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Easily Hide, Save, Pin Lock Then Restore All Google Chrome Tabs In One Click

While working on many Google Chrome tabs, most of the people minimizes the browser instead of closing it. Bookmarks are also a quick way for accessing favorite websites. Sometime back we have discussed about Session Manager, the app which enables Google Chrome users to save complete sessions of multiple tabs  & and windows opened up in web browser so they can easily access them next time in same condition as they have left before.

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Easily Enable Guest Posting Feature For Unregistered WordPress Users In One Minute

Earlier we have discussed about building an account based guest posting system with WordPress. But that’s off course not for everybody. This tutorial is for the website owners who simply want to generate a for for accepting guest posts without allows any kind of new account creation. The plugin works out of box and is one of the easiest guest posting plugin for WordPress.

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Official Google Publisher Plugin With Better Adsense Display & One Click Website Verification For WordPress

Google Publisher Plugin (beta) is an officially released plugin developed by Google. The plugin enables you to use Google’s products including AdSense and Webmaster Tools with your WordPress based website.


General process of adding Adsense requires generating snippets in from and then pasting them into your website’s template files, digging inside PHP files if you are using WordPress or by using a plugin like Adinjection or Adinserter. But Google Publisher Plugin (beta) works very much differently from all other Adsense plugins out there and give you a new easy style of placing Adsense with a simple point-and-click user interface (UI).

The plugin also provides you an inbuilt one click website verification with Google Webmaster Tools.

How to start up with Google Publisher Plugin (beta)?

Google Publisher Plugin (beta) 1

Install and activate Google Publisher Plugin (beta) plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Google Publisher Plugin page, click ‘Get started‘ button, login and click ”Verify’ button:

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Then you can select to preview the home page or your single post pages. The plugin will automatically add markers on page letting you know where the AdSense can get fit better. You can then select the place and click to add advertisements, you can create different placements for each page template and start displaying AdSense there.

Easily Get Your Pinterest Account Verified With WordPress

Pinterest verification is done with a code  provided by pinterest itself. After your Pinterest account gets verified, you will be noticing a little tick mark on your pages displaying that you do indeed own that website. The only problem or you can say difficult part in Pinterest verification process is you you either need to upload an HTML code file to your website or insert some code into your template file. Many website owners don’t like digging inside the website files, for them here’s a very easy process for verifying your Pinterest account using your WordPress website.

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How To Write Product Reviews Without Creating Any New Post Type In WordPress?

Earlier we have discussed about creating a review website with WordPress, but that method activates a new post type whereas in this tutorial we will be explaining you how you can write product reviews without adding any new custom post type. WP Product Review is plugin which adds in-depth reviews & ratings features to basic WordPress posts. The bloggers make regular posts but at the bottom of the page, the plugin will ask you if this post is a review or not. If you select “Yes, it opens up a whole bunch of extra fields and makes it easy for you to list product’s features, its pros and cons, you can add a product image and add other review details.

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Receiving Android’s WhatsApp And Other Notifications On Laptop

Android Desktop Notifications is an awesome app which works same as advertised.  The app enables you to receive your Android notifications on your Google Chrome or Chromium browser. You can use it on your desktop, laptop or enevn on your Chromebook for connecting your Android device with your computer’s Chrome browser. It works with all popular messengers, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts and hence you are stay informed even when you are busy working on your computer.

For using Android Desktop Notifications you will be having to install Android Desktop Notifications Chrome Extension on your browser and install its Desktop Notifications Android App on your Android phone or tablet.

After installing the apps:


After installing its Android app on your smartphone it will randomly generates a code. Now you will be having to enter that code in the settings of this extension in order to start receiving notifications.

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Now from its apps settings on Android, turn on the desktop notifications and select and enable the apps for notifications as shown in the given screenshots:

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Finally, your browser is ready to receive notifications from your android device:

You can also enable ongoing notifications like downloads progress and timers etc and set it to send both text and content as notifications to your chrome browser 6

You can also enable ongoing notifications like downloads progress and timers etc and set it to send both text and content as notifications to your chrome browser.


Top 3 Essential Photograpghy Apps For Android

All smartphones & many kinds of tablets now have a camera attached to them and there is no need to say that Android is the most popular platform for accessing cloud. Hence photo clicking has now become a very easy and common job. photoclicking is not just limited to beautiful views, wild life and fashion but now-a-days selfies are very popular on social media and image sharing websites like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr etc.

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How To Sync Any Facebook Page Photos & Albums To WordPress?

This is not just about importing and managing Facebook photo albums on to your WordPress website but you can bring in photos from any public Facebook page into your WordPress media library simply by using the FB page slug. FB Photo Sync is an incredibly powerful and free WordPress plugin which is very easy to set up, manage, you can sync FB photos & albums and to display any album with all photos to a post, page, post type etc via shortcode.

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Increase BuddyPress Networking With Friend Of Friend (FOAF) Connections

Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) is a new block present inside each member’s profile page and displaying a “Friend of a Friend (FOAF)” display. BuddyPress network admins having BP friends feature enabled then your friends will have their friends. Their friends will also have friends and then again these friends will have friends. So there becomes “social paths” inside your members friends lists. It visualizes nearest path to the member whose profile is visited by another member in your BuddyPress site community and as the world is small and you’ll see that most users know each other – because their friends are friends and so on.

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Best Twitter Bootstrap Accordions & Shortcode Plugins For WordPress

We have spend hours in selecting and providing you very cool list of some of the best shortcodes and accordions which gives you power to transform your free simple WordPress theme into a professional looking theme loaded with cool amazing features. You can use them for beautifying your website like adding awesome buttons to editor which provides you plenty of handy shortcodes for bootstrap based designs, buttons, frames, responsive embeds, icons, lists, infoboxes, responsive video embeds and loading your website with many great packs of shortcode styles.

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Top 5 Awesome Audio Player Plugins For WordPress

Want to create music playlists or if you are willing to sell music on your website or whatever. The following plugins are tested on latest WordPress version of 3.8.1 and then included in the following list. If you are just looking up for a simple music player with basic controls then no need to install and plugins, WordPress already provides an audio player you can use for including and playing music files inside your posts etc, a few days back we discussed about it here. We have also discussed about Audio Player plugin which is among the most popular audio plugin in WordPress plugin repository. Now if you still need more the check out the following plugins and use the one works best for you.

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Building Account Based Guest Posting System In WordPress

Creating an account based guest posting system means you want to all guest post bloggers to be registered on your WordPress site as a contributor role. You can simply enable registration from your website settings and select the default user role as ‘Contributor’, contributors cannot publish any post directly instead they can only leave the post for review. Peter’s Collaboration E-mails make this system more powerful and much better. It is a free WordPress plugin which enables automatic emails to the relevant users on your website during the collaboration workflows.

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How To Easily Backup Gmail To Ubuntu Using Thunderbird?

Thunderbird is a free email application with easy customizations and set up, loaded with awesome features. It is default email application on various Linux distributions like Ubuntu. So first thing you need to do is visit your Gmail account to enable POP in Gmail.

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How To Check Whether Your Website Is Accessible From Other Countries Or Not?

There are a couple of web services that allows you to check whether the given website is accessible from other countries or not. is one of the free service with same features. It is much more powerful than other ping services as it has 30 monitoring stations world-wide including USA, India, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and more.

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Google Chrome App To Prevent Spelling & Grammar Mistakes On Internet

Grammarly is a Google Chrome app which prevents you from making spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes while writing anything on Internet like writing your emails, posting any text on social media, while using any notepad extension on Chromebook or whatever. The application marks auto marks all mistakes using a red squigly line like Word Pads and other office programs.

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How To Use YouTube As Background Slider In WordPress?

There are many plugin for using images as background slider in WordPress but YouTube Background Slider is something different. It very easily enables you to slide YouTube videos or a complete playlist in background. See it live working here. The plugin provides you an effective and completely responsive YouTube video plugin. In seconds you can make YouTube videos to work as background slides and also you can provide a toggle bar at the bottom of the page for showing next and previous buttons, toggling playlist, pausing videos and a volume control.

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How To Check For Installed Plugins Which No Longer Exists In WordPress Repository?

Did you know? WordPress never issues any warding if the plugin you’re going to delete or update doesn’t exists at  Plugins Repository. Hence when no warning is provided, then you accidentally losses that plugin. WordPress never removes any plugin for any small reason. The main reason behind the removal of most plugins is when they are found to break the GPL. Another big reason is security vulnerability. Likewise if any plugin has a security vulnerability the website could get vulnerable to being exploited until the plugin is deleted from the installation or a security update is released and applied.

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Let Us Install & Setup Your New WordPress Blog For FREE

A common excuse that most new bloggers (who blog on the domain of some other website) give is they don’t know how to install and setup a new blogging website with WordPress. Now no worries at all, there are many good bloggers earning a lot from their websites but don’t know a bit on setting up a new blogging website with WordPress, working with design, features and SEO etc. If you’re one of them then try our new and completely free WordPress installation service.

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How To Slide Instagram Images Using A Responsive Slider In WordPress?

Yesterday we discussed about best plugins for embedding photo galleries from popular image sharing websites on Internet and on same tutorial we discussed about embedding photo tile galleries from Instagram. Now here we explain you the working of an awesome slider widget which can shows 20 latest images from a public Instagram user. All in responsive style using a grid gallery or image slider.

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How To Select A Good WordPress Hosting Plan?

Without a powerful and quality web hosting plan, your ability for running a successful website will seriously hindered. One of the worst mistakes website owners make while selecting a WordPress hosting provider company is not checking is the technical skills and expertise of that web hosting company in WordPress.Hence, what generally happens is:

  1. You install WordPress in your web-hosting or the hosting provides installs it for you
  2. You posting on your dream website and one day a wrong update or plugin or an unknown hack brokes down your website
  3. You loose access to the admin area so you contact your web-hosting provider
  4. Your hosting provider asks you to hire a programmer because the hosting company doesn’t provides support in managing WordPress
  5. You search for a solution on Google and get directed to a website like OR you hire a local programmer and spends many more dollars.

Selecting a web hosting provider is a situation calling up for some consideration and research. There’s a dizzying array of hosting companies competing but when it comes to hosting WordPress then there very few websites which provides you with WordPress installation, tutorials, trouble shooting solutions and backup plans all at one place.

Here are some important things to keep in mind while choosing a web hosting plan:

Technical Specifications

The first and most important thing you must keep on your mind is to evaluate the web space and bandwidth your hosting provider is providing you. Websites with lots of graphics and media files, a number of posts, pages with a big amount of traffic certainly going to need decent amounts of bandwidth, disk space and MySQL databases.

Affordable Pricing & Value

Some people choose web hosting providers strictly based on price but that’s not completely right. One should definitely take pricing into consideration but you should know that good providers offers many budget options.

Support and Customer Service

Don’t forget to confirm that the web hosting provider has 24/7 support. Make sure there’s also a phone line support too.

Why’s WordPress Hosting Plan?

It satisfies all above needs and comes in three packages starting from 3 month plan:

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Top 5 WordPress Tools You Should Know About

This tutorial lists some very useful WordPress tools that every website owner needs atleast once in his website’s lifetime. Sometimes when you change the thumbnail dimensions, a regenerate of thumbnails is needed, sometimes you need resetting your database, testing themes or monitoring broken links or generating a special XML sitemap.

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