Tag Archives: refugee

Every Neighborhood Refuses Any Untoward Elements

Since jihadism is muslim-borne social trouble caused by pseudo-arabism so naturally a government has to be vigilant about entrants with arabic names or attire.

Donald Trump is trying just that. The very first opposition to his discrimination with Muslims had come by the most dominant hindus and jews in America such as Sunder Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg followed by a plethora of Trump-baiters. People dislike discrimination through this internet age.

Still every neighborhood refuses any untoward entrants. So is the case with the United States of America. You just cannot take a sovereign country for granted. Donald Trump is duty bound for doing whatever he promised for getting democratically elected as US President.

Domestic Entrepreneurship And Homeschool Stabilize Human Habitats

The politics of displacement is causing most problems across all the countries alike. This has been imperial, colonial, savage, outdated and inhumane. Their untoward education and economy and overall law and order failures cause displacement of humankind and whenever such state failures are en mass, people become refugees.

At SANGKRIT.net domestic entrepreneurship and homeschool make sustainable solutions by stabilizing human habitats. Internet age makes this executable in a world-class way. Let your children be very much sure about their business from the very beginning and become smartest in their own ecosystem of domestic entrepreneurship.

You must be running your homeschool for that to let your children know fully well that how a happy home is configured: –

  1. Inhabitants make it everyday clean.
  2. Every time they themselves cook their meal.
  3. Nobody has to go anywhere outside looking for any education or employment when their consistency is made business-wise necessary for the whole world connected via internet.
  4. They live under no debt and deal with the whole world by their free will.

Startup your own domestic entrepreneurship considering the capabilities of your home and family by registering your domain name at http://system.sangkrit.net today itself. This is going to make your family free from all untoward impacts.

Avoiding all untoward education and untoward employment is necessary for the humankind to prevail. All civilizations can now be doing so in sync with Sangkrit.

All The Men Must Get Governed

Ensuring public security and delivering free justice is the foremost task left with sovereign state. That is to be legislated for and treated accordingly. It is called the rule of law that  actually establishes law and order in its domain. People elect leaders so democratically they can build effective pressures on politicians to act accordingly.

The reactionary apartheidism is posing the biggest ever threat to public security in Arab and Europe. Its sheer disregard to the free will of the individual and any local values is fearsome for the people everywhere. 

The chasm between the glamour of the geopolitical stage and the political squalor back home is getting despairingly vast since no more any civilized people are willing to allow an influx of refugees permanently endangering public security of their homeland.

It is a military question by now and must get tackled only that way. If any tyranny is seen making many refugees then those refugees must get trained militarily to fight back for establishing democracy.

There should not be any other remedy involved. The final victory of public security is a must for establishing human order on planet earth. All the men must get governed.