Category Archives: WordPress

How To Allow Your Readers To Manually Sort Posts In WordPress ?

You can allows your website visitors to manually sort posts on the basis of title, date or update. This can be done by adding a drop down box in your site’s home, category and other archive pages showing post sorting menu.

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How To Add Code Element TinyMCE In WordPress Visual Editor ?

Code element button is used for displaying code in programming language tutorials. Most bloggers use if for showing hacks and small code snippets inside their post content. By default code element button is present only on WordPress HTML editor, alternatively you many also use its tags and enclose your code using <code> and </code>. This tutorial explains you how to very easily add code element button both on WordPress visual and full screen editor.

First install and activate the new WordPress plugin called TinyMCE Code Element. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New and you will be seeing new <> sign button added to your visual editor.

Now simply select the code you have written inside your post and click the code element TinyMCE button as shown in the given screenshot.

How To Create WordPress Pages In Bulk ?

Now its very easy to create various WordPress pages instantly in just a click. Suppose you are designing a personal business website and you need to create simple pages like About, Contact, Blog etc then what you generally do is create all pages one by one from Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New admin panel but now by using the new WordPress plugin called Mass Page Creator you can create many pages at once simply by entering their title and yes you can edit them late on.

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Beautiful Lightweight Newsletter Subscription PopUp Form For WordPress

SC Popup Subscriber Form is the new jQuery based Popup Feedburner Subscriber Form for WordPress site owners. Using this new plugin you can instantly enable/disable jQuery Popup Subscriber Form from your WordPress admin panel. All you will be needing to do is set feedburner feed id from dashboard and add your own heading and description to appear on Popup form.

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How To Add A Custom Message In WordPress Comment Form ?

You can easily display a custom message with your comment form and inform your commenters about your comment policy, encourage them to subscribe to follow up comments, site feed or newsletter, you can motivate them to comment on your website and more.

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How To Add Social Sharing Buttons With Pull Quotes In WordPress ?

PullQuotes are the quotations bloggers use to highlight the memorable part of their blog posts. This article explains how you can add social sharing buttons with your website’s pullquotes so that your readers can share them easily on popular social networks.

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WordPress 3.5.2 Security Release Is Now Available

WordPress 3.5.2 with second maintenance release (12 bug fixes) is now available. We have checked this new WP update from versions 3.4.2 to 3.5.1 (both on single and multisite installations) and it works fine without creating any error. The update works fine with all featured WordPress plugins like BuddyPress, bbPress, WP Super Cache and other popular plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast, WP Total Cache. This update resolves seven security issues, and includes some additional security hardening.

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Replace WordPress Howdy Message With Greetings Depending Upon The DayTime

There are many different plugins available that allows you to hide or edit WordPress Howdy message which shows up on the top right corner or admin bar and is visible only to logged in users. This tutorial explains you how you can change that Howdy message and add some greetings depending on the time of the day. For Example: If its morning time the plugin will display Good Morning message as shown in the given screenshot.

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How To Enable Hashtags Inside WordPress Blog Posts ?

Just like Twitter, Google+ and now Facebook also you can enable Hashtags feature inside your WordPress blog posts too. WordPress Plugins Repository has a new plugin Hashtag. The plugin is easy to use, it automatically converts#Hashtag keywords in to searchable hashtag search link that directs user to search results page showing posts containing the clicked hashtag.

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Sticky Footer Bar For WordPress Showing Random Post From A Given Category

WP Sticky Footer bar is the new WordPress plugin that automatically activates a simple but cool sticky footer bar showing one of your random blog post from given category.

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Jetpack Introduces Omnisearch That Searches Every WordPress Thing

Omnisearch is the brand new feature of Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin. Today’s Jetpack update provides you a new admin area search feature that can search many things present both locally on your website and from the selected providers on internet.

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How To Enable Mashable Like Infinite Scroll Feature Without Jetpack ?

There are many popular websites on internet like Mashable, Facebook etc that provides their users AJAX powered infinite scrolling on home and other archive pages. Infinite scroll automatically appends the next page containing posts (via AJAX) to the page you are viewing as soon as the user scrolls the bottom of the page. Most WordPress users uses Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin to enable this feature in their website. This tutorial is for the site owners who are not using Jetpack, there is no need of installing Jetpack only for activating infinite scroll module in your WordPress site. You can easily do so with a plugin called Infinite Scroll.

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Create Incredible HTML5 & JavaScript Based Charts In Just A Few Clicks In WordPress

With RJ Quickcharts, new WordPress plugin you can very easily create beautiful HTML5&JavaScript based charts right from your WordPress admin area in a few simple clicks. Unlike to other WordPress plugins, this plugin provides you step by step chart creation. Currently this plugin  provides you only Bar and Line charts Pie and Donut chart support is still under development and will come available in future updates till then for pie charts you can give a try to Google Visualization Charts.

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How To Make Your WordPress InBlog Search Permalinks Look More Beautiful ?

By default WordPress uses redirects search URLs like ?s=KEYWORD. This article is on a simple WordPress plugin that converts ?s=KEYWORD search URLs to /search/KEYWORD and also converts spaces to + symbols like you see in Google search results.

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How To Include Widgets Inside WordPress Posts & Pages Via Shortcode ?

You can easily show up selected widgets inside your WordPress blog posts and pages by using simple shortcodes. amr shortcode any widget is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to include any widgets inside your post content via shortcode. Continue reading How To Include Widgets Inside WordPress Posts & Pages Via Shortcode ?

Shardul Pandey Talks To Isabel Castillo, A PHP Programmer

[note color=”#FFCC00″]Interview is ongoing live…[/note]

Shardul Pandey Talks is international program for promoting those individuals, who register their domain to create virtual wealth in webspace so if you too want to get interviewed, simply email to considering any conversation upon this as subject to publication here.

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How To Display Jetpack Subscription Box After WordPress Post Content ?

You might have noticed on various popular websites showing their email subscription box at the end of their blog post’s content. Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin provides you an email superscription widget but by default there are no options to display it else where. This tutorial explains you how you can easily display Jetpack Subscriptions box after your blog posts.

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Geek List: Easily Share Your Creation And Get In-touch With Great Companies & Communities is a online service specially for developers, they can share what have created, what work they have done and get in touch with large companies and organisations. Using this web service you can easily discover, connect and share great works world wide. Here you can share your resources and links with others, get High Fived (or ^5 in Geeklist terms), earn GeekCred™, build your own connections and join in Geek communities in a completely integrated social manner.

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