internet age is the greatest ever job given to anyone and unlike wage slavery, Sangkrit gives that without taking away all your independence. Selling internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure, you work everywhere as personal outlets of SANGKRIT.net, by doing all your works and together with everyone like you form the whole of a self-leading movement.

Mastering your domestic entrepreneurship, you do everything for your free family and children. Sangkrit gives you a global reputation. You are respected as ambassador of the globally distributed order of internet growth engine. You compete with the largest conglomerates as best in the world. Working like that your family becomes rich and you are respected. Your kids are homeschooled in a world-class way for inheriting your domestic entrepreneurship and Sangkrit continues changing the world.

You were not here. You won’t be here. You are given only some time as your life to perform and go away. Without considering anyone as part of yourself, you should be living your consistency by doing all your works as none is part of yourself. Nothing else has ever been that emancipating to humankind.