A drunken misadventure with a drone penetrated through the most protected place on planet earth known as White House in the United States of America. Continue reading Artificial Security Naturally Holds A Few Breakthrough Points
Category Archives: Homeschool
Allow Your WordPress Site Users To Email Each Other In Complete Privacy
In this lesson you will learn how to configure a private messenger that enables your website users to email each other as long as they know their usernames. Continue reading Allow Your WordPress Site Users To Email Each Other In Complete Privacy
Keep Track Of SEO Status Of Your WordPress Site
If you are a web developer or website designer, many a times it happens when you turn on the option to discourage indexing of your website and then forget to turn it off again once your website goes online.
In this lesson you will learn how to get notifications whenever search engines are blocked from indexing your WordPress site. Continue reading Keep Track Of SEO Status Of Your WordPress Site
Stay Individual To Stay Independent
Sangkrit teaches programmers to stay individual for staying independent. They must not be joining any corporations or governments. Continue reading Stay Individual To Stay Independent
Automatically Block, Spam Or Hold Inappropriate WordPress Comments Under Moderation
WordPress provides you possibility to spam, hold or block comments based on words from a predefined list in your admin area dashboard. In this lesson you will learn how to create this list for automatically blocking and spamming bad comments on your website. Continue reading Automatically Block, Spam Or Hold Inappropriate WordPress Comments Under Moderation
Creating A Responsive Full-Screen Mobile Menu In WordPress
Earlier we have discussed about various plugins that allows you to create mobile navigation that automatically shows up on small screen devices like smartphones, tablets etc. Read: Adding responsive mobile menus and Best WordPress plugin to create responsive mobile menus.
Most mobile navigation menus slides up from the side or pushes the web page to right or lest and then shows up menu items.
In this lesson you will learn how to create a full screen mobile menu in a responsive layout.
Continue reading Creating A Responsive Full-Screen Mobile Menu In WordPress
Nothing Could Ever Get Worse Than Following
People are mostly poor just because they do not know that what to do. It is just because they do require getting told about it and it is nohow good at all. Neither for them and nor for humanity. Continue reading Nothing Could Ever Get Worse Than Following
Completely Remove Unwanted Archive Pages From WordPress
In WordPress there are various auto-generated archive pages for posts, post types, taxonomies like tags and categories etc. Archive pages simply shows you the list of articles that belongs to some specific taxonomy or post type. Continue reading Completely Remove Unwanted Archive Pages From WordPress
No One Is Ever Going To Win The Arms Race
No one is ever going to win the arms race as it is already over with the success of bitcoin. An underground leader of peer-to-peer programming Satoshi Nakamoto finally won it for establishing individual independence. Continue reading No One Is Ever Going To Win The Arms Race
Saving WordPress Posts, Themes And Plugin Files With CTRL + S
Earlier we have discussed about saving and previewing WordPress posts with CTRL + S. Now today in this lesson you will learn how you can save post draft, theme and plugin files with same keyboard hit. Continue reading Saving WordPress Posts, Themes And Plugin Files With CTRL + S
Managing Featured Images On Multiple WordPress Posts
Featured images i.e. post thumbnails can be assigned and edited from post edit screen. Earlier we have discussed about assigning default posts images in WordPress, we have also discussed about setting up default featured images for taxonomies like tags and categories. Continue reading Managing Featured Images On Multiple WordPress Posts
Compel Your Government For Paying A Daily Delay Allowance Upon Every Lawful Public Grievance Until It Is Duly Resolved
A public grievance means the failing of the government in whatever has been its given task. Therefore all of you may better compel your incompetent government for paying a daily delay allowance upon every lawful public grievance until it is duly resolved. Continue reading Compel Your Government For Paying A Daily Delay Allowance Upon Every Lawful Public Grievance Until It Is Duly Resolved
Sentencing Of Barret Brown Has Shown That The World Was Not Prepared To Save Aaron Swartz
Barrett Brown said upon his conviction: ‘This is the “rule of law enforcement”, and it is very dangerous.’ Further upon his sentencing he said: ‘They’re sending me to investigate the prison-industrial complex’. Continue reading Sentencing Of Barret Brown Has Shown That The World Was Not Prepared To Save Aaron Swartz
Certain Terms Get Lost Through Evolution
Linus Torvalds publicly prefers the term ‘programming’ or ‘engineering’ instead of ‘hacking’ although he doesn’t mind calling himself a ‘hacker’ while Richard Stallman still make hard efforts to bring the term ‘hacker’ back in usage by differentiating this with crackers. Continue reading Certain Terms Get Lost Through Evolution
Complete Conditional Logic Solution For WordPress
Conditional logic solution is new logic design for empowering site admins to keep good control over most areas on their WordPress website. It provides you control for modifying what users can and cannot do. You can also control visibility of your content according to user, group of users and currently in use page template. Continue reading Complete Conditional Logic Solution For WordPress
Enable Profile Blocking Feature In Your BuddyPress Network
Just like Facebook and Twitter you can bring the profile block feature in your BuddyPress site too. This way you can allow your BuddyPress users to block other members from contacting them or viewing their profile. Continue reading Enable Profile Blocking Feature In Your BuddyPress Network
Politics Is A Very Big Lucrative Business Of Political Bosses
Make politicians speak from heart and their party lines collapse up to the extent that they no longer remain in politics. Continue reading Politics Is A Very Big Lucrative Business Of Political Bosses
Easily Add/Remove WWW From WordPress Admin Area
Now you can configure WordPress to always or never use www. in all internal links on your website. By default this setting is configured from domain management page. But in this lesson we will show you how you can change this setting from your admin area dashboard. Continue reading Easily Add/Remove WWW From WordPress Admin Area
Programming For Humanity Between Cleaning Your Place And Cooking Your Meals Works Far Better
Programming for humanity between cleaning your place and cooking your meals works far better. Continue reading Programming For Humanity Between Cleaning Your Place And Cooking Your Meals Works Far Better
Customize Your WordPress Site’s Seattle Gray Toolbar On Android Chrome
You can make your WordPress site look more good on Google Chrome browser for Android by adding a meta theme tag to customize toolbar color. Continue reading Customize Your WordPress Site’s Seattle Gray Toolbar On Android Chrome
Commanding Machines Require Programming
Commanding machines require programming. That is mot wonderful thing to do. Continue reading Commanding Machines Require Programming