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4521 Articles

Shardul Pandey Talks To Rolando Absinth, An American Electronic Dance Music Producer

Rolando Jasso, better known by his alias Absinth, is an American EDM producer from Houston, Texas who started producing music at the age of 12.

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Top 4 Petition Plugins For Your WordPress Site

A petition is a request for doing something which is commonly addressed to a government officials and public entities. In the colloquial sense, a petition is a simple document signed by numerous individuals and addressed to some selected officials. This article lists some useful plugins you can use to add petitions forms and signatories in your WordPress site.  Continue reading Top 4 Petition Plugins For Your WordPress Site

New Circle Style Photo Gallery With Lightbox Popups For WordPress

IS Circular Photo Gallery is the new circle style image gallery with Lightbox popups WordPress plugin that uses images either from WordPress Media Library or directly from an uploaded directory of image files. The plugin simply allows you to show images as circle on current page or post by using basic JQuery library.

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How To Add jQuery Lazy Loading To WordPress Images ?

WP images lazy loading is the new WordPress plugin that adds jQuery to WordPress and enables lazy loading in images. Thus improves your page loading times and makes your Google PageSpeed Score better than before.

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Advanced Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor WordPress Plugin

WYSIWYG Visual HTML Editor & Drag And Drop Web Page Editor With CKEditor, Desktop Publisher For WordPress is a powerful WordPress Plug & Edit HTML Editor based on 3D page building design with height, width and depth.

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Super Zoom Gallery WordPress Plugin For Zooming Photos Details

Super Zoom Gallery is a WordPress gallery plugin with powerful thumbnail and zoom capabilities. The plugin is easy, user friendly and is great for showing details of photo like you might have observed in some web shopping and other e-commerce websites.

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How To Increase Upload Size Limit Up To 100MB In WordPress ?

By default Maximum upload file size in WordPress is 32MB but you can very quickly increase it to 100MB in seconds. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin called PBP Increase upload limit. The plugin is lightweight, takes about 2KB space but increases your file upload size to 100MB.

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How To List Your Latest Blog Posts In Custom Order In WordPress ?

You can easily list your recent blog posts in your order on a sidebar widget. Latest Posts with Order Option is the new WordPress widget plugin that allows you to show your latest blog posts in various order options.

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How To List All Incoming Search Terms In WordPress ?

SEO SearchTerms Admin is simple WordPress plugin that lists all incoming search terms generated by SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2. To use this plugin you will need to have SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 installed and activted in your WordPress site, this plugin allows you to multiply your blog traffic by strengthening on page SEO, increasing the number of indexed pages, auto convert search terms into post tags etc.

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Transform Standard WordPress Photo Galleries To Fotoramas

Fotorama is a simple, powerful jQuery gallery plugin with responsive and stunning layout. Compatible with all popular web browsers, from IE 7 to Safari on iOS. Including Android and Windows Phone.

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How To Hide Certain Posts From Displaying On Homepage In WordPress ?

You can very easily set certain blog posts hidden from home page of you WordPress based website. Shy Posts is a simple lightweight plugin that adds a checkbox in posts admin page (Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New). This checkbox allows you to tick those posts which you want to keep hidden from home page of your website.

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How To Add Redirect Tags & HTML Email Templates To Jetpack Contact Forms ?

42U Jetpack Booster is a addon for Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin. It allows you to adds redirect tags and HTML email templates to your Jetpack Contact Forms.

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New Extended Version Of Famous Hello Dolly Plugin With Feature To Add Your Own Text Or Song

Hello Dolly For Your Song is the new extended version of popular Hello Dolly WordPress plugin by Matt Mullenweg. This new plugin simply allows you to show songtext of your song in your weblog admin section.

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Beautiful jQuery Newsboard & RSS Feed Auto-Scroller For WordPress

NewsBoard is a beautiful jQuery powered News and RSS feed autoscroller plugin that comes in both free and premium versions. Using this WordPress Plugin you can easily autoscroll your latest blog posts, most commented posts, posts from selected categories and there are some more good options. View Live Demo | Watch the YouTube video.

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The Game Is Over Before It Could Even Begin

vijaygoyalJust think, if Vijay Goyal goes through Delhi Assembly elections without offering unnecessary credit to Narendra Modi and wins to become the Chief Minister. Again think, if Narendra Modi wholeheartedly campaigns to make Vijay Goyal Chief Minister but fails because of Sheila Dikshit or more adversely due to Arvind Kejriwal. Have you understood now that whatever result may come through Delhi’s assembly elections, Narendra Modi is sure to get defeated. If Delhi assembly elections are given due hype, Narendra Modi loses for sure.

Delhi is India’s only state that can boast of complete connectivity. Total number of mobile phone connections here are much larger than total number of people living here. Internet Growth Engine has got greater internet influence than both BJP and Congress. a concerted campaign can make anyone win here but no campaign can make Mr Narendra Modi a political beneficiary out of Delhi’s assembly elections. That is the check-mate. The game is over before it could even begin.

Politicians Are Usually Brought Down When They Are At Their Height

atal-aishWhen politicians feel that their high has arrived and they become very used to the power given by people, they meet their fall within no time then. They have to step down mostly from the height of their career. Because most of their constituency is deformed in dissatisfaction till now and they are usually surrounded by only vested interests. Moreover they start feeling that they are really that much popular and compulsory for people while the truth becomes just opposite to such notion. That is why politicians are usually brought down when they are at their height.

Above all their final campaigns, which result in their decisive downfall become very much consolidated due to their people seeing their high. Whereas in fact their true constituencies become very much dissident till then and due to that consolidated campaign, public ire backfires directly to them. While if they opt for concerted campaigns and instead of getting dependent on a few favorite persons tactfully utilize all adversaries also, their chances of survival improve.

How To Queue Posts & Pages For Future Publishing In WordPress ?

Using WordPress Queue Posts plugin you can queue your blog posts and pages for later publishing with just press of a button. The plugin simply allows you to place new posts in a queue for further publication at a specified time interval.

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