Tag Archives: Plugins

New Beautiful & Responsive Olevmedia Shortcodes For WordPress

Olevmedia Shortcodes is the brand new WordPress plugin with new cool shortcodes like Accordion, Toogle, Responsive Tabs, Blockquote, Border, Buttons, Colors, Responsive Columns, Dropcaps, Iconsm Infoboxes with buttons, Lists, Logos, Responsive Google Map, Marker, Recent Posts, Table, Responsive Pricing tables, Responsive video inserted for YouTube, Vimeo etc and there are many more shortcodes.

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Display Social Media Profile Buttons Using Beautiful Sticker Styles In WordPress

Social Stickers is a cool WordPress plugin that allows you to display various social networks profile link buttons in the form of beautiful stickers as shown in the given screenshots.

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How To Quickly See Social Attention Received For Each Post Type In WordPress ?

WordiZ – Admin Social Shares quickly adds columns in admin area contnet lists like Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts for showing the number of Google +1s, Twitter Tweets and Facebook likes for every post and post type. Quickly see which post received social attention.

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Allow Website Visitors To Share Positive Feedback For Your Website

Wit-Buzz is an online buzz generator free service that allows you to make your website visitors your brand ambassadors and use them for sharing positive feed back regarding your domain and websites, you can easily collect their (visitors) opinion for your website. Quickly and easily know results, save your time, energy, money and make your customers loyal.

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Get Recent BBC News Delivered To Your WordPress Dashboard

Nova Dashboard Widget – BBC News is the new WordPress plugin which adds a new dashboard widget (similar to WordPress news widget) that shows up recent BBC news articles with links (via RSS feed) in your admin section home.

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How To Use A Live News Ticker Inside WordPress Post Types ?

You can easily place am ajaxified live ticker inside any of your WordPress Post, Page and other Custom Post Types using a simple shortcode [ticker].

Installation & Usage

First install and activate the new Liveticker WordPress Plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds a new menu ‘Liveticker’ in your admin section Dashboard:

  1. Create an initial Ticker Post and allocate it to the initiated Ticker. Now publish the Ticker Post.
  2. Open a post, page, CPT or whatever where you want to place your Ticker.
  3. Use the shortcode [ticker slug] in the text. Remember to replace the word slug with your actual ticker slug from the initiated Ticker you created in earlier step. Save the post.
  4. Now you can create Ticker Posts just by clicking Add New in the Ticker Post-Section.

Screenshot showing tick edit screen:

Screenshot showing content edit with ticker shortcode inserted:

Screenshot showing frontend look with the standard-settings:

Using this new menu you can easily create and manage tickers, you can set ticker refresh interval time, use custom CSS and use own RSS-Feeds for each ticker you created, you can initiate unlimited tickers on your Posts; not in a single post, but in different posts.

Top 3 Great Ways Of Embedding Twitter Tweets In WordPress

Twitter already provides you inbuilt widget creation features. Other than this WordPress also provides you oEmbed for twitter, you can enable oEmbed in your WordPress site from Dashboard -> Settings -> Media page and then you can embed a tweet simply by pasting its URL inside your post or page content.

This article is on few other WordPress plugins that extends tweet embed features in WordPress and allows you to do some more good things with your tweets.

Tweet Blender

Tweet Blender is a popular WordPress plugin that provides you various Twitter Widgets like you can

  • Display your own tweets
  • Display tweets for hashtags
  • Display tweets for twitter lists
  • Display tweets relevant to your post content (like Huffingtonpost)

The plugin supports multiple authors, keywords and hashtags. With Tweet Blender you can display tweets from a single user or a list of users. Also you can display tweets from a certain topic, multiple hashtags or keywords, various lists, authors etc. There is a long list of this plugin features.

Screenshot showing Tweets archive page: [view more screenshots here]

Installation & Usage:

After activation specify your configuration settings from Dashboard -> Settings -> Tweet Blender admin page. You will be needing to authenticate to Twitter and allow read-only access to tweet stream (present under the Status tab).

The plugin provides you widgets you can use in your sidebar, shortcodes to use inside your posts/pages and templates to use inside your theme files.

Fetch Tweets

Fetch Tweets is another plugin for fetching and showing Twitter tweets. With this plugin you can display tweets by specifying username, search results, keywords, Lists and yes you can show up combined results by adding multiple rules.

For displaying the fetched tweets the plugin provides you Widget, Shortcode, PHP Code and Custom Templates.

Installation & Usage:

Install and activate the plugin then follow the given steps:

  1. After activation you can set a rule from Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Add Rule by User Name or Add Rule by Keyword.
  2. For using its widgets visit Appearance -> Widgets and use Fetch Tweets by Rule Set. You can set the rule in the widget form itself.
  3. The plugin also provides you shortcode to use in your posts, pages. Use the shortcode
    [fetch_tweets id="123"]

    Replacing 123 with your rule ID. Rule ID can be found in the Fetch Tweets admin page in your dashboard.

Screenshot showing widget settings: [view more screenshots]

For more usage instruction refer to the Other Notes section here.

Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode)

As clear from its name, the plugin provides you widget and shortcodes for displaying Twitter Tweets. It is used for displaying one tweet at a time with rotation which means one tweets gets automatically and smoothly replaced by the other. Display is responsive and it shows up the recent tweets even if Twitter is down. Check out the plugin working here.

Installation & Usage:

After activation you can use its widget from Appearance -> Widgets page or you can display it via shortcode (inside your posts and pages etc) like:

[rotatingtweets screen_name='your_twitter']

The plugin allows you to decide how you want to show up tweets, you can set the number of tweets to display, you can include retweets and replies and even display a follow button if you like.

Checkout its its shortcode parameters here.

You can also set Tweets rotation speed and animation type to use in Tweet rotation.

How To Create A Twitter Application ?

Most of the above plugins uses Twitter Application, API so following are he instructions on how you can create your Twitter Application, it takes a few minutes:

  1. Visit My applications page on the Twitter website. Login with your Twitter username and password.
  2. If you don’t already have a suitable ‘application’ then create one from the Create an Application page. It’s normally best to use the name, description and website URL of the website where you plan to use Rotating Tweets. You don’t need a Callback URL if you are setting it up for the plugins discussed here.
  3. After clicking Create your Twitter application, click on Create my access token.
  4. Now copy the Consumer keyConsumer secretAccess token and Access token secret from your Twitter application page and use it wherever required.

Easily Create Stunning WordPress Mobile Landing Pages Using Easy Drag & Drop Interface

MobileChief – Mobile Site Builder is a cool mobile site creator plugin for WordPress. With this plugin you can easily create stunning mobile landing pages with an easy AJAX based drag and drop interface. This is not a Mobile Theme plugin that automatically optimizes your site for mobile devices but it allows you to create new content in new mobile sites, it provides you the power to create mobile sites.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate MobileChief – Mobile Site Builder plugin. After activation it adds a new menu in admin section of your WordPress site. Using this new ‘Mobile Site Builder’ admin menu you can start creating mobile site, manage plugin options.

Creating Mobile Sites:


Editing Mobile Page:

Mobile Sites Page:

You can easily create unlimited Mobile Sites each with unlimited pages from a single WordPress installation. Even each mobile site can have it own theme, options, pages and content etc. All themes are Mobile optimized for all small and large devices, even looks good on big screens and laptops.

How To Use Unique Custom Mouse Pointers In WordPress ?

You can easily activate a custom mouse pointer for the visitors who access your website in the frontend. Unique Cursor is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to select a custom mouse pointer.

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How To Enable Featured Images For WordPress Categories, Tags & Other Taxonomies ?

Featured Images for Categories is the brand new WordPress plugin that enables you to set featured images on your blog’s default and custom taxonomies like categories, tags and other custom taxonomy types etc. Not only this much but then you can easily display a gallery styled block of images using a widget or shortcode.

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Automatically Reformat WordPress Content Optimized For Apple iPhone, iPod Touch & Android Viewing

iWPhone is the new WordPress plugin that enables a mobile theme and reformats your WordPress based site content for better optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhoe, iPod touch and also Android devices. The plugin automatically detects the device and shows up your content in a cool mobile theme.

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How To Add An Empty Cart Button With WooCommerce WordPress Plugin ?

WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce is a popular extendable eCommerce plugin that enables you to sell anything beautifully in your WordPress site. By default it doesn’t provides you any button or link for emptying cart but now you can easily add an empty cart button in your Woocommerce enabled WordPress site by using the new Woocommerce Empty Cart Button addon plugin.

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Increase Or Decrease Font Size With Simple Zoomer Widget For WordPress

Simple Zoomer is the new WordPress widget plugin by Chandra Sekhar Gudavalli that lets you add a widget and allows you readers to change your blog content font size by clicking the + & – buttons.

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New Metabox For Inserting Custom CSS In WordPress Posts & Pages

Custom CSS for Pages and Posts is the new WordPress plugin you can use for inserting custom CSS in your WordPress site posts and pages. The plugin enables a custom CSS metabox on post, page, custom post type edit screens.

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Enable WordPress Widget Visibility Module Without Jetpack

We already discussed about Powerful WordPress Widget Visibility Feature From Jetpack that allows you to controls what places your widgets appear on. Now this tutorial is on new WordPress plugin Widget Visibility Without Jetpack which is not a Jetpack Addon means you can use it (same Jetpack visibility features) when you are not connected to Jetpack.

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New Jetpack’s Google+ Integration Module To Connect WordPress And Google Accounts

Jetpack’s new 2.5 version update provides you Google+ profile module that allows you to connect your WordPress blog and Google+ accounts. It displays a link back to your Google+ profile and a Google+ follow button after your posts. Also a link is added to your Google+ profile.

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New Responsive WP Smart Mobile Theme For WordPress

WPSmart Mobile is the brand new responsive mobile theme plugin that automatically gets your WordPress website mobile-ready using a beautiful theme that automatically adjusts layout depending on the device like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone etc.

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Showcase WordPress Pages With Excerpt & Links Using Beautiful Boxed Columns

Page Showcaser Boxes is the new WordPress shortcode plugin that enables you to showcase your WordPress site pages with excerpt using beautiful boxed type columns linked to their full page via shortcodes. You can use the plugin’s shortcode in any post, page or custom post type.

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New WordPress WA Form Builder With Cool AJAX Features

WA Form Builder is the brand new WordPress plugin you can use for capturing user information from your website using its user friendly form builder and its cool AJAX drag and drop features. The plugin enables you to use textfields, textareas, dropdowns, radio buttons etc. You can provide an interactive visual editor on the front-end for styling forms.

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