Category Archives: Fashion

Shardul Pandey Talks To Brittany Mason

I am from a small farm town in middle America, so I guess you could call me the all American girl with big dreams.  At a young age I became very motivated, I had a difficult upbringing but I always would day dream of the life I wanted to one day have. I started setting goals at a young age and working towards them. At the age of 16 I signed with my first modeling agency and moved to NYC. Later that year I competed in teen pageants and won Miss Teen Indiana. I competed at nationals and won America’s Southern Teen, after winning nationals I represented the USA at Top Model of the World in Germany against 52 countries. I came in 2nd place, at this time I was only 17. My life changed in a big way in a very short time. That is how my career began. Since then I have traveled the world working as a model, to places like London, Paris, Milano, and more. I feel so blessed to be living the life I always dreamed of. I believe in community service and giving back so I started a movement called I AM POSSIBLE. My message with I AM POSSIBLE is that no dream is out of reach, I work with students on character building, and building better communities. I encourage them to use their voice and hope to empower the next generation so they understand that nothing is impossible, the word it’s self says “I’m Possible”

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Claudia Romani

Claudia Romani is a supermodel. She has appeared on covers of popular magazines like Cosmopolitan, GQ and Maxim etc. In 2006 she was voted one of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World by FHM Denmark. Now a days she is based in Miami, Florida. Claudia has appeared on commercials for Samsung, Toyota, and Ford. In the Latin market she has appeared in shows like Noche de Perros and Despierta America. She is also the official model on the TV show Esta Noche Tu Night on Mega TV.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Pamela Jean Noble

Starting at a young age, Pamela discovered a taste for the limelight on a TV show, and as they say, the rest is history. While balancing education with acting and singing through her high school and college years, Miss Noble found success in short films, national commercials, and performing at the famous House of Blues in Hollywood, CA. Pamela also had a recurring role on Fuel TV’s The Daily Habit. After a make-up artist suggested she try modeling, Pamela did one photo shoot and a new passion cultivated entirely.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Neetasha Singh

I welcome you Neetasha at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

From Humble begins, Born and raised in Phoenix surrounded by poverty and drug abuse, I have mastered the art of creating my own opportunities, I have to date traveled and Modeled across 29 countries, I have modeled for Malawi Fashion Week, Africa Fashion Week London, SA Fashion Week.

Ever since the tender age of 3 I have desired being on stage whether it be modeling acting or dancing, my burning Passion has kept me on and off stages as a professional model for the past 13 years, my very first pageant was Miss Teen India SA at the age of 12, where I was the 2nd runner-up. I have recently got back from a modeling contract in India where I have had the privilege of meeting and networking with Bipasha Basu, Veena Malik ,Taz Singh , to name a few.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Lucy Raw

Shardul Pandey Talks To Lucy Raw

I welcome you Lucy Raw at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Well I’m from London, and have lived here my whole life. It’s my favourite city in the world. My parents are both business people and also very inspirational to me, so I always knew that I wanted to get the most I could out of life.

However, school was not for me, like both my parents, I liked to think creatively and step outside the box. I went to full time theatre school, Sylvia Youngs, at the age of 10. I then went to boarding school, and then back to theatre school, this time The Art’s Educational Schools for two years of sixth form studying Musical theatre, I just love change and constantly seek new and exciting opportunity’s. However after my first year of sixth form I started to wonder what I was doing, I loved the school and the people and the atmosphere and I appreciated the chance to go to such an amazing school and have such wonderful opportunities, but at the end of the day I wanted to break out into the world and start working for my own success.

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Shardul Pandey Talk To Violetta Solonko

My name is Violetta Solonko, I am 21 years old. I come from Chernovtsy, a beautiful city in the West of Ukraine. I am Ukrainian with Russian origins by the paternal grandfather. I lived in Ukraine until the age of ten. Since 2003 I live in Italy with my mom. As a child I always dreamed. I loved to fantasize about the future and the great thing is that, as soon as I have a free second, I still continue to do so. I have been practicing different types of sports from tennis to swimming, from football to volleyball. But my greatest passions have always been dancing and rhythmic gymnastics. I practiced dancing for thirteen years, since I was 4 to 17. While rhythmic gymnastics has been a real challenge for me. I do not really believe in myself, but when after only two months of training I placed second in a race. From that moment I began to practice at a competitive level for four years. I loved going to train, to prepare the choreography for competitions and for the wise. Every time I could not wait to set foot in the training room where I spent entire afternoons. When we moved in the south of Italy after two years I decided reluctantly to leave trainings because unfortunately there was not a lot of organization.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Caitlin Kelley

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Caitlin at, please tell our netizens about yourself, your story.

Caitlin Kelley: I want to thank you for taking interest, and here is a piece of my story! If you’d like to know more, just let me know!

My name is Caitlin Kelley, I am 22 years old and I am a self made, International Model/ Actress. I do a little bit of everything, Print, commercial, fashion, runway… everything, and I am constantly travelling!

But, my life wasn’t always like this… I was just a little girl with a big dream and an extremely conservative family in an even more conservative town. I was never the pretty or popular girl, and I was always VERY different from my classmates… the very smart, artist, marching band student that was graduating early to go into per-med. My life was an academic pressure cooker, and I never really lived that crazy “consequence free” childhood of parties, and boys, aka I grew up very young. Then something happened and I decided to give myself at least one year of a normal high school life. I changed my major to studio art after deciding that I didn’t want to spend the next 12 years studying and falling into debt, just to turn around and make a bigger pay check to pay that debt off. I moved out on my own. After a year of college I still wasn’t happy, so I left school to just LIVE life. I got a job, fell in love, got engaged, and before I knew it… I weighed 230lbs. It was the lowest point of my adult life thus far. I was so depressed, and just unhappy. 2 years went by like this. Until one day, I had enough courage to really look at myself in the mirror. I looked HARD, pretending to be happy in a relationship, working a normal life, being very unhealthy and I said to myself “You’re unhappy…. What will make you Happy?”… and in the depths of my being, unafraid, I answered “I want to be a model.”… and that’s when things changed.

Now any normal person would be like “please, a model? you weigh 230lbs….” But I had wanted to be one since I first figured out what a model was… I remember obsessively watching America’s next top model, and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Shows and coming to tears dreaming that it was me up there. I would research everything I could, just to learn.
So I gave myself a chance, I dedicated myself to losing weight ON MY OWN. And I did it in a healthy way with Exercise and a healthy diet. I tried out for ANTM 3 times without ever making it. I got connected with a group of beginning photographers in my home town and together we all learned the different sides of a Modelling Shoot just by referencing what we saw on TV or in classes. The work from that first shoot is to this day some of my best. I will never forget the friends I made there, I don’t know if they realize how important of a role they played in my journey. One shoot turned into two, and so on, my network and connections started to grow, and then my Name started to be recognized locally. Starting small, I did a show or ad shoot here , a commercial there; always putting up barriers for myself that if it dint work out this time, I would quit as to not waste anymore time on a frivolous dream. But every time, it was a huge success that lead to more opportunities, and that’s when I started making money…. I expanded my reach to the larger surrounding cities, including Chicago, where even after losing 100lbs, they told me I was too big, I felt defeated. But I never gave up, it felt like it was something I had to and was meant to do.

Now, about a year and a half later, this is my full time career, and my support system is unbelievable, it makes me so happy to now have the power to help guide younger models, as I needed when I stared. I have a full portfolio, and FRIENDS in every part of the industry that I need. I travel everywhere and am always working. Its amazing to look back and see how all the little things that didn’t work out, gave me that push just when I needed it, to get me father than I ever dreamed. I’m not trying to be famous, it is my passion, and the drive behind my passion is my family. I want to be able to take care of them; because my family is my heart, and without them, there would be no life worth living.
It seemed impossible, but our lives are what we make them! You can have, do, or be anything you want… Just go for it. What are you waiting for?

If you’ve got any questions or want to follow my story, here are my pages: Facebook:
Instagram: @ModelCaitlinKelley, Twitter: @_CaitlinKelley
Remember that YOU are BEAUTIFUL, Much Love ~Cailtin Kelley

[heading]After 10 days[/heading]

Shardul Pandey: Tell me about your recent modelling projects?

Caitlin Kelley: That’s WAY too long to answer… I do about 6 projects a week, most recently, a commercial for Pantene

Shardul Pandey: What inspired your passion?

Caitlin Kelley: Being able to help my family while getting to see the world. / I love to feel like I’m moving forward and reaching for goals that others find impossible, I like to inspire.

Shardul Pandey: What has been your best fashion look?

Caitlin Kelley: I’d say that I’m pretty eclectic, so I love weird mismatching layers, I think it’s more the person on the inside that is the Fashion, so if you can be confident in something that looks totally ridiculous, it MAKES it fashionable.

Shardul Pandey: And biggest fashion mistake?

Caitlin Kelley: In highschool, I would wear Flip Flops, year round…. through the snow. I don’t know how I still have toes.

Shardul Pandey: Your beauty regime?

Caitlin Kelley: I wear very little to no make-up, and I wash my face with a combination of Biore and Clean and Clear once in the morning and then right before bed. DRINK LOTS OF WATER

Shardul Pandey: And your favourite types of outfits to model in?

Caitlin Kelley: Ball gowns

Shardul Pandey: Any least favourites?

Caitlin Kelley: Leggings… thus far

Shardul Pandey: Any ultimate goal?

Caitlin Kelley: I want to be a Victoria’s Secret Model or the next Angelina Jolie, with the goal of seeing everything the world has to offer, letting my parents retire comfortably!

Shardul Pandey: So how do you see yourself progress?

Caitlin Kelley: I want to be a Victoria’s Secret Model or the next Angelina Jolie, with the goal of seeing everything the world has to offer, letting my parents retire comfortably! For just a year in, i’d say in doing ok on my own, but i could use all the help I can get!

Shardul Pandey: What kind of shoots would you like to work on in the future?

Caitlin Kelley: Something a little more Edgy…., and RAW.

Shardul Pandey: Do you eat nutritiously? Tell me the diet you follow on a regular basis?

Caitlin Kelley: Yes!!!

Shardul Pandey: Tell me the diet you follow on a regular basis?

Caitlin Kelley: I eat only unprocessed foods, no pop! Lots of water, green veggies, and LEAN protein.

Shardul Pandey: How often do you exercise or go to the gym & workout ?

Caitlin Kelley: I workout nearly every day.

Shardul Pandey: What is your perfect day?

Caitlin Kelley: Wake-up, head to a paid shoot, get a good workout in with a light lunch, head to a “fun” shoot, and then have dinner with friends

Shardul Pandey: Easiest way to look pretty and glamourous ?

Caitlin Kelley: BE CONFIDENT. OWN YOUR BODY! and buy clothing that makes you FEEL sexy even if it isn’t what is the latest fashion. People with remember your smile and confidence more than what you were wearing, and if they don’t, well you don’t want to be around people like that anyway.

Shardul Pandey: Tell me your favourites.

Caitlin Kelley: Color: Purple, Film: Limitless, Actor: too hard to pick, Actress: Angelina Jolie or Anne Hathaway, Music: Dubstep or Indi, Food: Salads and Pizza, Hobby: Painting, Author: Rue Volley, Book: Blood and Light by Rue Volley, Destination: anywhere warm

[heading]After 1 day[/heading]

Shardul Pandey: When exactly you get started with modelling?

Caitlin Kelley: My first shoot was 2 Novembers ago, my first paid gig was April of 2012 and I became full time just a couple of months ago.

Shardul Pandey: What do you think, Is it important to attended fashion modelling courses? Does they really help newbies to get a foothold in Fashion Industry?

Caitlin Kelley: NO!!!!! if you have what it takes it just comes naturally, if you have the look but not the talent, an agency will invest their time in you to teach you, you never want to become cookie cutter, find what makes you Unique and then Rock it!

Shardul Pandey: Has modelling changed other aspects of your life?

Caitlin Kelley: Ohhhh Yesss!!! I went from the most normal “almost housewife” existence, to the polar opposite! nothing in my life resembles normality anymore other than my family that grounds me :)

Shardul Pandey: How you distinguishes a good model from a bad one?

Caitlin Kelley: That’s really hard to answer. Its all based on opinion. but again has more to do with Class and Confidence than many think.

Shardul Pandey: OK. If I change it to, what distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one?

Caitlin Kelley: Another tough one… I’d say that a good photographer can take even the least appealing subject and make it catch your eye and stare, in just a couple shots without needing much editing.

Shardul Pandey: Tell me about your favourite models?

Caitlin Kelley: I adore Candace Swanpoel, and Cara Delevingne

Shardul Pandey: Is there anything you dislike about modelling?

Caitlin Kelley: The Day to day can get a little lonely, and I hate to see people taken advantage of, which happens too often.

Shardul Pandey: Is there anything you dislike about the fashion industry?

Caitlin Kelley: I want people to see that Beauty lies in whats real, and imperfect too and its not about fame for everyone, its WORK, also, not all models are dumb or feel entitled or have had it easy because they grew up pretty. Its the hardest thing in the world. If you disagree…. go try it out. Long term, see how you feel about yourself when everyone around you is supposed to be critiquing your every pore. It takes a strong person and yes I’m crazy for choosing it to be my life.

Shardul Pandey: How you prepare yourself for a modelling shoot?

Caitlin Kelley: I research the part to prep my body, get lots of sleep, pack my model bag with all needed garments, snacks, and activities for down time to keep me busy.

Shardul Pandey: Where do you generally like to shop? Do you shop online?

Caitlin Kelley: I actually love second hand stores… you can find the most unique things, plus I love taking something that no one wanted anymore and making it beautiful.

Shardul Pandey: What fashion magazines & weblogs do you like reading?

Caitlin Kelley: Vogue, W, Marie Claire, Comso…. anything Fashion

Shardul Pandey: How you communicate with other netizens, specially your subscribers? How often you reply to them?

Caitlin Kelley: I really LOVE hearing from fans, I am just another person with a big heart! but I admit, things do get VERY busy and I can’t always reply as much as I would like to!

Shardul Pandey: How you access Internet? What device you use?

Caitlin Kelley: I do almost everything on my iPhone so that I can stay connected all day, but when I have bigger emails or loads of work I grab my laptop.

Shardul Pandey: Do you own a domain?

Caitlin Kelley: My domain is under construction but is:

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Caitlin Kelley: You can have, do, or be anything you want… Just do it. What are you waiting for? Stop telling yourself that you can’t, and see how far you’ll go. Remember that YOU are BEAUTIFUL. Go out and make the WORLD your stomping ground. Design a life that you love.

Shardul Pandey Talks To Emmaleigh Angeline

I welcome you Emmaleigh, please tell our netizens about yourself?

Growing up, I had always admired women on the covers of magazines and books. Modeling was something that I’d love to do. I wanted to be the person that others saw and admired. I started building a portfolio at the age of 16. In about a year, I have built a fan base of over 500 people, and I hope that it will continue to grow! A lot of time and work goes into modeling and promoting myself. The support of everyone really gives me motivation, and confidence in myself. It is such a great feeling. I can’t imagine ever quitting.

Emmaleigh Hauck 2

What do you think of creating your own fashion blog on your domain, Don’t you think you can expand this fan base of 500 people to millions in less time and people reading your this interview here will drive more traffic towards your domain, making you more popular on world wide web ?

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Svitlana Manoylo

Svitlana Manoylo is from Ukraine, she came to India few years back to become a model and then worked in Dashvihaniya starring Vinay PathakNeha DhupiaRajat KapoorRanvir ShoreyBrijendra Kala, the film was produced by Shashant Shah. Now she is living in Mumbai, Maharastra. She likes Mumbai and loves Indian food specially paneer dishes with naans and rotis. She is working in another movie by Shashant Shah starring Vinay Pathak and same group of stars who worked together in Dashvidhaniya.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Demi Mist Who Owns BeautyAndThemist.Com

Shardul Pandey interviews only those who own their domain in webspace for doing business on Internet so if you too want to get interviewed please examine your domain at before to e-mail all results to

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Shiny Bliss Ortilano Who Owns SeventhBliss.Com

Shardul Pandey interviews only those who own their domain in webspace for doing business on Internet so if you too want to get interviewed please examine your domain at before to e-mail all results to

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