New WordPress plugin allows you to remove ”Remember Me” option present in WordPress Login Screen form. ”Remember Me” option lets your website members to stay logged in to your site by ticking its check box present in WP Login Page. This is very helpful feature of WordPress that saves time when someone is accessing your website from his private machine. At the same time this feature is very risky incase someone access your website from public computer (like Internet Cafe, Airport, Hotesls etc) and forgets to log out from your website. As a result he stays logged in for next two weeks unless he signs-out or clears the web browser’s history.
All bloggers know about the plugins for displaying related posts and pages in your WordPress blog but now by using a new WordPress plugin you can quickly and easily embed YouTube videos related to your content or any other video you have embeded in your WordPress post or page.
Now you can give your blog visitors why they need to share your post content on some social media website like Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus. OnePress Social Locker is new WordPress plugin that allows you to lock some part of your post, page or custom post type and make your users unlock it by sharing it on popular social networks. The plugin is different from old post locker plugins because it allows you to select which post and what part you want to lock. View its live demo here
Jetpack plugin provides you feature to allow your commenters on follow up comments. There are also many other free plugins available in WordPress Plugins Repository that allows you to add comment subscription system in WordPress. This tutorial is a bit different, it explains you how you can allows your commenters to get notified only when someone replies to their comment in your WordPress site.
WordPress already provides you sticky posts feature without installing any plugin. Sticky Posts are actually Featured Posts hat stays on Top of your blog for the time period you want. You can easily make any WordPress post sticky simply by visiting Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts, selecting the post and clicking Quick Edit to check the option Make this post sticky.
Now when BuddyPress is activated its all Account Links automatically get integrated with WordPress Admin Bar. Now BuddyPress doesn’t provides any BuddyBar to its new users. In old days there were many free BuddyPress plugins available for customizing BuddyBar and hence it was easy for the site owners to customize BuddyBar in their own style. But now you only get WordPress admin bar and there is not a single plugin available that provides you full customization of WP Admin Bar visually in a user-friendly way. There are some good plugins they only provides you tweaks unless you are very good in writing CSS.
You can easily display Twitter’s follow button in your own language using a sidebar widget in your WordPress based website. Twitter Follow Button for WordPress is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display Twitter Follow button in various languages (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Turkish) easily.
WordPress Plugin Repository has a new plugin A Year Ago Today. The plugin allows you to display Titled links to posts that were posted exactly one year ago on your WordPress site using a simple sidebar widget. All post are listed by popularity on the basis of number of comments.
Akismet is best spam detector plugin but all comments made by spam bots end up in your WordPress Spams folder. This tutorial is about a light weight WordPress plugin that you can easily use with Akismet and increase a step for spambots when posting comments in your WordPress blog.
You can create a better view for showing more recent comments in less space by scrolling your recent post comments vertically from bottom to top using a sidebar widget.
You can easily display yours or your favorite plugin reviews in your WordPress site using a sidebar widget. WP Plugin Reviews is the new WordPress plugin that lets you display plugin reviews quickly in your sidebar or any other widget area your theme provides you.
You must have observed a preloading screen in some sites showing loading percentage before all website including all images, CSS, jQuery gets fully loaded on your webrowser. Now using a new plugin you can easily add this functionality to your WordPress site and display a preloading screen before all your website images including the images in CSS gets fully loaded.
BuddyPress plugins are also hosted on WordPress Plugins Repository. Although we can easily filter BuddyPress plugins by selecting its tag from WordPress Admin Area’s Add New Plugin page but now you have one more easy feature to add in your Add New Plugins page, this will allows you to quickly and easily install any BuddyPress plugin hosted on WordPreess.Org
Creating Custom Post Types is easy now, you do this by editing your theme and adding some code to it or there are many free plugins available that allows you to do so easily but most of these plugins doesn’t gives you features to displaythem. Now this tutorial is on a free widget plugin that lets you display WordPress posts and custom post types easilyusing many options it provides you.
Few days ago we discussed about NS Cloner plugin that allows WordPress multisite netwrk admins to clone existing WordPress sites to completely new ones with same old settings in just a few seconds.
Now most of the WordPress themes provides you next and previous post navigation buttons that allows your readers to open blog post written before and after any particular WordPress post. Even in one tutorial we discussed about a plugin that allows you to add next and previous post button in admin area edit post pages, these admin area navigationbuttons allows you to open edit screen of next and previous post.