Category Archives: Homeschool

How To Unfollow Your Unfollowers On Twitter?

You can track people who unfollowed you on Twitter and stop following them in just a few clicks. There are various free and premium services available that allows you to keep track of your Twitter unfollowers and easily unfollow them all from one interface.

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Generate Free Privacy Policy For Your Startup Website Or App

A privacy policy is said to be among most important documents for any startup website and smartphone apps. It is created to detail your company’s views and procedures on the information collected from visitors & users on your website or app.

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Generating RSS Feed For Twitter Profiles & Hashtags

In June 2013 Twitter killed RSS feeds completely and then people started to find out ways of generating Twitter RSS feeds. Programmers also started working on techniques to bring RSS feed back for netizens.

Some ended up writing long, complicated but workable ways of creating Twitter RSS feeds and some created quick, easy tools anyone can use online.

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Generating Android App Feature Graphics For Google Play

A Feature Graphic is required in order to get any app featured anywhere within Google Play. The purpose of featured graphic is to show off creative assets and more attract users.

Other than feature  graphic, Google Play also asks you to upload promo graphic, banner asset for Android TV, Hi-res icon and app screenshots.

In this lesson, you will learn about a very easy method of creating feature, promo, hi-res, Android TV and other graphics online to upload on Google Play.

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Hide The Fact That You Use WordPress On Your Websites

Anyone can easily detect if a website runs over WordPress. There are many ways to detect a WordPress installation such as view source and WP Theme Detector that allows anyone to detect a WordPress site and displays whole lot of information the theme and plugins being used.

In this lesson you will learn about a trick to hide the fact that you are running your WordPress site over WordPress. You can hide this not only from your users, visitors but also from bots and even WP Theme Detector won’t be able to recognize the use WordPress on your website instead it will say that your website does not seem to be using WordPress.

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Reset All WordPress User Passwords & Email Them Out

When a website is attacked by hackers, all passwords are needed to be reset for security reasons. This may take a very long time if you have a lot of users registered on your WordPress site.

In this lesson, you will learn about resetting all user passwords on your WordPress install and automatically emailing them out to your website users.

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Find Which Of Your Emails Are Being Tracked & Block All Email Tracking Scripts

Email tracking is a method of monitoring the delivery followed by other action done by the recipient. Most of the tracking technologies use some form of digitally time-stamped record in order to reveal the exact time and date that an email was received, opened and clicked.

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Automatically Grab & Save Contacts From Web To Gmail

You visit a web page with some contact you’d like to save to Gmail. In general, what you do is open your Google Contacts by clicking Gmail icon in the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts and follow on-screen steps to create a new contact then save it.

Wouldn’t it be easier if there was a button for automatically saving any contact detail anywhere on web to your Gmail or to any address book? Now there is one such app called Evercontact.

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Start A Fully Functional Coupon Website In Minutes With WordPress

A coupon websites offers promo codes consisting of letters and numbers that can be redeemed on shopping cart websites and online purchases.

Starting a coupon websites involves listing of sales & discounts, offers with promo codes for various products that can be purchased online on eCommerce websites and apps. A coupon website can become a profitable business online with advertisements and commissions earned when coupons are clicked from your website.

In this lesson you will learn about creating your own coupon website in minutes with WordPress.

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Best Free Keyword Research Tools To Rank Higher On Google

Keyword research is one practice of search engine optimization (SEO). Although there are many professionals in this field but there are also very good keyword research tools that makes it easier for startups to find and use better keywords that will help you come up higher on search engines.

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Track Email To Know If The Recipient Has Read It & Never Be Stuck Wondering

Email tracking is a script used for monitoring the delivery of sent emails to intended recipient. Most tracking techniques can track time and date that an email was received or opened, including the IP address of the recipient etc.

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Free Press Release Services To Buzz PR Machine Of Your Startup

With a Startup, domain and website, entrepreneurs need to establish their brand in the marketplace to get the word out. This can be done by putting many things to work such as Email Marketing, Search Engine Visibility and Press Release.

In this lesson we will talk about popular free press release services to get your job done and build public relations free of cost.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Sujit Thakur, Co-Founder & CEO Of Kijag Infosystem

Sujit Thakur (Co-Founder & CEO) started his Journey as a Technical Writer in Bangalore. With his masters degree in IT and 5 solid years of Job experience, Sujit started to realize that he was born to do more, something on his own, something for the society, and of course make a royal living out of it.

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Readability Test To Know How Easy Your Content Is To Read

You can easily get to know the readability of your content, find out how easy your content is to read online.

Just like proofreading, readability test is also important for authors, bloggers and online content creators to make sure their writing is clear and can easily be understood by netizens.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Jason Shah, Founder of

Jason Shah is founder & CEO of that helps netizens run productive meetings. The application provides a private cloud for each meeting – the files, realtime and collaborative notes, private notes, followups, outcomes, and more all live in one ultimate, reliable, secure place.

One can set an agenda to let others know what the meeting is all about. Meetings can be related to one another in order to increase continuity in work. It also allows you to search meetings, have the notes automatically sent out when meetings end.

On mobile, user can quickly email other participants, schedule a followup, or jot down important notes connected to the meeting.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Dr. Peter Achutha

The first and foremost thing that might interest the most of netizens is your story. So tell our netizens about yourself, your story? Where do I start and what do I say? Do I get into the deep dark wicked ways of mankind and how much lying, cheating, bribery and corruption there is going on in this world and people conniving ways? Or do I make it a diplomatically simple and naive life of a hermit scientist (engineer!). I wish I had a “normal” benign life but that is impossible when Greed is Good and people lust for money and worship billionaires as their gods.

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