You can select default link for images while uploading or inserting them inside your WordPress site, in posts or pages. You can select default link to None, Attachment Page, Media File or Custom URL. Default Image Link is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to do so.
Generally when you insert a image in any of your post or page by default,it always appear to be self-linked i.e. liked with its self file. But now by usingĀ Default Image Link plugin you can establish the link type by default for images without having to worry about selecting a different option on each occasion.
As said by the developers, For SEO & other reasons most website owners prefer images to have ‘none’ link. And there are many other who prefer images to be liked to their Attachment page or self file (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.)
Now if you use this new plugin then you can define link type for each image and then there will be no need of modifying image at the time you are using those images. Previously inserted image links are not modified.
Installation & Usage:
Instal and activate the plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Default Image Link page and there you can select default image link option from:
- None
- Media File
- Attachment Page
- Custom URL (You must write custom URL for each image)
Great for multi-author WordPress sites where sometimes authors forget about selecting correct link for each image used in their post etc. Another good thing about thus plugin is that you can disable it after defining default image link and re-enable it for changing default image link again.