Tag Archives: WhatsApp Sharing

How To Add WhatsApp Sharing Button In WordPress?

WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform that works on Android, iPhone, and other smartphone devices. Mobile Internet users use WhatsApp more frequently than other social networking websites. In this lesson, you will learn how you can add WhatsApp sharing button on your WordPress Website.

Adding WhatsApp Sharing Button

Simply navigate to your admin area dashboard Plugins -> Add New page to find and install AddToAny Share Buttons. Upon activation, visit its settings page to select the sharing buttons you want to add before or after the posts on your website.

You can add sharing buttons for WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media websites. Select the sharing buttons’ icon size, and their placements, and save your changes. That’s it, the sharing buttons would get visible on your posts and pages.

WhatsApp Sharing Floating Bar

The plugin also allows you to add a sticky floating bar, simply switch to the ‘Floating’ tab and select the placement options.

Adding WhatsApp Sharing Button With Jetpack Plugin

Jetpack plugin users can easily add WhatsApp sharing button from their admin area Settings -> Sharing page.

Simply scroll down to the ‘Sharing Buttons’ section and drag the WhatsApp button from the ‘Available Services’ box to the ‘Enabled Services’ box. Save your changes and the WhatsApp sharing button will be added by the plugin.