Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
Specially when you are publishing video posts or running a video broadcasting website using WordPress. In general, you manually search related video thumbnails to set an image as featured post image. This tutorial is about an awesome WordPress plugin called Video Thumbnail. It makes thing easier by automatically finding the first embedded or oEmbedded video in your post and generating a thumbnail from it.
New WordPress admin bar has new CSS, options and code. Hence all old abandoned plugins doesn’t works for it anymore. There are some useful hacks for customizing the behaviour of this new admin bar. For example: New versions (3.8+ versions) of WordPress provides you a new set of admin area themes and new visual changes. They provides you ability to select from eight different color schemes. However, the themes are not applicable on front end admin bar. Hence, by default the front end admin toolbar always shows its default color.
Posts excerpts are optional intro, summary or description of an article. It is a post summary added manually by post author. Post excerpts are generally shown on multi post pages like frontpage, blog page tags & categories archive pages etc. There are two ways of displaying post excerpts: Either you can add a more tag (<!–more–>) or use the Excerpts Metabox for displaying manually handcrafted excerpts.
You can easily disable all your website users (excluding the site administrators) from accessing your admin area dashboard. WP User Redirects is the new WordPress plugin which not only disables you website users from accessing the admin area dashboard but it also hides the admin toolbar and if a person tries entering the admin section by suffixing /wp-admin, the plugin automatically directs his to the home page.
Whenever anyone comments on your website, the default WordPress comment forms ask him to fill-up his name, email and website link. This way your website automatically collects emails of your website commenters. In this tutorial we will show you how to export all those useful emails in a mailing list so that you can easily use them for promotional purposes.
By default no web browser or operating system enables you to copy text printed over the images. In this tutorial we will show you how you can apply the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image on web so that you can easily highlight, copy, edit, search or translate text printed over them.
‘Mockup’ term is generally used in manufacturing and designs, it is a scale or full-size model of a design or device, used for teaching, demonstration, promotion etc. By mocking-up images in WordPress you can display them on poular computing devices, smartphones and tablets. For Example: You can generate an image showing the mobile version of your website inside Macbook Pro, Samsung Galaxy or Nexus.
Tiled gallery is the an elegant way of displaying photo galleries in WordPress, the good thing about tiled galleries is, they automatically organizes all photos a responsive way that they appear all fixed inside your post without leaving any blank space.
Default WordPress galleries shows up images in columns, suppose you have five images assigned to three columns then it would be showing three images in first line and two in the second line leaving a blank whitespace in third column which doesn’t appears to be good. But this is not with tiled galleries. Tiled galleries automatically fixes up all images in a mosaic view that they don’t show up any blank space.
Posting YouTube videos in WordPress is easy whereas keeping them upto date is difficult. One can easily embed a YouTube video in WordPress simply by pasting its URL in a fresh line, you can also use the iframe embed and now a days there are many plugins that provides you responsive video embeds. But many a times it happens that the video which you have embedded years ago on your website gets deleted or removed by its admin. In such cases the video embeds present on other websites displays a black screen with message that the video is unavailable.
Sticky parts of a WordPress site means the sections which sticks to their place and remains on their position even when the user scrolls. Sticky posts are different from sticky headers, footers, widgets and sharing buttons etc. Sticky posts sticks to the top of a multi posts page and remains on the top, no matter how many new post entries are made by other website users. In this tutorial we are sharing a list of some good plugins which you can use for making your website sections sticky and featured.
Creating premium content means creating the posts (or a part of it) and requiring your website visitors to pay in-order to read it. Content For Money is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to hide a section or entire content of your posts and pages to make them premium. The premium content can only be seen by website members whereas non members can read the hidden content only if they pay the set amount through PayPal.
Swifty Page Manager is great option for WordPress sites having a lot of pages. With this new plugin you can very quickly and easily manage all your website pages using a powerful and user friendly AJAX interface. It displays how the pages in your website are positioned and related with each other so called page tree view of parent and child pages. You can create, edit, delete and manage other page settings like page name, status and more in a very intuitive way.
By the late 19th century, “With the Season’s Greetings” and “The Season’s Greetings” quotes began appearing. Whereas by 1920s it had been shortened to “Season’s Greetings,” and has been used as a greeting card fixture. Now-a-days season’s websites are being used as online greetings, these websites exist in all known human cultures, helps people to come in contact and feel more close to each other on special occasions.
BuddyStream provides you a powerful synchronization for all popular social networking websites to BuddyPress activity stream. With free version of BuddyStream you can synchronize – Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, & Flickr social streams whereas as its premium version lets you include more social networks like Facebook, Google+, Vimeo, RSS, LinkedIn and SoundCloud.
Google+, YouTube and there are various other services which shows up a slim page loader bar on the top of the page. The bar simply displays a loading color fields which starts when you open a new page and goes away as soon the the page loads completely.
YouTube videos can now be embedded in WordPress dashboard’s home screen, the admin area page where users are automatically directed as soon they logins to your WordPress site. Video Dashboard is the new WordPress plugin by Brian Johnson, it allows you to display YouTube videos using a dashboard widget which can be dragged repositioned and edited.
Instead of manually adding tags to your WordPress posts, you can automatically generate them from post title,excerpt and content. Great for multi author and multi-blog WordPress sites where you have a lot of members and you want them all to tag their content before publishing it online. In this tutorial we are sharing a list of some good and tested automatic tagger plugins.
You can make your web browsing faster and save bandwidth by accessing web in simple text mode from your Google Chrome web browser. Text Mode is a Google Chrome extension that simply enables you to browse all web content in pure text. It automatically removes all images, videos and other heavy media files from webpages and makes them fast & lightweight. This way you can also save the data provided by your internet service provide (ISP) and decrease your billing amounts.
You can leave sticky notes anywhere on the frontend of your WordPress site, you can tag other users and communicate with them by means of these sticky notes, you can leave your suggestion (tagging author) for improving any post or page, you can add notes for bettering the website’s layout, content and theme etc. WordPress Sticky Notes simply allows logged in website users to compose and stick notes anywhere in WordPress, the notes are only visible to logged in users and yes, site admin can set the capabilities for the user roles to create, view and edit these sticky notes.