Category Archives: Free Press

Building Account Based Guest Posting System In WordPress

Creating an account based guest posting system means you want to all guest post bloggers to be registered on your WordPress site as a contributor role. You can simply enable registration from your website settings and select the default user role as ‘Contributor’, contributors cannot publish any post directly instead they can only leave the post for review. Peter’s Collaboration E-mails make this system more powerful and much better. It is a free WordPress plugin which enables automatic emails to the relevant users on your website during the collaboration workflows.

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Google Chrome App To Prevent Spelling & Grammar Mistakes On Internet

Grammarly is a Google Chrome app which prevents you from making spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes while writing anything on Internet like writing your emails, posting any text on social media, while using any notepad extension on Chromebook or whatever. The application marks auto marks all mistakes using a red squigly line like Word Pads and other office programs.

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How To Use YouTube As Background Slider In WordPress?

There are many plugin for using images as background slider in WordPress but YouTube Background Slider is something different. It very easily enables you to slide YouTube videos or a complete playlist in background. See it live working here. The plugin provides you an effective and completely responsive YouTube video plugin. In seconds you can make YouTube videos to work as background slides and also you can provide a toggle bar at the bottom of the page for showing next and previous buttons, toggling playlist, pausing videos and a volume control.

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How To Check For Installed Plugins Which No Longer Exists In WordPress Repository?

Did you know? WordPress never issues any warding if the plugin you’re going to delete or update doesn’t exists at  Plugins Repository. Hence when no warning is provided, then you accidentally losses that plugin. WordPress never removes any plugin for any small reason. The main reason behind the removal of most plugins is when they are found to break the GPL. Another big reason is security vulnerability. Likewise if any plugin has a security vulnerability the website could get vulnerable to being exploited until the plugin is deleted from the installation or a security update is released and applied.

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Let Us Install & Setup Your New WordPress Blog For FREE

A common excuse that most new bloggers (who blog on the domain of some other website) give is they don’t know how to install and setup a new blogging website with WordPress. Now no worries at all, there are many good bloggers earning a lot from their websites but don’t know a bit on setting up a new blogging website with WordPress, working with design, features and SEO etc. If you’re one of them then try our new and completely free WordPress installation service.

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How To Slide Instagram Images Using A Responsive Slider In WordPress?

Yesterday we discussed about best plugins for embedding photo galleries from popular image sharing websites on Internet and on same tutorial we discussed about embedding photo tile galleries from Instagram. Now here we explain you the working of an awesome slider widget which can shows 20 latest images from a public Instagram user. All in responsive style using a grid gallery or image slider.

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How To Select A Good WordPress Hosting Plan?

Without a powerful and quality web hosting plan, your ability for running a successful website will seriously hindered. One of the worst mistakes website owners make while selecting a WordPress hosting provider company is not checking is the technical skills and expertise of that web hosting company in WordPress.Hence, what generally happens is:

  1. You install WordPress in your web-hosting or the hosting provides installs it for you
  2. You posting on your dream website and one day a wrong update or plugin or an unknown hack brokes down your website
  3. You loose access to the admin area so you contact your web-hosting provider
  4. Your hosting provider asks you to hire a programmer because the hosting company doesn’t provides support in managing WordPress
  5. You search for a solution on Google and get directed to a website like OR you hire a local programmer and spends many more dollars.

Selecting a web hosting provider is a situation calling up for some consideration and research. There’s a dizzying array of hosting companies competing but when it comes to hosting WordPress then there very few websites which provides you with WordPress installation, tutorials, trouble shooting solutions and backup plans all at one place.

Here are some important things to keep in mind while choosing a web hosting plan:

Technical Specifications

The first and most important thing you must keep on your mind is to evaluate the web space and bandwidth your hosting provider is providing you. Websites with lots of graphics and media files, a number of posts, pages with a big amount of traffic certainly going to need decent amounts of bandwidth, disk space and MySQL databases.

Affordable Pricing & Value

Some people choose web hosting providers strictly based on price but that’s not completely right. One should definitely take pricing into consideration but you should know that good providers offers many budget options.

Support and Customer Service

Don’t forget to confirm that the web hosting provider has 24/7 support. Make sure there’s also a phone line support too.

Why’s WordPress Hosting Plan?

It satisfies all above needs and comes in three packages starting from 3 month plan:

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Top 5 WordPress Tools You Should Know About

This tutorial lists some very useful WordPress tools that every website owner needs atleast once in his website’s lifetime. Sometimes when you change the thumbnail dimensions, a regenerate of thumbnails is needed, sometimes you need resetting your database, testing themes or monitoring broken links or generating a special XML sitemap.

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Easily Test Latest WordPress BETA Updates With Auto BETA Tester

WordPress Testers list provides you the news about latest beta version of WordPress. There are two ways of testing new beta releases, the first and hard way is backing-up your website database then downloading the zip file and then unzipping it and using it on your website via FTP. The easy way is doing the same thing from backend i.e. from admin area dashboard with WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

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WordPress Provides You Built In Audio Player & Shortcode

Many website owners doesn’t know that WordPress now already provides you a built in audio player. Yes, you can use it without installing any addon, you can either insert the URL of your audio file (one on a line) and the oEmbed will work itself or you can upload and insert audio file just like any other image file from your media library and the WordPress will add appropriate shortcodes by itself.

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How To Control Pinterest Pinning Of Your WordPress Site Content?

In this tutorial we will explain you blocking Pinterest on your WordPress based site. You can block it on all or selected posts or the home page, frontpage etc as per your requirement and disallow you posts from getting pinned by your website visitors or registered users.

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How To Reset Your WordPress Installation Back To Default In One Click?

Resetting WordPress installation simply means resetting your website’s database back to its defaults. Great features for technology bloggers and web-developers who everyday tests new plugins and themes. By resetting database from the admin area doesn’t require any editing via phpMyadmin etc. You can safely delete all customizations and content without disturbing the plugins, themes and all other WP core files which you have on your server.

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Top 5 WordPress Plugins To Show Photo Galleries From Popular Image Sharing Networks

In our last tutorial, we discussed about a plugin that lets you show off image galleries from Pinterest profile or from a Pin-board. Now here we have selected 5 plugins that lets you do same thing but can grab images from other popular image sharing community websites like Flickr, Google Plus & Picasa, Tumblr, Instagram and we have also included Pinterest too in this tutorial. So what you can do with following plugins is embed a stylish in-post photo gallery from popular image sharing networks, you can do this via shortcode generator or use a sidebar widget.

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How To Create In-Post Pinterest Galleries In WordPress?

The Alpine PhotoTile for Pinterest allows WordPress users to show up photos from any Pinterest user profile or from a specific pin board. The images can also be linked to the your Pinterest page or to a custom URL or you can showcase them inside a Lightbox slideshow. The best feature of the plugin is its easy Shortcode Generator which simply allows you to insert its widget inside your posts. The plugin uses WordPress’s in-built JQuery scripts and creates a sleek presentation.

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How To Use Custom Website Titles For Selected Posts, Pages & Taxonomies In WordPress?

We have discussed about the plugins that lets you show menus and widgets on the basis of post, pages and taxonomies etc. But now you can use similar feature for showing up a custom title on some specific webpages of your WordPress site. Flexible Blogtitle is the new very lightweight plugin which enables you to set conditions for displaying custom titles on selected areas of your website.

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Social Butterfly: New Sleek & Attractive Social Media Sharing For WordPress

Social Butterfly is new simple, sleek and very attractive social media sharing plugin for WordPress users.  The plugin is lightweight and easily gets integration before or after post. Its position can be customized sitewide from its options page or you can define its position from top, bottom, both top & bottom or completely hide it from an individual post.

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HTML Powered Multipurpose Callout Bar For WordPress

Callout Bar by ContactUs is a customizable toolbar you can float at the top or bottom of your WordPress site and grab your visitor’s attention very easily. The Callout Bar is designed to be used for three main purposes: You can grow your emailing list, generate your sales leads or simply enable general contact enquiries.

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How To Show Before & After Photo Differences In WordPress?

The feature is increasingly popular in weight loss websites. In this tutorial we will show you how you can show off image differences by automatically keeping two images side by side inside your content. The feature is very easy to use and you can enable it in seconds and start using it inside your posts, pages and other manually generated post types etc.

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Enable Read More Link To Open Up Post In AJAXified Inline Modal WordPress Box

Default ‘Read More’ links opens up post in a fresh web page. As soon ‘Read More’ link is clicked, the page opens up with a refresh. In this tutorial we will explain you how you can open up the post in same window in a AJAXified popup which instantly comes visible without any page refresh.

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How To Encourage Proper Citation Of Your Articles In WordPress?

Everybody likes proper citation of their links but in general other website owners simply insert links instead of giving a proper citation. Here’s the solution, you can encourage your readers and help them know how to cite your articles correctly on their websites.  Cite is the new WordPress plugin that lets you display a box at the bottom of each article showing the reference information. The box can be inserting using the shortcode [cite] inside your posts, pages and other custom post types. See it live working here.

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How To Use Icon Fonts Without Any HTML Coding In WordPress?

Visual Icon fonts, also knows as genricons and vector icons are used as font icons popularly among web designers, the icons are lightweight and looks much better than simple bitmap images. There are many advantages like the icons can be resized without losing the quality and can be styled with CSS which cannot be done with image icons. This tutorial explains how you can use these iconic fonts using default WordPress visual editor present in add new & edit content pages, and the best thing is that you don’t need any HTML or CSS coding as everything is done visually.

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