In this lesson you will learn how to easily set up AdSense display via shortcodes in your multi-author WordPress blog. Continue reading Set Up AdSense Via Shortcode On Multi-Author WordPress Blog
Category Archives: Homeschool
Easily Activate Facebook Like Lock In WordPress Posts
Using Facebook post locker you can easily like lock your WordPress posts and make your users to like your article before to view and read it on your website. Continue reading Easily Activate Facebook Like Lock In WordPress Posts
Turn WordPress eCommerce Website Into Catalog Mode
Now you can easily turn your WordPress WooCommerce website into catalog mode and disable all shopping functions. YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode is the new WordPress plugin which upon activation allows you to disable shop functions and transform your e-commerce into a simple catalog website. Continue reading Turn WordPress eCommerce Website Into Catalog Mode
Embedding Your Complete YouTube Channel In WordPress
You can show your YouTube channel with all videos and playlists on a page in your WordPress site. YourChannel is the new WordPress plugin that lets you show your YouTube channel on your website.
Also you can allow your visitors to search videos from your YouTube channel and turn your website visitors into your YouTube subscribers. Continue reading Embedding Your Complete YouTube Channel In WordPress
Easily Regenerate Missing Media Library Thumbnails In WordPress
Sometimes media library only show images and not thumbnails, in this lesson you will learn how to fix this by scanning WordPress media library and regenerating all missing thumbnails. Continue reading Easily Regenerate Missing Media Library Thumbnails In WordPress
New Stylish Way To Quote And Highlight Blizzard Posts In WordPress
Blueposts for WordPress is the new WordPress plugin that provides you shortcode to quote and highlight blizzard posts in your WordPress site. Continue reading New Stylish Way To Quote And Highlight Blizzard Posts In WordPress
Keep Track Of Last Edited Posts & Pages On WordPress Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard Last Edits provides you easy and lightweight solution for showing last edited posts and pages on the admin area dashboard.
Using this plugin, editors and site administrations can keep track of what posts on their website are edited by other users and on what date & time the changes are made. Continue reading Keep Track Of Last Edited Posts & Pages On WordPress Admin Dashboard
Extend WordPress Theme Customizer With Fonts, Colors, Live CSS Editor & More
Now you can easily extend your default WordPress theme customzier and add more options to it like you can add Fonts, Colors, Live CSS Editor and other customization options to active theme in your WordPress site. Continue reading Extend WordPress Theme Customizer With Fonts, Colors, Live CSS Editor & More
Allow Visitors To Print Or Download Post As PDF, Doc, TXT, HTML, XML In WordPress
You can enable your WordPress site visitors to print or download your post content as PDF, Doc, TXT, HTML, XML files. Universal Post Manager is a WordPress plugin that adds Print, Save as PDF, MS Document, HTML, Text and XML buttons on single post screens on your website. Continue reading Allow Visitors To Print Or Download Post As PDF, Doc, TXT, HTML, XML In WordPress
Turn Jetpack On Without Connecting It To
Sometimes, when you just want to use a specific module from Jetpack without going through the hassle of connecting Jetpack to your user account.
In this lesson you will learn how you can use official Jetpack by plugin features without having to connect it with
Continue reading Turn Jetpack On Without Connecting It To
Complete Google SEO Scanner For WordPress
Complete Google SEO Scan provides you an easy way to scan individual posts, pages and other URLs on your website for Google search engine optimization.
It allows you to select what post, page or URL you like scanning and then it scans almost all technical aspects of that web page for search engine optimization. Continue reading Complete Google SEO Scanner For WordPress
Flash All Rainbow Colors In Your WordPress Site Links
Now you can automatically flash all rainbow colors in your website links and make them look more attractive, beautiful and drive more user attention. Continue reading Flash All Rainbow Colors In Your WordPress Site Links
Automatically Remove Sticky Flag From Previously Featured Posts In WordPress
There are some WordPress themes that provides you a separate section to feature more than one post at a time but most WordPress themes simply sticks featured posts to top whenever you make any post sticky on your website.
This works good in directing traffic to your featured blog post but when more than one post is featured, you blog page starts to look static. Hence, every time you have to ensure that only one post is featured at a time.
In this lesson you will learn how to turn this thing more easy by automatically removing the sticky post flag when any new post is published and made sticky on your website. Continue reading Automatically Remove Sticky Flag From Previously Featured Posts In WordPress
Easily Upload And Insert SVG Files In WordPress Posts
SVG, stands for Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics which supports interactivity and animation.
These images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. Default WordPress functionality allows you to upload SVG files but you cannot insert and display them like other images.
In this lesson you will learn how to upload and insert SVG files in your post content.
Continue reading Easily Upload And Insert SVG Files In WordPress Posts
Easily Enable Single Sign On For A WordPress Multisite Network
Just like and Blogger, now you can easily enable single sign-on on your self-hosted WordPress multisite network and authenticate registered users across all websites within your network. Continue reading Easily Enable Single Sign On For A WordPress Multisite Network
How To Assign Multiple Roles To A User In WordPress?
Earlier we have discussed the plugins that enable you to assign more capabilities to users and user roles. In this lesson, you will learn how to allocate multiple roles to any user in your WordPress site.
Role Includer is the new WordPress plugin that enables you to provide any user with the ‘promote_users’ capability and handle the allocation of roles.
Start by installing ‘Role Includer’ plugin in WordPress
Upon activation visit your admin area dashboard Users -> All Users page and select any user’s ‘Roles’ option.
It directs you to a page where you can include more roles to that user role and promote it. The plugin can be used in combination with other user role plugins like ‘User Role Editor’ and ‘Capability Manager Enhanced’.
To start, visit your admin area dashboard Users -> Roles Includer and click the ‘Plugin Suggestions’ tab.
Now tick checkbox option to enable installation prompt and force plugin activation. Only tick one of these:
- User Role Editor: Provides the ability to edit users’ capabilities.
- Capability Manager Enhanced: Another plugin that provides the ability to edit users’ capabilities.
Any of the given plugins will allow you to define new user roles and capabilities in your WordPress site. When you select a plugin, it will prompt you through the installation and the plugin will be forced active.
Deselecting any plugin will not remove it from your WordPress site, you will need to manually deactivate and uninstall it from your website or network.
Easily Attach, Unattach or Reattach Media Files And Data To Different WordPress Posts
Attaching, unattaching and reattaching media data to different WordPress posts is easy. With new Re-attacher plugin you can reattach uploaded media files to posts in your WordPress site.
Other than this, the plugin also allows you to completely detach files from posts. It also enables you to manage both single and groups of media files.
It also turns Gallery and Portfolio plugins more convenient to use because after installing Re-attacher plugin you won’t have to upload new images each time you need using them on gallery or portfolio pages. Instead, it lets you to use uploaded files. Continue reading Easily Attach, Unattach or Reattach Media Files And Data To Different WordPress Posts
QuickieBar – Setup A Powerful Drop Down Conversion Bar In WordPress
QuickieBar is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to add an attractive and easily customizable conversion bar to the top or bottom of your website to start converting your visitors into customers. Continue reading QuickieBar – Setup A Powerful Drop Down Conversion Bar In WordPress
Creating A Single Page Responsive Website With WordPress
Creating a complete website with multiple pages and a side blogging or news section is easy but sometimes people go after one page website specially while launching new products, creating personal website with static content and important links etc.
Whatsoever may be the reason, now you can easily create single page websites in a few clicks. Continue reading Creating A Single Page Responsive Website With WordPress
Showing Ads On WordPress Admin Area Dashboard
Now you can easily monetize WordPress admin area dashboard. There are various plugins that allows to displays ads on the frondend of your WordPress site. But in this lesson you will learn how to display ads on backend i.e admin area dashboard. Great for multi-author WordPress blogs.
So if you are also running a website or blog with many authors, editors, contributors who get access to your website’s admin section then it is good to monetize your backend and start making more money.
Continue reading Showing Ads On WordPress Admin Area Dashboard
Easily Show Recommended Posts In A PopUp At The End Of Your Content In WordPress
Showing recommended posts in a popup at the end of your content is now easy. As soon your user scrolls your post and reaches the end of the page, you can automatically show next reading recommendation in a popup box. Continue reading Easily Show Recommended Posts In A PopUp At The End Of Your Content In WordPress