Tag Archives: WordPress Ecommerce

How To Personalize WordPress Ecommerce For A Truly Unique Experience?

WordPress Ecommerce is a versatile eCommerce platform packed as managed hosting, WordPress & WooCommerce, empowering businesses to create and manage online stores with ease. It is one of the most popular eCommerce solutions globally in use due to its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and extensive customization options.

Whether you’re selling physical products, digital downloads, subscriptions, or services, it provides robust features such as product management, inventory tracking, secure payments integration (including major gateways like PayPal and Stripe), and shipping options tailored to various needs. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, offering a rich ecosystem of themes, plugins, and extensions to enhance functionality.

With built-in analytics and reporting tools, it enables store owners to monitor sales, customer behavior, and optimize their online presence efficiently. Supported by a vibrant community and continuous updates, it remains a leading choice for anyone looking to establish a professional and profitable online presence.

Personalizing WordPress Ecommerce can greatly enhance the user experience and set your store apart. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to achieve a truly unique experience for your WooCommerce site:

Customize Product Pages:

  • Product Descriptions: Write compelling and informative descriptions that highlight unique features and benefits.
  • Images and Videos: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase products from different angles and in use.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Display customer reviews prominently to build trust and credibility.

Offer Product Customization Options:

  • Customizable Options: Use WooCommerce product variations or plugins like “WooCommerce Product Add-ons” to allow customers to choose colors, sizes, engraving, etc.
  • Personalized Messages: Offer options for customers to add personalized messages or names to products.

Implement a User-Friendly Design:

  • Custom Themes: Choose a WooCommerce-compatible theme that reflects your brand and enhances usability.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site is responsive and functions well on mobile devices.

Optimize Checkout Experience:

  • Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify the checkout process with fewer steps and clear calls-to-action.
  • Guest Checkout Option: Offer guest checkout to reduce friction for first-time buyers.

Leverage Plugins and Extensions:

  • Personalization Plugins: Use plugins like “Personalized Products for WooCommerce” or “Product Personalizer” to enable customers to customize products in real-time.
  • Recommended Products: Implement recommendation engines to suggest products based on customers’ browsing and purchasing behavior.

Create a Loyalty Program:

  • Reward Points: Implement a points-based system where customers earn points for purchases, referrals, or social shares.
  • Exclusive Offers: Offer exclusive discounts or early access to new products for loyal customers.

Provide Excellent Customer Support:

  • Live Chat: Offer real-time support through live chat to assist customers with product queries or customization options.
  • FAQs and Knowledge Base: Create a comprehensive FAQ section or knowledge base to address common questions and concerns.

Personalize Marketing Efforts:

  • Email Marketing: Segment your email list based on purchase history or preferences and send personalized product recommendations.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Use retargeting ads to remind customers of products they showed interest in but didn’t purchase.

Monitor & Analyze Performance:

  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics or WooCommerce’s built-in analytics to track customer behavior, sales trends, and effectiveness of personalization efforts.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different personalized features and designs to optimize conversions.

Seek Feedback & Iterate:

  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from customers to understand their preferences and pain points.
  • Continuous Improvement: Based on feedback and data analysis, continuously refine and improve your personalized user experience.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a WooCommerce Website that meets and exceeds customer expectations, providing a truly unique and personalized shopping experience.

From Brick & Mortar To Click & Order: The Process Of Online Business Expansion

In today’s rapidly evolving internetic landscape, the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online platforms has become a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive and reach a wider audience.

With the convenience of click-and-order commerce, businesses have the opportunity to expand their reach beyond geographical limitations and tap into new markets. In this guide, you’ll explore the steps involved in transitioning your brick-and-mortar business into the digital realm and navigating the complexities of online business expansion.

Before diving into the world of online business, it’s essential to assess your current business model and identify areas for improvement. Evaluate your products or services, target market, and competitive landscape to determine how your business can thrive in the online sphere.

Build Your Online Presence

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for attracting customers and building brand recognition. Invest in creating a professional website that showcases your products or services and provides a seamless user experience. You can easily build your website by registering your domain name and then subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan.

Next, utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to drive traffic to your website and engage with potential customers.

WordPress Ecommerce offers you ease of use, customization options, payment processing capabilities, and scalability. Whether you opt for a hosted solution like WordPress Eocmmerce or start a self-hosted website and then manually install WooCommerce, it always aligns with your business goals and budget.

Mobile & Marketing

With the majority of online shopping now taking place on mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your website for mobile users. Ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly, with fast loading times and intuitive navigation. Invest in mobile marketing strategies such as SMS campaigns and mobile apps to further enhance the mobile shopping experience for your customers.

Once your online store is up and running, it’s time to implement online marketing strategies to attract customers and drive sales. Explore various digital marketing channels such as social media advertising, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to reach your target audience and generate leads.

When you get your business running, excellent customer service becomes crucial for building trust and loyalty among your online customers. Offer multiple channels for customer support, including live chat, email, and phone support, and ensure timely responses to inquiries and concerns. Provide clear and transparent policies regarding shipping, returns, and refunds to enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

By following these steps and embracing the opportunities of click-and-order commerce, you can successfully transition your brick-and-mortar business into the Internet age and unlock new growth opportunities in the online marketplace. With dedication, innovation, and a customer-centric approach, your business can thrive in the ever-expanding world of eCommerce.

Apart from all this, continuously monitor the performance of your online business and adapt your strategies accordingly. Track key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction to identify areas for improvement and optimize your online operations. Stay informed about industry trends and technological advancements to stay ahead of the competition and ensure the long-term success of your online business.

How Small Businesses Can Enable Customers To Book Orders Online?

Now small businesses can avoid crowded counters in their store by allowing customers to book their orders online and then pick up that order from the store or get it home delivered.

Although, with WordPress Ecommerce you can start an advanced online store with pickup and home-delivery options. However small businesses that operate locally in a small area can make use of the store pickup option, especially those who don’t want to ride on third-party logistic services and are not interested in hiring someone personally for that.

With WordPress Ecommerce you can make your online store on your own, you can easily add products, activate payment methods, and start serving local clients with a store pickup option so that people can browse the products online, book them from home, and pick up the parcel without crowding your shop.

How To Start An eCommerce Shop With Store Pickup Option?

Simply start by registering your domain name and then subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce. Once you are subscribed to the service, the automated process will guide you in connecting your domain name with your store website and set up the basic options to make your store website ready for the customers.

Local Pickup is a shipping option that can be enabled on your WordPress Ecommerce website from your admin area Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Settings page.

  1. Click the ‘Shippings’ option
  2. Click ‘Add Shipping Zone’ button
  3. Select the region you are serving
  4. Click ‘Add Shipping Method’
  5. Select ‘Local Pickup’

Save your changes and you will be able to use this shipping method over your products. If you have multiple outlets, you can select more regions in the third step.

How To Extend Local Pickup Option?

This can be done by installing and activating a WordPress plugin called Advanced Local Pickup for WooCommerce. The plugin allows you to mark order status as ‘Ready for Pickup’ and send your customers an email having important pickup instructions.

Once the order is picked up from your store, you can mark the order status as ‘Picked Up’ and send another email notification to the customer.

The given plugin allows you to handle pickup orders more conveniently by extending the default WooCommerce local pickup functionality with more options:

  • You can mark orders as ‘Ready for Pickup’ and send email notifications to your customers
  • You can mark orders as ‘Picked up’ and again notify your customers
  • You can set pick-up instructions such as location name, address, work hours, and special instructions
  • You can customize the order status email subject, heading, and content
  • You can customize the pickup instruction display on the order status emails
  • You can add pickup location & details to the processing order email and the order received page

You May Either Make A ‘Pickup Only Store’ Or Use It With Other Shipping Options

Local Pickup option can be enabled with or without other shipping methods you have on your WordPress Ecommerce website. The given plugin simply helps you to conveniently handle orders marked for pickup. It does this by extending the default ‘Local Pickup’ functionality you get with your WordPress Ecommerce website.

Why You Should Bring Your Business Online?

Bringing your business online offers considerable benefits and opportunities that can significantly impact your success and growth. Building your online presence is a strategic move that can offer many long-term benefits such as:

  1. Increased Customer Reach
  2. Increased Sales Opportunities
  3. Improved Customer Experience
  4. Offers Powerful Marketing Options
  5. Builds New Streams of Online Income
  6. Empowers You With Data-Driven Decision-Making

Reach Wider Audience

Taking your business online raises your business awareness and visibility. Through various digital marketing strategies, such as blogging your business, and search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and online advertising, you can reach a wider audience and generate more exposure for your name.

When you bring your business online, the internet allows you to reach a global audience by breaking down geographical barriers. When you successfully establish your online presence, your domain starts attracting customers from various locations. Thus, potentially expanding your customer base and sales opportunities.

Your website offers scalability and the potential for rapid growth of your business. With a good cloud infrastructure, you can expand your business by adding new products or services and targeting new markets without substantial physical restrictions.

The online world is dynamic. It constantly evolves with new technologies and trends. When your business is online, you get the power to position yourself and adapt to emerging technological trends, to keep your business adaptable in the Internet age.

Sell More Products & Services

You can easily enable an eCommerce service on your domain name by subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. This way you can set up your online store and facilitate your customers to order from home or book products and services in advance. This will expand your sales possibility beyond the limitations of a physical location. WordPress Ecommerce allows you to track customer behavior, gather data, and personalize the shopping experience.

Unlike physical stores, by bringing your business online you can operate twenty-four-seven. You will not only sell more products and services from your website but you also earn money by monetizing your website with cost-per-click ads, and other website monetization services.

Your website or online store becomes accessible at any time, allowing your customers to browse products and make purchases at their convenience. By enabling fast shipping options and streamlined checkout processes, you can enhance their overall experience.

Powerful Internet Marketing

Bringing your business online is the cheapest yet most powerful marketing method. When you bring your business online and start blogging from your own domain name, it works as the best internet marketing tactic to reach your prospective audience. It offers a cost-effective approach in comparison to other traditional advertising channels.

Blogging, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine marketing can provide excellent returns on investment while targeting specific demographics and customer segments.

Get Competitive Advantage

Making an online presence for your business is something that is often expected by customers. When you have a business website over your own domain name, you differentiate yourself from competitors who have yet to establish an online presence. Even if they are online, you can have a better contentful website and stay more active on your blog to showcase your unique value proposition and attract tech-savvy customers online.

Your website helps you to gather useful data and analytics about your customer base so that you can understand your customer’s behavior and purchase patterns. Then, you can use all that data in your business decisions and marketing strategies.

So there are numerous compelling reasons why you should consider taking your business online. Your website on your own domain empowers you to connect with a much wider audience, establish trust, and adapt to the ever-changing online world.

How To Bring Your Business Online?

Simply start by registering your domain name and then subscribe to a Managed WordPress plan. As soon you do that the automated system will guide you in making your website and start blogging your business. Whenever you will need any help, the online support team is always there to assist you.

Automatically Calculate Taxes & Print Shipping Labels In WordPress Ecommerce

WordPress Ecommerce is your all-in-one solution to start an eCommerce shop within minutes simply by registering your domain name and subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. It is loaded with WooCommerce, hosting, backup, security, and everything you need to set up your store and manage it without any technical skills.

This lesson guides you on how quickly you can manage sales by automatically calculating taxes and printing shipping labels. You will just need to create products and your store will automatically take care of tax calculation, payment processing setup, and printing the shipping label, etc.

How To Implement Auto Tax Calculation & Shipping Label Print?

Simply log in to your WordPress Ecommerce website and navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install WooCommerce Shipping & Tax plugin on your website.

The plugin needs to have the Jetpack plugin installed and activated on your website. If it is not installed, a prompt will appear to install and connect Jetpack. As you do that, a setup complete banner will display.

Once done, you would be able to set up shipping from your admin area dashboard WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> WooCommerce Shipping & Tax -> Shipping Labels page.

And taxes can be managed from your admin area dashboard WooCommerce -> Settings -> Tax page by selecting the “Enable automated taxes” option. The plugin provides you with all important options to manage shipping and taxes on your website.

How To Enable Weight-Based Shipping Charges On WordPress Ecommerce?

You can calculate shipping costs based on the weight of orders made by the customer on your WordPress Ecommerce website. WordPress Ecommerce is a packaged service that allows anyone to start his eCommerce shop simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan.

For enabling the weight-based shipping cost feature you need to log in to your WordPress Ecommerce website and then navigate to Plugins -> Add New page. Search for WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping plugin. Install and activate it, upon activation the plugin will allow you to add multiple rules for shipping based on various conditions such as:

  • Order Weight, Subtotal, & Destination: You can easily create multiple shipping rules as required for various order destinations, weights, and subtotal ranges. 
  • Flexible Price Calculation: On the basis of the cart’s weight, a rule can be set to expose a constant or a progressive price.
  • Conditional Free Shipping: You can also set up a free shipping threshold. 
  • Shipping Classes Support: For every shipping class, you can override the way the shipping price is calculated.

All these options can be easily managed from WooCommerce -> Settings page, under the ‘Shipping’ tab.

How To Enable Product Comparison On Your WordPress Ecommerce Website?

You can allow your customers to compare multiple products, and help them analyze what exactly they want. First of all, you should know that anyone can build his own online store simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce.

Next, to enable product comparison, you will need to visit Plugins -> Add New page and search for ‘Productive Wishlist, Compare and Quick View for WooCommerce‘ plugin, install and activate it. Upon actiavtion you would be able to control the plugin options from its admin settings page.

The plugin offers three essential features of eCommerce:

  1. Product Comparison
  2. Product Quick View
  3. Product Wishlists

Allowing customers to analyze the product with a side-to-side comparison will encourage more sales because in many cases they get confused with the list of related products that are offering low and high prices of same or similar options. This makes them to procrastinate the purchase and look up for more products. By comparing products side to side is going to let them know what extras are there in the other product added in comparision and which one is right for them.

How To Encourage Product Reviews On Your WordPress Ecommerce Website?

This lesson guides you on how you can enable as well as encourage product reviews on your eCommerce website.

First, you should know that WordPress Ecommerce allows anyone to start his own eCommerce store simply by registering his domain name and subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan.

Follow these steps to set up reviews with a photo upload option:

  1. Login to the admin area of your WordPress Ecommerce website
  2. Visit Plugins-> Add New page and search for the ‘Photo Reviews For WooCommerce’ plugin. Then, install and activate it.
  3. Upon activation, it adds a new menu ‘Photo Reviews’ on the sidebar of your admin area dashboard from where you can manage its settings and options.

The plugin also lets you send review reminder emails to customers who have purchased your products, allows customers to post reviews including product pictures, and enables you to send thank you emails with WooCommerce coupons to your customers.

Selling Products With Variations In Your WordPress Ecommerce Website

WordPress Ecommerce allows anyone to start his own online store simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan.

This lesson teaches you how you can sell products that have multiple variations such as color and size etc on your WordPress Ecommerce website.

There is a feature called Variable Products that allows you to offer a set of variations on any product, with control over pricing, stock, image, and more for each variation.

These can be used for selling products such as clothes and shoes etc where you can offer a large, medium and small and in different colors.

First – Set the product type – For adding a variable product, simply create a new product or open an existing one to edit on which you want to add variation. Now select Variable product from the Product Data dropdown displayed in the Product Data section.

Second – You need to add attributes that you will use to set the variations:

From the Attributes section on Product Data, you need to add attributes before creating variations — you may use global attributes that works site wide or you may define custom ones for specific products.

Adding Global Attributes

To add a global attribute: Simply select one from the dropdown and click Add. You may choose to select all options for adding all attributes to the variable product.

Now tick the Used for variations checkbox to set it as your variation.

Adding Product-Specific Attributes

If you want to add new attributes which are only specific to this product then select Custom product attribute and click Add button.

Set this as required:

  • Name the attribute such as Size
  • Set values separated by a vertical pipe (like this – small | medium | large)
  • Now enable the Used for variations checkbox and then click Save attributes.

Finally, Adding Variations

On the Variations section in the Product Data meta box visible on Add New and Edit product screens, Select Add variation from the dropdown menu, and then click Go.

Select attributes for your variation. You can change additional data, click the triangle icon to expand the variation. Here you would be able to edit any available data. The only required field is Regular Price. Select your options and save changes.

That’s it. Now on the front end, while viewing a variable product, the customer will be offered options to select a variation. Selecting the options will display information about that variation.

How To Sell Digital Books On Your WordPress Ecommerce Website?

By registering your domain name and subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce you can make your website to start selling anything online including eBooks or any digital or physical product.

This lesson will guide you on how you can set up your website using WordPress Ecommerce and sell eBooks through it. You will also learn how you can connect your website with the books you sell on Google Play Books as well as Amazon Kindle.

Once you subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce, its automated step-by-step process will connect your domain name to your eCommerce website, and then you will be taken to your admin area dashboard from where you can control each and every aspect of your website.

Since you want to sell books, you will have to configure some digital download settings so that you can sell digital products such as eBooks using your eCommerce website.

Disable The Shipping Option, You Don’t Need It

You are selling digital goods such as books and files so you don’t need a shipping option on your website. Navigate to the Shipping tab on WooCommerce -> Settings page and make sure that the ‘Enable Shipping’ option is unchecked.

Enable The Global Selling Option

Shipping is no more an issue for you, the eBooks can be sold to all countries so turn on the global selling option. Simply navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings page and select the option to sell your products to all countries. Next, select the default currency in which you are selling the book.

Enable Customers To Purchase & Download Books

On WooCommerce -> Settings page, open the Products tab and click Downloadable Products to select the File Download Method and Force Downloads. You may also set Access Restrictions based on your preferences such as enabling access to downloadable products after payment or requiring customers to log in for accessing downloads.

Configure The Payment Option

On WooCommerce -> Settings page, click the Checkout tab and select a payment option. You can enable PayPal by adding your PayPal email. You may also use other payment options such as direct bank transfer, credit & debit card payments, etc as per your requirement.

Add & Sell eBooks Or Digital Products

Navigate to Products -> Add New page for adding a book for sale. You will need to enter the book title, descriptions, select featured image, etc then scroll down to the Product Data meta box and tick the ‘Virtual’ & ‘Downloadable’ options.

SKU is no more required. Enter the price of the product and upload the files you want to sell, the file upload option is present just below the price field on the ‘Product Data’ meta box. Once you are done with product details, click the ‘Publish’ button and your book will be made available on your website.

Connect Google Play Books & Amazon Kindle To Your WordPress Eommcerce Website

If you also sell your books on Play Books and Amazon then you can connect your products to your eCommerce website.

Navigate to Products -> Add New page, Enter title, descriptions, select featured image, etc then scroll down to ‘Product Data’ meta box and switch product from ‘Simple Product’ to ‘Affiliate Product’.

Next, enter the URL of your book on Play Books/Amazon and publish your ‘Product’. This way you can also include your books or any other product you are selling on some other online marketplaces.

How Your Customers Can Read Your eBooks?

You can sell PDFs and ePub files on your website. After purchasing the books from your website the customers can easily read them using any book or document reader app. This also includes reader apps of Google Play Books and Amazon Kindle.

Stop Sharing Profit And Have Your Own Online Store

All successful online sellers own their own eCommerce store too. They do sell on other platforms but they never undervalue the importance of having their own business website.

So rather than relying completely on other platforms and following their rules, regulations, registration, and documentation process, you could do something very simple, much better, and in very less time.

You can start your own eCommerce website i.e. your online store to have complete control over your business and keep all profit to yourself. This is no longer a difficult process.

At Sangkrit.net you simply need to register your domain name and then subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce to have your own full-featured eCommerce shop with a fast simple setup.

How To Setup A Global Selling Store With WordPress Ecommerce?

Anyone can start abroad selling by setting up an international store with WordPress Ecommerce. Then, let people know about it by blogging about your business and implementing Search Engine Visibility.

You can do that all on your own, it is no more a difficult task when you are using WordPress Ecommerce.

Start Your eCommerce Website

Start by registering your domain name and then subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce as well as Search Engine Visibility for better exposure of your business on the internet.

The next thing you need to do is log in to your Sangkrit.net account and visit the ‘My Products’ page and next to ‘WordPress Ecommerce’ click the ‘Manage’ button.

Here the automated process starts asking you a few questions and then you are taken to your store’s dashboard where you can add products, write blog posts, and manage all settings.

Making Your Website Multilingual

Since you are going global so selecting your store’s language is an important thing to do. Not all countries speak English but many do. So you can either just stick to English which is the default selection of your website or if you have chosen some other language you can easily change it from your admin area Settings -> General -> Site Language section.

Alternatively, you can make your website multilingual and also add a ‘Translate’ option to your website by installing a plugin called Weglot Translate.

Selecting Payments, Taxes & Shipping Options

The next important thing, you need to do for global selling is select and set up the payment options. PayPal is one global payment option but there are more options you can select from such as Square, Apple Pay, Direct Bank Transfer, E-Checks, Card Payments, etc.

The payment options can be configured from your eCommerce Settings -> Payments page. The tax calculation can also be implemented as per the client’s location from eCommerce Settings -> Tax page. Similarly, shipping can be configured from eCommerce Settings -> Shipping page.

Adding Products For Sale

Once you have selected your options you may start adding products to your website for sale.

These can be done from the Products -> Add New page. Don’t forget to add a featured image and the price of your product. All fields are there, you can easily use them for adding your product details and pricing, etc.

Securing Your Website

You should also keep your website protected and keep customers safe. SSL is automatically implemented on WordPress Ecommerce websites but you should also subscribe to Website Security which is a comprehensive and simplified security solution for all site owners.

Enabling Customers Support Messaging On Your WordPress Ecommerce Website

You can allow customers on your WordPress Ecommerce website to send queries or messages to you. These may include:

  1. Product information
  2. Order-related messages
  3. Refund-related messages
  4. Dispute-related messages

This way you can get closer to your customers by satisfying their queries while they make a purchase. When someone sends a message, the shop owners are also alerted by email. You get notifications on receiving new messages from shoppers.

In many cases, shoppers sometimes need more information about specific points, and when that information is not given to them they leave the site. Providing email support and customer care online is good but this direct messaging feature makes the process handier for your customers. This also gives the shop owner a chance to land a sale.

How To Setup Messaging On WordPress Ecommerce?

Simply install-activate the new plugin called Inbox For WooCommerce. Upon activation, the plugin enables your customers to easily inquire about any product right from its page.

At the backend, the plugin also provides you with an interface to manage messages from your WordPress dashboard. Each message sent from shoppers are handled as a ticket by the shop owners and moved across different status until it is resolved. You can also assign these tickets to other members.

Enabling WordPress Ecommmerce Payment Options By Customer’s Location

The lesson guides you on how you set different payment options on the basis of the customer’s location. For example, suppose you want to accept direct bank transfers only from users located in your country or you want to accept cash on delivery only from nearby customers.

By installing and activating the new WordPress plugin called Dynamic Payment Gateways for WooCommerce, you can set payment options to your customer’s location. You can disable certain payment gateways by geolocation of your client which is auto-tracked by your website either from the billing address or the IP address.

Payment Gateway Variation

After activating the plugin, click WooCommerce on your dashboard’s side menu and click the Dynamic Payment Gateways tab to enable or disable payment gateways by country. By using this plugin you can ensure that your website offers a relevant payment method to your customers.

How To Sell Anything Online With WordPress Ecommerce?

WordPress Ecommerce is a bundled product integrated with intelligent features to help you start and manage every aspect of your eCommerce website on your own.

You can start your online store to start selling your physical or digital products, it not takes more than an hour to give you a nice website that is mobile-friendly and can also be extended to a smartphone app.

Start By Registering Your Domain Name

Your domain name is your address on the internet. Anyone who types it on a web browser or search engine will come to your website. So the first thing you need to do before starting any kind of website is registering your full name or your business name as your domain.

You may use the extension .com, or .net, or go for your country-specific extension. There are many more extensions available such as .store which can be a good fit for your online selling business.

Subscribe To WordPress Ecommerce To Launch Your Website

The next thing you need to do is subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce and its automated system will let you make your eCommerce website.

The eCommerce website is your online storefront that serves your customers when they visit your website.

Making an online store is easier with WordPress Ecommerce, you can do it for yourself or for others to build a new source of income. Once you subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce, its step-by-step process will take you to the admin panel of your website.

There you can add your products, and select a shipping and payment method to finally list your products online for sale on your website.

Managing Your Products & Shipping

Physical and digital products can be managed online from your WordPress Ecommerce dashboard.

If you sell physical goods then you will also need to manage the tasks of storing and packaging your products for shipment. You can ship the packages directly from your home by subscribing to a courier service.

WordPress Ecommerce offers you an API integration option to integrate shipping and courier services on your website.

You may not need to subscribe to a courier service if you deal in a small area or own a local store. You may enable the store pickup option to let your customers pick up their packages directly from your home or store. And you can hire someone for delivering packages to nearby locations.

Managing Payment Gateways

You can manage payment methods from the admin panel of your website. General payment methods such as pay-on delivery, and direct bank transfer are already available, you simply need to activate them from the WooCommerce -> Settings page on the dashboard of your website.

You can easily accept payments by using popular payment gateways such as Stripe and PayPal for debit cards, and credit cards payments. The option is there on your website.

Other payment methods can be integrated with the help of API which can be obtained from the third-party payment gateway service. All prevalent payment and shipping services already provide you plugins that you can easily install-activate on your WordPress Ecommerce website for integrating their payment option.

For any support in setting up your website or working on it, you may call the customer support number. The experts are always available to help you out.

What Makes WordPress Ecommerce Best For Starting Your Online Store?

WordPress Ecommerce is based on the two dominant web technologies i.e. WordPress and WooCommerce and then it is repacked with other essential technologies you need for running your online store. This makes WordPress Ecommerce a one-stop solution for running any kind of eCommerce business.

Hence, to start selling online, you simply need to register your domain name and then subscribe to the WordPress Ecommerce plan, and you will get an SEO-optimized full-featured online store. You will not need to buy anything else, not even web hosting, backup service, or online support. Everything can be managed from the control panel of your Sangkrit.net account.

Easily Add & Update Products

WordPress Ecommerce gives a hassle-free selling experience, it lets you easily add and update products, set their price, or tick them to special sales and offers. You can easily specify rates and make automatic tax calculations based on your country’s taxing system.

Sell Globally Or Locally In Your Region

Small business owners can set a limitation by assigning a location where they want to do business. By using the geolocation option you can auto-identify the location of your client by detecting his IP so that you can perform delivery or restrict certain products and services depending on the user’s location.

Advanced Shipping Options & Rates

Apart from integrating a courier service provider, or utilizing govt. speed post option, you can also use local shipping options such as pickup from your store or nearby location. Set shipping costs over different products and their variations, offer free shipping to nearby places, or restrict shipping based on customer’s location.

Preinstalled Payment Gateways

You can accept payment by pay-on-delivery option, by using popular payment gateways such as stripe and PayPal, debit cards, credit cards, or via direct bank transfer.

Preinstalled SSL HTTPS Encryption

The SSL certificate is pre-installed on your website so you don’t have to go through the lengthy process of getting your SSL approved and then configured over your website so that you can secure online transactions and activities that happen on your website.

Malware Scanning, Removal & Repair System

The built-in malware scanner scans your website on daily basis and the malware removal and hack repair tool help you to fix your website during emergencies so that you don’t need to hire someone else for that.

Website Backup With One Click Restore

With secure built-in hosting, you also get a website backup service that keeps a regular backup of your website. This backup can be restored anytime with one click.

WordPress Ecommerce is different than all other WordPress & WooCommerce hostings because it bundles everything you need to start and grow your online business.

You also get free access to premium WooCommerce storefront design themes and over $1,500 of WooCommerce add-on extensions.

Most of the things you see on a good eCommerce website such as displaying related and recommended products and highlighting good offers and sales work automatically when you make your website with WordPress Ecommerce.

How To Add FAQ Section On Products In WordPress Ecommerce Website?

You can set a section for frequently asked questions generally known as FAQs on the single product page on your WordPress Ecommerce website.

Before we start you should know that anyone can make his eCommerce website by registering his domain name and then subscribing to the WordPress Ecommerce plan which can be enhanced with free plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository.

This lesson is on the new WooComerce plugin you can use on your WordPress Ecommerce installation to easily add a FAQ section to offer answers to some common questions that will help the customer to understand your product better.

Install-activate the new WordPress plugin called Product FAQ For WooCommerce. Upon activation, visit the plugin page from the Dashboard -> Product FAQ section.

Here you can enable the section, and set its position, color and heading. Once enabled, you will be able to add your FAQs on every product page.

How To Enable Wishlist On Your WordPress Ecommerce Website?

A wishlist works as a clickable icon on product screens over eCommerce websites that let customers save their products for future purchase so that they can quickly find them whenever they want.

In previous lessons, you have learned that anyone can create his online shop himself by subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. Now this lesson explains how you can add a wishlist option for your users.

You simply need to log in to your WordPress Ecommerce website and then install-active a plugin called YITH WooCommerce Wishlist. Upon activation, the plugin adds a heart-shaped wishlist icon on products.

The plugin also offers you customization options where you can customize the columns that are shown on the wishlist table. It works for product variations too which means if some products have certain variations such as color or size variation, the plugin will let the user add his specific variation product to his wishlist.

Always Prioritize Your Own Ecommerce Website Than Any Marketplace

Selling your services or products on your website is one source of income. Selling them on other eCommerce marketplaces is another source of income that you cannot rely on as it can stop anytime in case you violate any of their terms and conditions.

So make yourself liberated by starting your own eCommerce website. You may use other marketplaces if they are profitable for you but always prioritize your own eCommerce website as that gives you complete control over your business.

Establish Your Own Name In The Market

The second source of income i.e. selling on the eCommerce marketplaces might give you more orders during the early phase of your business but it won’t let you establish your name in the market.

To stand out in the crowd you will need to establish your own identity on the internet, otherwise, you will get lost in the competition. So register and work from your own domain name.

For example, All marketplaces give very minimal options for seller profile personalization. Establishing an online identity cannot happen on someone else website. On other websites, you don’t really establish your identity instead you work under their name.

Let’s say you visit any eCommerce website for purchasing a smartphone. You will see that there are some known vs unknown companies. You will easily recognize known companies because they know they cannot establish their identity only by selling on some eCommerce marketplace. You will find that they all have their own website. They make a profit from other eCommerce marketplaces but they are not dependent on them.

Empower Your Right Source Of Income

So always work for empowering your first source of income i.e. selling products from your own domain because that will take you into the safe zone of business. You will define your own style of selling and decide your terms & conditions instead of following someone else.

For example, Dominos has its own eCommerce app with a food delivery service and it doesn’t rely on the largest food delivery services out there.

Yes, Dominos’s customers use other food delivery apps too but when it comes to placing orders with Dominos, they generally use its original app instead of any other app. Even if the largest food delivery companies fall, Domino’s service will stay unaffected.

So Make Your Own Ecommerce Website Today

You simply need to register your domain name and subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce and you would be able to make your own eCommerce website without hiring any web development professional.

WordPress Hosting Is Easiest Way To Build Website For Your Business

Launching a website is an easy way to put your business online and it becomes even easier with Managed WordPress. You can showcase your products, and services, share posts, videos, and images, sell using the eCommerce option, and make it easy for people to know about your business.

Creating a website builds a strong online presence for your business and is going to help you reach new prospects, as well as engage old ones. To bring your business online, start considering what you want your customers to do. So that you can present your website in a way that can increase your income.

You want customers to buy your products online

You are in a selling business and now you want your customers to buy your products online so that you can sell more products and increase your income. This can easily be done by setting up an eCommerce website.

Simply start by registering your domain name and subscribing to WordPress Ecommerce. It lets you set up your eCommerce shop on your own. WordPress Ecommerce is specially packed with all needful features you need to start an online store. These features include online payment methods, setting limitations on delivery which is helpful when you are dealing with a fixed area or region, adding a courier service, etc.

You want customers to visit your store in person

Suppose you are in a business that needs your customers to visit you in person. To encourage customers to visit you, and why visit only you, not your competitors you can set up a website with Managed WordPress adding information about your services and Map location so that they can find you and visit you when you are open.

On such a website, you can create multiple pages having your business information, testimonials i.e. what others say about your business, and a contact option which can be an online message or phone call button.

You want customers to book appointments

If you are a professional who wants customers to book an appointment with you you can do it by subscribing to Website Builder or Managed WordPress. The appointment can be made to visit you in person, book a call appointment, or have a video conference.

This can be done easily with Managed WordPress without making you pay heavy development charges. There are many free WordPress plugins that you can install after subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan.

You want to build a good relationship with customers

When you don’t want your customers to forget you once their work is done and make them come back to you for new products, deals, and services, you can make them register to your website and keep them sending updates on new offers.

This can be done simply by starting a blog on WordPress Hosting. You can blog about new offers and things that happen in your business. You can let them know about your posts by letting them subscribe to your blog which is done by adding their email or you can simply send them messages on mobile messenger.

What Webhosting Do I Need?

Web hosting provides you space for hosting your domain. It stores your website files. Sangkrit.net has hostings for everyone, from low budget offering limited resources to options that can handle very heavy traffic.

What hosting option you need depends on your budget. You are here for achieving success and for that you will certainly need a Dedicated Server at some point in time especially when your success starts. Having it beforehand can save you from issues that you will face while moving to a bigger hosting option everytime you require more RAM, more processing power and more database space because of sudden increase in traffic.

Still, if your budget is less, you may go for other hosting options based on your present time need. There are hosting options for everyone and this lesson will explain you how one differ from the other and what exactly you need as it is going to impact your website’s availability, and performance.

Cheapest Hosting Options

cPanel Starter is the cheapest hosting option that enables you to host one website. Cheapest doesn’t mean its worthless, it is good for hosting one website of any kind, the bandwidth is unmetered and storage is 30GB which is good as your first step online.

You can use it for hosting any dynamic website such as an eCommerce store or WordPress, Joomla or Magento etc.

cPanel Economy, this is second cheapest option. It lets you host one domain but gives you 10 MySQL databases, and 100 email accounts capacity. The core difference between cPanel Starter and cPanel Economy is that cPanel Starter gives you the power to host one website i.e. one domain having one database.

Whereas, cPanel Economy lets you host one domain but 10 MySQL databases which means you can create 10 websites on separate databases using a subdomain (example: sudomain.yourdomain.com) or subdirectory (yourdomain.com/subdirectory) option. You may create more websites using different table prefixes on one database. Well that you can do on cPanel Starter too if you want to host multiple subdomain or subdirectory sites on one database. But see the storage capacity of the database is limited.

cPanel Deluxe, lets you host unlimited websites which means you can add unlimited domains but the database limit is 25. That means you can either run 25 websites on 25 separate databases or host more websites (that’s what is unlimited) by using one database for multiple websites and you have 25 databases so you can run many websites here also. It lets you create 500 email accounts.

cPanel Ultimate enables you to add unlimited domains and lets you create unlimited databases. Gives you 1 year of free SSL subscription, more processing power, and 1000 email accounts that you can create on your own domain.

WordPress Hosting

Also called Managed WordPress, these hosting options lets you start your own website or online store in minutes.

They save you from the hassles of configuring and managing WordPress installations. They give you dashboard access with the power to start your website on your own without the need of hiring a web developer. They offer automatic setup, backups, and software updates paired with 24/7, online support.

The WordPress Hosting options include:

  1. WordPress Basic – Good for hosting one website with a capacity of handling 25,000 visitors a month
  2. WordPress Deluxe – One website with a capacity of handling 100,000 visitors a month
  3. WordPress Ultimate – One website with unlimited visits
  4. WordPress Ecommerce – Ideal for starting your own online shop i.e eCommerce website
  5. WordPress Developer – You can start and manage 5 different WordPress sites
  6. WordPress Pro – Lets you manage up to 25 different WordPress sites

Webhosting Plus

The Webhosting Plus offers you the simplicity of cPanel hosting with resources that you generally get on a server. It includes more dedicated resources than WordPress or cPanel hosting we discussed above.

This is a great option if you are hitting or going to hit massive traffic, you need more power and resources but at the same time, you don’t know how to manage a server and you don’t want to hire a system administrator.

It also includes multiple plans starting from 4GB RAM to 32GB RAM with the power of up to 16 CPUs:

  1. Webhosting Plus Launch – 4GB RAM with 2 CPUs
  2. Webhosting Plus Enhance – 8GB RAM with 4 CPUs
  3. Webhosting Plus Grow – 16GB RAM with 8 CPUs
  4. Webhosting Plus Expand – 32GB RAM with 16 CPUs

This hosting option is easier to manage just like other cPanel hostings.

VPS & Dedicated Servers

These give you complete control and no resources are shared with other users. A common hosting plan you purchase is located on a server running multiple hostings whereas on a dedicated server all resources are only for your use.

You can build multiple cPanel hostings, allocate resources to each hosting plan, you can decide how many domains each webhosting can have and how much server resources a website or hosting can utilize or you can simply allocate all server resources to your main website.

There various type of servers with higher-lower RAM and space options. But the subscription is of only two types: Self Managed and Fully Managed.

Self-Managed Servers: – These give you command line control. To manage this type of server you may either learn system engineering or hire a system administrator or you can simplify things for yourself by adding the cPanel WHM option.

Fully-Managed Servers: These servers come with round-the-clock dedicated online support from experts.

Subscribing a VPS or Dedicated Server is just like purchasing a computer machine. So while subscribing to a server what you should see is its RAM, storage option such as HDD or SSD, and processor.