Category Archives: Free Press

Importing & Exporting Widgets With Their Settings Between WordPress Sites

While completely moving WordPress installation (including the database, files and plugins), widgets settings automatically moves and the website automatically starts working like before. This procedure is good for moving large websites but sometimes you might need need to reuse only widget settings, if there are only one or two widgets then that can be moved manually. However, if there are many widgets, widget areas in multiple sidebars then a better, fats and more easy solution is needed. This tutorial explains you how you can import & export widget settings across WordPress installations.

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Showing Facebook Like Box Inside A Bottom Screen Notification Bar In WordPress

Facebook like toolbar is the brand new WordPress plugin for showing Facebook Like Page Button with a custom message of notification in a highly customizable bar at the bottom of your website. You can display a message in simple text or you can use the HTML code and include hyperlinks etc.

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Crossposting Content From One WordPress Blog To Other, Also Works Between Self-hosted & WordPress.Com Websites

Just like Tumblr Crossposting from WordPress, now you can easily cross post your WordPress blog posts and other content to your blogs and other self-hosted WordPress site having Jetpack installed in them. WordPress Crosspost is the new WordPress plugin that automatically crossposts your content to your other WP sites, it enables you to select the blog of your choice whenever you hit the “Publish” (or “Save Draft”) button.

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How To Crosspost From WordPress To Tumblr?

Crossposting from WordPress to Tumblr is easy, you can keep your WordPress blog completely in sync with your Tumblr blog and then you can easily control everything from your WordPress admin area. Tumblr Crosspostr is an awesome WordPress plugin that lets you cross-post published WP posts to your Tumblr, even the changes made to your WordPress posts also get reflected to your Tumblr posts.

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Screencasting Desktop From Google Chrome Browser, Great Solution For Chromebook Users

Screencasting your desktop, web browser and webpages is now very easy and you can do it right from your Google Chrome browser. Yes, Screencastify is an awesome chrome app we have tested and passed for this tutorial. It does what it says, best for YouTube channel owners. Some reviews say that the app doesn’t works for Windows8 but who cares, Windows8 users have many other options and the important thing is that it works with Chromebook where you don’t have much options.

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How To Include Custom Post Types On Homepage In WordPress?

By default WordPress only allows users to display static pages and posts on the front page. There are many solutions for displaying any other post type on the homepage like by using shortcode plugins etc  but here we will provide you the easiest among all other solutions. We will be using a hack which you can easily enable on your website or alternatively you may also give a try to CPT on Front Page plugin by fabrizim.

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Top 3 Accordion Menu & Widget Plugins For Utilizing Sidebar Space In WordPress

According is good for saving space and showing up more things on user’s demand. Earlier we have discussed about many according plugins that enables you to add accordion with your post & post type content and now in this tutorial we are posting something new, we are sharing a list of three best plugins that provides you with accordion based menus and menu widgets.

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Top 3 Plugins For Extending Features Of Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme

After the release of Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme, many new plugins arrived in the free market providing various cool features that extend this default WP theme with more customization options and features. Earlier, the first thing (after WordPress installation) that most of the web designers used to do was activating a new theme but now this new default WP theme provides users with a professional magazine layout which looks good on both profession & personal weblogs and now you can make it more customizable with following free plugins.

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Easily Promote Your Blog, Latest Post & Social Links On Every Email You Send

WordPress Website Email Signature – by WiseStamp is a chrome app that lets you promote your WordPress blog’s address, recent post and social links on every email you send using a customizable signature template and it does that automatically. To start first install WordPress Website Email Signature – by WiseStamp in your Google Chrome’s web browser.

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How To Add A Facebook Like Box Slider In WordPress?

Here’s a simple and fast way of displaying a Facebook page like box block. Facebook Like Box Sliding, a new WordPress plugin automatically enables a Facebook button floating on the side of your website’s screen which when clicked slides up your Facebook page with like button, fan avatars and recent post scroll. The button and box are sticky so scrolls with the page.

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How To Display Widget By Devices In WordPress?

Displaying widgets by devices means displaying displaying the widget content only the device you want like only on mobile or only on tablet or only a computer’s web browser. WP Widget Devices is the new WordPress plugin with which you can display HTML text widgets only the device you want like smartphone, tablet or only on regular web browser.

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How To Display Fullscreen Photogallery Slides In WordPress?

In a few clicks you can create beautiful full screen photo galleries with inbuilt full-screen slider in your WordPress site. Here’s a completely new way of creating and displaying full-screen galleries which is totally different from default WP photo galleries. Fullscreen Slides is the new WordPress plugin which which you can easily add a fullscreen gallery to page or post simply by inserting a shortcode, the plugin provides you custom image management, it doesn’t rely on the default WordPress Media Library and is compatible with all major web-browsers and smartphone is optimized.

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How To Create A Highly Customizable Maintenance Mode Page In WordPress?

There are hundreds of under construction & coming soon page in WordPress plugins repository but if you want a highly customizable page with tons of options and features then Coming Soon / Maintenance mode Ready! is a good choice. The plugin not only provides you various features for designing coming soon page but even you can redirect your website to some custom URL or to an external website etc.

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New WordPress Child Theme Wizard To Generate Child Themes In One Click

Child Theme Wizard is the new WordPress plugin that lets you easily generate a child theme (from any theme)  in just one click and lets you customise its options. The plugin provides you a one step wizard ;-) which lets you create a new child theme without any need for additional tools and coding as everything works right from the WordPress admin interface.

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How To Redirect Error 404 Pages To A Custom URL In WordPress?

Error 404 pages are not considered good for SEO and also as per adsense terms & conditions you cannot display the adsense ads on 404 pages and hence it is always good to redirect these pages to your website’s home. In this tutorial we will explain you how you can redirect 404 to home or to a custom URL of your website or to a sub domain or even if you need you can redirect it to some external URL.

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How To Display Your Photo Gallery In WordPress?

500px, pronounced as five hundred pixels is a popular online photography community which is aimed at aspiring and professional photographers and encouraging members to upload their best work to gain gain exposure, find inspiration and connect. The webservice currently has over 2.5 million registered and over 10 million monthly active users. In this tutorial we’ll explain you how you can add your 500px photo gallery in your WordPress based website.

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How To Set Different Theme Templates For Categories In WordPress?

Setting up theme template category wise means that you can assign a different theme for each and every category of your website. Template Base On Category enables you to change the theme template for category and post in category base on your category ID.  WIth this new plugin you can select the theme ( template ) base while creating new or editing any old category from admin section. All posts in edited categories will automatically change.

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Automatically Showing Up Your Brand’s Register Trademarks In Your WordPress Site Content

Brand-Marker, s simple yet powerful free WordPress plugin ensures that the appropriate trademark symbol will be applied in every page, or post where you use your brand’s text or symbol etc. For Example: If we use this plugin here on text ‘SANGKRIT’ then wherever have written ‘SANGKRIT’ (inside post, pages, post types etc) it will show up ® or any other selected trademark after it.

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Mapping Seperate Domains On WordPress Site Pages, Posts, Categories, Post Types & More

You can map domains for pages, posts, post types, categories etc on your WordPress site. Mapping domains mean you can assign a separate domain for an individual page a n individual post, post type or their archive pages or on a category. Domain Mapping System enables you to do this very easily.

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How To Record Post Reactions Of Your WordPress Site Visitors?

Not everyone who reads your post comments on your website and mostly the comments are made by the website owners and bloggers working to build up good back links to increase page rank and traffic towards their web addresses. Now, if you add some feedback buttons after you posts and ask your readers to rate the post can bring a boost of reactions (if you have traffic).

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Now You Can Display Related Posts With Thumbnails Using Jetpack

Now Jetpack also provides you fully functional module for displaying related posts of your website. This new Jetpack’s feature feature pulls out the relevant content from your blog and displays it at the bottom of your posts. When the feature is enabled, a new section of related posts automatically appears underneath your Jetpack’s Sharing Buttons and Likes (if its on).

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