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How To Display Videos Using Elegant Lightbox Overlay In WordPress ?

Just like images, you can display YouTube, Vimeo videos in WordPress. WP Video Lightbox is an easy to use WordPress plugin that lets you embed and display YouTube and Vimeo videos in an elegant lightbox overlay.

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Easily Collect, Organize & Use Beautiful Clip Arts In WordPress

Clip arts are the simple images and symbols made available for computer users to add in their documents and now inside your WordPress post contents etc. ClipArt is a powerful WordPress plugin which is very easy to use, provides you a TinyMCE button for inserting cliparts, you can search clipart and import them directly from instead of uploading images, there is no hotlinking, clipart are saved to your WordPress site and it allows you to use clipart tags to organize your clipart.

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Minimally Invasive Advertising On Top Corners Of Your WordPress Site

Corner Ad is a WordPress plugin for minimally invasive advertising that gets displayed on top corners  of your webpages. The position is typically under-utilized by developers and attracts your visitors using a cool visual effect and imitating a page flip.

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How To Enable User Moderation In BuddyPress ?

You can enable moderation for moderating new BuddyPress members and fight spam bots. BuddyPress Registration Options is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to do so. Simply install and activate it. After activation you can manage all its options and features from its admin section.

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Easily Activate 500+ SVG Glyph Icons In WordPress

WordPress Icons – SVG was originally created by Evan Herman (a full time web developer based in Philadelphia, PA) for using it on his client website projects but soon he released its free version in WordPress Plugin Repository. The plugin is easy to use and provides you a set of web-fonts, and are extremely scale-able, device friendly and responsive icons. In just two mouse clicks you get an icon ready to be placed on to your WordPress site.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate WordPress Icons – SVG then follow the given steps:

  1. Visit Dashboard -> WP SVG Icon plugin page
  2. Click the icon you would like to use
  3. A preview of the icon will show up
  4. Copy the generated code out from the ‘example’ box and use it.

You may paste the copied code anywhere you want the icon to appear like inside your posts, pages, text widgets and even in theme template files.

Smooth jQuery Slider: An Alternative To Sticky WordPress Posts

T4B Featured Slider is a simple and easy plugin you can use as an alternative to sticky (featured) WordPress blog posts. To make a blog post as featured, you have to simply enter the post ID and click ‘Add ID’ button. In the same way you can remove the featured post by typing the post ID and clicking Delete ID button.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Marie Parie, The Alien Pop Dance Artist & Musician

Shardul Pandey Talks To Marie Parie, The Alien Pop Dance Artist & Musician

Marie Parie lives the very definition of “alien”. As a Parisian pop artist who has called the United States home since 2005, she witnesses American society from a unique point of view. Bewildered by the process of dating and motivated by the power of futuristic music, Marie shares these observations through her art. With her debut full-length album, Alien Victory, slated for an early 2013 release, Marie anticipates us strange creatures being drawn to her playful and sexy vibe.

However, the story of Marie Parie was not always so glamorous. Abandoned by her parents at birth, Marie spent her earliest years in an abusive foster home. As a creative individual exposed to harsh living environments, she expressed herself through a love of music and dance. An affinity for singing and songwriting at an early age helped Marie develop a natural talent that was soon to become her life’s aspiration.

In her teen years, Marie was rescued from creative inhibitions by a Catholic priest. Under the artistic guidance of this priest, Marie continued to grow as a performer, singing regularly in the choir of “La Basilique de Saint Denis”, “Notre Dame de Paris”, in various school performances, and even acting -such as in the film Holby City-. Once she decided to pursue her passion further and move to America, Marie arrived with nothing and nobody, once again solidifying her alien identity.

But despite the immersion into a new culture, Marie Parie was driven to succeed in her musical aspirations, performing in cities such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara. Her dedication to art and charismatic nature quickly gained the attention of entertainment professionals who were eager to help the cause. As a result of this support, Marie’s first single, “Dating”, will come to visual life through a video shoot beginning late November 2011. * From Pain comes knowledge, the best gift of all and if your heart is torn, let your alien save you, be futuristic and let art heal you.

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Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Marie at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Marie Parie: I would like to introduce myself to my fellow citizens in India. My name is Marie Parie, self made French Pop performer. My music is catered for all people around the world that love dancing, freeing themselves and feeling good regardless of circumstances. I invite everyone to my futuristic world to escape the daily situations and would like to thank you all for being open to receive me as well in your hearts.

My style is influenced by many cultures including Indian, spanish, French, Russian flares on some of my work, especially my second album. Being French always been into Fashion and flare. I infused a lot of that in my performances as my videos witness that side of futuristic alien. My first single “Dating” is a perfect example that witnesses the American culture with different perspective. I also had an amazing and somewhat unusual childhood, raised by catholic priests, which usually is the opposite of Pop culture. I went through a lot of hardship that made me what I am today. I consider myself a warrior that fights for my music, survival as well as my Aliens Fans. Love of music always saved me and kept me strong to face just about anything that comes to me. My song “Alien Saved me” is explaining somewhat my path. I faced extreme pain as a child, and was suicidal, yet something happened that changed my life and brought me back to life. I always wrote songs as a child, that was my only language i spoke, which was my survival mechanism from overcoming the lack of love, and the loneliness.

I came to America to pursue the American dream, alone, and with no money in my pocket and no family. All i had is talent, and hope, which was not always easy. There were times when I didn’t know how to survive the next hour. I knew I was on a mission, and knew that I will win, it’s just a matter of time. I started working with producers, creating my sound, performing, and directing my videos. I extended my awareness and realized my music touches people all over the world, especially my song “We are all beautiful”. I knew how to navigate through the wolves and find an angel at a time that kept me going. One of my first mentors is Indian, and got me to Buddhism, reading about Indian leaders. This was a turning point that lead me to get signed in France. I’m very grateful for my mentors, teachers, fans, and leaders, and as well for the talent that I’m given. I hope you’ll appreciate this part of me. My goal is still to extend my mission to support children all over the world and contribute to their well beings, as I experienced the vulnerability of a child and it’s effects.

Thank you Shardul for the opportunity to express myself and as well to share all i have with my fellows in India, as well as all over the world. Very much appreciated.

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to briefly explain your sound to people who have not yet heard your music ?

Marie Parie: My sound is infusion of futuristic sounds to Pop sound. I call my sounds “Alien sounds”. Most of my harmonies are inspired by French, English, Spanish, Russian and Idien flavors. I like to mix cultures as we are All one.

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a performer and how would you like to be remembered ?

Marie Parie: My strength is stage presence, connecting with people, as well as delivering an amazing amusing performance. Most of my songs, I wrote them to cater to the audiance, amuse, make them dance, and relax from daily lives activities. I would like to be remembered for my music as well as a philanthropist that helps empower people, mainly children as they are the future.

Shardul Pandey: What do you think, why have you succeeded in a field where so many others have failed ? What keeps you unique ? What advice would you give to newbie musicians?

Marie Parie: My success is a fruit of my consistent effort. Since I was a child I knew what I want to do, music was what kept me alive, and then I didn’t let anyone stop me. I used all the oppositions to create fuel to go forward.

Shardul Pandey: Every new idea is a copy of a copy of a copy… Likewise you compose all of your own music; so from where do you draw ideas, inspiration or intuition from when you write songs ? How much you like this process and when you get completely satisfied with output ?

Marie Parie: My style quite unique, though it fits in Pop dance world. I believe that I’m a channel through which music travelers through me to come to the world. Music creates itself, I don’t create it. I only allow it to come through me. When I write is usually late at night or early morning. The idea comes, and I simply recorded and work on it later. Then, I go to a producer who has a certain sound and work with them to get my sound, and won’t stop till I get it close. It’s merely rare for me to be satisfied. I think we are all apprentices. Now the singers that inspired me are many. I have respect for all artists around the world as well as the fans that support the expression of an artist in any of its forms. So, Michael Jackson has always been my hero, as I loved how he tried to heal the world, through music, and also the dance expression. There are many other artists, French Mylene Farmer, Madonna, Britney Spears stage presence…so many other.

My advice to other artist is to be themselves, love what they do, and believe that they can do it, and never let anyone put them down. Sometimes, we don’t know we arrived to the destination, till we open up our eyes, through a reflection. So do it no matter what is my philosophy. If you worried about pleasing everyone, it’s never gonna end. So, embrace the haters and the lovers, and focus on what you love to do.

Shardul Pandey: “I am open for interviewing all those individuals who register domain and opt Internet as their place of doing business” What is your opinion in continuing this ?

Marie Parie: I believe internet is the future, and interviews are ways to let the world know of what’s out there and help filter through, so it’s a great idea.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Marie Parie: My ultimate message for everyone, is to have love in their hearts, speak love, dream love and share love with everyone. That’s the route to happiness, and I think music is one way to get there, as you can hear dance music and be upset, it makes you jump no matter what, and that’s what I want people to do, is to dance, and free their souls. So welcome to MP Alien’s world, and drink the cup of happiness, while your body is shaking to the music.

[heading style=”1″]After 4 days…[/heading]

Marie Parie: Hi Shardul, Talking about my music is such an amazing thing, and love the work you did. I appreciate very much your support. I would love to hear about more of what you do for sure. I just released my first CD, and now working on a second. New exciting things to come. Thank you

Shardul Pandey: Thank you Marie! I wish all success to the first release of your music. I am now listening to it.

Today again our talk is trending upon that means many more people across all time zones want to know about you. I am gratified that you admire it.

Whenever you want discussing any more creativity of yours, we may do so.

Marie Parie: Thank you so much. I’m so grateful for all you do. I would love to do so. Thank you again, will be in touch very soon.

[heading style=”1″]After 21 days…[/heading]

Top 3 Free Cloud Picture Resize & Cropping Services

Image cropping simply refers to removal of outer parts of any image for improving the framing of that image, accentuate subject matter or for changing aspect ratio. It depending on the application you use, cropping may be performed on a physical photograph, artwork, film footage or achieved digitally using image editing apps. This tutorial lists three powerful easy cloud services you can use for cropping your images online on Internet.

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Powerful WordPress Widget Visibility Feature From Jetpack

New Jetpack by Update to 2.4 Version provides you a new powerful feature to set visibility of individual widgets using visual ‘IF’ conditions. With this new feature you can easily control on which pages your widgets appears by using the new ‘Visibility’ added left to ‘Save’ button. Click the button and it shows you the control options for widget’s visibility and from there you can select a set of visibility options.

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New Styled Custom Colored Notice Content Boxes For WordPress

Notice Boxes with Shortcodes is the new WordPress plugin that lets you make styled content notice boxes of different colors for displaying messages via shortcodes. It provides you noticeable boxes like info box, alert box, success box, warning box and more inside your blog posts, pages, CPTs and other shortcode supported areas.

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Top 5 Free Easy & Beautiful GIF Animated Image Generators

Here are some popular and easy to use web services you can use for generating beautiful animated GIF images. You can add various images from your computer, URL, social websites or convert any video into a GIF animated image and icons etc.

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How To Integrate Bootstrap Content Delivery Network In WordPress ?

BootstrapCDN is a free public content delivery network. If you are a BootstrapCDN user then you can load CSS, JS and also images from its servers remotely. It uses NetDNA’s global content delivery network which makes websites using its service resilient to unexpected surges in internet traffic.

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How To Easily Create A ‘Down To Bottom’ Button Using HTML ?

‘Down To Bottom’ buttons are just opposite of ‘Back To Top’ buttons. A Down to Bottom link let your website visitors jump to the bottom of the webpage. Most web designers don’t consider it. In-fact, they are not always helpful . For example: They might be unneeded on websites have preferably short pages and there is no need for the visitors to jump to the top or bottom of the webpage because the because the page is wholly visual anyway.

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Organization Is Essentially Disrespectful To Individual Freedom So We Discourage People From Joining Any

free-software-foundationSangkrit doesn’t organize as the old world does despite being most ancient form of organization that is called gotra in Indian civilization. It only dispels the education and leaves the knowledge free for human curiosity.

Organization is essentially disrespectful to individual freedom so we discourage people from joining any.

Local Events Leave So Little Impact Despite Being So Expensive That We Discourage People From Organizing Any

linus_eventIf you are not going to overthrow the government, compelling people to gather somewhere is unnecessary. If you organize one, you cannot put an end to the trouble of people from joining this disturbing all their personal schedules. Even if you plan organizing an international event, it remains virtually local or locally depending for media coverage and getting expensive to spread the word. Although more often than not you disrupt local public life also. is itself an internet event. Moreover Shardul Pandey Talks cut across time and space to bring in an internet event involving unique human beings from across all time zones. doesn’t organize any old world event and we never ask people to join any. Local events leave so little impact comparing to internet events such as Shardul Pandey Talks, despite being so expensive that we discourage people from organizing any.

Shardul Pandey Talks To Erik Mongrain, Acoustic Guitarist & Composer

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Erik at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself, your story.

Shardul Pandey Talks To Erik MongrainErik Mongrain: Well that’s a long story but I can try to make it short! I started playing guitar when I was age 14. Prior to that, I was into sports only. That quickly changed with the music coming in and I learned all the grunge music from the 90s that you can think of! Also played some Metallica, Pink Floyd or really anything that I enjoyed listening to. After a few years that was not enough and I discovered J.S. Bach and his work for the lute transcribed for the guitar. Played a lot of that for a year, taught myself how to read music and moved on to instrumental acoustic music after listening to Don Ross. Michael Hedges came into my life when I was around 20 years old and everything changed. His approach was and still is extraordinary and I learned everything I could for a few years.

Around 23 years old I started composing the first songs for my first album , ‘’Fates’’. I was busking in the streets back then and I met 2 great people, Ben and Josée. We became friends and , even though they never were managers in the past, they proposed to manage my career that was beginning. I just went onto a TV show here in Quebec and things were slowly happening for me! YouTube came out, we put a few videos there and everything went nuts! I was not prepared for it all but I did my best. From that point, it went slowly but surely upwards. I record ‘’Equilibrium’’ in 2008 and ‘’Forward’’ in 2012. I am now working on my 4th album which should be out in 2014 if everything goes well! I am now without managers (things went sour after a few years and I figured I would be better off on my own ) and things have slowed down a bit, so I’ve started giving Skype guitar lessons and am trying to fund my career in various ways including the IGG campaign. It ends on September 2nd!

Shardul Pandey: You said you are working on your fourth album, so how far have you reached, what songs you have already recorded for this album ?

Erik Mongrain: I haven’t recorded any songs for my 4th album yet, but I have 3 composed already. I am a rather slow composer, it takes me on average about 3 months to complete 1 song! I should have around 8-9 by the end of 2014. There is ‘’Atlas’’ , ‘’Helios’’ and ‘’Tempo’’. ‘’Atlas’’ and ‘’Helios’’ are sort of linked together, both by the technique used and the feelings expressed. Think of them as point A to point B. ‘’Tempo’’ is nearly finished and it’s a song influenced by my Italian counterparts Stefano Barone & Pino Forastière.

Shardul Pandey : So what makes your endeavors unique ?

Erik Mongrain: I have always been an authentic person, I never hide behind masks. That also comes true when we talk about my music! I think what make one artist unique is if that artist creates with his own voice. As long as you don’t just reproduce the same thing over and over with different colors, or just copy something you’ve heard without research, I think you’re always going to make something unique.

Shardul Pandey: Have you made any new plans for an international tour on your skyline?

Erik Mongrain: Not at the moment, no. Hopefully some European dates in 2014 though!

Shardul Pandey: What is your foremost experience as an artist ?

Erik Mongrain:  My most important experience as an artist would probably be the discovery of the acoustic guitarist Michael Hedges when I was 20 years old. It changed my vision of music, creativity and opened many doors for me.

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a performer and how would you like to be remembered ?

Erik Mongrain: I think that my authenticity and high regard for details while on stage are my best assets out there. I am a perfectionist! I try to compete only with myself, not the others. I would vastly prefer to be remembered as one of the most creative innovators in the world of acoustic guitar music rather than the best or fastest player.

Shardul Pandey: I am open for interviewing all those individuals who opt internet as their place of doing business, What is your opinion for continuing this ?

Erik Mongrain: I think the internet has brought artists in general a lot of good things! We can now express ourselves and manage for the most part everything from home, on our own , with no labels or big companies dictating our every move. We are free to try and create mostly!

It also brought onto the table new problems as well though. Piracy, an overload of content from every sides (public has a short attention span overall now, they move on quickly to the newest thing), countless social medias.. It’s not exactly easy to get the hang of it all and times are, in my opinion, much harder than they were a few years ago.

More freedom does not always mean more revenues or more popularity!

I say don’t give up and find the right balance for you. Follow your heart!

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Click Here And Support Erik Mongrain To Write His Next Collection Of Pieces!


Shardul Pandey What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Erik Mongrain: Life happens only once and we have no rewind button so, don’t get through it living it as a corporation.

How To Display Google+ Badge In Facebook Like Box Style In WordPress ?

With brand new WordPress widget Google+ Badge like FB Like Box you can easily display a beautiful Google+ Badge in Facebook Like Box Style, it displays profile pics of Followers, Follow and +1 button. Minimum height and width for the widget is 150 and maximum is 800, which is increased by 50. You can select the height and width using its drop down button.

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How To Copy-Duplicate WordPress Posts & Post Types In One Click ?

Simple Copy Post Button plugin allows you to duplicate WordPress posts, pages and other post type (both published & drafts) in one click.

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sangkrit.netInternet has its own way of mandating for public utilities. Like facebook is mandated for social network while twitter is mandated for social interactions. Google is mandated for search upon world-wide-web while Wikipedia is mandated for human knowledge resource.

Understanding your mandate is very important for knowing that what for you are mandated and what for not. Like google is not mandated for social networking and facebook is not mandated for e-mail restructuring. Your mandate is mostly determined by the user experience of the utilities you run online. is mandated as Internet Growth Engine for registering domains and hosting WordPress for promoting free press and business by accommodating AdSense. Consequently its title and tagline is considered as 100% accurate. Therefore it is the ultimate way henceforth that to save Internet we ought to expand it.