Tag Archives: justice

The System Compliance Has No Alternative

The Supreme Court of India reasonably intervened to reinstate CBI Director back into his position just to facilitate for his ouster as properly done. He was duly ousted after one day by a vote of Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri as the delegate of the Chief Justice of India along with the vote of the Prime Minister of India within the authorised panel for doing that.

CBI is not the only institution in India but there are several other institutions also and all those together (including CBI as well) make the system that runs the Republic of India.

CBI Director Alok Varma’s defiance by resignation for not joining as the Director General of Fire Services, Civil Defence & Home Guards, established further that the system was right in its appropriation about him. He was of no further use in compliance. Although he too is free to take the political path if he likes.

Above all the Prime Minister of India is politically mandated to run the government of India until defeated by a vote of confidence in Lok Sabha or by next general elections of Lok Sabha. Till then the Union Cabinet is a manifestation of his political choices and due to that the whole government of India duly remaines his domain.

Long before Rajiv Gandhi publicly told the press upon a confusion caused by the Secretary of External Affairs in India that they would soon be seeing a new one. Despite all the historic hue and cry then too the Prime Minister of India was politically correct with his that statement.

Allegations Must Get Made Only In Respective Court Of Laws

Allegations must get made in respective court of law and the respective court of law must take cognizance of any allegation made outside that by issuing notices to the concerned parties said to be involved.

Any genuine allegation must get made in the respective court of law to get followed seriously. Allegations made outside the court of law are only political gimmicks so should not be considered as genuine.

Every Time Judiciary Must Be Giving Only A Judgement

Judiciary must not be seeing anything other than hard facts to make a judgement.

Establishing order and delivering justice is the essential duty of a sovereign state for what any people actually accept that. Without a doubt every time everywhere judiciary must be giving only its judgement.

Not doing so very rapidly and regularly or getting involved in doing anything else might cause injustice. Judiciary must not be seeing anything other than hard facts to make a judgement. They cannot stay away from giving a judgement fearing its consequence.

Protecting The Populace Is The Primary Political Task

State of internet age has to learn respectfully servicing its populace by ascertaining justice as its main business that actually builds a reason for all its revenue.

Old oppressive state and divisive politics cannot be allowed to continue as before. All reactionary apartheidism must get fought as a whole. Coercive measures must come to an end. State of internet age has to learn respectfully servicing its populace by ascertaining justice as its main business that actually builds a reason for all its revenue.

Disturbing public life is intolerable. Terrorism, assassinations and loss of populace are very criminal behaviors. Whoever attempts for these, should sure be shot dead then and there. Torture and killing in the custody are even more heinous crimes that must not go unpunished.

Delivering free and fair justice to all is a must. This is the only public reason left to let the state continue as protecting the populace is the primary political task everywhere.

All The Men Must Get Governed

Ensuring public security and delivering free justice is the foremost task left with sovereign state. That is to be legislated for and treated accordingly. It is called the rule of law that  actually establishes law and order in its domain. People elect leaders so democratically they can build effective pressures on politicians to act accordingly.

The reactionary apartheidism is posing the biggest ever threat to public security in Arab and Europe. Its sheer disregard to the free will of the individual and any local values is fearsome for the people everywhere. 

The chasm between the glamour of the geopolitical stage and the political squalor back home is getting despairingly vast since no more any civilized people are willing to allow an influx of refugees permanently endangering public security of their homeland.

It is a military question by now and must get tackled only that way. If any tyranny is seen making many refugees then those refugees must get trained militarily to fight back for establishing democracy.

There should not be any other remedy involved. The final victory of public security is a must for establishing human order on planet earth. All the men must get governed.