Category Archives: WordPress

Powerful Featured Category Widget For WordPress

Featured Category Widget is specially designed for website owners for whom the Featured Post Widget is not enough. There are many different featured category widgets but this Featured Category Widget plugin is highly customizable and provides you a number of display options and features.

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How To Make Default WordPress Navigation Menu Sticky ?

T&P Navigation Menu is the new WordPress plugin that automatically sticks your website’s default navigation menu to top of the webpage when your visitors scroll down the page.

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How To Limit Post Title Characters In WordPress For Better SEO ?

Display titles in search engine results like Google etc is limited to 70 chars and hence last characters of posts & pages having title of more than 70 characters get trimmed from the end.

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Show Your Latest Tweets With Fade In-&-Out Effect In WordPress

Tweet Fader is a WP widget plugin which uses jQuery for displaying your latest single tweets with a fade in & fade out effect in your WordPress site. The plugin requires a Twitter application so first you will be needing to create your app from Twitter Developers Page Here.

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Powerful 4in1 Intuitive Slideshow Plugin For WordPress

Meta Slider is a powerful flexible, intuitive slider plugin for WordPress. It provides you 4 different jQuery sliders you can use with custom options and features.

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Easily Dispay News Bulletin In A Lightbox Overlay In WordPress

WP News Bulletin allows you to publish news as a CPT and display them in a sliding sidebar widget, when a news headline is clicked it gets displayed in a lightbox overlay from where your users can read full news articles.

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How To Temporarily Stop All Outgoing Emails In WordPress ?

If you need you can temporarily stop all outgoing emails from your WordPress site (there are a lot of reasons). Stop Emails is the new WordPress plugin that silently stops all outgoing emails from your website.

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Bring WordPress Admin Area Post Management Features To Frontend Of Your Website

Earlier we discussed about a few WordPress plugins that makes frontend post editing possible but are limited to content editing purposes only. This tutorial is on a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create, edit and manage all your blog posts with media, taxonomy terms etc direct from the frontend of your website.

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How To Customize Colors Of New Twenty Thirteen WordPress Theme ?

Twenty Thirteen is new vivacious color WordPress theme released with WordPress 3.6 update. This tutorial explains you how you can quickly and easily change color strategy of this new WordPress theme for your branding etc.

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Easily Display Sliding Social Media Icons Akin To Theme Color Of Your WordPress Site

Sliding Social Icons is the new WordPress plugin that enables you to display simple social media profile link representations on right side of your WordPress site. The best feature of this plugin is that it allows you to show social sliding buttons in custom color so that you can make them look akin to your theme’s color format.

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How To Export WordPress Users & BuddyPress xProfile Data To CSV File ?

Using new Export User Data plugin you can easily exports all WordPress user data, meta data and also BuddyPress xProfile data to a CSV or excel file. The plugin also includes options for exporting users by role, registration date range, usermeta option and two export formats.

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How To Speed Up Menus Admin Screen In WordPress 3.6 ?

New accessibility JavaScript present in WordPress 3.6 Dashboard -> Appearance > Menus panel insignificantly slows down the loading speed specially when you are having a large number of menu items (> 50) to manage.

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How To Use JavaScript For Cloaking Email Addresses In WordPress ?

Now you can very easily enable JavaScript for cloaking email addresses present in your WordPress site content like posts, pages, CPTs and other shortcode supported areas including text and black studio widgets.

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Floating Frame Displaying Social & Custom Buttons In WordPress

Floating Social Media Links is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display a beautiful floating frame of buttons (linked icons of social media and other custom links) in WordPress. The plugin provides you a clean sticky look.

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How To Create A Unique Private Feed URL For Each Registered User In WordPress ?

Now you can easily create unique feed URLs for each registered user in your WordPress site simply by adding Feed Keys to the end of the existing feed URL. Unique Feed Keys are made by hashing username or email against a randomly generated key. You can choose the key length and algorithm to use to hash the salt and the key together using new WordPress plugin called Private Feed Key. It adds adds a 32bit (or 40bit) key for your website users and creates a unique feed URL.

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Boost Your WordPress Site With Powerful Stats And User Tracking Features

WP User Tracker is the new WordPress plugin that enables lot of new cool functions in your WordPress site including Slide-in Notification Bar, Targeted Adverts, Ajax Based Online Counter, Most Viewed Posts & Categories, 4 Unique Widgets etc.

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How To Show Attachment File Size In WordPress ?

By default WordPress doesn’t tell you the attachment file sizes like images and other media you upload to WordPress using ‘Add Media’ button. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin Display File Sizes, the plugin simply adds a file size field in the Save meta box on attachment edit screens and makes it easy for you to identify large images/files.

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