Category Archives: Homeschool

Creating Git-Based Collaboration Repository On cPanel Hosting Or Server

Git is a distributed version control system (VCS) used for tracking changes in the source code during the software development process. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 and has now become one of the most widely used version control system in software development field.

The advantage of Git is that it allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project by keeping track of changes, coordinating work, and providing a historical record of all modifications made to the codebase.

The’s cPanel WebhostingWebhosting PlusVPS, and Dedicated Server all offer you a feature called “Git™ Version Control”. This function simply enables you to set up and manage Git repositories for your website’s code. By Git integration in cPanel, website owners and developers can take advantage of version control functionalities directly from the cPanel interface, without the need to access the command line. So this lesson guides you on how you can easily create the Git Repository on your hosting option.

Login to your Account, then visit ‘My Products’ page and open the cPanel of the account on which you want to create the Git repository.

  1. On your cPanel account, scroll down to Git Version Control present in the Files section.
  2. Click Create in the top-right corner of the interface and a new interface will appear.
  3. Select whether to clone an existing repository, create a new one, or add an existing one to the list of cPanel-managed repositories.
  4. To clone an existing repository, ensure that the Clone a Repository toggle is enabled. Then, enter the clone URL for the repository that you wish to clone in the Clone URL text box.
  5. To create a new repository or add an existing repository to the list of cPanel-managed repositories, set the Clone a Repository toggle to be disabled.
  6. In the Repository Path text box, enter the path to the directory that will contain the repository.
  7. In the Repository Name text box, enter the desired display name for the repository.
  8. To immediately create another repository, select the Create Another checkbox.
  9. Click Create, or click Return to Repository List to return to the list of repositories.

In the step number five, URL must include the http://https://ssh://, or git:// protocols or use the format, where user represents the username, represents the domain, and path represents the repository path. Another thing is, you cannot enter a local repository path.

In the step number six, a few important things for you to note down are:

  • If the directory specified doesn’t exist, the system will create it.
  • If the directory already has a repository, the system will add it to the list of cPanel-managed repositories.
  • The function enforces several restrictions on repository paths.
  • Unless you’re adding an existing repository to the list, the directory must be empty.
  • Subdomain directories have a cgi-bin directory and may also contain a .well-known directory. So you must move these before you can create a repository.

Another important thing to know is that if you have entered an SSH clone URL while clicking the Create option, the system will check for the remote server’s public SSH host key. It keeps this key in the /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts file, where user represents your username.

When the remote host is not registered with the system, you will have to click the Save and Continue option to register it to the file. You may optionally click Show Host Identification Information to view the host’s algorithm and SHA-256 and MD5 fingerprints. When the remote host is registered, the system creates the repository and at the time the remote host’s public key is changed, the system displays a warning.

Git has gained its popularity because of its flexibility, speed, and user support for the distributed workflows. It is a very useful tool for software development teams from small to big sizes. It has been commonly used with collaborative software and web development projects. It is also the foundation for many online code hosting systems, such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, which provide cloud-based hosting for Git repositories for better collaboration among developers.

Easiest Way To Protect Your Website Resources From Hotlinks & Direct Links

Hotlinks, also called “hotlinking” or “direct linking,” lets a website to show images or other media that are hosted on another server without even uploading the content to its own server.

It is the practice of embedding or linking to media files such as images, videos, etc hosted on a website and linked by another website, without any permission of the owner.

These links use the resources of the website where these files are actually hosted because the hot links display the file without hosting it on their server so the resources of the main server are consumed whenever the webpage containing such files are viewed.

The only positive aspect of hotlink is easy sharing and the negative aspects are bandwidth theft and legal issues. To protect against hotlinking, website owners at may simply use hotlink protection on their cPanel WebhostingWebhosting PlusVPS, and Dedicated Server.

Login to your Account, then visit ‘My Products’ page and open the cPanel of the account on which you want to enable the hotlink protection.

  1. On cPanel, scroll down to the ‘Hotlinks’ button and click it.
  2. Click ‘Enable’ and a new interface will open and display the Allowed referrers and Protected extension lists.
  3. Click Go Back.
  4. To allow specific sites to hotlink to your site, add their URLs in the URLs to allow access menu.
  5. To block direct access to files of specific types, add those file extensions to the Block direct access for the following extensions text box.
  6. For example, to block all .jpg images, add .jpg to the Block direct access for the following extensions text box.
  7. When you block these file types, others cannot hotlink to those types of files from your website regardless of any other settings.
  8. To allow visitors access to specific content through the URL, select the Allow direct requests checkbox. For example, if you enable this setting, a visitor could enter as a URL to access the example.jpg file.
  9. To redirect requests for certain content, enter the URL to which you want to redirect your visitor in the Redirect the request to the following URL text box.
  10. Click ‘Submit’.

You can anytime disable the hotlink protection by clicking the ‘Disable’ button. But as you click Disable, the system will delete the entries in the List of URLs. So it might be better for you to save the list locally before you disable hotlink protection.

Save Website Resources From Potential Misuse Of User Accounts & Unauthorized Access

Leeching occurs when a user of your website shares his login credentials either on a public website or with multiple users in his connection, as a result when multiple users start to access one account in the same timeframe it leads to excessive resource usage, bandwidth overage, security risks, and most importantly the actual risk is the potential misuse of premium memberships sold over the account. cPanel Webhosting, Webhosting Plus, VPS, and Dedicated Server users can easily resolve this issue by enabling the leech protection that helps mitigate such matters by monitoring and limiting the number of IP addresses that can simultaneously access a particular account within a specific time frame.

What Happens When The Leech Protection Is Enabled?
  1. Blocks IP Address: When leech protection is enabled, cPanel tracks the number of IP addresses accessing a specific account within a specified time window.
  2. Exceeding Limit: If the number of IP addresses accessing the account exceeds the configured limit within the designated time frame, cPanel takes action to prevent further access from additional IP addresses.
  3. Blocking Action: Depending on the leech protection settings, cPanel can block access to the account from new IP addresses or redirect them to a specified URL, such as an error page or a page explaining the leech protection policy.
  4. Customization: cPanel allows website administrators to customize the leech protection settings, including the number of allowable IP addresses, the time window for monitoring, and the action taken when the limit is exceeded.
How To Enable Leech Protection On cPanel?

Login to your Account, then visit ‘My Products’ page and open the cPanel of the account on which you want to enable the leech protection.

To enable leech protection for a directory, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Settings, and then select one option from the following:
    • Web Root (public_html or www) — Begin navigation in the document root for the account’s primary domain
    • Document Root — To select the domain that corresponds to the document root in which you wish to begin navigation
  2. Click the Save Changes button
  3. Navigate to the directory that you wish to protect and click the appropriate folder icon to navigate to a different folder
  4. Click the desired folder’s name to select it and a new interface will appear
  5. Enter the maximum number of logins that you wish to allow each user within a two-hour period or such
  6. Enter a URL to which you wish to redirect users who exceed the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period
  7. You may select the Send Email Alert To checkbox and enter the email address to get an alert when Leech Protection activates.
  8. For disabling any account that exceeds the maximum number of logins, simply select the Disable Compromised Accounts checkbox
  9. Click Enable and that’s it

For adding, editing, and deleting the users, you simply need to navigate to a directory that you wish to protect with user-level protection and then click Manage Users to navigate to cPanel’s Directory Privacy interface (cPanel -> Home -> Security -> Directory Privacy) of that folder.

You may disable the leech protection anytime by navigating to the directory where you want to disable it and then simply click the Disable button.

Leech protection helps you maintain the security and stability of your website by preventing excessive resource consumption and potential misuse of accounts. This protection is very useful for websites that are offering restricted content, paid content, membership option, or have any similar scenario where sharing the login credentials could lead to unauthorized access.

What Makes Most Secured Hosting Option For You

Securing your WordPress or website on your hosting server is crucial to protect it from potential threats and vulnerabilities. This lesson explains you why you should go for Web Hosting and what makes it the most secured hosting option that gives you complete control over to enhance the security of your website.

Auto-limits The Login Attempts On Your Website

Implementing a plugin restricts the number of login attempts on your website to prevent brute-force attacks. All WordPress sites on each and every hosting option at automatically give you a site with a pre-installed plugin to limit login attempts.

Enables The Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

This is also asked as a default option when you make your website at The two-factor authentication requires an additional layer of authentication, such as using a mobile device, to access your WordPress admin panel.

Keeps WordPress, Core, Themes, & Plugins Updated

The second most important thing is to regularly update WordPress core, themes, and plugins to ensure you have the latest security patches and bug fixes. Hackers mostly target abandoned themes and plugin folders to plant phishing attack pages on any website. At you get the option to automatically update minor or major versions of WordPress core, themes, and plugins by automatically generating a backup beforehand.

Helps You To Keep Strong Passwords

Use strong and unique passwords for your WordPress admin, FTP, and hosting accounts. Avoid using default usernames like “admin” and “webmaster” because hacker bots generally target websites by using such types of usernames as they are very common and most of the time they are used automatically by the software installers in case you don’t update it while installing a CMS on your domain name. offers you an option to generate the most secure usernames and passwords before using WordPress.

Always Gives An SSL Certificate To Your Website

Enabling SSL (HTTPS) on your website encrypts the data transmission and enhances security. There are various SSL plans you may choose from and you should also know that every hosting user can alternatively use the free SSL service from the AutoSSL page on the cPanel of your hosting account.

A Secure Web Hosting Environ

Web Hosting is the place where all your website files are stored, apart from the admin panel of your website, the admin panel of your hosting should also be a secure zone as it is also the place that is targeted by hackers and brute-force.

Hence, you must choose the hosting that offers features like firewalls, malware scanning, and DDoS protection. offers you all such options and features.

Keeps Regular Backups Of Your Website

Performing regular backups of your website ensures you can restore it in case of a security breach.

Automating backup is another useful option on hosting plans, it gives you an option to daily, weekly, or monthly generate backups of your website. If you are hosting multiple websites then you can use the feature over multiple websites. Once you enable the option, your hosting will start creating and storing the regular backups of your website.

Protects WP-Admin Directory

Gives you support and a feature to limit access to the wp-admin directory using password protection or IP whitelisting tool. Because adding another layer of password protection to the WordPress admin directory is a great way to improve WordPress security.

Gives Option To Disable File Editing

Disabling the ability to edit theme and plugin files from the WordPress dashboard to prevent unauthorized changes is a very useful security feature in WordPress that helps you protect your website from malicious attacks and prevent accidental changes to the code of your website. The feature is easy to set up and can be managed from the admin panel of your website.

At the same time, it is also recommended to delete any inactive themes and plugins, as they may contain vulnerabilities.

Gives Option To Disable XML-RPC

If not needed, disabling the XML-RPC prevents potential DDoS attacks and brute-force login attempts.

Keeps You Updated About The Best Security Plugins

The system keeps you updated about the best reputable security plugins that offer features like malware scanning, firewall protection, and vulnerability detection on your website. Some important plugins come preinstalled on your WordPress site when you make it at

Lets You Monitor User Activity

There are security tools to monitor user activity and detect suspicious behavior so that you can know what is happening on your website, and what sorts of visitors are trying to access what types of pages. Are there any bots or hackers attempting to access the admin panel of your website, etc.

You can also monitor changes to critical files on your website using tools like file integrity monitoring. The system enables you to easily set proper file permissions to restrict unauthorized access to uploaded files.

Lets You Implement Database, Directory, & File Security Measures

During one click installation of WordPress and other web building applications. The system allows you to change the default database table prefix (wp_ or anything else) to something unique to make it harder for attackers to guess.

There are also lessons to show you options to secure your wp-config.php file. Protecting the wp-config.php file by moving it to a higher directory level and restricting access to it makes your website more secure as it goes far away from access of hackers and suspicious bots.

Apart from that preventing directory listing by adding “Options -Indexes” to your website’s .htaccess file acts as another security measure.

Lets You Implement Content Security Policy (CSP)

CSP stands for Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature that helps prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks on websites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker injects malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. By doing so, the attacker can steal sensitive information, perform actions on behalf of the user, or distribute malware. You can also use CSP to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by controlling the sources of allowed content on your site.

Hot Links Protection

Hotlinks, also known as “hotlinking” or “direct linking,” refer to the practice of embedding or using the URL of an image, video, or other media hosted on one website directly on another website, without the content creator’s permission or without hosting the media on the website where it is displayed. They sometimes use a lot of resources from the website, the hot links protection allows you to disable selective hot links on your website.

The Leech Protection

The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it. This is useful if, for example, someone posts a user’s login credentials on a public site and people start attempting.

Apart from this, the system also allows you to conduct regular security checks to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities on your WordPress or any other website.

So these are security practices that you can easily administer on your hosting or server account. It enables you to significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and protect your website in a free, easy, and more powerful way.

What Are Domain Names & Extensions? How Do They Work For You?

Domains work as a way to identify and locate websites on the internet. When you type a domain name into your web browser’s address bar, it serves as a human-readable version of an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to the internet. The domain name system (DNS) is the underlying technology that translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites easily.

How Does A Domain Name Works For You?

To get a domain name, you need to register it here. Domain registration involves choosing a unique name (e.g., and paying an annual fee to secure the rights to use that name. Different domain extensions (e.g., .com, .org, .net, etc.) are available for registration.

After registering a domain, you need to specify domain name servers (DNS) for it. At, most of the configuration things work in automation. DNS servers are responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name in their web browser, the browser sends a request to the DNS server to find the corresponding IP address.

The DNS server looks up the requested domain name in its database and returns the corresponding IP address associated with that domain which is known as IP address resolution. Now armed with the IP address, the user’s web browser sends a request to the appropriate web server associated with that IP address.

Next, the web server, which is often provided by a web hosting provider, receives the request, locates the requested web page on its storage (e.g., server files), and sends the webpage’s data back to the user’s web browser where it receives the data from the web server and renders it as a fully functional web page that the user can view and interact with.

But that happens with other URLs too so what is the need of having a domain name for your business? Actually, domains provide a user-friendly way to access websites without the need to remember complicated numerical IP addresses. Instead, users can simply type the desired domain name into their browser, and the DNS system takes care of translating that name into the appropriate IP address, ensuring a seamless connection to the desired website.

It is very important for everyone to note that a domain name is not the same as a website. A domain is like the address of a house, while a website on a server or hosting is the actual house itself. The website’s files and data are hosted on a web server, and the domain name is used to point users to that web server to access the website’s content.

What Are Domain Extensions?

Domain extensions, also known as top-level domains (TLDs), are the letters that appear after the dot (.) in a domain name. They help categorize and identify the purpose or nature of a website. Each domain extension serves a specific purpose, and some are associated with particular types of organizations or geographical locations. Here are some common types of domain extensions:

  1. Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs):
    • .com: Short for “commercial,” this is the most popular and widely used domain extension. Originally intended for commercial websites, it’s now used for a wide range of websites.
    • .org: Originally designated for non-profit organizations, .org is now used by various entities, including charities, schools, and open-source projects.
    • .net: Originally meant for network-related organizations, .net is now used by a variety of websites, including internet service providers and technology-related sites.
  2. Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs):
    • .us (United States)
    • .uk (United Kingdom)
    • .ca (Canada)
    • .de (Germany)
    • .fr (France)
    • .jp (Japan)
    • .cn (China)
    • Many other country-specific extensions exist for different countries.
  3. Sponsored Top-Level Domains:
    • .gov: Reserved for U.S. government agencies.
    • .edu: Intended for educational institutions, primarily in the United States.
    • .mil: Reserved for the U.S. military.
    • .int: Used by international organizations established by treaty.
  4. New gTLDs: In recent years, a variety of new gTLDs have been introduced, offering more specific and niche options for domain names. Some examples include:
    • .app: for mobile apps and app-related websites.
    • .blog: for blogs and bloggers.
    • .store: for e-commerce stores.
    • .tech: for technology-related websites.
    • .design: for websites related to design and creative work.
    • .travel: for travel industry-related websites.

New gTLDs provide more options for creating unique and memorable domain names that align with specific industries, interests, or themes. To know about such TLDs, simply visit the Bulk Domain Registration page.

Choosing the right domain extension depends on the purpose and nature of your website. Generally, .com is the most widely recognized and commonly used extension, making it a popular choice for various websites. However, if the desired .com domain is unavailable, using a relevant alternative domain extension can be a suitable option. Additionally, specific industries or organizations may prefer using country codes or specialized domain extensions to convey their identity or geographical location.

How To Add The Language Translator In WordPress?

Google’s Language Translator, now known as GTranslate is a widely used multilingual translation solution for websites that enables its users to use the language translation functionality. It is commonly used with WordPress as well as WooCommerce and it offers a user-friendly way to make websites accessible in multiple languages, catering to a global audience.

You can easily insert the GTranslate tool anywhere on WordPress via shortcode or PHP template. Simply navigate to your admin. area dashboard Plugins -> Add New page to find and install the Translate WordPress – Google Language Translator plugin to embed the translator using an inline or vertical layout to enable your users to easily translate any content right on your website.

Once you activate the plugin visit the translator’s page on ‘Settings’ present on your admin area dashboard and select your configuration options.

Google Language Translator

The plugin works over a wide range of WordPress features such as posts, pages, widgets, categories, tags, as well as themes, and plugins. It also enables you to set the default language of your website. You can choose what language flags you want to display on your translator. This can be either done by displaying the translate box or setting the layout by enabling the translate toolbar that shows up on the top of your screen.

When you’re done with options, scroll down to either copy the PHP template and use it in your theme’s PHP files or use the shortcode for displaying the translator inside your posts, pages, post types, or widgets.

How To Assign Categories To WordPress Media Library Files?

Enabling categories over WordPress media files lets you easily group and find the images. Just like posts, you can enable the category taxonomy in your WordPress admin area dashboard’s ‘Media’ section.

To do so, simply navigate to your admin area Plugins -> Add New page to search and install the Media Library Categories plugin on your website. Upon activation, the plugin will add a categories section on Media -> Categories page.

From this page, you would be able to create and manage categories. The categories could be either assigned while uploading the image or from the Dashboard -> Media page. You can also browse images by their category and perform bulk editing actions from this page using the drop-down option.

Apart from enabling you to add, remove, edit categories, change the category of multiple photos at once, and browse images by their category. The plugin also lets you display photos from a selective category by using a shortcode.

How To Display Photo Galleries By Category?

For displaying photos from a category in a gallery format you simply need to add the ‘category‘ attribute to the shortcode and then use it on any post or page just like any other shortcode.

The value handed to the ‘category‘ attribute can be either the category slug such as:

[gallery category="my-category-slug"]

Or the term_id, such as:

[gallery category="14"]

When you only want to display attachments uploaded to the page and filtered by category then use the ‘id‘ in combination with the ‘category‘ attribute:

[gallery category="my-category-slug" id="123"]

Or leave the ID empty for the current page/post:

[gallery category="my-category-slug" id=""]

In the given example, the slug is used, but as you can see the term_id can also be used.

You should also know that the WordPress Media Library uses the same categories as WordPress does in posts. Still, if you want you can use separate categories as a custom taxonomy from Settings -> Media page or by clicking on the settings quick link on the plugins overview page.

Being A Pediatrician

By Professor Dr. P. Suvarna Devi, Former Professor & HOD, Department of Pediatrics, MKCG Medical College, Brahmapur, Odisha

A journey of 56 years! Many of you reading this were perhaps not born when I started my fascinating journey in this wonderful discipline. As an undergraduate I was very much attracted to surgery and also won a gold medal and prizes in the subject, so naturally decided to be a surgeon. When I first took up a job in 1965, after migrating from Andhra Pradesh, in Red cross children’s Hospital, popularly known as Sisubhavan, Cuttak, I was placed in charge of the surgical ward. Sisubhavan is a picturesque place on the banks of the Katajudi River and is cool with lots of mango trees. Dr. Kashinath Misra was the superintendent and a very able administrator. He would impose a fine on anyone who picked mangoes including doctors. It was taken over by Government and named Sardar Vallabhai Patel Institute of Pediatrics. Surprisingly it was the only Institution named after the great man in the whole of Odisha and the library hall with its wooden flooring was the place where Sardar Patel negotiated with the erstwhile Maharajas to join the Indian Union in 1947. It was a short stint and I moved to Government service and my first posting was in a cancer ward. It is surprising how some great people change the destiny of others simply by their behavior. Thus it happened when I came in contact with the late Professor Dr. Sarat Chandra Mishra, the first professor of Pediatrics, who used to come to Sisubhavan as a consultant from SCB Medical College. His simplicity, compassion, nobility, and profound knowledge impressed me greatly making him my role model.  There was no entrance examination for PGs in those days and students were selected based on their undergraduate marks and I was given Pediatrics. So I moved to this delightful discipline from the cancer ward where I was working as an assistant surgeon and found myself under the kind studentship of Prof. Mishra. Another good thing about Sisubhavan was the comradery among the staff members and Prof Mishra used to say that he wished for such an atmosphere in the pediatric department of SCB Medical College too, which was sadly missing. The nurses were also excellent.

“You must become a parent before becoming a pediatrician” Prof. Misra often used to say, the wisdom of which I understood only when I became a mother, rather early in my PG studies. One becomes very patient with the queries of anxious mothers and appreciates the pain of parents seeing one’s child suffer, only when one is a parent. Common cold in the firstborn is a much bigger illness with undue anxiety, than pneumonia in the fourth child! Immunization was not so popular at that time and DPT was the only vaccine freely available. The Polio vaccine was not supplied by Government and was given only to a privileged few. I still remember the tragic case of a mother who gave smallpox vaccine to all her 5 daughters but not to her only son due to the fear of side effects and he died of smallpox. Infectious diseases were rampant and we used to have a special diarrhea ward of 30 beds which will open for the 3-4 months of diarrhea season only. Severe dehydration was very common and I became an expert in doing venesection in record time and pushing in IV fluids to save a gasping child. A sign of severe dehydration which was not mentioned in books, was the extreme softness of eyes which I named as “cotton wool eyes”. It was published as a letter to the editor in Indian Pediatrics and also presented at a National conference.  ORS was not yet in vogue, but we used to dispense small packets of electrolyte powder designed by Prof ST Achar to be dissolved in water and given orally. On one occasion he came to visit Sisubhavan and advised us about as simple a thing as the seating arrangement for waiting mothers! Dr. RN.Panigrahi, who was the senior member among us was his student and instrumental in arranging his visit. He used to tell mothers jokingly, “If you are using a glass feeding bottle break it, if a plastic feeding bottle burn it, or if a silver feeding bottle give it to me”. Thus the feeding bottle became the villain. We were often told how Papua New Guinea banned feeding bottles and brought down the Infant mortality rate.  We were ignorant about feeding during diarrhea and often stopped feeding during IV therapy. Antibiotic injections were also commonly given. Another disease we were happy to bid goodbye, to was tetanus in newborns and older children. A lantern was used to burn in the room instead of an electric bulb and we would talk softly to minimize the disturbance to the patients that would precipitate spasms. Immunization of pregnant mothers with TT and infants with DPT has successfully eliminated the disease.

Another preventable disease that we rarely see nowadays but common in those days was Kwashiorkor. Mothers would feel happy that the child is becoming chubby with rounded cheeks and seek medical attention only when other features like edema appear and make the child miserable. Sago and barley were the favorite infant foods and help in perpetuating the condition. There used to be a tinned protein food called Casilan which when given to these children would work like magic. Edema would disappear and the miserable child starts smiling. Smiling is often the first sign of recovery. A surprising response of some children to food deprivation is marasmus instead of kwashiorkor when a baby manages to adapt to the circumstance of limited food and becomes wasted rather than edematous, and that is why kwashiorkor is often referred to as disadaptation syndrome. A heart-wrenching condition was Xerophalmia due to vitamin A deficiency and the cornea would melt in 24 hours! Thanks to the vitamin A supplementation program by Govt of India we never see it nowadays.

The next serious disease which we often encountered was tubercular meningitis and often rows of beds were filled with these children and frequent lumbar punctures were a must! Immunization has also brought down the incidence of acute bacterial meningitis.  Thus I became very skillful in doing LP also. I am proud of a little patient of mine who had TB meningitis and was in a coma for 2 months and found to be blind on regaining consciousness but regained all her faculties gradually. Now she is a normal young woman who brings her child to me for treatment. It is such miracles that make our day even while working in the midst of chronically deficient and depressingly dirty government hospitals. We need to recount those days to people who complain about the lack of development in our state. A transfer is a thing often resisted and a popular expression used is “dhora-dhori”( using one’s influence) to avoid leaving a place where one has grown roots over the years. I was transferred six times, twice each to Cuttack. Burla and Berhampur during my tenure since I didn’t use dhora-dhori!

Academics is a big attraction for those with an academic turn of mind who work in Medical colleges since students make you stay in touch with recent advances and promote learning, not to speak of the loving bond one develops with these youngsters. I am still in touch with some of my students who share their joys and problems with me. One can’t afford to be irrational under the questioning eyes of postgraduates and one gains a lot of knowledge while correcting their thesis, though I am sorry to say that thesis is often not very truthful. It is considered a mere passport to examination rather than a true work of research and the sooner they be done with it, the better. I don’t know what is the present condition and hope it is better.   

As I matured in the discipline my attention was drawn to the bigger picture of Infant mortality and I used to hang my head in shame when people at national conferences referred to Odisha as a state with the highest IMR in the country.  In the late 90’s IMR was an unacceptable 98 for 1000 live births! As I attended a few trainings for CSSM, NNF etc my eyes opened to the acute problem of neonatal mortality which formed 60% of IMR. I realized that lack of skill in managing neonatal problems was as important as lack of equipment as we went around the state training doctors at peripheral hospitals. Late Prof SK Giri was the first person from Odisha to be trained in neonatology at AIIMS, New Delhi and he used to cover the neonatal part of CSSM, but neonatal care never took off in a big way. As a group, we went around the state to train the doctors and a few nurses in newborn care supported by Unicef and the government of Odisha. But it was a drop in the ocean and in many places, there was not even a proper bag and mask, including Medical colleges.

It was then, that I conceived the idea of NALS ON WHEELS and submitted the project to Govt of Odisha, which was promptly binned and forgotten. Imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from Dr. Vinod Paul one fine morning, saying that a fund of 8000 dollars was available to me to carry on my dream project! It was given by one American association headed at that time by Dr. Dharmapuri Vidya Sagar, called AAPI, an American association of physicians of Indian origin. I remembered one of my Bhagavan’s teachings, that when one is sincere and intense about a desire the whole universe conspires to make it come true.

Dr. Vinod Paul and Dr. Ashok Deorari were pillars of support for these programs for newborn care and I set about doing what I loved most. I selected 3 Pediatricians who recently graduated and were my students, as yet unmarried, since marriage and family are often not conducive to such an intense mission. One of them left early to seek his fortune elsewhere but two of them, Dr. Biswaranjan Padhi and Dr. Manas Pani continued till the end of the project, and another Dr. Prafulla C. Gouda joined us for a while. This unique project would not have been possible without the support of Unicef headed by Dr. Ramani, that took care of the training and traveling expenses, and Secretary of Health Miss Meena Gupta who deputed the doctors promptly for as long as I needed.

I purchased an Ambassador car,  took my team, loaded the car with the equipment necessary for teaching like an overhead projector, mannikin, bag, mask, training manuals, etc, and hit the road. We extensively traveled in the two districts of Ganjam and Gajapati, visited each and every PHC and sub-centers, and trained the doctors and nurses in basic newborn care. It was necessary to teach them at their places of work so that we realize their problems in the field. We operationalized the equipment that was available but unused and innovated when necessary. An example of innovation was a resuscitation mask made by cutting the top portion of discarded saline bottle lined with sticking plaster, to prevent injury to the delicate skin of a newborn baby and using a 200-watt bulb to prevent hypothermia. I was invited to present my work at the annual conference of the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) in Boston, USA, in May 2000. Currently, newborn units are established in all teaching hospitals and district health centers and they are better off equipment-wise also.

The next hurdle was undergraduate education in Pediatrics. Despite the children forming 40% of the population and the fact that fresh graduates have to face the difficult situation at the periphery, undergraduates were not taught much pediatrics and there was no examination in Pediatrics. It is a fact that students will only learn that which helps them to pass the examination and big brothers in medicine, surgery, and O&G didn’t like to give us any space. However due to the tireless efforts of senior professors, ultimately Pediatrics became a separate subject in the final MBBS examination, free from the overbearing attitude of big brothers. Another event that attracted students to pediatrics was the undergraduate quiz and many students from Odisha participated in finals and often were the winners too. Later on, the quiz was introduced for postgraduates also. No other subject has so far introduced such a quiz as far as I know.

As I write this Pediatrics has become so popular that it is the first choice for students in the selection for PG courses. The IMR in Odisha which was 90 in 2001 now stands at 36 and Odisha is the state in India with the fastest decline in IMR by 39 points during 2005-2020. There are 94 First referral units with facilities for the Caesarian section in 80 0f them. Free transportation for pregnant mothers and infants is available and a transportation cost of Rs1000 is given for institutional delivery. Over 48000 ASHAS are working in the state. There are 44 special newborn care units and 482 newborn stabilization units in 530 newborn care corners in the state (SRS 2020). This is not a small achievement but there is still room for more improvement, as it is said that the road to improvement is constantly under construction. I wish and pray that Odisha should get rid of the label LPS, Low performing state.

Jai Hind!

Enable Your Users To Read More Without Refresh In WordPress

‘Read More’ or ‘Continue Reading’ tags are used for showing only a part of the content on home and multi-post pages on a WordPress Website. The tag is inserted by clicking the plus icon on the block editor and then searching ‘More’ and then clicking it to insert after the first or second paragraph that you like to show on the homepage.

By default, when this ‘Read More’ link or button is clicked, the user is directed to a single post page showing the complete blog post.

In this lesson, you will learn about a shortcode that will allow your users to read complete post content right there on the page without reloading the site to a new page. There is a plugin that lets you do that very easily on your WordPress site.

How To Display Read More Without Refresh Button?

  1. Simply navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on your admin area dashboard
  2. Search and install the Read More Without Refresh plugin
  3. Navigate to your admin area RMWR Settings page from the left side menu
  4. Select the read more button’s color, text, font size, border, padding, hover, font-weight, and other customization options and save your settings
  5. Now in your post edit screen, simply use [read more] Your long text [/read] tags to display the read more button
Read More Without Refresh 1

Once the user presses the “Read more” button, it expands the content. The users would be able to hide it again by pressing the same button that becomes ‘Read less’ when the content is expanded.

Read More Without Refresh 2

The plugin is SEO-friendly, it hides the predefined text of your choice with a shortcode, leaving the remaining content visible to search engines. The plugin works for posts, pages, and other custom post types and it can be an alternative to the traditional ‘Read More’ button.

How To Convert One Taxonomy Into Another In WordPress?

This lesson guides you on how you can convert any default or custom taxonomy into another taxonomy on your WordPress Website.

Taxonomy is the term used to refer to categories, tags, and other custom taxonomies that may be present within your active theme or plugin or you have created it manually. This lesson guides you on how you can easily convert one taxonomy into another in your WordPress Website.

Term Taxonomy Converter allows you to copy i.e. duplicate or convert or move terms between the taxonomies. Copying a taxonomy means duplicating it to another without deleting or moving the original taxonomy. Whereas converting the taxonomy means, changing it to another taxonomy. This can be done between two or multiple taxonomies while maintaining associated posts.

To convert or copy a taxonomy you simply need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New page
  2. Search and install the ‘Term Taxonomy Converter’ plugin
  3. After activation visit Tools -> Term Taxonomy Converter page
  4. You will see various tabs for Tags, Categories, and Custom Taxonomies
  5. Switch to the taxonomy tab you like to convert
  6. Choose Copy or Convert option
  7. Select the taxonomies you want to convert
  8. Use the checkbox to tick the ‘Taxonomy’ in which you want the selected taxonomies to be converted to
  9. Click the ‘Go’ button

Since this plugin collectively works for all tags, categories, and custom taxonomies, you don’t need any other plugin separately for converting default taxonomies such as tags and categories in WordPress. In case if you only want to convert tags and categories then follow this lesson.

How To Convert Categories Into Tags Or Tags Into Categories In WordPress?

It is possible to convert tags into categories or categories into tags in your WordPress Website. There is also a lesson on converting one taxonomy into another but this lesson guides you on how you can easily change a category into a tag or vice versa in WordPress.

For instance, suppose you were frequently using a tag for a long time and now you want to transform it into a category so that you can provide more filters by creating its sub-categories. If you just want to convert tags and categories and not other taxonomies then there is a plugin called Categories to Tags Converter.

How To Convert Categories Into Tags?

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on your admin area dashboard
  2. Search and install the ‘Categories to Tags Converter’ plugin
  3. After activation, navigate to Tools -> Import page
  4. Click the ‘Run Importer’ link below the Categories to Tags Converter
  5. Under the ‘Categories’ tab select the categories you want to convert into tags
  6. Click the ‘Convert Categories’ button

How To Convert Tags Into Categories?

The same plugin i.e. Categories into Tags Converter lets you convert tags into categories:

  1. Navigate to Tools -> Import page
  2. Click the ‘Run Importer’ link below to Categories to Tags Converter
  3. Switch to the ‘Tags’ tab
  4. Select the tags you want to convert into categories
  5. Click the ‘ Convert Tags’ button

So this was a simple hany plugin for converting tags and categories on your WordPress site. Now if you want to go deeper into the functions of converting any taxonomy (including tags and categories) into another taxonomy then there is another lesson on the topic.

How To Use Tags And Categories On Pages In WordPress?

Tags and categories in WordPress can be extended to pages. By default, WordPress offers you tags and categories for posts but by activating a plugin you can extend the functionality to pages in your WordPress Website.

There are several plugins that let you create new post types and their custom taxonomies and there are also some plugins that let you assign new taxonomies to posts, pages, and other post types. But this lesson guides you on how you can simply activate tags and categories on pages without manually creating new taxonomies.

Simply navigate to Plugin -> Add New page on your WordPress admin area dashboard to find and install Post Tags and Categories for Pages plugin.

Page Tags & Categories

Upon activation, the plugin automatically activates a function that enables post tags and categories for pages and it also adds the stock WordPress categories for all of your pages. Adding stock means now your website pages will also show up in the archive queries just like posts.

You can create and manage tags and categories in the same way you do for posts. New tags and categories can either be created from the page edit screen or from the Pages -> Categories and Pages -> Tags page on your admin area dashboard. There’s another plugin called Pages with category and tag is also an alternative option for enabling tags and categories on pages.

How To Auto Remove Formatting Tags While Pasting Content In WordPress?

When you run a multi-author blog a common problem that comes to your WordPress site is having different layout styles in different blog posts, which disturb the look of your website.

This happens when some authors don’t remove HTML formatting after copy-pasting content from their Word, Writer, Google Docs, or any other editor to your blog. Hence, the undesired HTML tags and formatting also get into the posts and pages of your website. This lesson guides you on how you can overcome this issue simply by activating a plugin.

The problem can be resolved and safe pasting on your website can be easily implemented by using the Secure Paste plugin. You simply need to navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install the plugin. After activation, the plugin removes any HTML tags from your blog’s posts and pages before inserting them into the database. Thus, it prevents all your website users from pasting undesired HTML tags to post and page content.

The following are the HTML tags that stay and any other HTML tag, attributes, and formatting are automatically removed by the plugin:

<p> <a> (allowed attributes: href, title). <img> (allowed attributes: src, alt, class). <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <blockquote> <ol> <ul> <li> <em> <strong> <del>

The removal of formatting takes place while your authors edit their post or page content in any status such as scheduled, draft, published, etc. But this fixing of content is only done on the new content i.e. the content created or edited after the activation of the plugin.

Top 7 Plugins To Insert License-Free High-Quality Images In WordPress

There are various free services that offer you license-free high-quality images you can use in your WordPress posts and pages for various illustrative and editorial purposes. In this lesson, you will know about the five best plugins that let you insert such images directly from their source to your posts and pages without leaving your website.

Instant Images

The instant Images plugin lets insert images from Unsplash, Openverse, Pixabay, or Pexels to your posts and pages without ever leaving your website. This is an excellent plugin for users who want to save time by uploading images directly inside their WordPress installation and for developers who want to prototype and develop using real-world imagery.

Inserting Images In WordPress from Unsplash, Openverse, Pixabay and Pexels

Main features of the plugin:

  • Image Search – The Instant Images search lets you quickly find and upload images for any subject in a matter of seconds!
  • Image Orientation – Filter search results by landscape, portrait, or square images.
  • Time Saver – Quickly upload amazing stock photos without leaving the comfort of your WordPress admin.
  • Theme/Plugin Developers – A great tool for developers who want to prototype and develop using real-world imagery.
  • Gutenberg – Instant Images directly integrates with Gutenberg as a plugin sidebar.
  • Media Modal – Instant Images are available as a tab in the WordPress Media Modal.
  • Page Builders – Instant Images integrates with page builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, and Divi.
  • Edit Image Metadata – Easily edit image filename, alt text, and caption prior to uploading to your media library.
  • Accessibility – Automatically include a relevant alt description for screen readers, visually reduced users, and SEO.
  • Easy to Use – It couldn’t get much more simple, just click an image and it’s automatically uploaded to your media library for use on your site.
  • No Accounts Needed – An account on any service provider is not required for the use of this plugin. Just activate and you’re ready to go.


StockPack – Stock photos from Unsplash, Adobe Stock, and more plugin offers you optimized image search in your WordPress site to search images from Unsplash, Adobe Stock, Getty Images, iStock, Pixabay, Pexels, and Depositphotos. The plugin offers you a very simple option in the WordPress media library pop-up box that lets you switch between providers and compare the images.

StockPack – Stock photos from Unsplash, Adobe Stock and more

Main features of the plugin:

Free Assets Library

Free Assets Library – Openverse/Pixabay 600+ Million Images plugin simply lets you search from more than six-hundred-million images, and use the inside your posts and pages. The plugin lets your search and inserts images from Pixabay and Openverse and soon more services are to be added. This plugin has been tested with the 2.1+ version of WordPress.

Main features of the plugin:

  • Zero configuration
  • Download images from Openverse, Pixabay, and (soon more)
  • Easy search from 600+ millions of images.
  • Direct download into the media library.
  • Automatically set the image TITLE tag for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically set the image ALT tag for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically Image attribution (of original image author) in the image description field for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically create SEO-ready image names.
  • 100% safe, model-released images.
  • Quick support

Getty Images

Getty Images are among the world’s leading creators and distributors of still imagery, video, music, and multimedia products, as well as other forms of digital content. The Getty Images plugin gives you access to over 50 million free embeddable images, available for editorial use on your WordPress website.

Main features of the plugin:

  • Search millions of photos, vectors, and illustrations, customized to your Getty Images account.
  • Download and preview comp images before you post.
  • Download, insert, and publish any size image using your existing agreement with Getty Images.
  • Licensed images are saved to your Media Library for future use.

Envato Elements

Envato Elements – Photos & Elementor Templates plugin enables you to explore and import Elementor Templates as well as premium stock photos right from your WordPress admin area dashboard.

Envato Elements – Photos & Elementor Templates

The free version of the plugin gives you access to try thousands of free page and block templates to use within Elementor. All you need to do is browse, import, then customize

Pexels: Free Stock Photos

Pexels: Free Stock Photos offers you high-quality photos that are completely free stock images you can use for personal and commercial purposes. This plugin helps you search, browse and download those photos directly to your WordPress site, giving you the benefits of hosting them (cropping, compressing, caching, etc.).

Pexels Photo In WordPress

Main features of the plugin:

  • Search and browse thousands of free stock photos from Pexels from your WordPress Dashboard
  • Add ANY image to your WordPress Media Library with one click
  • Use the image inside your post/page content
  • Use the image as a Featured Image
  • No attribution is required (really!)

Pixabay Images

Pixabay Images is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to pick free, creative commons and other public domain images from Pixabay and insert them into your posts, pages, and other content.

Pixabay Images

Main features of the plugin:

  • You can easily search Pixabay’s public domain pictures using the “Add Media” button inside the editor.
  • You can filter search results by image type (clipart, photo) and/or orientation (landscape, portrait).
  • You can preview images in paginated search results.
  • Enables direct image uploads to WordPress’ media library.
  • Use of standard media dialogues for editing and inserting images.

So these were some of the best plugins for inserting professionally photographed free high-quality images in your WordPress Website. The first three plugins are great, and we recommend you use the first one as it covers four major services. The last two plugins are also good but these haven’t been updated to the latest version of WordPress but still, they do their job.

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Many posts address common questions or provide solutions to specific problems. By reading such posts, you can find answers to your queries or discuss your problem by commenting and gaining insights into the challenges you might be facing with your website.

Responsive & Knowledgeable Customer Support

Responsive and knowledgeable customer support is essential, especially when technical issues arise. There are times when you get stuck up in some error or security issue of your website and you don’t know what to do next, you contact customer support and they ask you to hire a local programmer to get your website fixed. This doesn’t happen at, it has a track record of quickly addressing security vulnerabilities and delivering prompt help on time.

The free support team offers you quick solutions on most website issues, and when you need pure programming then hourly chargeable online support is available by sending an email to

How To Make Your Website?

You simply need to register or transfer your domain name and the system of will automatically guide you in creating your website on your own and in less than thirty minutes you will have an elegant business website or eCommerce store online.

How To Make Managed WordPress Website After Registering Your Domain Name?

Once you register your domain name at, you simply need to subscribe to a Managed WordPress plan to take your business website online, you may subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce for making an online store. As you do that the automated system guides you step-by-step to set up your website and login to your admin area dashboard.

This lesson guides you on what you have to do next when you are on the admin panel of your dashboard. Although Managed WordPress gives you a complete website by asking you to choose your options and add your business details during its setup process. Still, by reading this lesson you will know how you can customize or change your website anytime on your own.

Login To WordPress Admin Panel

The time you follow the Managed WordPress process of making your website, it asks you to choose a username and password which you use to log in to your website by visiting the page.

Choose & Customize The WordPress Theme

The next thing you should do is choose a theme. WordPress offers you a wide range of industry-specific themes that you can install from the admin panel of your website.

Simply navigate to Appearance -> Themes and you would be able to browse the free themes, preview them, and choose the one that fits your industry requirements. All you have to do is click ‘Install’, and the theme will install, and then click the ‘Activate’ button to activate the selected theme.

Now navigate to the Appearance -> Customize page to choose your theme options. From here, you can modify the site title, tagline, logo, header, colors, fonts, and other visual elements. Some themes provide a massive range of customization options.

You May Enable The Online Store Option

If you have subscribed to WordPress Ecommerce, you can customize your store settings from the admin panels’ WooCommerce -> Settings page. In case you have not subscribed to WordPress Ecommerce and you want to have an online store then you can install the WooCommerce plugin from your admin area dashboard Plugins -> Add New page by searching for WooCommerce plugin.

Install Necessary Plugins

You can also install other essential plugins to enhance the functionality of your WordPress site. For instance, you may install the ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin if you want to enable visitors to message you directly from your website using a Contact Us page. ‘Yoast SEO’ is a popular plugin for search engine optimization, and the ‘Add To Any’ plugin allows you to add social sharing buttons on posts and pages of your website.

Create Necessary Pages

For adding important information about your business you will need to create the necessary pages. Simply navigate to Pages -> Add New page in your admin area dashboard. Add a title, content, images, videos, and other important information to your page, and then click the Publish button. Repeat the process to create more pages such as About, Services, Privacy Policy, Contact, etc.

Create Navigation Menu

You have created the pages, maybe you have also enabled the eCommerce store, etc on your website. Now it is very important to let the visitors know what you are offering, and where they can find the information they are looking for on your website. For this, you need to display navigation menus on your website.

Simply navigate to the Appearance -> Menus page and you would be able to create menus having categories, blog, store, about, contact, and other pages of your website. The page allows you to arrange the menu items to your desired order and assign the menu to the appropriate menu location such as the header on your website.

Start Blogging Your Business

You can easily add new blog posts from the Posts -> Add New page, the same page allows you to create and add categories and tags. Later on, these can be managed from the Posts -> Category and Posts -> Tags page.

Similarly, you can create and manage products from the Products menu on your admin area dashboard.

Your Website Is Ready

Following these steps, you get your website ready for public view. You can always customize the settings, look, and feel of your website from the admin area dashboard just as we have discussed above.

WordPress is a user-friendly system, as you start working on the admin panel of your website, you come to know about all its features on the go. And since you have subscribed to Managed WordPress, it provides automatic setup, backups & restores, malware scanning, and software updates paired with 24/7, award-winning support. 

How To Add WhatsApp Chat Option On WordPress Website?

WhatsApp has a massive user base of more than two billion users worldwide. Since it offers real-time communication, it can be a convenient platform to enable your visitors to send queries, messages, images, videos, and documents, facilitating quick and efficient communication.

This lesson guides you on how you can easily add a WhatsApp chat button on your WordPress Website to enable your website visitors to chat or contact you by simply clicking the button. And you can easily respond to their queries, provide product information, address concerns, and offer personalized assistance from your smartphone.

How To Add WhatsApp Chat In WordPress?

Simply navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install the Click to Chat – HoliThemes plugin on your WordPress site. Upon activation, visit the ‘Click to Chat’ page from the admin menu on your dashboard.

WhatsApp for WordPress

On this page, add your WhatsApp or Business WhatsApp number, you can customize the prefilled greeting message, and enable Web WhatsApp which also shows up on desktop and laptop computers.

There are several other options this plugin offers you such as WooCommerce compatibility features, page level settings, display settings, customized buttons and messages on product pages, several styles, and customizations, etc.

WhatsApp WordPress Plugin

Select your options, and save changes, and the WhatsApp chat button will com visible on your website. By clicking this button smartphone users would be able to chat with you on the WhatsApp Smartphone App and desktop users will be navigated to WhatsApp Web Chat.

Why You Should Bring Your Business Online?

Bringing your business online offers considerable benefits and opportunities that can significantly impact your success and growth. Building your online presence is a strategic move that can offer many long-term benefits such as:

  1. Increased Customer Reach
  2. Increased Sales Opportunities
  3. Improved Customer Experience
  4. Offers Powerful Marketing Options
  5. Builds New Streams of Online Income
  6. Empowers You With Data-Driven Decision-Making

Reach Wider Audience

Taking your business online raises your business awareness and visibility. Through various digital marketing strategies, such as blogging your business, and search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and online advertising, you can reach a wider audience and generate more exposure for your name.

When you bring your business online, the internet allows you to reach a global audience by breaking down geographical barriers. When you successfully establish your online presence, your domain starts attracting customers from various locations. Thus, potentially expanding your customer base and sales opportunities.

Your website offers scalability and the potential for rapid growth of your business. With a good cloud infrastructure, you can expand your business by adding new products or services and targeting new markets without substantial physical restrictions.

The online world is dynamic. It constantly evolves with new technologies and trends. When your business is online, you get the power to position yourself and adapt to emerging technological trends, to keep your business adaptable in the Internet age.

Sell More Products & Services

You can easily enable an eCommerce service on your domain name by subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. This way you can set up your online store and facilitate your customers to order from home or book products and services in advance. This will expand your sales possibility beyond the limitations of a physical location. WordPress Ecommerce allows you to track customer behavior, gather data, and personalize the shopping experience.

Unlike physical stores, by bringing your business online you can operate twenty-four-seven. You will not only sell more products and services from your website but you also earn money by monetizing your website with cost-per-click ads, and other website monetization services.

Your website or online store becomes accessible at any time, allowing your customers to browse products and make purchases at their convenience. By enabling fast shipping options and streamlined checkout processes, you can enhance their overall experience.

Powerful Internet Marketing

Bringing your business online is the cheapest yet most powerful marketing method. When you bring your business online and start blogging from your own domain name, it works as the best internet marketing tactic to reach your prospective audience. It offers a cost-effective approach in comparison to other traditional advertising channels.

Blogging, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine marketing can provide excellent returns on investment while targeting specific demographics and customer segments.

Get Competitive Advantage

Making an online presence for your business is something that is often expected by customers. When you have a business website over your own domain name, you differentiate yourself from competitors who have yet to establish an online presence. Even if they are online, you can have a better contentful website and stay more active on your blog to showcase your unique value proposition and attract tech-savvy customers online.

Your website helps you to gather useful data and analytics about your customer base so that you can understand your customer’s behavior and purchase patterns. Then, you can use all that data in your business decisions and marketing strategies.

So there are numerous compelling reasons why you should consider taking your business online. Your website on your own domain empowers you to connect with a much wider audience, establish trust, and adapt to the ever-changing online world.

How To Bring Your Business Online?

Simply start by registering your domain name and then subscribe to a Managed WordPress plan. As soon you do that the automated system will guide you in making your website and start blogging your business. Whenever you will need any help, the online support team is always there to assist you.

How To Add WhatsApp Sharing Button In WordPress?

WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform that works on Android, iPhone, and other smartphone devices. Mobile Internet users use WhatsApp more frequently than other social networking websites. In this lesson, you will learn how you can add WhatsApp sharing button on your WordPress Website.

Adding WhatsApp Sharing Button

Simply navigate to your admin area dashboard Plugins -> Add New page to find and install AddToAny Share Buttons. Upon activation, visit its settings page to select the sharing buttons you want to add before or after the posts on your website.

You can add sharing buttons for WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media websites. Select the sharing buttons’ icon size, and their placements, and save your changes. That’s it, the sharing buttons would get visible on your posts and pages.

WhatsApp Sharing Floating Bar

The plugin also allows you to add a sticky floating bar, simply switch to the ‘Floating’ tab and select the placement options.

Adding WhatsApp Sharing Button With Jetpack Plugin

Jetpack plugin users can easily add WhatsApp sharing button from their admin area Settings -> Sharing page.

Simply scroll down to the ‘Sharing Buttons’ section and drag the WhatsApp button from the ‘Available Services’ box to the ‘Enabled Services’ box. Save your changes and the WhatsApp sharing button will be added by the plugin.

How To Auto Rename Images Based On Post Title In WordPress?

You can set WordPress to automatically rename images and other media files on upload in order to better the SEO of your website. Images can be automatically renamed on the basis of the post title or the site URL.

File Renaming on Upload is a WordPress plugin that automatically renames media files as they are uploaded so that they can be exhibited without any problems. It renders filenames properly with accents and special characters. It also allows you to use your post title or prefix website domain name to make your images more SEO friendly.

  • Rename files on upload based on the post title
  • Rename files on upload based on the Site URL
  • Rename files on upload based on the current date
  • It updates the file permalink based on file renaming
  • Remove accents and special characters from filenames on upload

To start using the plugin simply navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on your dashboard to find and install File Renaming on Upload plugin. Once activated, navigate to its Settings -> File Renaming page to enable the plugin and set your rule for file uploads.

  1. Add Site URL: Insert “” at the beginning of the file name. Ex: yoursite.com_filename.jpg
  2. Replace File Name by Date Time: Replaces filename by date-time, like “2013-07-18_21-48-19”
  3. Lowercase: Converts all characters to lowercase
  4. Remove Accents & Special Chars: Removes these special chars:? + [ ] / \ = < > : ; , ‘ ” & $ # * ( ) | ~ ` ! { }

You simply need to tick the options you like to enable on image upload and save your changes. The plugin will automatically work each time a new file is uploaded on your WordPress website using Media Library and Add Media thick box on post-edit screens.

How To Add A Secondary Title In WordPress Posts & Post Types?

You can add a subtitle i.e. secondary title to your posts, pages, and custom post types. By default, WordPress doesn’t provide you with this feature but still you have it on your WordPress Website. This lesson will guide you on how you can add a secondary title to your posts and other content.

Secondary Title is a free plugin that enables a subtitle title field for posts, pages, and other post types in WordPress.

Secondary Title on a WordPress Post

Unlike to other subtitle plugins, it prefixes or suffixes secondary title with the main post title which looks something like this: “This is my first blog post: Hello World!”. You can either use this functionality sitewide or enable it selectively over post types, categories, or only on some individual posts.

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To enable the functionality of the secondary title, navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install the Secondary Title plugin. After activation, the plugin adds a new title field below the main title fields on post-edit pages.

Secondary Post Title and Subtitle Functionality in WordPress

It offers you a set of options you can manage from your admin area Settings -> Secondary Title page. On the settings page, you can select the post types where you want the secondary titles to be activated. You may select none if you want to use it on all available post types.

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The plugin also allows you to select categories to enable secondary titles. Here also, select none to include all available categories. You can also limit secondary title functionality for certain posts and pages by adding their IDs to the post IDs box.

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The default format for title and secondary title is %secondary_title%: %title% which shows a prefixed secondary post title on the main post title but you can change this format by interchanging the locations of variables and using your own heading tags in between. Simply use %title% for the main title and %secondary_title% for the secondary title.