Posts are the content entries generally displayed in reverse chronological order on your home page or blog page. In contrast to pages, posts are un-hierarchical content types included in your website’s RSS feed. As soon you install WordPress, you will be noticing a post with title ‘Hello World!’. It is a sample WordPress post you can delete from Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts page. In this tutorial you will learn how to write your first post in WordPress.
Step-1 Login To Your WordPress Site
First, login to your website by visiting page in your web-browser then follow the given steps:
Step-2 Visit ‘Add New’ Post Screen
As soon you login to WordPress admin area, you see dashboard’s home screen (Dashboard -> Home). Now navigate to Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New page as shown on the given screenshot:
Step-3 Start Writing
Add a title and start writing your content. In visual tab you can use the formatting buttons just like you do in office applications and word pad. Or you can switch to HTML tab if you like to manually include HTML tags. Visual tab provides you basic formatting options like bold, italic, centering, headings, hyperlinks, bullets & numbering, you can insert more links and toggle toolbar etc.
Add Media button allows you to insert image files inside your posts. For inserting any image from your computer:
- Click ‘Add Media‘ button
- Click ‘Upload Files‘ tab, upload the image and click insert image.
- You can add a custom links to image, set its alignment and choose a custom size (last option in image size’s dropdown box)
Remember: Image is inserted on the location of your cursor.
On the right hand side you will be noticing a ‘Categories‘ metabox, from there you can choose a category for your post. Likewise this is your first blog post, you will be needing to create a new category, simply click ‘Add New Category‘ link, give a name to your category and add it.
‘Tags‘ metabox enables you to add keywords related to your post. Tags and Categories are for grouping similar posts together. The main difference between tags and categories is categories are hierarchical taxonomies where you can create child or sub categories whereas tags are given by typing keywords and they are for un-hierarchical grouping.
Post Excerpts is another metabox present at the bottom of post content box. Post excerpts are the small summaries of posts showing up on the multipost pages like home page, your blog post, tags & category archives pages and also on the search engine results. This is an optional thing to do, if you don’t give post excerpts then it will be automatically taken from the starting lines of your post.
Publish Metabox:Finally, when you are done writing your post click the ‘Publish‘ button and your post will go visible to your website visitors or if it is still incomplete then you can use the ‘Save Draft‘ button and access the post next time (for editing) from Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts -> Drafts (Link).
Some other options of Publish metabox includes Status which shows whether your post is a draft, under review or published, Visibility option lets you control post visibility i.e. you can make your post public (default) or private (only for logged in users) or password protected (you can lock it with a custom password) and the last option ‘Move to Trash‘ deletes your blog post and directs you to all posts admin page. All deleted posts can be accessed from Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts -> Trash (Link).