Category Archives: Free Education

Two Vocations Are Destined To Transform Whole World

Transforming everyone into two main vocations is the global task given at These two vocations are destined to transform whole world.

From hunters and gatherers of stone age, men and women are finally getting transformed in to programmers and domainers of internet age.

All the smart women must become domain registrants by registering their domain names at and likewise all the smart men must be programming their world via charging hourly per terminal.

How To Parent Boys?

Let boys do all the maths, hacks, tracks and sketches other than doing their household cores to grow as free men. Let them find out and let them make whatever they like most.

Indulging deep within the code of dominant technologies is the ultimate free way to free men. Thereafter they won’t have free time.

Sangkrit sees independent jobs for at least one billion free men to program this world. They could be building their net worth by independently changing this world.

How To Parent Your Girl Child?

Women host humanity. They have that kind of courage that is really necessary for establishing sustainable world peace but do you have necessary courage for upbringing future women for that?

Sangkrit has very simple suggestions for parenting future women as follows: –

  1. When a girl child is born, her name should be chosen by seeing the availability of a dot com domain name to get registered in her name as registrant.
  2. Since early childhood she should be encouraged for systematically blogging her opinions on almost everything.
  3. She should be made to dream for developing her household in to the most wonderful domestic entrepreneurship.
  4. She should be taught to retire by running her homeschool for grandchildren.

By getting registered her she gets the globally distinct identity and by installing WordPress on her domain she starts her own free press that keeps her always free.

By thinking about developing her household in to a domestic entrepreneurship, she prevents any education or employment of displacement.

Retiring by running her homeschool for kids shall bring her the greatest joy in twilight years. Upbringing women like that can make a complete revolution.

Ultimately every woman must learn to own her domain name, her household and her domestic entrepreneurship.

Start Making Decisions For Establishing Order

Decision makers do not indulge in intellectual gymnastics. They grasp only the truth and that too faster than academics. Therefore we do encourage our writers for telling the truth direct without going through unnecessary details. Its getting useful is the purpose of every post here. posts for decision makers and to let everyone become a decision maker. That’s it. Not many paragraphs and may be not many lines or even a few words are not necessary every time. What is really necessary is that not mere one, two or three but increasingly more and a lot more people should be determining the destiny of humanity as a whole.

Locals Getting Global

Sangkrit encourages developing good for others local utilities business-wise in to global facts. McDonald burgers or Domino’s Pizza have been the best examples of locals getting global. Worldwide vending is made possible around such things via franchise.

Domestic entrepreneurship has all the possibilities available through this smartphone stage of internet age. Yogasan, pranayam, dhyan, shakahar, ayurved, Hindi language and India have also become very big global facts now. Tremendous opportunities are all around spread across every neighborhood that can comfortably make your business successfully global.

Disallow Debt-Ridden Corporate Luxuries

Bigger the business gets better but debt-ridden corporate luxuries make it criminal. Criminal proceedings against concerned bankers are a must to halt such cases.

These are the cases where conspiracies must be taken in account. For example the real culprit cannot be the fugitive such as Vijay Mallya but were the bankers who gave him money because they were trained and paid for to not let that happen but they did and are comfortably doing here without answering to people at all.

Public savings must not get wasted for financing debt-ridden corporate luxuries any more. Henceforth expanding equity and business be made only permissible corporate way of getting growth.

WordPress Is Free Press Of Internet Age

Installing WordPress on your domain is enough to let you have your own free press publishing whatever you want the world know. Managed WordPress at does that too for you.

People like knowing and your consistent work to let them know pays off soon by generating advertising revenue for you. AdSense is a way to tap that smartly.

Manage All Website Files & Directories From WordPress Admin Area

Just like you do via FTP or cPanel File Manager, now you can manage all your WordPress installation files with ability to edit, delete, upload, download, copy-paste files and folders with new WP File Manager that works from your admin area dashboard.

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How To Turn Phone Numbers To Clickable Links On Smartphones?

Like hyperlinks to other websites, you can use a different link code on your websites to make any phone number a clickable link which when clicked from smartphone automatically makes the call to the number. A clickable phone number link may open a dialog box on mobile phones prompting the screen to make call or save the number to the address book.

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How To Display Inline Related Posts In WordPress?

Most of the websites display related content at the end of the article, however if you write long articles on your website, the user would probably be seeing related posts at last i.e. after scrolling entire content. You can make your website highly engaging by displaying interesting related content in between the post, may be between headings or paragraphs etc.

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How To Hide WordPress Admin Bar On Frontend & Vice Versa?

WordPress admin bar provides you admin area links connecting the back end of your website to the frontend. This toolbar, present on the top of every WordPress installation is very useful for accessing quick website management features. Still, sometimes it doesn’t looks great on the frontend of every website.

In this lesson you will learn about hiding it completely or under certain defined conditions on your website.

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Does A Blog With Dissimilar Topics Work In Gathering Readers?

Last thing first, is among the most popular high traffic blogs that post articles beautifully on dissimilar topics, stretching niche from politics to techology to cooking and more. Conclusion is – Despite of having tons of limitations you can blog on dissimilar topics and become successful.

A WordPress blog having dissimilar topics can bring traffic but only when you are creating good quality content and posting more under various categories on your weblog.

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How To Import .Docx Document Content In WordPress Post?

If you prefer writing in some Word writer instead on WordPress directly then here is one easy way of converting semantically marked up .docx documents to simple and clean HTML inside your post without copy-pasting document file which creates the usual mess.

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Market Your Artworks By Starting Your Own Website

The world wide web can be your best place to start your own virtual gallery. Artists can market their artworks live on most global platform i.e. your website. In this age of Internet, the virtual places are more essential when most of the netizens try to find fount everything online. Having your own dynamic website can be the most powerful way reach out to potential clients without taking a negative stimulus of distance and time.

In this lesson you will learn about the easiest ways of bringing your website online featuring your artwork portfolio etc.

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How To Export & Import Contacts Between Android Devices Or Gmail?

While it is easiest way to use Gmail for syncing contacts and calendar on Android, but some devices has certain issues on this features and also it is certainly not required.

In this lesson you will learn how to backup export and import all your contacts between your Android phones or email or both. You can also keep a contacts backup copy on your Google Drive for any time easy retrieval, when you need it.

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How To Create Responsive Pricing Tables In WordPress Website?

Responsive Pricing Tables offers you a new elegant way of showing premium plans pricing table of your service or product on your website. In this lesson you will learn how easy it is to create and display pricing tables in WordPress.

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How To Stop Search Engines From Crawling Your WordPress Website?

There are many scenarios when someone wants to stop search engines from crawling and indexing his website. For instance: If you want to use your website just as an Android app. In this lesson, you will see how easily you can stop search engines from crawling your WordPress website.

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How To Add Custom Buttons In WordPress Visual Editor?

WordPress visual editor provides you a semi-WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) content editor to easily write, edit, and format your text and rich media content in a view similar to word processors etc. You can switch between HTML i.e. text editor and visual editor from the top right corner of the post editing box.

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