Category Archives: Homeschool

#OccupyWebspace Is The Greatest Ever Movement Going On

Become a netizen and occupy webspace. All netizens through the internet age are equal. They own their domains.

Their is no better way to protest or prosper than owning your domain.

Start by registering relevant domain names at and occupy necessary webspace for business, free press and online memorials. Sangkrit has made this a movement. Occupy webspace is the greatest ever movement going on. You become an equal netizen.

It is all about getting your rightful place within internet industry that is defining the internet age. Entire internet is distributed into the newest kind of private property i.e. called top level domains.

Their is no better way to protest or prosper than owning your domain.

Domestic Entrepreneurship And Homeschool Stabilize Human Habitats

The politics of displacement is causing most problems across all the countries alike. This has been imperial, colonial, savage, outdated and inhumane. Their untoward education and economy and overall law and order failures cause displacement of humankind and whenever such state failures are en mass, people become refugees.

At domestic entrepreneurship and homeschool make sustainable solutions by stabilizing human habitats. Internet age makes this executable in a world-class way. Let your children be very much sure about their business from the very beginning and become smartest in their own ecosystem of domestic entrepreneurship.

You must be running your homeschool for that to let your children know fully well that how a happy home is configured: –

  1. Inhabitants make it everyday clean.
  2. Every time they themselves cook their meal.
  3. Nobody has to go anywhere outside looking for any education or employment when their consistency is made business-wise necessary for the whole world connected via internet.
  4. They live under no debt and deal with the whole world by their free will.

Startup your own domestic entrepreneurship considering the capabilities of your home and family by registering your domain name at today itself. This is going to make your family free from all untoward impacts.

Avoiding all untoward education and untoward employment is necessary for the humankind to prevail. All civilizations can now be doing so in sync with Sangkrit.

How Much English You Must Be Knowing?

The greatest programmer Linus Torvalds had won his world by using only as much English was necessary to code and still he is ruling his world of Linux kernel. Those days English and Russian were globally dominant languages but things are not so anymore.

Now fluency in your native language and additionally knowing Hindi or Chinese is going to work better. So how much English you must be knowing? As much may be efficiently adequate for programming in the concerned code.

Two Vocations Are Destined To Transform Whole World

Transforming everyone into two main vocations is the global task given at These two vocations are destined to transform whole world.

From hunters and gatherers of stone age, men and women are finally getting transformed in to programmers and domainers of internet age.

All the smart women must become domain registrants by registering their domain names at and likewise all the smart men must be programming their world via charging hourly per terminal.

How To Parent Boys?

Let boys do all the maths, hacks, tracks and sketches other than doing their household cores to grow as free men. Let them find out and let them make whatever they like most.

Indulging deep within the code of dominant technologies is the ultimate free way to free men. Thereafter they won’t have free time.

Sangkrit sees independent jobs for at least one billion free men to program this world. They could be building their net worth by independently changing this world.

How To Parent Your Girl Child?

Women host humanity. They have that kind of courage that is really necessary for establishing sustainable world peace but do you have necessary courage for upbringing future women for that?

Sangkrit has very simple suggestions for parenting future women as follows: –

  1. When a girl child is born, her name should be chosen by seeing the availability of a dot com domain name to get registered in her name as registrant.
  2. Since early childhood she should be encouraged for systematically blogging her opinions on almost everything.
  3. She should be made to dream for developing her household in to the most wonderful domestic entrepreneurship.
  4. She should be taught to retire by running her homeschool for grandchildren.

By getting registered her she gets the globally distinct identity and by installing WordPress on her domain she starts her own free press that keeps her always free.

By thinking about developing her household in to a domestic entrepreneurship, she prevents any education or employment of displacement.

Retiring by running her homeschool for kids shall bring her the greatest joy in twilight years. Upbringing women like that can make a complete revolution.

Ultimately every woman must learn to own her domain name, her household and her domestic entrepreneurship.

Start Making Decisions For Establishing Order

Decision makers do not indulge in intellectual gymnastics. They grasp only the truth and that too faster than academics. Therefore we do encourage our writers for telling the truth direct without going through unnecessary details. Its getting useful is the purpose of every post here. posts for decision makers and to let everyone become a decision maker. That’s it. Not many paragraphs and may be not many lines or even a few words are not necessary every time. What is really necessary is that not mere one, two or three but increasingly more and a lot more people should be determining the destiny of humanity as a whole.

All The Men Must Get Governed

Ensuring public security and delivering free justice is the foremost task left with sovereign state. That is to be legislated for and treated accordingly. It is called the rule of law that  actually establishes law and order in its domain. People elect leaders so democratically they can build effective pressures on politicians to act accordingly.

The reactionary apartheidism is posing the biggest ever threat to public security in Arab and Europe. Its sheer disregard to the free will of the individual and any local values is fearsome for the people everywhere. 

The chasm between the glamour of the geopolitical stage and the political squalor back home is getting despairingly vast since no more any civilized people are willing to allow an influx of refugees permanently endangering public security of their homeland.

It is a military question by now and must get tackled only that way. If any tyranny is seen making many refugees then those refugees must get trained militarily to fight back for establishing democracy.

There should not be any other remedy involved. The final victory of public security is a must for establishing human order on planet earth. All the men must get governed.

Locals Getting Global

Sangkrit encourages developing good for others local utilities business-wise in to global facts. McDonald burgers or Domino’s Pizza have been the best examples of locals getting global. Worldwide vending is made possible around such things via franchise.

Domestic entrepreneurship has all the possibilities available through this smartphone stage of internet age. Yogasan, pranayam, dhyan, shakahar, ayurved, Hindi language and India have also become very big global facts now. Tremendous opportunities are all around spread across every neighborhood that can comfortably make your business successfully global.

Disallow Debt-Ridden Corporate Luxuries

Bigger the business gets better but debt-ridden corporate luxuries make it criminal. Criminal proceedings against concerned bankers are a must to halt such cases.

These are the cases where conspiracies must be taken in account. For example the real culprit cannot be the fugitive such as Vijay Mallya but were the bankers who gave him money because they were trained and paid for to not let that happen but they did and are comfortably doing here without answering to people at all.

Public savings must not get wasted for financing debt-ridden corporate luxuries any more. Henceforth expanding equity and business be made only permissible corporate way of getting growth.

Strartup Only When You Are Ready To Disrupt

Your very idea of doing business must be disrupting any ongoing ways of doing things and that should become your domain so that when this disrupts any ongoing ways and the users come upon your web/app, money too comes following them.

Disrupting is a confident and courageous behavior. A startup reinvents any business only by doing that. You must make doing things in old ways unprofitable forever. That is the true spirit of disrupt to startup your business.

It is the only sustainable revolution going on via making domain the newest kind of private property in this regard just because registering a domain means making your business a global fact through the internet age. Therefore at first you must register your idea of doing your business as your domain at to disrupt.

WordPress Is Free Press Of Internet Age

Installing WordPress on your domain is enough to let you have your own free press publishing whatever you want the world know. Managed WordPress at does that too for you.

People like knowing and your consistent work to let them know pays off soon by generating advertising revenue for you. AdSense is a way to tap that smartly.

Four Things That You Too Can Do For Sure

It is a kind of quantum mechanics to keep yourself in sync with Sangkrit. Four simple things are essential that you too can do for sure.

Sangkrit simply loves living as follows: –

  • Everyday clean up own space and keep the neighborhood equally clear
  • Every time cook fresh vegetarian family meal at home
  • Independently program your world for domestic entrepreneurship
  • Regularly blog out your homeschool to humanity

If you love living like Sangkrit, you too may do so that simply.

It is all about enhancing individual initiatives for upgrading social life as a whole. Sangkrit has earned the most global exposure by doing just that. The way is open from everywhere to everyone .

Discrediting All Apartheid, India Should Be Hosting Humanity Fully Well

Where Europe mostly failed despite all efforts made and Arab forgot even dreaming for that, India not only succeeded effortlessly integrating all people as its own but can certainly teach substantially to Arab and Europe in this regard. No one had ever been treated as a refugee in India’s mainland but ultimately treated as equal because India’s eternal vision has been of integral humanism so accordingly India has been hosting humanity since eternity.

Still India must maintain strict vigil forestalling any reactionary apartheidism inside its domain along with opposing all apartheid abroad also. Any traces of reactionary apartheidism must get checked with zero tolerance for maintaining India’s internal security because socially India has suffered a lot more than any other country by hosting humanity without any discrimination.

Only by discrediting all apartheid, India could be hosting humanity fully well. For hosting humanity fully well, India may now focus on hosting internet as integrating technology of humanity worldwide. Doing that is socially less painful and economically more rewarding and Indian mindset is best to program the world in a particular mood.

It Is The Time To Technically Move On Burying All Third Party Trust Behind

In any respect the third party trust has become a backward compulsion. Through the smartphone stage of internet age, technology is making that unnecessary at last.

Humankind has always been enthusiastic about independent initiatives and is now getting technically capable to deal with that. So far the blockchain of bitcoin has been a greatest achievement of technology that has made humankind finally capable of going beyond faiths and followings.

Reactionary Apartheidism Is Hindering All Progress Of Humankind

The incompetency of politics is making their people refugees by forcing them to move elsewhere. The way religion was superseded with the emergence of democratic state, technology can put away with all the unnecessary politics in future.

Continue reading Reactionary Apartheidism Is Hindering All Progress Of Humankind

Sorrows Are Shown Only To Make You Recognize Your Happiness

Humankind is designed to adapt through adversities, sorting out happiness from that. Mistakenly sometimes you pick sorrows instead of happiness, while sorrows are shown only to make you recognize your happiness.

If your situation is untoward, you have to come out of it only step by step. Deriving only pleasure from the smallest things possible, is going to place all the necessary stepping stones for you to come out.

So start deriving only pleasure henceforth. Remove all bars to pick only that. Such bars are mostly in your minds so some of you sometimes find very difficult to be without but every time you have to adapt into the new situation found. That is the game of life we play as humankind for finding our place of pleasure and it is not that difficult. Sangkrit is such a new world awaiting your arrival within its folds.

You have to come out of your untoward circumstances only step by step consolidating your own world of happiness by letting the unhappiness go away from your life. Happiness is the most promising pattern that could get configured basis the smallest things possible even through the most untoward circumstances.

Compete By Not Charging Competitively Good Data

The age of internet in India has actually begun with Jio in business because before Jio, Indian telecom only failed in affordably serving any seamless internet data. Jio has most successfully reinvented Indian telecom business but the old-fashioned companies are unfortunately busy in writing to the government against now prevailing public interest as a sure way of sending all possible competition to hell.

Jio is doing this and Jio cannot do that. That is all the nonsense they are getting unnecessarily involved instead of doing any substantial good to their users. Jio got its high moral ground with Mukesh Ambani’s speech in AGM making its first and foremost principle very explicit that telecom companies either charge for data or for calling and in no case they should be charging for both. It is going to be a globally good thing that Sangkrit insisted for since so long ago.

Now if his competition is willing to compete, they must find a way of not charging competitively good data by charging only calling henceforth. Competition is always open in this internet age but commercial incompetency cannot survive through this. If Mukesh Ambani can disrupt, what on earth is hindering his competition from taking that to a new level? Stop complaining and commercially compete by not charging competitively good data.

Web Design Trends 2016 Visible For Non-Tech Guys

So you’ve decided that you or your business need a website. That’s a great idea! Let’s imagine you won’t go to a web design studio for a custom design, but will search for a suitable website template on the web. And maybe the first question you will have – How should it look? What integral parts should it have to make your future website look up-to-date? There are millions of themes on the net, but what criteria you have to know to make a successful pick?

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