Tag Archives: menus

How To Open WordPress Navigation Menu Links In A New Tab?

The navigation menu links are the links you display in your website’s menu bar. Managing WordPress menus is easy, its default interface allows you to add menu items from various filters of your website, rearrange them with drag and drop interface, and set their navigation label and title attribute.

However, some advanced options can be enabled from the ‘Screen Options’ tab present in the top right corner of the menu admin screen. In this lesson, you will see how to make some menu links to open in a new tab.

Visit your WordPress admin area dashboard and navigate to Appearance -> Menus page. Now click the ‘Screen Options‘ tab and tick ‘Link Target‘ option visible in the ‘Show advanced menu properties’ section.

This adds a new checkbox ‘ Open link in a new window/tab‘ option on each menu link added to your menu structure. Now all you need to do is tick that option on links that you want to open in a new tab.

Click Save Menu to apply the updates. This will ensure the selected menu links open in a new tab.

How To Open Navigation Menu Links In New Tab (Using Block Editor)?

To open navigation menu links in a new tab in block themes in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes to use the full site editor.
  2. Click on the header section, then select the Navigation Block where the menu is located.
  3. Use the ‘+’ icon to add a link or edit an existing one.
  4. Toggle the option for ‘Open in new tab’ to ON.
  5. Save your changes by clicking the ‘Submit‘ button and then ‘Save’ button at the top.

You can also open all external links on your website automatically in a new tab or window with the help of a plugin. You will learn about it in the next lesson.

How To Export And Import WordPress Menus?

The WordPress navigation menus can also be exported and imported just like posts and pages.

WordPress export page on the admin area ‘Tools’ menu doesn’t allow you to export navigation menus although menus are exported when you download the complete XML file by selecting the ‘All Content’ option.

In case you only want to export navigation menus then this lesson guides you on how to do that easily on any WordPress Website.

How To Export WordPress Menus?

Simply navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on your admin area dashboard to find and install a WordPress plugin called ‘WPS Menu Exporter‘.

Upon activation, visit the Tools -> Export page and you will notice that a new radio button option ‘Navigation Menus’ has been added to the export items list. Tick that option and click the ‘Download Export File’ button and you would be able to export navigation menus just as you export Pages, Posts, and Media from your WordPress site in the form of an XML file.

How To Import WordPress Menus?

For importing navigation menus to other WordPress websites, visit the Tools -> Import page on the website you want to import menus.

The page might ask you to install WordPress importer. For that, you just need to click the ‘Run Importer’ button below WordPress and it will be installed. Now you can select and upload the XML file to import menus o your website.

How To Improve Loading Time Of WordPress Menus?

Increased loading time means less-good and long code. In simple words less code gives you less page loading time. Same is with WordPress menus, you can easily improve its loading time by removing unnecessary classes of CSS, which are actually not required inside the navigation of any website.

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Keeping Shared Menus On WordPress Multisite Network

You can pull menu from another website on your multisite network to easily achieve a universal navigation and make things go fast and easy without needing to manually recreate same menus on other websites.

Earlier we have discussed about exporting and importing navigation menus in WordPress so that you can backup them or use them on other websites. Today in this lesson you will learn about using same navigation menu or pulling menus from other websites across your multisite network.  Continue reading Keeping Shared Menus On WordPress Multisite Network

Auto Generate Menu From Page Order And Hierarchy In WordPress

Instead of creating menus one by one now you can automatically generate it matching your page order and hierarchy in WordPress.

Auto Menu From Pages is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to generate menu from page hierarchy. The generated menu automatically updates to reflect any changes you make to pages in your WordPress site. Hence, it is always current and live.

It works works just like any other WordPress navigation menu which means you can assign it to any menu location of your website’s theme or show it using any custom menu widget or do anything else that you could normally do to a navigation menu in WordPress.  Continue reading Auto Generate Menu From Page Order And Hierarchy In WordPress

How To Extend & Customize WordPress Menus?

You can easily extend default WordPress menus registered on your theme’s menu location to make them highly customizable. You can change their appearance, create new menu themes, add widget in them, HTML, enable menu custom icons and use them in your existing website menu locations.

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Best WordPress Plugins To Add Responsive Mobile Menu

Multilevel fluid responsive menus enables your visitors to browse your website more easily on smartphones, tablets and other small screen devices. Regular multilevel navigation menus doesn’t works on touch screen devices, the reason is they need a mouse hover to show sub navigation items but when using touch screen devices you can only give a click. That is why all mobile menus are click-open menus.

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How To Show/Hide WordPress Menus With Conditional Statements?

If Menu is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to use WordPress menus (each individual menu item) with if conditional statements, somewhat like WordPress widgets visibility feature by Jetpack. The plugin enables visibility features to all WordPress menus you manage from dashboard’s appearance section. It allows you display or hide menus based on conditional statements such as show/hide this menu if the page is a single page, if user is logged in etc.

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How To Get Complete Control Over WordPress Menus?

You can set visibility of your WordPress site menu items, you can control access on per user role and on the basis of logged-in memers and visitors etc. Power Menus is the new WordPress plugin that provides you full control over your website menus and the best thing is that there are no extra options page, you can control everything right from the main menus pages present in Appearance section of your dashboard.

Currently the plugin allows you to:

  • Limit access to posts and pages
  • Show or hide items per user role
  • Redirect users without required access permissions to a chosen page
  • Control visibility of menu items for logged-in or non-logged-in users and more features are under development.

How To Use Power Menus Plugin?

Install and activate Power Menus and follow the steps:

  1. Visit Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus page and set the secure page under “Secure Page – Power Menus” box (this will be the page where user with insufficient access permissions will be redirected to). If the page is not set or it’s set to “None”, chosen menu items will be hidden but page(s) will be still accessible via URL.
  2. Choose menu items and set their visibility (you should see “Visible to logged in users only” and “Visible to selected user roles” section)

Showing WordPress Menus On The Basis Of User Role Types

You can show certain menus to certain users and not others. For example: you are running an online store and a blog on same website and you want your clients to see only store navigation (and not blog menu items) so that they can easily manage the products they are subscribed to without getting confused with other menus. Problem Solved: Nav Menu Roles lets you do this very easily. With this new plugin you can hide custom menu items based on user roles.

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How To Speed Up Menus Admin Screen In WordPress 3.6 ?

New accessibility JavaScript present in WordPress 3.6 Dashboard -> Appearance > Menus panel insignificantly slows down the loading speed specially when you are having a large number of menu items (> 50) to manage.

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How To Add WordPress Theme & Plugin Menus In Admin Bar ?

Now for quick access you can easily add WordPress theme and plugin dashboard menus in admin bar by activating a simple-light-weight WordPress plugin called Plugins and Themes in Admin Bar. The plugin becomes more useful for WordPress developers who need to install, upload and edit themes or plugins often.

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How To Display Menus With Icon Images In WordPress ?

Menu Image is the new WordPress plugin that lest you display images before menu item text in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to assign a new image with each menu link you create in your website using the default WordPress menu feature from Appearance -> Menus page.

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Quickly Get JQuery Effects On Default WordPress Menus And Sub Menus In Just A Click

Here’s an easiest and fastest way of adding JQuery effect in your default WordPress menus in just a click. Menu Effect is a free WordPress plugin that lets you add JQuery effects on your default WordPress menus (including both drop down main and sub menu) without changing or editing any code.

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Easily Manage Your Restaurant Menu Online In Your WordPress Site

We have already discussed about best WordPress plugins, domains and hosting plans for starting your restaurant online. We have also learned about giving a better look to your food recipes in your cooking blog and auto creating Google Recipe View in search engine results. Now this tutorial is about a new WordPress plugin you can use for managing your restaurant menus online in your WordPress site.

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Save WordPress Dashboard Space By Adding All Admin Links In Horizontal Drop Down Bar

You can easily remove Dashboard’s left sidebar links and add them on the top after the WP admin bar. This not only saves your dashboard space but also makes admin area navigation more easy for you.

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Simplify WordPress Admin Interface On Per-User Basis. Easily Turn Specific Menu Sections Off For Certain Users.

Simplify WordPress dashboard menus per user basis. New WordPress plugin simply allows you to select username and WordPress admin area menus visible to him by using a check box. This way you can turn specific menu items on and off for specific users.

Continue reading Simplify WordPress Admin Interface On Per-User Basis. Easily Turn Specific Menu Sections Off For Certain Users.

How To Run An Online Restaurant Sitting At Home Using WordPress ?

If you are a good cook but don’t have much money to open up a restaurant then you can have it online using WordPress. Put your menus online, allow people to order food using your website, cook at home then deliver it. This can be done quickly and easily.

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How To Disable Certain Dashboard Menus On Subsites In WordPress Multisite Install ?

If you don’t like certain menus and their features to be used by subsite users in WordPress multisite install then you may easily disable them. For example: if you don’t want your subsite users to upload media then you can disable media library menu from dashboard. Doing this they won’t be seeing media library menu in their admin section and even if they try to get their they will be seeing an error message.

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