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4521 Articles

How To Test Rich Snippet Markup And See Google Preview In WordPress ?

Rich Snippet Site Report provides you quickest way of testing rich snippet markup present in your WordPress site and preview all Google Search results of your website direct from your admin area dashboard.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Kenneth Mader About His Upcoming Movie ‘Displacement’

ShardulPandeyTalks To KennethMader About His Upcoming Movie ‘Displacement’

Kenneth Mader is known for his strong visual sense of storytelling, along with musician’s sense of timing and a knack for working with actors, Kenneth Mader is a multi-award-winning writer-director-editor and skilled cameraman recently nominated into the NBC Universal Directing Fellowship. He has a successful feature in release through 20th Century Fox that premiered on the SyFy Channel and another picture he worked on recently won Best Feature in the New York International Film Festival as well as the Audience Choice Award at the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema.

He wrote and directed an award-winning 35mm short film starring Andrea Thompson (“NYPD Blue”, “24”) and the late Don S. Davis (“Stargate SG-1”, “The X-Files”), directed a romantic comedy starring Michael Sorvino that premiered at the Method Fest film festival, wrote an award-winning screenplay “Deep Focus” that took home Best Feature Screenplay in its category at the Action On Film Written Word Awards, along with Excellence in the Craft of the Written Word for his action-adventure script “Razer”.

He was born and raised in Chicago where he began his film career as a young production assistant, moving to Los Angeles in 2001 after securing distribution on his first feature film “Carnivore”, which went on to become a domestic home video and international cult hit. He is a founding member and former President of the Chicago Screenwriters Network (co-founded along with “Criminal Minds” executive producer Edward Allen Bernero) and has made his living in L.A. as a writer-director-editor and cameraman ever since.

He recently cut a music video for Lakeshore Records and CBS Films’ “Beastly” motion picture soundtrack and directed another music video for indie label Dark Star Records that landed on the Top-10 of the national CVC rock charts.

His development & production shingle Maderfilm has numerous projects in the pipeline, currently in production on his next feature film “Displacement”. He is also a RED Digital Cinema Professional now offering full RED production and post capabilities.

A tireless creative force with an intense passion for the medium that shows dramatically in his work, he is repped by Jo-Ann Carol and Jason Dravis at the Monteiro Rose Dravis Agency –SOURCE (IMDB)

I welcome you Kenneth at SANGKRIT, Did you always know you were going to be a movie producer ?

Yes, pretty much from the womb.

I joke, but as early as I can remember I wanted to be a filmmaker. My father bought me my first Super-8 film camera when I was 8 years old and I never stopped making movies, just graduated to bigger and more expensive equipment as I got older. So from early childhood I’ve been obsessed with filmmaking and all things movie-related. In fact seeing J.J. Abrams’ SUPER 8 a couple of summers ago was a truly surreal experience for me. I grew up in the late 70’s (okay, yeah, I’m dating myself) and was enormously influenced by Steven Spielberg’s early work so I totally connected with the “Spielbergian Zeitgeist” of that film and its characters in a profound way. I basically was those kids in that movie, making films in the suburbs of Chicago with the very cameras they used in that picture, reading the very same Super8Filmmaker magazines (in fact I believe I have the exact issue featured in the movie on a shelf in my office — the same shelf I have my old super-8 cameras on display; I call it my “museum”). I even built model train sets in my parent’s basement, blew them up with M-80s and filmed the destruction. And just like the teenage director character in the film, I had an obsession with “Production Value!” that carries on to this day.

You are a multi-award-winning filmmaker so starting from your first film to “Displacement” how do you see your journey has been?

In many ways my journey has echoed other filmmakers and in other ways it’s been quite unique. Despite starting as a kid, I’m a bit of a “late bloomer” compared to many, having not begun shooting my first indie feature until my late 20’s (“Carnivore”) after a number of false starts and financing debacles on other projects… which then took over a decade to complete and finally get released! Yep, 12 years from start to finish, raising money as we went, funding it with credit cards, building sets in my producing partner’s basement and my parent’s garage, the works. It was nuts. Took 2-1/2 years just to get it shot and in the can – imagine the continuity nightmares – then another 9 years to find completion funds and deals to finish post-production. It was quite the trial by fire and an exercise in extreme perseverance. But we ultimately landed a sales agent and a number of international deals, with distribution through 20th Century Fox and a premiere on the SyFy Channel, so in the end it was worth it and provided me the impetus and opportunity to move to Los Angeles, start working in the industry and ‘upping my game’. I’ve since produced and directed over a dozen films, many of them award-winning, all of them leading to this, my first theatrical feature.

Have you done any extensive research for your film “Displacement” ?

Very extensive. I spent nearly 4 years researching and writing the script, going through numerous drafts and consulting with a good friend of mine who is a quantum physics expert. He has been incredibly helpful with the science aspects of the screenplay which has also helped tighten the story and add some interesting and intriguing elements. Time travel is a tricky genre to write in, dealing with non-linear storytelling, “Grandfather Paradox” and the like, making sure the science is both accurate yet accessible and understandable for an audience. It’s a delicate balancing act. Plus with so many great films that have come before, it’s challenging to find an original take on the subject. But I believe we have, and focusing more on the characters and their journey plus the fact that it’s my most personal screenplay to date has helped.

What do you hope audiences take away from your film?

My desire is that audiences come away from the film renewed, having experienced a deeply emotional journey with our characters that explores a range of issues, not the least of which is losing a parent and the grief and sometimes guilt associated with that. I’ve lost both my folks now over the last few years which was a major motivating factor for me to write this script and make the film. At its core Displacement is a story about letting go of the past. It’s about making oneself whole, using the metaphor of quantum physics and particle pairs to tell that story. I hope it can touch audiences in the same way it’s touching me and my team, and perhaps help some people heal in the process. At the very least I hope they’re entertained and enjoy the ride!

You already shared the easiest parts of filming so now tell us about the hard parts of filming ?

The hardest part for me is actually raising the money, and consequently working within the confines of a limited budget. Though at times it can be liberating as you don’t have money to throw at problems, rather you need to be inventive and creative, it is also frustrating and the bane of every independent filmmaker’s existence. The “money thing”. Hence why we’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign to help raise at least part of the funding we need to complete the film, with the rest coming from equity deals and investors.

How important is it for you to have your films screened at festivals ?

Festivals to me are very important and have become a large part of my filmmaking experience over the last few years. They are typically the first time you get to screen your film in a theatrical environment for an audience of complete strangers. It is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. A crucible of sorts. But it provides enormous feedback and an opportunity to see if your picture is working for an audience. Festivals can of course also be a launching pad into securing distribution for your film. Plus they tend to level the playing field and set you on even footing with other artists, even A-Listers and celebrities who may also be screening their films in the event, so opportunities abound to meet and create relationships with people you otherwise would never get a chance to speak with. And then if you’re lucky enough to win some awards and gain some recognition, who knows where that might lead.

What do you feel is your strength as a director and how would you like to be remembered ?

I would hope to be remembered as solid visual storyteller who at the very least entertained a few people, inspired some thoughtful conversations, touched audiences emotionally, enlightened some perhaps, communicated a few interesting ideas, and at best helped affect some positive change in the world or humanity at large (sounds lofty I know, but I believe movies have that power). I take great pains to create an interesting visual canvas for the audience to experience and seem to have this innate ability to achieve very high production values regardless of budget. But even more important is an ability to work with actors and help guide them to deliver award-winning performances. I really enjoy collaborating with great actors to bring a character to life on the screen and create authentic emotional moments. Working with actors is sadly something that is not a major focus of film school, and it should be. The actor is your portal to the emotional heart of your picture. If as a director you don’t understand the actor’s process or how to talk to an actor, I believe you are missing a crucial element of the filmmaking process, perhaps the most important element. So working with actors to create emotionally authentic characters and strong visual storytelling is how I would like to be remembered.

What’s next for you? What other projects you are currently working on ?

My next film is a bigger budget supernatural thriller I wrote entitled DEEP FOCUS which has an Academy Award-Winning actress attached to play the lead role that we’re currently seeking financing on, as well as a psychological thriller ZALI’S CRUSH that I’m packaging with producing partner Michael Sorvino (son of famous character actor Paul Sorvino). I also just landed a directing gig on another short film, have been in post-production on a celebrity documentary that should be completed soon, and am developing two Transmedia franchises, one an action-adventure entitled RAZER and the other a supernatural series called AFTERLIFE based on my award-winning film PASSING DARKNESS.

What does success mean to you?

That’s an interesting question. The cliché answer might be “to win an Oscar” or “Palme d’Or” at Cannes or “Independent Spirit Award”, which of course would be amazing and is every filmmaker’s dream, but realistically I just want to continue to be able to do what I love, build my production company and filmmaking career to reach wider and wider audiences with my work, and make great films.

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You Can Support Kenneth Mader To Complete His Movie ‘Displacement’.

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What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Follow your dreams. Seize them. Never give up. Don’t let the naysayers and “threshold guardians” stop you (there will be many, and they will try).

Easily Tweak Frontend & Backend Of Your WordPress Site

With WP Caregiver plugin you can easily turn on-off some basic theme and core services of WordPress. Simply install and activate then plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Caregiver and tick the features which you like to remove.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Amber Noir About Her Debut Album

Shardul Pandey Talks To Amber Noir

I welcome you Amber at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself.

I feel like I’ve always lived in a musical world. Instead of bedtime stories my dad used to tuck me and my siblings in and sing songs with us. I did a lot of musical theater in high school and later dabbled in opera, or as I like to call it the vocal olympics. You wouldn’t think it, but opera is a workout! I moved from Colorado to Hamburg Germany right out of High school where I lived for about 5 years, during this time I met my producer Nick Nowottny. I liked his long rockin died yellow emo hair, and he liked my wife beaters, and excessive eyeliner. Seeing that we were both such badasses we decided to try to write some music together.

Several years later, though our fashion choices have changed, Nick and I have a friendship and musical connection that I think will last a lifetime. We often joke that we are musical soul mates. I’m in Germany again right now and we are writing my first album together.

How long have you been working on your first Album for?

I came to Hamburg to record this album about 5 months ago. We are almost finished with the recording, which is good, because my visa runs out in August and I have to go back to the US!

What makes your endeavors unique ?

I think the connection between Nick and I is what makes this album unique, and the distance that I had to cross so that we could create this album together. I came all the way from Seattle because I know I could not have written the kind of album that I wanted to write with anyone else.

How would you describe your up coming album?

Well today we wrote a song about lasers, and yesterday we were working on a classical piece inspired by old fairytales. The album starts out classical and evolves into a more electronic feel, there is also some opera in it which I like to incorporate because it feels a little otherworldly to me. I love music because it can transport you to another place. When you are in your car driving to work, and you hear a song you love, you can go somewhere completely different in your mind. I hope when this album is finished it feels like a grand adventure.

Which song are you most excited for people to hear from your first album?

It’s really hard to chose a favorite, but the song I think I am most excited about is called Soft. It’s the most classical song on the album, and to me it feels very old and romantic.

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What’s next for you?

I’m going to go back to Seattle once we are finished recording, and I plan to start touring the Album in Europe next Summer.

What does success mean to you?

I think success definitely means something different for everyone. I don’t connect success to money or status. I think it’s all of the little joys that make for a rich life, and I try to learn something new everyday that interests me! Knowledge and happiness make me feel successful.

I am open for interviewing all those individuals who opt internet as their place of doing business, What is your opinion for continuing this ?

I think you should definitely keep up with interviewing people who do business via the internet. it’s a great mutually beneficial relationship.

How To Grab Clips From Any Video Using VLC Player ?

Now by using VLC Player you can easily cut and record any scene from any video movie running on your VLC player. All you have to do is Download Update to New Version of VLC Player and follow the given steps:

  1. Open any video clip in your VLC player
  2. From the menu bar click View and navigate to Advanced Controls
  3. This displays Advanced Controls in your VLC Player.
  4. Now click the Red button to start recording the playing movie scene and when you are done, click the red button but this this time to stop recording.

Recorded video clip gets automatically saved to Video directory.

How To Enable Post Listening Feature In WordPress?

You can easily enable your website visitors to listen to any text present on your WordPress site. They can listen to your blog posts, pages, footer content, or any manually selected text on your website.

GSpeech is a WordPress plugin that uses Google to provide you the good-quality automatic text-to-speech service enabling your visitors to listen to any text on your website.

Main features of the plugin:

  • Allows you to listen to any text from the site!
  • Listen to the selected text. The speaker will appear when You select a part of the text!
  • Autoplay Feature. See Demo
  • Feature to set greeting audio for your users!
  • Feature to set different greetings for logged-in users.
  • Speaking menus. Users can listen to menus when they hover them!
  • Ability to set custom events.
  • More than 50 languages are supported by Google!
    • Unlimited text-to-speech!
  • Place the speaker wherever you want!
  • Ability to set the custom style and language for each TTS block!
  • 40 speaker types!
  • Customizable TTS block styles!
  • Customizable tooltip styles (12 beautiful styles)!
  • Live preview in the administration panel!

Install and activate the GSpeech plugin on your WordPress site. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> GSpeech admin page and select your language. You can choose a custom style and set other options from the same admin page. Now, click the ‘Save Options’ button and that’s all.

Now visit the front end of your website, select any text (which you want to listen to) and it pops up a Speaker Icon. Click that speaker icon and listen to the selected text.

For displaying the speaker after the text, use this basic format: {gspeech}Text to speech{/gspeech}

You can also specify custom styles and language for each text-to-speech block on your website: {gspeech style=2 language=en}Custom text to speech{/gspeech}

When using all parameters with GSpeech, the structure will be: {gspeech style=2 language=en autoplay=1 speechtimeout=0 registered=0 selector=anyselector event=anyevent hidespeaker=1}welcome{/gspeech}

In order to use the plugin, you must have the PHP Curl library enabled on your web-hosting. If you are hosting your website at, simply contact the support to get help.

New Metro Style Social Media Widget For WordPress

Metro Style Social Widget is the new WordPress widget plugin which allows you to display your social media profile/pages in a new and more beautiful way. The widget support all major social network buttons including RSS Feedburner feed link.

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How To Set Number Of Revisions To Save For Each Post Type In WordPress ?

Now you can easily control the revisions for each stored post type (posts, pages and other custom post types) in your WordPress installation. This way you can reduce the weight of your site’s database and get noticeable performance from faster database queries.  Continue reading How To Set Number Of Revisions To Save For Each Post Type In WordPress ?

Shardul Pandey Talks To Raymond Hogge, A Musician From ‘CODES’ Band


I welcome you Raymond at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself ?

I was introduced to music at a very late age. Until the age of the ten, the only albums I remember being in my home were Michael Jackson’s ‘BAD’ and the soundtrack to The Good The Bad and The Ugly. It wasn’t until a cousin of mine introduced me to act such as Nirvana, Metallica and Smashin Pumpkins that my eyes were opened. Since then I’ve been so passionate about music, and mainly, guitar based bands.

Tell us something about your band members: Daragh Anderson, Niall Woods & Eoin stephens ?

Daragh’s a mean bowler. Eoin’s a excellent cyclist. And Niall will always kick my ass at Top Trumps.

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Where you all met and when exactly you guys decided to form a band together?

We’ve all known eachother for some time. Mainly through meeting at gigs and festivals. At some point, myself, Daragh and Eoin were chatting about all our favourite music, bands, setups etc.. and we just said, ” hey, we are all into the same stuff, why don’t we write some songs together”.
I hate the idea of saying “it was fate”, but we did gel together very quickly and it was pretty effortless.

And where did your band name come from ?

We do like our puzzles and games. That, and a short name looks huge on posters.

Which song are you most excited for people to hear from your second album?

Tough one. I can only speak for myself really, but there’s a track that seems like quite a different route for us. It’s very minimal. Especially drum wise. I call it the Indie-Urban-Electro Song.

Who were your biggest musical influences for your second album?

I guess we looked at a lot of our favourite band’s follow ups to their own debuts. We also listened to quite a few experimental bands. Especially those who wrote in unconventional time signatures. That really influenced certain elements of this album, however we still wanted to keep it appealing to everyone who was our first album.

Your album has a crowd-funding campaign so which crowdfunding perk do you wish you could keep for yourself ;-) ?

The “CODES Dine With Me” perk. I do love a good meal that I didn’t have to cook. Especially if I’ve got a welsh narration all the way through.

Do you have any plans for an international tour on your horizon?

Of course. We’ve had a lot of demand from our European fans and hopefully this time around, we’ll have the ability to bring our show our there.

What makes your endeavors unique ? What’s next for you?

I don’t believe we’re unique. I guess we simply try to do what’s right for us. It seems to work so far.

Next we’re going to hopefully complete this album, shoot out a single soon and release the album in early 2014.

What does success mean to you?

Just having the ability to keep playing and writing music. Especially if we can keep doing it in a new place every day.

What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Sometimes it’s the smallest actions that can create the biggest reactions. Always keep doing what you love.

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You Can Support CODES In Making Their Second Studio Album

[button link=”” color=”#2DA2BF” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ radius=”auto” target=”blank”]Contribute Now[/button]

Display What You Have Recently Said On Twitter With Juiz Last Tweet WordPress Widget

Juiz Last Tweet Widget is a beautiful sidebar widget which allows you to display your last tweet(s) without JavaScript, with this widget plugin you can show what you have recently said in a stylish way.

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Some Of The Best Online Services For Joining Free College Courses

Here are some popular websites where you can join free college courses, get certificates, recognition, interact with class mates, watch video lectures and more. All websites are different to eachother and also differ in way of providing education but its not a problem because all are free. So you can check them all and join the one which works best for you.

Continue reading Some Of The Best Online Services For Joining Free College Courses

How To Allow BuddyPress Members Manually Control And Edit Their Profile Links ?

BuddyPress automatically insert links to all profile filed test. For Example: You must have observed that member’s name visible in a BuddyPress profile field appears as a clickable link. Now this article explains you how you can allow you BuddyPress site members to manually edit or remove all links present in BuddyPress profile fields.

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How To Limit Length Of BuddyPress Status Updates, Just Like Twitter ?

You can force your BuddyPress site members to keep their activity stream updates limited by characters (just like Twitter) by using BP Limit Activity Length plugin.

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Extract More Battery Life From Your Android Device

You can greatly improve battery life of your Android device by using JuiceDefender app. This application intelligently manages various battery sensitive components and it automatically disables some of your device functions at the times you are not using them.

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How To Reorder, Hide Or Add New WordPress Dashboard Menu Items ?

WordPress default admin area menu is perfect for bloggers but sometimes it may not meet your preferences. For example: When you are running a BuddyPress community site and you want BuddyPress admin controls to appear on top rather than Posts, Media and Pages menu. This tutorial explain you how you can easily reorder, remove or add new custom admin menus in WordPress.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Julian Roberts, Producer-Director Of Movie ‘Before Dawn’

Shardul Pandey Talks To Julian Roberts

Julian Roberts is a screenwriter, director and producer. He opened his film production company Arc Storm Pictures in 2011 and currently he is working on his upcoming film Before Dawn.

Continue reading Shardul Pandey Talks To Julian Roberts, Producer-Director Of Movie ‘Before Dawn’

Shardul Pandey Talks To Kayla Nettles, A Country Music Artist

Shardul Pandey Talks To Kayla Nettles

Kayla started taking her voice lessons from an early age, when she was just few years old. She participated and won various singing contests and performed all over the country.

At the age of 16 she made her way to Hollywood with American Idol. Afterwards she came back to Nashville and started working on her own CD which is now brilliantly produced and written by some of Nashville’s best. The music has been recorded and now she is planning its release party. You can be the part of this special event & help her make Nashville history by supporting her crowd-funding campaign here.

I welcome you Kayla at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself?

I am so grateful that I was able to grow up where music always a part of my life. When I was three, my father shared his love of music with me and would bring me up onstage to sing with his band. At the age of nine I was invited to perform at the MGM Grand in Vegas and I believe that was the turning point of when I really wanted to make this my career. My mother took the time to learn about the music business and she does everything she can to help me live my dreams. Her love and support are always here for me when the journey gets tough.Traveling from town to town for shows gets difficult at times for us with my 5 year old brother but he is a trooper! Growing up in a small town in Florida my friends and family have always been here for me and their support gives me the courage to keep going!

Kayla Nettles Albumart

What is something you learned recently about singing, and what are you learning about right now?

My voice get stronger everyday with the techniques and warm ups I do. I work for a vocal studio here in Nashville, “Brett Manning Studios” and I learn something new everyday! I believe it’s not just about being a good singer and being able to sing a song with high range.. When you’re listening to someone sing you want to be able to close your eyes and believe every word they are singing and feel the emotion they are putting into the song. That is what sets you apart from the others.

Do you try giving messages in your songs? If so, what are they?

Of course! I feel like the most important part of songwriting is when the song comes from your heart. If you mean what you say and have been through what you write about I believe your fans will appreciate you as an artist and be able to connect to you and your songs on a more personal level. My inspirations don’t always come from boys, or going through hard times. I love to look on the bright side of situations and have uplifting messages for my songs.

Do you ever feel like the music industry is very competitive and that people will not hear your music?

Do you have any plans for an international tour on your horizon?Being an artist and living in Nashville, Tennessee I’ve been turned down more than once. There’s different ways you can deal with rejection and the way I deal with it is I turn completely to my music. Even if every time you’ve tried before you’ve lost. I believe it’s about getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again.

Nothing in the works right now..! Staying busy on tour throughout the U.S. It has been a blast being able to meet so many amazing people and share my music with them!

What’s next for you? What can we expect from you this year ?

I wanted to make an EP that would stand out from the crowd. A few ways I was able to achieve this was making sure I put the work into releasing a quality product. I have a structure to my EP, I took the time to pick original songs that I believe people can relate to and have a better understanding of who I am and where I want to go as an artist. I am really looking forward to the C.D. release party in the near future! Be Prepared to get NEW MUSIC, TOUR DATES, and EXCITING NEWS about my adventures around the states! Keep a lookout for upcoming Youtube video covers, original music and me just being goofy(:

What singers were you influenced by?

Being a songwriter as well as a singer, I look up to many of the writers here in Nashville. Taylor Swift being so young when she released her first single “Tim McGraw” has definitely made an impact on me, plus she is a great songwriter and performer. My vocal coach, Brett Manning has taught many successful artists and has always given me support and courage through my musical journey. It has been an honor working with him and for his studio “Brett manning studios” as well as writing songs with him. Martina Mcbride and Faith Hill have always inspired me. Their vocals are so powerful and I love the topics their songs are about, very personal and I can relate too many of them.

Do you have any long term goals?

I feel what helps me stay on point is to create a “Game Plan” With a reasonable amount of effort on my part and a reasonable amount of faith in the journey.

I constantly revise my game plan as my life, career and my goals change as well. Of course I have many goals I would like to accomplish and check off my list but I’ve realized in this business you are always learning new things to become a better artist, so even if I am able to headline my own tour in the next few years I know I still have a lot to learn!

Tell us about being on American Idol and what you learned about yourself from the experience.

Words can’t describe the sights, sounds and feelings you experience being a part of one of the most popular shows in America! It was an overwhelming, chaotic at times but amazing journey. 400,000 people auditioned for season 11 of “American Idol” so I am very proud of myself for making it through “Hollywood Week”. It was an honor when all three judges said YES after I performed and shared my story with them. Being on the show I’ve learned to appreciate my talent and how to connect with my audience on a personal level when I am singing. I am more comfortable singing a variety of genres and confident when I am on stage. It’s a life changing experience!

Kayla Nettles

What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

We all have dreams, hope and fears; we have all been bruised and broken. I believe music HEALS and god has given me a beautiful gift to be able to touch someone with the lyrics or melody in a song and it is an amazing feeling. When you dream and have ambitions, and actually work towards them then your future has a goal.. an aim.. something is in store for YOU. Never give up on what you love.