Tag Archives: Individual

Are You Independent?

Independence is in fact individual. Everyone is not independent. Mostly women are not. It is essentially economic but is cultural as well.

Indpendence is individual

You need to realise yourself whether you are really indepndent or not at all? If not; now stop trusting them, whoever have failed your trust till now. You have to take care of your health and wealth independent of them and independent of everyone else as well.

Still no one is going to let you become free. Literally you have to fight for your freedom.

Fight for that

For a financial freedom, trust yourself better to become an entrepreneur. This is made easy here. To become really independent simply startup as a people’s personal outlet in the globally distributed order of Sangkrit.

Billions of like-minded people are all around you. Interacting with them you may enjoy your fast track travel into your individual independence. Till now not only superstitions but regulations were also having a conflicting impact upon humanity but the new pandemic has all of sudden made everyone’s fate intertwined.

It is worth dying for

Humankind is now compelled for an universal integration along with realising individual independence. So; are you also on board? Ask yourself better? Sangkrit is all about ascertaining your individual independence.

Independence is historically treated as the most valued thing for a human being. It is even considered worth dying for. Implementing the algorithm of Sangkrit is just like that.

Enjoy with excitement a pure pleasure of your personal bank account getting credited repeatedly by following that. That is your independence.

Make The World More Peaceful

Sangkrit simply enhances individual initiatives of humankind for increasing peace on planet earth while humanity occupies webspace.

Occupy movements and anonymous attacks occurred because of the blockade on independence for individual initiatives of humankind. The blockade on independence for individual initiatives of humankind is caused by coercive corporations and suppressing states. Coercive corporations and suppressing states ultimately stagnate. Their stagnated situations result into occupy movements and anonymous attacks.

Moreover all sorts of reactionary apartheid endangers humane integrity. Let us proceed for an all-inclusive execution. That is called Sangkrit. Sangkrit simply enhances individual initiatives of humankind for increasing peace on planet earth while humanity occupies webspace.

Bringing everybody’s business online is the biggest business on planet earth so Sangkrit lets you do exactly that: –

  1. Sign up for free SANGKRIT.net account as individual initiative
  2. Independently work as personal outlet of internet growth engine SANGKRIT.net
  3. Make money by helping humankind for using internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure
  4. Develop this as your domestic entrepreneurship for family business
  5. Clean your place, cook your meal, code your world and blog your views
  6. Get certified for upgrading humanity into internet age

You simply email to system@sangkrit.net to get any support.

Every single humankind has a right to work for accumulating own wealth instead of working for undeserving masters.

When you become rich and help others as well in earning independent livelihood, this world gets better with every step of your individual success. Every single humankind has a right to work for accumulating own wealth instead of working for undeserving masters. Enhancing individual initiatives every time makes the world more peaceful.

Invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute the Internet

Today Madeleine Albright said that US made worst mistake by attacking Iraq but invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute Internet. It won’t serve any purpose either except making US history the worst thing to read ever for future generations.

A 24 year old British student at Sheffield Hallman University Richard O’Dwyer is about to be extradited to USA for 10 years in prison for making a website sharing online contents. Such things are not less ill-advised than invading Iraq was.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet

No we are not disheartened by electoral results in Egypt. It is not a direct outcome of Jasmine rebellion but is an outcome of Western representative democracy in Egypt. It is still a long-long battle ahead for the people who seek political liberation from the yoke of state.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet. Unfortunately if any government fails in doing that much we are left with no obligation but to resist.

Developing useful websites, which may attract users is itself a mass movement now

Many movements not only originated out of internet but eventually made it mother of all modern movements. Not only Arab Spring, Occupy Movement and Anonymous were movements out of Internet but Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and WikiLeaks were also movements out of it. Developing useful websites, which may acquire users is itself a mass movement now. It is called Internet and it is invincible by useless old states.

Internet is the movement and humanity is moved

Human-being wants to remain anonymous just to avert the tyranny of states while at the same time wishing to re-occupy the planet Earth just to prevent precious resources of humanity from getting wasted in the hands of states. It is humanity that has moved subsequently once Internet has become its movement. Now nothing can ever stop it from going on forever.