Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
Reddit and Hacker News are most simple but popular news websites managed by Internet users. Any one can submit links and news there which are then displayed in a very simple layout.
In this article we will show you how Reddit and Hacker News users can spice up things on their Google Chrome or Chromium browsers.
Chaos supersedes everywhere in the name of democracy wherever people start supporting anything but not the actual program. Hong Kong protesters have occupied the Central and everybody getting enthusiastic about it has just cheered them for doing so. No one even bothered to know that actually where it is going on. Peace is social while privacy is personal but sacrificing both can only be emotional. Continue reading Occupy Movements Do not Lead Anywhere→
CMSE Copyright Footer is the new widget plugin authored by The plugin provides WordPress site owners with a simple and easy to use widget that automatically adds copyright information in footer widget area.
Awesome Share Button is the new sharing plugin designed by for WordPress users. The plugin is a bit different from all other social media sharing apps available in WP plugin repository.
You always need a better understanding about what you owe while what you own and how its difference determines your overall net worth. Any time your net worth is the ultimate result of the life, you are used to live. Continue reading Your Net Worth Is The Ultimate Result Of Your Life→
So far Occupy Central is going on very politely peaceful with complete cleanliness. Umbrella has symbolically emerged defending its participants against teargas, rain and sun alike. Still if not handled with enough care, Hong Kong could restart chaotic unrest in China. Continue reading Hong Kong Could Restart Chaotic Unrest In China→
Internet Growth Engine now provides you an unmatched opportunity to start making money by helping others in owning domain and bringing their businesses online.
Since registering a domain, subscribing a hosting plan and creating a website is not easy for everyone. Keeping thing in mind System at has designed a new product which you can resell to anyone at same or higher price simply by becoming our emissary.
By owning a domain name, creating a website and then adding a a footer credit-line as ‘Powered by System at’, you become an emissary of Internet growth Engine and you start helping people in bringing their businesses online.
WordPress PopUp is a responsive, customizable and beautifully coded pop-up plugin that works both for single and multisite installations.
It brings an effective advertising style on your website, you can introduce mailing lists, exclusive offers and other advertisements in a polished pop-up ad to your registered client and/or visitors.
People generally click ‘Bookmark this page’ button without choosing any bookmark directory. This not only populates ‘Other bookmarks’ folder but also makes it very hard for you to find the bookmark you are looking for.
Every individual as per up-to-date standards of civilization deserves a personal media that makes him accessible to the world and that makes the world accessible to him. Android is fast becoming that ultimate thing, which finally facilitates such a connectivity. Continue reading Let Android Become The Personal Media Of Humanity→
There are many websites that provides you infinite scrolling feature which works for automatically loading the next pages as soon the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.
Not Facebook but your own blogging website on your own domain name is your real timeline. A timeline is a style of displaying a list of events in chronological order and that’s what you see on any blogging website.
The shopping malls are an outdated American design. The updated design worldwide has also american origin. It is called e-commerce. Continue reading Malls Must Die Now→
For saving any image from on any website to your computer’s local disk what you generally do is right click that image and then select ‘Save image as’ option. But there is no default option for downloading all images from any web page to your system’s hard drive.
The largest ever market is made and controlled by Google so what ? Who actually bothers whether US State Department is working for Google or Google acts like its electronic frontier ? Concurrently android devices are used by more than one billion users worldwide and that makes the largest ever market at Google Play. Continue reading The Largest Ever Market Is Made And Controlled By Google So What ?→
New WordPress Broken Link Manager lets you check, organize and monitor all broken backlinks in your WordPress site. It continuously detects broken backlinks on your website and archives them.