All Articles by Sangkrit

Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.

4521 Articles

How To Fix Restricted Upload Error In WordPress?

Sometimes an error is experienced when you try uploading a new file in your WordPress media library. The error message is – “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”

The reason behind this restriction is to prevent the accidental or purposeful upload of maliciously executable files as that could damage your website.

However, if you are certain about the filetype you are trying to upload then you can fix this issue yourself.

Add this code in the wp-config.php file (located in the WordPress root directory):


Alternatively, you may use a plugin called Remove Unrestricted Uploads. Simply install-activate it to enable unfiltered uploads.

However, the given plugin has certain limitations and does not always work. In-case, if it doesn’t work for your specific file-type then try another plugin called Enhanced Media Library.

Install-activate it and then visit Settings -> MIME Types -> Media page.

See whether your desired file-type is listed or not. If it is not listed, click the ‘Add New MIME Type’ button and type the extension details.

In-case, if you don’t know the name and the label of your file-type extension, you can easily find it from here.

Next, tick the ‘Allow Upload’ box for the new MIME type you have added and save your changes.

How To Administer A Dedicated Server?

The dedicated servers at offer you a WHM admin panel that lets you create multiple cPanel hosting accounts to host your websites and apps.

Before you start, make sure you have subscribed to a Dedicated Server at

Next, log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the Products page and click the Servers tab
  2. Click Launch (Next to the account, you want to use)
  3. Click Manage Server (WHM) (visible next to cPanel Site)
  4. Click Proceed

This directs you to the administration area of your dedicated server which can be divided into five major sections:

  1. Main navigation
  2. Support & View options
  3. Side navigation
  4. Demo Steps
  5. Functions


Section 1, Main Navigation

The main navigation bar remains visible as you navigate throughout your server.

Where you may click –

  • News for important news and announcements
  • Change Log to view the changelogs
  • Log Out to log out

It also displays important server notices.

Section 2, Support & View Options

The top right corner of your server’s admin panel has two sets of options:

  1. The View option allows you to switch admin theme view, and
  2. The lifesaver icon allows you to view the support menu that covers the following set of features:
  • Support Forums for discussing cPanel issues
  • Link for accessing the knowledge base documentation
  • Contact option to submit a ticket to cPanel Technical Support

This section only covers the most helpful features of WHM. To view all of the features in the home interface you may switch to classic view. 

Section 3, The Side Navigation

The side navigation menu provides you access to all of the admin interfaces. Here, you may either scroll and select a page or simply search the specific admin pages.

This is a very deep section that lets you manage almost all functions of your dedicated server.

Section 4, Demo Steps

Here, you will find new notices, demo, and steps for quick access to some important actions needed on your new server.

Sections 5, Functions

This section displays the admin page you click from the side navigation (section -3). It provides the server’s root user and resellers with access to all of the server’s administration features.

Now you are introduced to your server’s admin panel.

Next, start by searching ‘Account Functions‘ on the side navigation. The option lets you host domains and manage your cPanel accounts, follow this lesson.

Targetting Billions Can Help You Make Millions

Anything, that divides the humanity, is disallowed in the universe of Sangkrit. So you have to be selling the same integrating internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure as other peoples’personal outlets also sell although they do not compete but cooperate instead.

Moreover you may startup your own business also.

Build business by subscribing dedicated servers

Any serious business begins only upon a dedicated server. Now-a-days there is no other way possible.

Instead of purchasing hardware and hiring engineers subscribing all internet infrastructure at works more stably. Thus you do not loss money upon frequently replacing outdated hardware.

Brand your business by registering domains in bulk

The best way to brand your business is to register domains in bulk. You must register your business name with every possible domain extension.

Blog your business for billions on planet Earth

Install WordPress for marketing as there cannot be anything better than blogging your business in this internet age. You do so by writing posts. Write posts by addressing the whole of humanity. Such an integrated cross-border approach maximises your revenue streams.

You must only innovatively add a new post. So that you make many billions better understand you afresh.

Targetting many billions is sure to help you make your millions. Your first million may not be far away from you. Just keep the coordinates crystal clear.

Let The True Faith Become A Fashion Forever

It is not over yet. Unprecedented pandemic is still killing people everywhere. From superstitions to politics everything has failed while Science is struggling hard to find a survival route through vaccinations. Untouchability with social distancing is to be followed forever.

Sangkrit has been one and the only saviour around through these pandemic times with his four fundamentals still saving the world. So the wisest believe in Sangkrit and Sangkrit keeps their faith intact. Let the true faith become a fashion forever. So that everyone else also not suffer unnecessary pain, misery or torture.

Ego activates humankind and individual self-interest motivates. Thus life fulfills a natural reason of upgrading human genome via experiencing everything throughout the life-time. This becomes confusing and tormenting only when the individual purpose is somehow fragile as that leads into pain, misery and torture. 

That is why you; having faith in Sangkrit; should be living only an eternal purpose, treating everything else; whichever does not serve your purpose of life; as unimportant. Thus you experience only a sure progress towards your promising future into internet age.

Practising life as an algorithm helps best. Only the essential steps are to be followed in the necessary sequence the way any distracting, deviating or disturbing steps may not come in between. 

Learning life as an algorithm is always personal. This differs for everyone as per the individual situation. Everything is not for everyone since everyone has own dharma to seek out self truth.

Electing Women Into Executive Positions

Sangkrit insists for a future; conserving local naturalness everywhere with women owning the houses, not just cooking traditional dishes in the family but making their languages prevail as mother tounge by getting elected into every executive position for holding the motherland independent; since throughout the past mostly women were made to suffer the most.

Now; when independent people can themselves legislate and elect public representatives into executive positions instead of assigning them any legislative roles; women must get made ready to lead into every executive role like that through this smartphone stage of internet age.

Sangkrit works for that. So that becomes the way of unleashing a direct democracy everywhere without coming in conflict with any of the ruling leadership anywhere since facilitating for that kind of a radical transformation would place their very names into unparallelled eternal eminence. They just cannot be doing anything better for themselves as well.

Legally treating the marriage as mere a mutual understanding about living together; considering the pregnancy as individual right of only women; will pave the way of actual independence of women. Executing the program of Sangkrit as made explicit at the homepage of is the only real respectable route for all the women across all the countries alike.

Do These Two Thing And Your Life Will Change In A Dramatic Way

Practice and promote the four-fundamentals of Sangkrit.

Practicing Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business prepares you for an independent and pandemic-proof lifestyle at home.

Promoting these four-fundamentals by writing posts on your blog helps you to earn money from your home.

It also solves most of the problems people face when they think of starting a new blog. Such as – 

  • What should be my blog subject (niche)?
  • What blogging category will bring more traffic?
  • What topics are most searched on the internet? Etc

Do you know that the most loved and good-earning blogs on the internet fall under these four-categories: cleaning, cooking, programming, and blogging? Where cooking and blogging are among the top blogging categories. 

Start your blog and start promoting Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals. Register your full name as your domain, then subscribe to Managed WordPress and start writing posts.

Blogging Your Business Is Transactional By Nature

Blogging your business is transactional by nature which means you can make it action-oriented. This can be done by using a call-to-action plugin on your WordPress site. You can add a button for buying your product or subscribing to your service or simply booking an order or appointment right from your post page. 

You can use it to direct traffic to your eCommerce store or collect customer information on the contact page and ultimately drive your sales. 

There’s no guesswork in blogging. The SEO tool at analyzes your website and gives you step-by-step guidance on optimizing your domain for Google®, Yahoo®, Bing® and track its progress on the internet over time. 

You can measure your performance, track your success, the increasing worth of your website, and more importantly how many people visit you in a day and how many calls to action are clicked. The more serious blogging you will do, the better you will get in it, and the more business you do overtime.

Everybody Will Get Home-Employment

Anyone from anywhere can startup as a people’s personal outlet to enable humankind into the internet age. Start with Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business. 

The technology you need – 

  1. A smartphone

Your main business task in hand –

  1. Help people in bringing their businesses online
  2. Make more people’s personal outlets to work with you

To work effectively from your place –

  1. Plan a way to deal with potential disruptions 
  2. Make a work schedule you can stick to every day
  3. Continuously learn and invent new ways of connecting with more people

To build your office online –

  1. Register your full name as your domain
  2. Subscribe to a Server Option (Why) and Install WordPress 
  3. Login to the WordPress admin panel and make your website
  4. Start blogging your business and encourage others also follow a similar routine comfort 

Helping humankind into the internet age paves a sure way to succeed as people’s personal outlet, you earn money by managing the technical side of the businesses you have helped to operate online, and that you can easily do with WordPress.

This Will Solve All Your Financial Issues

If you are not happy with the amount of money you are earning or if your earning is zero.  All your financial problems could get solved, you can start earning from anywhere or boost your present time income. It is up to you whether you work full-time or part-time, whether you work from home as a housewife, while doing any other business, job, or while living a student’s life. 

The home-business that can be done by anybody, anytime from anywhere is working as a people’s personal outlet. You just have to enable humankind into the internet age. For that, you will need to help people in bringing their businesses online. 

The question is, how you can help people in bringing their businesses online? Simply by making their business website or eCommerce store. You can easily do that with the help of Managed WordPress.

Your main challenge is to find new prospective clients every day as that is going to work as the life source of your growing business.

It doesn’t matter how passionate you are or how ambitious your plan is if you cannot attract new customers. To outreach new prospects, you should start blogging your business, use different marketing techniques, research, and do whatsoever you think can work.

The best you can do in this regard is to prepare your own network of people’s personal outlets. Prospect brilliant salesmen and make them work as your outlet. Sometimes it isn’t easy, but it’s an absolute necessity for your business to grow.

The day you will prospect a great salesman as your personal outlet, your business will start to grow in a dramatic way.

Anyone Can Earn Money By Making Ecommerce Sites

It has become very critical for almost all types of businesses to have an online presence. The rise in the use of smartphones and the global pandemic has effectively contributed to the immense growth of online business and eCommerce. The new consumer is online, and the requirement for websites and apps is going high. 

Get benefitted from this rapid shift

Every day more businesses are coming online and the demand for good web development is rising across all business industries. Hence, this is the best time for you to startup as a people’s personal outlet and earn money by enabling humankind into the internet age.

The biggest market out there is mainly eCommerce.

From your neighborhood shop to your local supermarket and grocery stores to the businesses you see in news and advertisements, all are your prospective clients and WordPress Ecommerce is the product that lets you make and sell most types of websites on your own. 

Start from your home

Start from your home by following Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business. Help people in bringing their businesses online, help them to register their domain name, subscribe dedicated server, and then add you as their system administrator so you can manage the technical side of their business.

Do This To Discover Your Perfect Blog Subject

Pick five topics you enjoy talking about most and then try to write twenty headings under each topic. The subject on which you can happily create more headings is your perfect blogging niche. Follow that topic on the internet and start blogging on that.

To start your blog –

  1. Register your full name as your domain
  2. Subscribe to a Dedicated Server (Why?)
  3. Install WordPress
  4. Start blogging

For most people, the topics they like to talk about and the topics they like to read on are different. If you want to become a good blogger then read and blog on the same topic. 

If the topics you read and talk about are different then for blogging you should pick the one you like talking about because after all, you are blogging to interact with this world. The important thing is to get yourself started, pick your topic and give it all you have and you will learn new things on the go.

One Thing That Can Save You From Unemployment

Pursuing the core fundamental of domaining a public purpose of life can save this world from unemployment. The difference it makes to peoples’ lives is truly rewarding and satisfying.

This helps people in building a pandemic-proof economy by adequately preparing them to stay home and progress online, by owning and administering a part of the internet as their own domain.

You can easily start from your place by practicing & promoting Sangkrit’s four fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world & blogging your business to finally start operating as a people’s personal outlet, helping humankind into the internet age.

This is the safest home-employment that not only makes you financially independent but also gifts your family a pandemic-proof lifestyle.

Follow these four steps to start living it:

Step-1 Register Your Name

Register your full name as your domain name, to subscribe to a dedicated server and install WordPress.

Step-2 Know Your Business

Read about Domain Name, Dedicated Server, and Managed WordPress Options at You may also read good books, blogs to improve your blogging and selling abilities.

Step-3 Start Promoting Your Domain

Start posting and let yourself out on your blog.

If nothing is in your mind, then simply start blogging about Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals.

Once your domain starts to receive a decent amount of visitors, monetize it with Adsense.

Step-4 Become A People’s Personal Outlet

Now you are administering a part of the internet as your domain and you know WordPress, so it’s time to open-up bigger income streams.

Start building your network i.e. your own chain of personal outlets while helping other people in bringing their businesses online. 

Try to help everyone around you in domaining his purpose of life, help small businesses to come online, and local shop owners to start selling their products online.

You can easily make their website with WordPress & WordPress Ecommerce, help them to subscribe to a dedicated server, and charge something for the online support you give. 

There’s No Shortage Of Work For People’s Personal Outlets

In this rapid shift of consumer behavior, there are very few businesses that are internet savvy. Very few people know how they can put things together such as the domain name, server, and WordPress to start serving their customers online.

This is the time when they all need to at least have a website of their own. By building your skill of WordPress, you can help such businesses to set up their own website and earn from them.

Managed WordPress and WordPress Ecommerce are the essential ingredients in setting up most types of websites. When you start picking up the basics of WordPress, the creation of websites, web stores, even smartphone apps become easy for you. Further, these websites need online support, maintenance and may require frequent updates, which will also add up to your revenue.

To start earning as a people’s personal outlet, you will have to find your market and start making attempts. This will take some time but its learning curve is smooth, the more you will work on yourself the easier it will become for you to reach new clients and close deals with them.

WordPress Ecommerce Now Supports Bookings & Appointment Scheduling

Do you want to allow your customers to book an appointment directly from your website? The new version of WordPress Ecommerce at supports booking and appointment scheduling features especially for the professionals like doctors and lawyers.

A booking form can be displayed inside a page or post or via a menu link. The visitors on your website would be able to check availability and book appointments or make reservations directly from your website.

The booking form is customizable from the admin panel and digital payment options are also available. Notification emails are sent when an appointment is booked, rescheduled, or canceled. Admin may also send friendly email reminders of upcoming appointments.

Blogging Your Business Is The Most Decent Way To Outreach

Engaging customers is equally important for every business. By blogging your business you don’t push your offers to anybody but instead, you use a tactful way of making others aware of your existence and keep the conversation going.

When you post anything new, your customers especially your subscribers get automatically notified about your new offers having relevant information about your products and services. On the other side, search engines automatically work to give you new visitors by showing your site-links on relevant searches. This system on your domain when develops with time, not only helps you to reach billions of people online but opens up many new streams of income, examples are all around you.

By blogging your business you simply keep yourself focussed on creating new content which can be anything you want to share with the world. Just keep in mind to make your blog posts really useful, interesting, and time-worthy for others. It is all about creating fresh content to keep your old customers engaged and bring in new prospects from the world wide web.

The World Now Prefer Online Shopping

The eCommerce industry is growing like never before and if you are planning to enter the world of online selling then there has never been a better time to start. There’s absolutely no doubt that launching an online store can help any business in its total sales and that is why not only more people are searching and buying products online but eCommerce shops are also increasing every day. You may use Google to take a look at the growth of the online market in numbers.

A smartphone gives people a more convenient way to browse and shop with no limitations. Even a new consumer behavior is observed, some people go to offline shops only to touch and feel the product before they really order it online. With online shopping, people can see and compare a large number of products and they can continue this behavior for as much time they want, nobody is there to judge them except the software, which with time starts to show them more relevant deals based on their interest.

By understanding this new consumer behavior you can create a strategy to bring your business online. Starting an online store has never been so easy, all you have to do is register your business name as your domain and then subscribe to WordPress Ecommerce, no coding is required to build, manage and grow your business website. 

Everyone Should Be A Blogger

Sangkrit has set the simplest and safest way for everyone to change his status from home. Staying home and following Sangkrit’s four-fundamentals of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world, and blogging your business simply leads your way to develop your Sangkrit household and become free forever.

Installing WordPress on your domain works as your free press, where you can post anything you want the world to know, instead of using any so-called social media sites where you may get kicked-off randomly, ex-US President is one example of that.

Start by registering your full name as your domain name, subscribe to WordPress, and start blogging. Blogging is for everyone and everyone should be a blogger. Blogging can be personal-hobby-based or business-related. Start blogging to never stop, if you find it hard to master a niche then start posting the little things of your life. Blogging on dissimilar topics is also not a problem, HuffingtonPost is one good example of a successful blog having many dissimilar topics. 

Engaging more people on your blog and building your credibility as a free press not only pays you off by generating advertising revenue with Adsense but now you have your domain as your private property with its value increasing every day and one day it will make you rich. Target big businesses and convince them that the best press coverage is to be featured on personal blogs that specifically writes about new and useful products, your blog can be extremely valuable for them as your readers are all their potential customers.

Sangkrit Is The First And Final Saviour Of Women

Women must get determined not to marry a man who is not practicing & promoting four fundamentals of cleaning, cooking, programming & blogging. Moreover they must get determined to raise their children only in this fashion for determining their freedom forever.

Women are hosting humanity since eternity. They do so by having motherhood. That is how they can determine their future as well upon getting themselves determined.

Nothing liberates women as practicing & promoting four fundamentals of Sangkrit does while pursuing the core fundamental of Sangkrit equally emancipates them. Women can not ever get freed without all that.

So they must make this universally succeed since Sangkrit is their such an only saviour in this world. That is how they become truly free women just by becoming the torch bearers of Sangkrit.

Globalisation Is Going On

It is still getting done but without making the USA or CPC a dominant force anymore. Humanity is getting united into Internet.

You may still find another way of doing things much better than before and your top level domain can serve that way of yours from your dedicated server to let you build your own net worth by changing the world and the gloablisation gets continued.

Pursuing the core fundamental of domaining a public purpose of your life is yet an universal option. Practicing and promoting the four fundamentals enhances not only a pandemic-proof lifestyle but emancipates women everywhere like nothing else ever did earlier.

As a pandemic-proof lifestyle, Sangkrit is globalising the humankind. It is all getting done by your fingertips in a globally distributed order of Internet Age.

Domaining A Public Purpose Makes You Great

Living or dying for a public purpose actually makes someone a great human being. Sangkrit; as made explicit at; is such a purpose consolidated worth living and dying for without a doubt.

Simply pick up a public purpose personally from there so that you could be domaining that for the rest of your life. By doing that you must be changing any ways of doing things with a better way for a nominal charge via your dedicated servers.

You need not be living like ordinary folks who live and die amid personal memories and hopes. That way you are not worth getting remembered except of your friends and family and that too not for too long.

So you are to be domaining a public purpose of your life the way domaining is the core fundamental of practicing Sangkrit. That would make not only a lot of wealth as your individual networth but shall make you personally great as well.

Let Them Be Doing Everything

Smartphone stage of internet age deserves much more than mere representation. People from all walks of life are all the time in a position to determine virtually everything without getting represented for that.

It is the simplest so best to implement a direct democracy everywhere without any more delay and without any more discriminations. Let all of them be doing everything themselves.

A direct democracy would stablise the public life in a dynamic way of progressing forever.