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4522 Articles

Removing Keyboard Applet From Ubuntu 13.10 Top Panel

Ubuntu 13.10 update adds a new keyboard indicator which is enabled by default but there are many users who don’t need this. The option simply allows you to switch between keyboard layouts of various languages, keyboard types. But the users who don’t swap between keyboard, don’t need it.

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How To Install Qt Web Browser ‘QupZilla’ In Ubuntu Linux?

QupZilla has enhanced some features in its latest release. QupZilla is a free web browser licensed under GPLv3, intended for general users. The browser allows seamless integration with users’ desktop environments and comes with several distinguishing features positively received by reviewers. Checkout its screenshots here.

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Building Custom Page Layouts With New Content Manager Light For WordPress

Content Manager Light is the new awesome WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful custom page layouts. You can create as many rows and columns as you need, you can use its shortcodes to fill in content in your columns. All settings are done in a nice and easy interface. It also provides you shortcodes for inserting Buttons, Info boxes, Dropcaps, Quotes, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Tabs, Toggles, Dividers (Horizontal rules), HTML editor.

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Easily Create, Print, Color & Design Mandalas On Cloud

ColorMandalais an online service that provides you features to easily create your own mandala artworks in your colors. You can start from scratch or pick one of the existing designs to color. It new update allows you to save and store your designs and works later.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Lucy Raw

Shardul Pandey Talks To Lucy Raw

I welcome you Lucy Raw at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Well I’m from London, and have lived here my whole life. It’s my favourite city in the world. My parents are both business people and also very inspirational to me, so I always knew that I wanted to get the most I could out of life.

However, school was not for me, like both my parents, I liked to think creatively and step outside the box. I went to full time theatre school, Sylvia Youngs, at the age of 10. I then went to boarding school, and then back to theatre school, this time The Art’s Educational Schools for two years of sixth form studying Musical theatre, I just love change and constantly seek new and exciting opportunity’s. However after my first year of sixth form I started to wonder what I was doing, I loved the school and the people and the atmosphere and I appreciated the chance to go to such an amazing school and have such wonderful opportunities, but at the end of the day I wanted to break out into the world and start working for my own success.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Victoria Lomba

Victoria Lomba

Victoria Lomba, also known as VL or La Lomba, can be considered the Queen of Fitness. She is living proof that muscles and beauty are a perfect match. Due to her athletic figure and style of displaying her power, she quickly became a huge hit on internet, her star rising even more after she had been featured in Frontline magazine and as a come to life vixen in the 3D Lola video game. After this small recognition she managed to win the Top Summer Girl contest, a competition organized by Tele5 with over 10.000 participants!

Through social mediums such as MySpace and Facebook Victoria gathered a large number of followers, who were impressed with her strong physique and athletic skills. It wouldn’t be long before she got featured in magazines all across the United States. She even grazed the pages of Australia’s Swimsuit Models and FHM and stole the hearts of the French with a breathtaking shoot for Playboy France done by none other than Sylvain Bertrand a few years back. Also worth mentioning is her collaboration with photographer Stephen Cain on the beaches of sunny California.

Over the years – after having traveled to the USA on numerous occasions for specialised fitness exercises – Victoria has transformed her physique from average to well beyond that with powerful muscles that pay credit to her physical attraction. Along with her outgoing personality this has ensured she received worldwide publications in fitness magazines such as the Iron Man Magazine, being not only the subject of attention through means of a photo shoot, but also the one who wrote articles about fitness performances and wellness.

Victoria is being sponsored by various trademarks, the main ones being ,Team Revtech Power Nutrition , Team Hidetada Yamagishi . Her life mainly revolves around photo shoots and making instructional fitness videos along with coaching and running competitions for IFBB Athletes.

Besides a fitness model she is also a consultant and a personal trainer, organizing professional exhibitions. Her motto is that you have got to live healthy and treat your body like a temple. If you are interested in receiving a customised training program, hiring her as a personal trainer or want her to do an exhibition or a photo shoot, don’t hesitate to contact her through the site. She is looking forward to hearing from you.

Victoria Lomba

How and when you started in fitness and training? What philosophy leads you to do this?

I’ve been practicing the sport for over 10 years! there is nothing I like more I began gradually to become a professional and live with my contract patroicinadores!

I am currently sponsored by a brand of sports supplementation, called Power Nutrition Revtech two clothing brands Mutated Nation and Queen of Paris and also my sponsor MEElectronics headphones

Would you like to give us an overview of your normal week in regards to weight training?

My workouts are always very simple but intense workout every day, first training the combo style morning, working all muscle groups and afternoon train the muscle group more I need, at night I do an hour of cardio, workout every day of the week, only break one day, but that day off also do not do cardio and weights

Victoria LombaHow much and what type of cardio you do?

One hour each day, combining and changing every day, elliptical, rowing, tape, ladders and much jogging outdoors

What is your favorite form of cardio to cut body fat?

The best for my body is to do 45 minutes fasting stairs!

Tell us about the diet you follow regularly?

I care all year round, 365 days a year, I’m always in shape, maximum 2 kilos over my competition weight

Do you have any cravings for junk & other sweet and salty foods items? How you deal with them?

I do not like junk food, I have no urge to eat sweets, I’m a professional and I live in my body, I do not stop to think that I like it or not, just like what I need.

What is your favorite health food?

Definitely the pasta, I love Italian food!

Is there anything you avoid eating? Is there any cheat food?

The secret is eating the right amount of calories, if you control your meals, you need not do much cardio!

What are your pre and post workout meals favorites?

Before training, I like to eat nuts, give me energy and do not feel heavy, after training, always my protein shake brand Revtech Power Nutrition, I always take a good hydrolyzed pineapple, I like pineapple and strawberry

What has the greatest impact on muscle growth and recovery?

The rest is paramount, never upgrades break, eat healthy, train hard and rest, but maybe the secret is to be patient and wait, the body needs time to grow and tone!

What workout routine works best for you?

All my genetics is very grateful, my muscles grow fast and are strong, maybe it’s my Brazilian father erence.

How about a good night’s sleep is important for the body and mind or just sleep 8 hours (at any time) is good enough?

I love to sleep, that’s what I like most of the world, need a minimum of 8 hours, but if more time for me is much better, lack of sleep affects me a lot in every way, not I pay the same and I feel terribly wrong and angry

Please share some of your tips for girls who want to be like you in the world of fitness modeling?

The first thing to be themselves and not copy anyone, nobody is perfect and less, if they choose to engage in this world, be careful, there are many pitfalls, my advice find a good agent or manager, to negotiate for them from the beginning , past mistakes here if you have and if you do something wrong, everything will look the internet!

What according to you are the common mistakes novices often do in fitness and training?

Today people see many magazines, visit many websites, much information on the internet to keep in shape, but much information confuses people, the guys want to be big and strong from the first months going to the gym and use drugs to be strong, that’s a mistake, not about muscle size, muscle quality and need that arrives only after many years of training, hard work and spend all your money on quality food and build an impressive physique.

Victoria LombaWhat are your likes, dislikes & favorites? 

Like & Dislikes: I like good food, movies, going for walks and enjoy my family, I hate all drugs, I think life is the best escitante not need anything else

Favorites: I like all kinds of music, I have no idols, I always appreciate the good work everyone, I like romantic movies, but also the horror film, maybe if there’s anything I like more than anything in this world is to travel, travel and travel!

Which country you are from? Tell me about your city, your favorite hang out spots there? What do you like to do for fun and entertainment?

My mother is Spanish, my father and I’m Brazilian part of the world, live a few months a year in Spain, but the rest of the year, live from Miami, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, is in these cities where I find my motivation and I enjoy where of life, the sun, the beaches and the people when I’m in Spain, I limit myself to train and be home, never go out!

Similarly they are very popular all over the internet, how you communicate with other Internet users, especially their fans and followers? How often will respond to them on social media, etc?

I have spent many years on the Internet, my videos and my pictures are viewed millions of times since the days of Myspace, so far I have always been very popular and I like and I like, I like to feel the warmth and love of the people, I try to personally answer all messages from the fans, but it’s complicated, I have an average of 500 emails a day and sometimes it’s impossible, I have no administrators or webmaster, I’m close and every line I write myself!

What is your domain address? Where other netinzes can grab latest source of news about you?

My website shows my hottest hand, my photos and my videos have great acceptance by the male audience, earn some money to help me to travel and sustain my lifestyle

How would you like to be remembered?

A mother with three daughters and a good heart, a good person, simple and friend of my friends!

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

Thanks for being there for me, please forgive my mistakes, I’ll be here whenever they want! A strong kiss and no longer visit me on my official Facebook page: Victoria Lomba Official:

20-20-20 Rule To Keep Your Eyes Safe & Healthy When Computing All Day Long

Sitting all day long with your computer leaves many bad effects on your eyes. 20-20-20 Rule is an easy eye exercise suggested by most Opthalmolotertergists. It is done for relaxing tired eyes. 20-20-20 simply means 20minutes-20feet-20seconds. There are many long articles across Internet about this 20-20-20 rule. But rule goes easy and is something like this: Your computer’s screen is bright and hence if you are not blinking your eyes as often as you should when sitting infront of your computer’s screen for many hours then it may cause some eye problems and most common is dry eyes sometimes followed by redness.

For dealing with this problem, 20-20-20 rule states that after every 20 minutes, a computer user should take a break of at least 20 seconds looking at objects that are 20 feet away from you.

20 20 20 toon

Another thing you can do for saving your eyes is dim the brightness of your screen and keep it at some good distance.

Flogger: WordPress Taxonomy For Tagging Your Exercises Within Your Blog Posts

Flogger is the new interesting WordPress plugin that simply allows you to tag your posts with exercises you did that day including all how much time you spend and how many steps & reps, etc you made. The plugin adds a new taxonomy for your posts and you can manage it like tags but it is little bit different than default WordPress tags.

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How To Get Rid From Disadvantages Of Large Number Of Links On Your Website?

So many links simply wastes your Google Page Rank because the page rank of any web page is equally distributed among all links that exist on that particular page and hence, if you have 10 links on any web page whose PageRank is 5 then each of those links is passed 0.5 PageRank and if you decrease their number from 10 to 5 then each links will be awarded with a PageRank of 1.

This article explains you how you can automatically make all links below the “ tag include the rel=”nofollow” attribute. This is evil sometimes because others will not be benefited for having a link on your website but at the same time it becomes ideal for blog posts organizing untrusted links after the <!--more--> tag and this has become very important thing to do since the recent update of Google penguin and panda search algorithm.

So for turning all links no-follow after read more tag, simply install and activate the new WordPress plugin Do More and you are done. This will automatically turn all links below the <!--more--> tag include the rel=”nofollow” attribute.

CWP Mega Responsive WordPress Theme With Inbuilt Infinite Scroll & Three Menu Locations

CWP MegaResponsive is the brand new WordPress theme with Primary Menu, Footer Menu & Left Sidebar menu locations, Inbuilt AJAX Powered Infinite Scroll feature.

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Top 5 Services For Automatically Converting Any Text To Lower Case, Upper Case Or Proper Sentence Case

Sometimes it accidentally happens that you left the caps lock key on while typing anything and sometimes you people make mistakes using capital letter after the full stop etc and sometimes while copying any text from anywhere or whatever may be the reason but you should know there is no need of typing everything again when you can automatically change the case of any text in just a single click.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Vishesh Kachheda

[quote cite=”Shardul Pandey” url=””]When with some of your unique idea about enhancing utility of Internet you create a website on your domain and stay focused on it, I become more than willing for interviewing you as a freedom fighter whether you think so or not but you certainly become one for establishing Internet world order.

That’s why I appeal you to bring most of things at your domain under GPL as it is the very nature of Internet that must be left open, free, fluid and live for the rest of humanity


Shardul Pandey Talks To Vishesh KachhedaI welcome you Vishesh at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

First of all, Thanks for having me here, Shardul. I am Vishesh Kachheda, 15 year old Part-time Blogger, a 10th grade student and a Music freak from India, currently blogging on TechBin ( I love Computers, Networking, Software, Photoshop and now, Blogging. I was always curious about Technology stuff and shown keen interest in my Computer when I got one :D
After 4 years of using Internet, I had created and deleted many free Blogs on which I never produced even a single Content. I just used to create free blogs, write a ‘Hello-Hi’ page and disappear. One day, there was an Article in a local newspaper about the great
‘Google AdSense’. After reading that, I quickly created a blog on Blogger about Wallpapers (It was the first blog, I worked on, a bit).
After adding some wallpapers to it, I applied for AdSense from my Blogger dashboard and got approved to get a Hosted AdSense account.

With that blog, I earned $4-$5 in my AdSense. After few days, I realised that wallpapers were not my thing and deleted that blog also. After that, I read some blogs on blogging and bought a Domain and Hosting (when I started blogging, It was just to Make Money). That domain was and I wrote some articles on it and my interest in bloggise rose up. It’s been a year now and am still working on TechBin and have got some real moments of joy with it. The funny thing is that although I only started blogging after reading about AdSense, I’ve got approved for only Blogger and YouTube and can’t use it on custom domain (Hosted account). I’ve applied for AdSense many times (for TechBin) but never got approved :P

What is the story behind the domain name? Why you chosen this name?

Well, there’s no good story behind it. When I decided to create a new blog, I quickly started to check the Domain name availability on GoDaddy. No surprise, most of them were already registered. After 2 hours of researching and thinking a lot, I ended up registering and I am happy with it.

How many people got associated for working together on this domain?

I work completely alone. I am like a One man army :D Be it Writing, Promoting, Advertising, Managing all the work on TechBin is done only by me. I have no one working for me on it.

What philosophy drives you doing this?

I just had passion in Blogging (and to earn), I created it. It’s the thing I am the best at, Technology.

How much time you spend working on your website?

Currently, because I am also a student and I have my boards sitting on my head, I am able to spend just 2-3 hours per day working on my blog.

What efforts you make for driving web traffic towards your domain?

To drive Traffic, there are so many things that I do regularly. My favorite among them is building relationships with other Bloggers. It’s the best thing one can do. If you have a good relationship with other Bloggers, you can frankly ask him/her any help that you need and believe me, there are many situations where you really need.

Other methods include Blog Commenting, Guest Posting, Social Media dominance and doing SEO for my website which helps me in getting good traffic from Google and other search engines. You can read about all the strategies in detail here – Best ways to get Targeted Traffic to your Blog. In case of building Readership, just try to write better and simply you will end up increasing your blog’s readership automatically.

How much money you make working on your domain?

Although I am not having passive income with my website till now but I think I, on an average, earn $80-$150 per month online which helps me in my personal expenses.

Is there any more projects you are currently working?

Currently, I have many ideas and plans in my mind but I am not really working on those as of now.

Which country you are from? Tell us something about your city and your favorite hangout spots there?

I am from India and in there, I live in Meerut city. I don’t have any particular favorite hangout spot but I just love to discover more of those with my friends.

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

I would just like to say that everyone should do what he likes to do.

If you have interest in Blogging or creating Websites, just go for it. You many fail with your starting websites but after you’ll keep learning, one day you’ll have enough knowledge that you’ll be easily able to survive Online.

It’s been a year now since I am doing all this but still I learn everyday and try to spot my mistakes in the past. For an example, 1 year ago, my Writing was just a piece of crap. But now, I am quite good at it (at least I think so :D )

Shardul Pandey Talks To Amit Kumar

[quote cite=”Shardul Pandey” url=””]When with some of your unique idea about enhancing utility of Internet you create a website on your domain and stay focused on it, I become more than willing for interviewing you as a freedom fighter whether you think so or not but you certainly become one for establishing Internet world order.

That’s why I appeal you to bring most of things at your domain under GPL as it is the very nature of Internet that must be left open, free, fluid and live for the rest of humanity


I welcome you Amit at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Hi Shardul, first of all thanks for having me on your program, and it’s a pleasure to be here. I’m Amit Kumar from Ranchi, jharkhand. I’m an Engineering student (Electronics and telecommunication) and part-time blogger. I started my blog in 2013 with fun and now for the past 6 months it has become a passion. Now i am blogging aggressively and spending rest of time on my blog after study.

How exactly your idea sparked to register

Actually I am living with my four senior mates who all are Computer Science Graduates and doing job in Software Companies. Regular discussion with them on various technology topics and problems gave me an idea to share technology tips with people, thus i started to write tech tips and tricks on blog for the regular use of people.

At the beginning I blogged in blogspot blog ( for one month and after seeing the readers appreciations, lovely comments I redirected my Blogspot Blog by a Custom Domain name which is now All this was possible due to the motivation of Sourav sharma (the founder of IndiaMapia and, who supported me in every step and he is like my big brother.

What is the story behind your domain name? Why you chosen this name?

Usually in college we always use this type of sentence like “what’s going on uncle” or “what’s an idea uncle” to tease our friends. One day when i was talking with Sourav sharma about selecting a domain name, he involuntarily said Howtouncle is also a nice name, you can choose it. I also realised, yehh this is quite familiar name and thus i selected this name for my blog.

How many people got associated for working together on this domain?

Currently I am working alone on my blog but very soon i am going to hire talented and expert bloggers to attract a great deal of readers from all around the world by providing them a complete tech support.

What philosophy drives you doing this?

Simply i would like to say – this is a thought of mine, I want to share complete and valuable tech information for the people of all across the world. I am focusing and i will focus to provide all tech support such as technology tips and tricks, Windows tips, computer tricks, mobile tips, android tips, latest updates on my blog.

How much time you spend working on your domain? What efforts you make for driving traffic towards your domain?

I spend 2 to 4 hours daily on my blog. I am concentrating on writing quality articles and promoting them on popular social media platforms like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.

What makes your endeavours unique on Internet?

Every blog are experimenting with their readers by sharing various zigzags materials. But i am not doing any experiment, i am just trying to provide solutions for those tech problems which people encounter in their daily life while using computer/laptop, smartphone, online services, online accounts and all other technology stuffs. I always write my article in very simple English along with step-wise Screenshots.

Is there any more projects you are currently working?

No, currently I am not working on any other project. I am just busy with my study and my blog.

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

“Work Hard, Success will Follow You”

Shardul Pandey Talks To Kenya Smith

Shardul Pandey Talks To Kenya SmithI welcome you Kenya at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Well first let start off by saying my name is Kenya Smith and I’m the CEO/FOUNDER to YOUR WORLD MAGAZINE. I have come so far in my life. I never really had en one there to help and support me in anything I wanted to do out of life. When I was 19 I found myself in an abusive relationship where I gotten black eyes, Broken fingers and busted cheeks and it’s was by the same man who said he loved me every night, the same man who I laid down with and had his son. It took me a while to leave because I felt like if I left I would be anything with out him.

I’m 2008 I attempted to commit suicide. And i can honestly say that’s what woke me up and made the see the mean of life. After send a few day in the hospital and seeking help. I went home a new person. I finished college started make plans for my son and I.

In 2013 i started YOUR WORLD INC. ITS A magazine that showcase all up and coming artists and new talent around the world. The reason y i came up with this is because i feel there is a lot of talent out here that’s not being hear or seen. People who love what they do because of the passion and not just or money, those are people who has the story to tell and maybe their story can help other people like myself.

How exactly your idea sparked to start this magazine?

Well I came up with the idea of putting an online magazine to gather about two years ago when i moves back from Atlanta Georgia. I wanted to create a magazine called kreationz which would’ve been showcasing the talent of different beauticians and barber from around the world. But then i realized that there are plenty of hair magazine out and i wanted to created something more rather that people haven’t not seen, so that’s where i came up with the created a magazine that not only beautician and barber but for anyone who has a talent or a story to tell the world. I wanted people who wanted to let other people into their world and see what they have one offer or say and is having trouble doing it on their own. And that where i came up with the name your world magazine.


What is the story behind the domain and the name of your website? Why you chosen this name?

The name your world magazine came from the whole meaning to the online magazine. ‘your life, your world”. Individuals out there that’s has a talent, gift or a story to tell as myself. Being an abuse relationship for 3 years and tried to commit suicide but then walking away from that and graduated from college and started my own business.

Many female out here are in that same situation and don’t know who the talk to or don’t know how to leave. I feel like my story need to be heard and if i can just help one person out in my life, i feel complete.

There are a lot of people out here that have talent and it’s not about the money of the industry it the live and the passion they have for what they do and what the world to hear them. The domain name www.Yourworld-magazine.Us came from the magazine name itself.

Whether you work alone or you got people associated for working together?

Well actual currently im working alone. I do all my graphic, web design, interview, scheduling, editing. …Everything by myself.

What philosophy drives you doing this?

“A vision” a vision of helping someone else out in life. Help other people helps me to know i doing my job. It’s not about myself cause i can just make a website just featuring me but that not what i want. I want something that i can share to world about other people and their passions.

How much time you spend working on your website? What efforts you make for driving traffic and building your readership?

I say i spend at least 10 hours a day working on my site since I work alone and have different departments to the site. I just have to make sure everything is perfect. Either i working on setting up interview, editing interview, watching people videos or just promotions. I spend of my time not working and promoting the magazine on different social site like Facebook, intagram, or twitter.


What makes your endeavours unique on Internet?

What makes my magazine unique is because its online and easy to access 24/7. Also is that is a visual magazine your are able to watch and listen to different exclusive interview i have featured on the month issue.

Is there any more projects you are currently working?

I’m currently working on starting a management company. “yw management”. Hopefully in 2015 i’ll b able to launch it out.

Which country you are from? Tell us something about your city and your favorite hangout spots there?

I am from the United States of American. I current live in east Chicago, Indiana, which is about 15-20 minutes from Chicago, Illinois.

I love going out to eat and dinner or just a long walk in the park (in the summer) cause it does get very cold in the winter. One of my favorite spots i go to to sit and relax and have a drink or just talk with friends is call bar louie.

What is your ultimate message for netizens?

The ultimate message I trying to get out is if you have a talent or story don’t waste it let it be heard. Cause nit only will it help u but it can maybe help someone else.

UID Has Become Only Public Harassment

The UID program run by the Government of India deserves all the condemnation for neither succeeding in being unique nor succeeding in identification of its people and for not having adequate legal authority also.

Despite this utter failure in theory and practice more than 35 billion rupees of the people of India are already wasted on an unnecessary exercise of public harassment. The Supreme Court of India ruled that it cannot be made mandatory but openly disregarding this highest judicial decision a few government agencies still force private sector for not to cooperate with people who don’t have a UID.

People of India deserves something certainly better that can get them rid of unnecessary photo identifications and address proofs for fulfilling even essential human requirements. What the government requires doing at first is arranging banking IDs of all its people somehow so that subsidies and other benefits could get directly credited in to their bank accounts by the governments circumventing all possible bureaucratic corruption.

How To Display Latest Instagram Feed By Tag Or Username In WordPress?

New Instafeed widget lets you display recent Instagram feed by specifying a username or by typing a tag and it will automatically be streaming photos from Instagram to your WordPress site. To start simply install and activate Instafeed plugin then visit your admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page, drag its widget to sidebar and configure it by entering a username or tag.

Continue reading How To Display Latest Instagram Feed By Tag Or Username In WordPress?

How To Show Banner Ads Randomly In WordPress?

The new Random Banner plugin allows you to display random banner ads of any size using a widget. With this plugin you can upload or simply add banner image URL links and the use its widget for displaying your ad banners randomly in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to specify 10 different size of banners with custom URLs and you can manage them all from its admin page then show them through out their website using its easy widget.

Continue reading How To Show Banner Ads Randomly In WordPress?

How To Use 360° Product Rototation In WordPress?

360° Product rotation mean 3D Object presentation which is a common feature on online stores and E-commerce websites. The feature enables the website visitors to view any products from all sides (like 3D View) as shown in this example here. This tutorial explains you how you can use this feature for showcasing your products in WordPress.

Continue reading How To Use 360° Product Rototation In WordPress?

How To Make Music Right From Your Web Browser? is a powerful music production studio service that works right from your web browser and allows you to create music in the cloud. You can easily start creating your own melodies using new-tech and vintage inspired music devices that you are already familiar with and amazing Pulverisateur synthesizer or Rasselbock. It enables you to make your own sounds by wiring from over fourteen different effects altogether with one of our three drum machines or synthesizers.

Audiotool also features a professional sequencer for automating your songs and create complex arrangements. You can make tracks then share it with community or remix someone else’s work or simply download the song you have created. For any help you may checkout its tutorials here and wiki manual here.

Renaming GNU As GNU/Linux Was The Major-Most Mistake By Free Software Movement

Accommodating a kernel by renaming GNU as GNU/Linux was the major-most mistake by free software movement. Android guys refrained from repeating that mistake as they never bothered to name themselves as Android/Linux.

Just because free software people compromised and agreed to recall GNU as GNU/Linux, there occurred all the confusion that Linux is something greater than kernel almost an operating system although it has never been one and later-on development of Android has decisively proved that. The fact has always been limited up to the extent that there are a few operating systems such as GNU and Android which accommodates Linux kernel in their code.

How To Backup Your Website To Local Hard Disk Using FileZilla?

FileZilla is the most popular FTP client which is a free software. It supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) and is available under many platforms, binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are provided. For more information about FileZilla checkout its online documentation wiki. This tutorial explains you how you can download your website files using FileZilla to a directory/folder in your computer’s hard drive.

There are two columns on FileZilla, first is Local Site showing you your computer’s files and folders and the second one is Remote Site showing you your online website’s files and folders. So first thing is to make sure that your destination folder in the local directory list is open, If not then move to the folder where you like downloading your website files.

FileZilla Download

Now from the right column i.e. your remote site column find the folder to be downloaded then click on any item, then select all the items in that folder using CTRL+A or just the ones you want to backup using CTRL and your mouse clicks.

Then right-click on any of the file you have selected in your FileZilla’s remote directory folder and click ‘Download’. Now you should start seeing your files transferring from the right of the screen to the left. It also shows you the download progress.