Earlier we have discussed about hiding WordPress admin toolbar completely from the frontend of your website. Now today in this lesson you will see how to use auto hide feature on admin toolbar and make it only visible when mouse is hovered on the top of your website’s screen. Continue reading Auto Hide Your WordPress Admin Toolbar On Frontend And/Or Backend
Category Archives: Homeschool
Jump To Admin Pages Quickly With New WordPress Admin Search Box
Now you can quickly jump to any admin page from anywhere in your WordPress admin area dashboard simply by typing the admin page title, keyword on a dynamic search box. Continue reading Jump To Admin Pages Quickly With New WordPress Admin Search Box
Auto Generate Menu From Page Order And Hierarchy In WordPress
Instead of creating menus one by one now you can automatically generate it matching your page order and hierarchy in WordPress.
Auto Menu From Pages is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to generate menu from page hierarchy. The generated menu automatically updates to reflect any changes you make to pages in your WordPress site. Hence, it is always current and live.
It works works just like any other WordPress navigation menu which means you can assign it to any menu location of your website’s theme or show it using any custom menu widget or do anything else that you could normally do to a navigation menu in WordPress. Continue reading Auto Generate Menu From Page Order And Hierarchy In WordPress
Easily Add Custom Tabs In WordPress WooCommerce Single Product Page
WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that allows WordPress users to sell anything from their websites or completely transform their WordPress installation into an eCommerce web store.
In this lesson you will learn how to add custom tabs in your WooCommerce single product screen and show more details about your product. Continue reading Easily Add Custom Tabs In WordPress WooCommerce Single Product Page
Set Meta Box Positions Globally For All Backend Users In WordPress
Meta boxes are tool boxes or you can say admin area widgets that allows you to set various actions like ‘Publish’ meta box present in ‘Add New’ post screen allows you to publish your blog posts, set post stats, visibility etc.
In the same way other meta boxes work on your admin area dashboard. In this lesson you will learn how to set meta box order and position for all users registered on your WordPress site. Continue reading Set Meta Box Positions Globally For All Backend Users In WordPress
How To Bulk Seo Optimize Images In WordPress?
Now you can easily update all the ALT attribute of images published in your WordPress blog posts. You can add article name automatically to them and improve traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.
ALT attribute is important for improving website SEO, it is considered more important attribute than actual image title. It is entered manually while uploading and inserting images in WordPress post content via ‘Add Media’ button present in visual editor on ADD NEW/EDIT screens.
In general, all new bloggers and website owners leave this tag empty which leaves many images on WordPress lacking ALT attributes. In this lesson you will learn how to correct this mistake and automatically update all images with ALT attributes in your WordPress site. Continue reading How To Bulk Seo Optimize Images In WordPress?
Display Booking Calendar Connected With Contact Form In WordPress
You can display a booking calender and connect reservation dates with a contact form in your WordPress site.
Booking Calendar Contact Form is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create a booking form with a reservation calendar or a contact form, connected to PayPal payment button.
The reservation calendar (optional) allows customer to select the start (ex: check-in) and end (ex: checkout) dates. This is optional so it can be disabled to use a general purpose contact form instead. Continue reading Display Booking Calendar Connected With Contact Form In WordPress
Auto Display Amazon Affiliate Links In Your WordPress Site
In general, what bloggers do is they manually search products, and paste affiliate links on their WordPress sites. This is not only time-consuming but causes problem when any product goes outdated. Continue reading Auto Display Amazon Affiliate Links In Your WordPress Site
Advanced Advertising System – Sell Advertising Space And Set Prices For Spots In WordPress
Advanced Advertising System provides you many professional features for managing advertisers on your WordPress site. The plugin provides you options to sell advertising spaces on your website and set prices for each spot.
It allows you to control campaign especially the pricing model for each advertiser. You can manage ads zone(place) and specify the pricing model like CPM, CPC, CPP for each zone slot on your website. Continue reading Advanced Advertising System – Sell Advertising Space And Set Prices For Spots In WordPress
WP Easy Scroll Posts – Append Next Post Page To Current Page On Scrolling In WordPress
Now you can automatically append next page of posts to current content page in your WordPress site when any visitor scrolls to the bottom.
Earlier we have discussed about extending infinite scrolling to single post screens, we have also discussed about doing same on other websites you browse via Google Chrome browser.
This lesson is about new WordPress plugin called WP EasyScroll Posts. It provides you the ability to load content automatically via AJAX within the current page or content area as user scrolls down. Continue reading WP Easy Scroll Posts – Append Next Post Page To Current Page On Scrolling In WordPress
Display Latest Video Embeds From WordPress Posts
There are various plugins to display recent posts, post by tag, category, RSS, post type etc. This lesson is about a more interesting plugin that enables you to show recent video embeds you have made inside your WordPress posts using iFrame. Continue reading Display Latest Video Embeds From WordPress Posts
Enable Visual Editing Buttons On Comment Form In WordPress
By default WordPress provides you comment area with no visual editing buttons, it supports HTML tags and attributes but there are no formatting options for users who don’t know about using markup language.
In this lesson you will learn about switching this poor comment form field into a rich WYSIWYG editor, using the native TinyMCE Editor bundled with WordPress. Continue reading Enable Visual Editing Buttons On Comment Form In WordPress
Show/Hide Any Portion Of Post Content Based On Usernames, User Roles, Capabilities Or Logged-in Status In WordPress
You can show or hide any portion of your post content on the basis of usernames, user roles, capabilities, custom groups, or logged-in status on your WordPress site.
Earlier we have discussed about creating hidden premium content in WordPress. We have also discussed about hiding certain post sections by date and time.
Now in this lesson you will learn about hiding content sections simply by enclosing it inside shortcodes provided by Eyes Only: User Access Shortcode plugin. Continue reading Show/Hide Any Portion Of Post Content Based On Usernames, User Roles, Capabilities Or Logged-in Status In WordPress
Display Google Adsense Only To Organic Visitors In WordPress
In this lesson you will learn about showing Adsense units only to visitors coming from search engine results page and social networking websites.
They say that search engine visitors are more likely to click on targeted advertisements than visitors landing directly on your website and also organic traffic makes more money. Continue reading Display Google Adsense Only To Organic Visitors In WordPress
Easily Recover Lost Text Widgets In WordPress
In this lesson you will learn how to get back lost or accidentally deleted text widgets on your WordPress based website.
You should know that when WordPress theme is changed, all unused text widgets are automatically moved to ‘Inactive Widgets’ section in your admin area widget’s admin screen. You can also manually keep unused text and other customized widgets saved in ‘Inactive Widgets’ section to use them in future. Continue reading Easily Recover Lost Text Widgets In WordPress
Enable Profile Rating On Your BuddyPress Networking Website
Now you can allow your BuddyPress site users to rate profile of other registered members on your website. They can easily rate each other’s profile and can view the average rating of each member profile on your BuddyPress based social networking website. Continue reading Enable Profile Rating On Your BuddyPress Networking Website
Enable Any Theme For One Website Only In WordPress Multisite Network
When a theme is network enabled on WordPress multisite network, it automatically gets available for all website owners registered on your website network.
But lets say you have designed a theme for some specific website and you want to make it accessible only for that particular website admin then what?
In this lesson you will learn how to use any specific theme on any specific WordPress site on your multisite network. Continue reading Enable Any Theme For One Website Only In WordPress Multisite Network
Show Your Facebook Page/Group Timeline Using Pinterest Style In WordPress
Facebook Stream is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to show your Facebook timeline on a page in your WordPress site. It allows you to embed Facebook timeline using a responsive layout in WordPress.
It allows you to generate the shortcode for displaying your Facebook page or group timeline, you can use the shortcode inside your post, page or anyother custom post type and the plugin will embed the timeline feed in Pinterest style i.e. responsive post boxes. Continue reading Show Your Facebook Page/Group Timeline Using Pinterest Style In WordPress
MP Easy Icons – Insert From 400+ Icons In WordPress Visual Editor
MP Easy Icons is new WordPress plugin that provides you an easy shortcode generator to use various icons from visual editor on your WordPress site.
It allows you to select from over 400 icon types and insert them easily inside your post, page or custom post type content in just one easy click. It was designed to simplify the process of inserting icons on text areas. Continue reading MP Easy Icons – Insert From 400+ Icons In WordPress Visual Editor
Create Plugin Packs To Export And Import Between WordPress Sites
There are various ways of quickly installing your favorite plugins on different WordPress sites. For instance: If you have favorited plugins at WordPress plugin repository then you can filter and install them from plugin installer page.
Or you can install plugins in bulk; we have already discussed about installing plugins in bulk here. Now today in this lesson, you will learn about creating plugin packs i.e. groups for exporting them to various WordPress sites. Continue reading Create Plugin Packs To Export And Import Between WordPress Sites
New Custom Post Type For One Liner Statements In WordPress
Looking for some easy trick to display random one-line quips on your WordPress site. WordPress plugin repository has a new plugin that can be used for one liner post styles like random quotes, jokes, etc.
Once the content is published it can be displayed via shortcode or sidebar widget. Continue reading New Custom Post Type For One Liner Statements In WordPress