Category Archives: Homeschool

Set Google Alert To Get Latest News Updates From Your Niche

Google Alert is an awesome tool that allows anyone to set alert for any topic they are interested in. Great for bloggers.

You can easily subscribe to latest news alerts from topics in your nice and get them delivered directly to your email inbox.

Suppose you blog about WordPress, you may set an alert for WordPress and get automatically notified about what’s new happening with WordPress community.

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Make Use Of Pre-Written Emails With Gmail Canned Response

Tired of copy-pasting or composing same email messages over and over? You may use canned email responses and save yourself from repetitive typing or copy-pasting text from other email messages.

Gmail Labs provides you canned response feature that enables you to compose email messages you send again and again to different people, now send them in just one easy click. You can also send canned responses manually or automatically via email filters.

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Check Whether Website Is Accessible From Other Countries

Sometimes it happens that other netizens fail to access your website in some parts of the world. This may happen due to some problem in IP, ISP i.e. Internet Service Provider, web-hosting issue, due to some firewall active in schools, colleges and offices blocking your website content etc.

Whatsoever may be the reason, you certainly need to make sure that the website is accessible across all countries to avoid loss of potential visitors and so that you can get all benefits of online marketing.

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How To Undo Send (Unsend) Your Gmail Emails?

Gmail now provides you an option to unsend any email message. It now provides you an undo for send email button. Using this feature you can unsend any email after the ‘Send’ button is clicked.

So now if you make a typo or accidentally emailed wrong letter to wrong person then you can undo the action by clicking “Undo send” button. It simply provides you an option to take back a conversation you just sent.

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Creating Email Button With Email Icon Generator

Email harvesting bots catches you to start spamming your inbox whenever you write your email address online in text format like

One trick netizens use is they write their email by adding space and replacing @ with AT on their websites.

For instance: You can write “” as “youremail AT gmail DOT com”. But this is certainly not user-friendly format and it may confuse some new users.

In this lesson you will learn about generating an email icon with email address written over it so that your users can easily get to know about your email address and that will stop spam bots from harvesting your email address.

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How To Autofill WordPress Comment Forms?

Blog commenting is one of the popular way of online marketing. Commenting on do-follow blogs gives your better page rank. Even if the blog is a no-follow one, it will give your website some exposure and more netizens would come to know about your web-service.

To comment on a blog you are required to fill some input fields like Name, Email, URL and Message. Wouldn’t it be easier if all such fields get automatically filled up so that you just type your comment message and click the ‘Submit’ button?

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How To Trace IP & Location Of Email Sender In Gmail?

All email comes with headers that carry important meta data that can also tell you the IP address of email sender. Many times you receive email from unknown persons, if some anonymous email is bothering you then you can easily get to know the IP address of that email sender to track his location.

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How To Display Last Updated Post Date In WordPress?

By default WordPress shows you publish date and there is no way for reader to know about the recent changes made to any post in your WordPress website.

You must have noticed certain news websites running over WordPress shows last modification date on their articles. In this lesson you will learn how you can easily let your visitors know that the post was modified.

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How To Use SEO Friendly URL Structure In WordPress?

Default WordPress URL structure i.e. permalink structure is not considered as SEO friendly. Search engine likes permalinks with post name as slug in them.

SEO friendly URL structure increases your chance of better ranking on search engines like Google etc. Likewise search engines are the largest source of traffic to popular blogs and organic traffic also gives you better ad revenue.

A SEO friendly URL structure is a user-friendly URL structure in which a visitor can know where he is going to simply by looking at the URL. This also works for search engines as well.

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How To Select The Perfect Theme For WordPress?

Everyday, many free and premium WordPress themes are launched. A good WordPress theme leaves good impression on your website visitors, it is also counted as the first impression of your website.

A good WordPress theme is responsive, provides a good structure to your website which plays an important role in SEO i.e. search engine optimization.

In this lesson we will discuss about the important points to keep in mind while selecting a perfect WordPress theme for your blog or website.

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How To Check Virus & Malware Online By Uploading File?

If you download files online and not sure whether the source is reliable or if your anti-virus is blocking the file or may be you don’t have any anti-virus scanner installed on your system. You can check files for any virus and malware online simply by uploading them.

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How To Become A Professional Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide)?

Professional blogging can produce a great deal of profit. You may opt blogging as bankable career option and start earning from your place.

There are various lessons across Internet that tries to explain you how to become a professional blogger, but they don’t tell you the steps.

They ask you to choose your niche, promote content on social media, write useful content others are searching for, do SEO (search engine optimization), email marketing etc. These are important points but they simply misses the most important point i.e. where to start from.

In this lesson you will learn where to start from and how to become a professional in the world of blogging.

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How To Disable New User Email Notifications In WordPress?

When a new user registers on your WordPress website, an email is sent to site admin’s inbox. If more and more users are frequently registering on your website and you don’t want the email notification to be sent then you can easily disable it.

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Difference Between Domain Name And Website Hosting

Netizens who just got online doesn’t know the basic difference between domain name and web-hosting. These two are most important products to bring any website online and make it accessible for other netizens across world wide web.

Domain names and hosting are well-known terms when it comes to starting a new website. In this lesson you will learn about the difference between a domain name and website hosting AKA web-hosting plan.

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