Tag Archives: sticky

Top 10 Plugins To Turn WordPress Sticky

Sticky parts of a WordPress site means the sections which sticks to their place and remains on their position even when the user scrolls. Sticky posts are different from sticky headers, footers, widgets and sharing buttons etc. Sticky posts sticks to the top of a multi posts page and remains on the top, no matter how many new post entries are made by other website users. In this tutorial we are sharing a list of some good plugins which you can use for making your website sections sticky and featured.

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Sticky Container Of Social Media Icons In Your Favorite Colors For WordPress

Sticky Social Icon is a simple sticky container of social media icons glued on the right side of your website. The container provides you animated social icons with css3 transitions and transform rules with different color code. To start, install and activate the plugin in your WordPress installation.

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How To Make Default WordPress Navigation Menu Sticky ?

T&P Navigation Menu is the new WordPress plugin that automatically sticks your website’s default navigation menu to top of the webpage when your visitors scroll down the page.

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Floating Frame Displaying Social & Custom Buttons In WordPress

Floating Social Media Links is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display a beautiful floating frame of buttons (linked icons of social media and other custom links) in WordPress. The plugin provides you a clean sticky look.

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Display Sticky Semi-transparent Highlighted Notice In WordPress

Sticky Notice is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to display a sticky semi-transparent and highlighted notice box in your website. You can add your text, choose your color theme, font size and position from Top-Left, Top-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right & Center.

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How To Make WordPress Admin Sidebar Follow Your Scroll ?

Sometimes especially while editing long articles it becomes very irritating for bloggers to scroll again and again to top of the page just for clicking Update, Preview or Publish buttons etc. But no worries! because now by using the new WordPress plugin called Follow Me Sidebar you can make your Add New/Edit post’s page right sidebar float with you as your scroll down the page which you generally do in long post edit screens.

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Sticky Footer Bar For WordPress Showing Random Post From A Given Category

WP Sticky Footer bar is the new WordPress plugin that automatically activates a simple but cool sticky footer bar showing one of your random blog post from given category.

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How To Manually Sort And Display WordPress Sticky (Featured) Posts In The Order You Want ?

Sometimes when you feature many posts at once by ticking Make this post sticky button in all posts quick edit section then what WordPress by default does is that it shorts those sticky posts in date wide order which simply means if you make many posts sticky then your most recently posted sticky post will be coming on top. This tutorial explains you how you can manually sort and rearrange sticky posts in your WordPress site easily.

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Quick And Easy Way To Deal With All Sticky Posts On Your WordPress Site

WordPress already provides you sticky posts feature without installing any plugin. Sticky Posts are actually Featured Posts hat stays on Top of your blog for the time period you want. You can easily make any WordPress post sticky simply by visiting Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts, selecting the post and clicking Quick Edit to check the option Make this post sticky.

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Easiest Way For Managing WordPress Sticky Posts, Turn Them On-Off In One Click

Normally you turn your WordPress blog posts sticky (featured) from Dashboard -> All Posts’s Quick Edit by checking and un-checking the box. But here we are discussing about the easiest method for turning blog posts sticky or turning sticky posts to normal ones.

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