New Easy Flashcard plugin by Sage Sony enables you to create, design and manage flashcards on your WordPress site. You can very easily create multiple flashcards from your admin section and then display them inside your posts, pages, custom post types and other shortcode supported areas on your website. Continue reading Easy Flashcards – Create, Design And Manage Flashcards In WordPress
Category Archives: Homeschool
Automatically Promote Old WordPress Posts On Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn
Earlier we have discussed about automatically tweeting old blog posts of your WordPress site. Now you can easily extend that functionality and auto share your old posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn too. Continue reading Automatically Promote Old WordPress Posts On Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn
Make Chromebook Work Offline With Locally Cached Copies Of Web Pages
When you request any web page online, the browser connects to the server and fetches that web page content then displays it to you on your device’s screen. Continue reading Make Chromebook Work Offline With Locally Cached Copies Of Web Pages
Video Checkmarking In WordPress – Know What Posts You’ve Already Made Video For
Video checkmarking is a very useful feature for video bloggers. It allows you to check what posts you have already made videos for. Video Checkmark is the new WordPress plugin that adds a new checkbox column on admin area all post archive page. Using this checkbox column you can mark the posts you have already made video for. Continue reading Video Checkmarking In WordPress – Know What Posts You’ve Already Made Video For
Jean Tirole Is The New Noble Laureate In Economics
Today Jean Tirole of France has become the new noble laureate in economics for his analysis of market power and regulation. Concurrently he works as the Scientific Director of the Institut d’Economie Industrielle at the University of Social Sciences, in Toulouse. The prize is worth 8 million Swedish crown that amounts to 1.1 million US dollars.
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After Post Manager – Display Anything After Your Posts In WordPress
After Post Manager is the new WordPress plugin by Abhishek Prakash and Pranjal Pujari. It you native WordPress editor (WP text and visual editor) to easily create and display custom content after each blog post in your WordPress site. Continue reading After Post Manager – Display Anything After Your Posts In WordPress
Integrating Google Web Fonts With WordPress Theme Customizer
Not happy with fonts of your WordPress theme? Now you can add Google Font Customizer in your theme’s customization page and from there you can easily choose any Google web font for your website headings, post content like paragraphs and blockquotes etc. Continue reading Integrating Google Web Fonts With WordPress Theme Customizer
Approve WordPress Comments From Your Gmail Account
An email account notifies you more frequently about the new comments on your website than admin area dashboard. Now-a-days, it is a lot more easier to access and reply emails directly from a smartphone; so why not use it for approving WordPress comments too? Continue reading Approve WordPress Comments From Your Gmail Account
Let Users Bump Their Favorite Posts To Top In WordPress
You can now allow your users to bump their favorite posts in your WordPress site. When enough bumps (made by registered users) are recorded, the post is automatically pushed to top. Continue reading Let Users Bump Their Favorite Posts To Top In WordPress
The Anthropology Has To Start Afresh
‘Time’ magazine did mention her discovery of another out-of-Africa dispersal (that we call here the ‘Katerina Dispersal’) via a new southern region route (that we call here the ‘Katerina Route’) as one of 10 foremost discoveries in 2007, while she was elected the AAAS Fellow of the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that publishes the famous ‘Science’ magazine, by recognizing her meritorious efforts to advance anthropology via her personally developing and globally disseminating the 3-D geometric morphometric methods (that we call here the ‘Katerina Method’), which for the first time made it possible to analyze the morphometry of the famous skull Hofmeyr. Continue reading The Anthropology Has To Start Afresh
Easily Add Horizontal Line Separators To WordPress Posts
By adding horizontal lines and dividing posts into multiple sections you can make long blog posts more readable in your WordPress site. Continue reading Easily Add Horizontal Line Separators To WordPress Posts
Your Treasure Is Hidden Beneath Your Feet
Paulo Coelho is the writer, who sells better without ever opposing the piracy of his works. Perhaps for spreading his words, through peer-to-peer-file-sharing-networks, he put his own books on p2p networks like BitTorrent. Continue reading Your Treasure Is Hidden Beneath Your Feet
There Is Always Something You Can Do And Succeed At
“However difficult life may be seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” said Stephen Hawking by doing and succeeding at as he said, “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” Continue reading There Is Always Something You Can Do And Succeed At
Wearables Are The Future In Technology
Technology has to move ahead after carryables. Wearables are the future in technology. Wearables, as integral part of human civilization, make us hybrid. Continue reading Wearables Are The Future In Technology
Now You Can Restrict Admin Access To WordPress Theme & Plugin Files
Do you remember your old days with WordPress? How many times have you locked yourself by making wrong edits in code files?
Now by restricting admin and all other user access to code files you can make user interface easier and less confusing for your clients.
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Easily Add Remote Media Libraries In WordPress For YouTube, Flickr And Other Popular Services
oEmbed has made video embedding much easier than before. It has completely changed the way of embedding videos in WordPress.
Improve Related Posts Section In WordPress For Better SEO And Time On Site
Related posts works great in engaging your website visitors. It is used for showing your visitors the other related content present on your website. This simply helps them to find more details on the topic they are reading.
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Reflexivity Of Evolution
When the circumstances hard train us, we carefully remember all the training to keep on practicing till it goes down deep into our muscles’ nature so that we reproduce our code generations-after-generations changing our genome as per the circumstance told us. This forms the largest sequence of our reflex action. Continue reading Reflexivity Of Evolution
Walking Down Streets Can Also Make You Self Employed And Rich
Great people discuss their website and small people discuss about their page on other’s website.
Now you know how easy it is to create a website. But where to start from? You may simply start by walking into your street and asking individuals whether they have a website or not. Ask your friends, relatives etc and you will find most of them have no website. Yes, in a country like India, most people live without websites ;-)
So the good news is that you can earn a lot by making their websites and the very good news is creating a website is much easier than you think.
But the bad news is most of the people don’t know what is the use of a website in their busy life and the very bad news is website makers don’t even try explaining them the importance of own website.
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First Make Your Website And Then Make Money By Making Others Website
In this tutorial we will teach you how to easily create a website you can sell. You can yourself create a beautiful, simple website with or without side blogging & networking features.
The good news is, a personal website is something useful for all individuals and the very good news is you can create it in a few minutes without any programming skills. Thanks to System at
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Rediscovered Routes Of Human Evolution
Katerina Harvati has brilliantly shown that her predecessors were all mistakenly faithful that out-of-Africa dispersal of humanity took place around some 65,000 years back. She has in fact overturned the whole anthropological order of old school by laying a new foundation of fact that Africans migrated once prior to that also almost 130,000 years back taking another route. Thus she has reinvented another framework for further research so this new-found route must get named after her. Continue reading Rediscovered Routes Of Human Evolution