Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
We could comfortably be selling our worldwide exposure to any entity on planet Earth that can make a consolidated payment for a few quarters in advance. Thus we make money to reinvest in expanding the searchable knowledge index of humanity. We do so by encouraging everyone across all the countries in owning a piece of Internet i.e. called a top level domain with free software support for domestic entrepreneurship. That connects our homepage to homes across all time zones. Continue reading Making Ultimate Media The Largest And Utmost Monetized→
Default view of web browser history looks very messy but in a few steps you can transform it into a beautiful timeline using images and opengraph meta-data.
This tutorial is about simple, quick and mini RSS feed reader that works right form your Google Chrome toolbar. It gets easily fixed in the top right corner of your Google Chrome browser and automatically notifies you about new RSS feeds of your favorite websites.
There various keyboard shortcuts you can use on Gmail but very few users know what they are and how to use them. In this tutorial we will show you a very easy way to learn, use and master all Gmail keyboard shortcuts on the go.
Splitting web browsing into two windows lets you more quickly browse websites full of links. For example: Reddit and Wikipedia has a number of links and when you open each link in a new tab or use back button again & again, it makes your web browsing experience slow and poor.
Most of the WordPress sharing plugins uses the same default color for social icons like blue for Facebook sharing button, red for Google Plus and Pinterest, orange for StumbleUpon etc etc.
Even the plugins that allows you to select a custom color doesn’t lets you set it on per icon basis. Here comes the use of a plugin with more powerful color customization hacks.
Saif Sohel has created an awesome social sharing plugin. Unlike to other social sharing plugin this new WordPress addon allows you to use a custom color for each sharing icon.
Yesterday, we have discussed about removing dates from old posts in your WordPress site. Today in this tutorial we will be showing you how you can hide dates on Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
Here is an ideal way of keeping some of your Facebook friends restricted from seeing your status updates and other activity logs. You can only allow them to see your public posts just like your followers.
Chime, a Google Chrome extension lets you aggregate all your social profile and email notifications. It works for Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other popular social networking sites. As soon a new notification comes, its icon (in your Google Chrome toolbar) gets highlighted.
You can hide date from old posts and show it on new posts, great trick for blogs with evergreen content. There are various plugins that allows you to hide dates but most date remover plugins work globally on your WordPress installation.
Short URLs are everywhere on Internet. You see them on social media sites, on blogs, comments, emails etc. There are many URL shortner web services and now-a-days many website owners use their own domain name for generating short URLs like Facebook uses and Twitter uses & are popular URL shortening services which anyone can use for free.
You can change the exterior of websites you visit habitually and make them look more good to your eyes. Think of increasing the font size of any search engine results page or changing the background color of your favorite blog or whatever.
Have you ever wanted to watch any YouTube video without pressing the replay button every time? Suppose you are enjoying your favorite song video on YouTube and want to watch it over and over again. By default, you can only use the replay button visible at the bottom of YouTube video player.
Problem comes when you are not sure about the spammy nature of websites you are linking to. Suppose you are using any image which has been labelled for reuse and you link the image source to the website you’re not entirely sure you trust. In such type of cases it’s always good to make sure the credit link is nofollow.
Deng Xioping did say that getting rich is glorious and that has indeed made China’s success story possible. Still it says a lot that how you make your money and even more than that how you expend it. Linus Torvalds once said this very respectfully about Bill Gates by revoking his condemnation by the likes of Richard Stallman. Continue reading Getting Wealthier Must Become Glorious Also→
Almost all videos on Internet has built-in player in them that lets you play, pause and control video easily. But by default all GIFs generated from videos has no control options.
In tutorial we will be showing you how you can easily control the animation of any GIF file on Internet.
YouTube Picture-in-Picture, the popular YouTube video dock extension is no more available for download but here is a more powerful solution to do the same thing and it is not just limited to YouTube videos.
In this tutorial we will show you how you can hover any YouTube video thumbnail to see more images inside it and get a quick preview without playing it.
Facebook, Twitter and there are many other popular websites that provides you separate URLs for mobile and desktop versions. This allows users to decide whether they like browsing the mobile version or accessing full site version on their mobile phones.