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4521 Articles

Classify Home Page By Showing Recent Posts From Each Category In WordPress

You can make your home page more classified by displaying your recent blog posts from each or selected category on homepage by using Shortcode.

Recent Posts From Each Category is a free WordPress plugin that provides you  shortcode to display recent posts from all or selected categories in box layout on your WordPress site’s homepage.

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Display Beautiful Borders & Shadows Around Images In WordPress

WP Image Borders allows you to add-remove image borders & shadows on pictures in your WordPress blog posts. Using this plugin you can:

  • Add-Remove borders around images
  • Add shadows to images in your blog posts
  • Change image border styles, border colors, border width etc

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Now Edit Post In Preview Mode Using New WordPress Smart Editor

You already know about WordPress Visual editor and HTML editor, they all works in the back-end. Here we are discussing about new WP Smart Editor that works directly in Post Preview Mode which means you can directly edit, write and customize your post content from its preview page itself using this new post editor.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To AWKWORD, A Lifelong Activist, Sociologist & Rapper

Shardul Pandey Talks To AWKWORD

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you AWKWORD at SANGKRIT, please tell our netizens about yourself ?

AWKWORD: AWKWORD (@AWKWORDrap) is a lifelong activist, a sociologist and a rap/Hip Hop artist who is in the midst of finalizing the first-ever 100% for-charity global Hip Hop project, World View. Organized almost exclusively through the Internets, World View features contributions from every continent, approximately 20 countries and all U.S. regions.

The album is sponsored by The Morgan Stanley Foundation and The DJ Booth and will be available via, as well as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Bandcamp, AudioMack and other online locales. All proceeds from World View are donated to Guns 4 Cameras, a 501c3 nonprofit that goes beyond the gun exchange, working to eradicate street violence through the education and empowerment of at-risk youth. Topics covered on the 25+-track album include mass incarceration and police brutality, poverty, imperialism, war, rape, freedom of information, drug abuse, depression and suicide, loss, teen angst, personal contradictions and individuality, perseverance and hope, the music industry and much more.

I will be dropping a brand-new video for my single “Throw Away The Key” on mass incarceration, stop and frisk, police brutality and systemic injustice and inequality. The video is sponsored by the New York Civil Liberties Union and Occupy The Hood and will be world premiered on 08/06/13 exclusively via Once it goes live there, though, it will be available to all (via youtube).

Shardul Pandey: So what is your ultimate message for netizens ?

AWKWORD: If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything.

Like Anne Frank said, nobody ever got poor by giving.

  • We are losing our privacy and civil liberties every day — and this will be the end of democracy (not terrorism).
  • For the poor and people of color, there is hardly any democracy (or justice) today.
  • We all have a right to information, and there is no greater and more equal source than the World Wide Web.

“If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.”
— Juan Ramón Jiménez

“Anything a writer writes should be written with the urgency of someone holding a gun in their mouth.”
— Maya Angelou

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Shardul Pandey: I am open for interviewing all those individuals who own their domain to somehow create virtual wealth in webspace since sustaining freedom is mostly built around domains running wonderful utilities in webspace that human-beings enjoy. What is your opinion for continuing this?

AWKWORD: First off, let me say thank you for everything you do to help further this mission — and for thinking of me in the same light.

As I believe you know, I am a major support of Aaron Swartz, Edward Snowden, Wikileaks, etc.

Also, it was on myspace that the idea for World View was first born, as I was inspired by all the music producers from around the world who were on there back in 2008 who asked me if they could remix songs off my solo debut. World View today is an extension of that, with many of those remixes and much more completely new music.

Further, as the domain owner of, I continue the tradition of private, individual ownership of Web space.

Shardul Pandey: It is really great to own your domain individually because you value your freedom. Such a tradition of individual ownership of webspace must get followed by all. What Ladar Levision could do with as absolute owner of domain that registrants cannot ever do being a publicly traded company. I wish you freedom. Thank you!

How To Display Thumbnails In Recent Posts Widget In WordPress ?

Newpost Catch is a free WordPress widget plugin that lets you display thumbnails in new posts setting widget. The plugin allows you to set thumbnail size (Width & Height), number of posts to display, display date, display sticky post, even you can set categories to display etc.

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How To Change WordPress Site Domain Name By Editing Its Database ?

We have already discussed about changing your website domain name or URL by editing functions.php file and by editing wp-config.php file. Now this tutorial explains you how you can update your website web address to new one (when you are migrating your website to a new domain) directly by updating your WordPress site’s MySQL database.

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How To Change Domain Name By Editing Functions File In WordPress ?

If you are migrating to a new web address i.e. to a new domain name then there are a couple of  different methods of changing WordPress site URL. You can do it by editing your WordPress configuration file about which we have already discussed, you can do it by editing functions.php file etc etc.

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When You Are Moving WordPress To A New Domain And Forgot To Change Domain Name In Dashboard Settings

General procedure of migrating WordPress to a  new server on a new domain is to backup MySQL database and your website root directory (public_html) then change domain name to new one on Dashboard -> Settings -> General in the text fields for WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL). This tutorial explains the solution of the problem which comes when you accidently change the domain name or you forgot changing your domain name in admin area dashboard;s General settings page.

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Top 4 Plugins For Hiding Your Whole WordPress Site Or Selected Features

This tutorial lists four different plugin you can use for hiding your WordPress site like you can choose a single password to hide and protect your entire WordPress based site from the public and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Or your blog posts, your admin bar and comment feature.

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Ajaxify BuddyPress Member Search & Add More Useful Features To It

BP-SearchFriends is the new BuddyPress plugin that ajaxifies Buddypress member’s search and populate a list of your BuddyPress network friends with the following criteria:

  • Search by Friend’s Display Name
  • Search by Friend’s Username
  • Search by Friend’s Nicename
  • Sarch by Friend’s Email

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How To Regenerate Permalinks Based On Post Titles In WordPress ?

Regenerate post permalink allows you to easily regenerate all your posts & post type permalinks based on post titles in WordPress. The plugin is created by Sandor Kovacs. He imported blog posts having non relevant permalinks from different WordPress weblogs, he wanted to have all the permalinks based on the title so he authored this useful plugin.

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How To Enable TinyMCE Spellcheck Button In WordPress Visual Editor ?

TinyMCE Spellcheck is new WordPress plugin that lets you add a simple spellcheck button in visual editor present in WordPress add new & edit post pages. The plugin is easy to use and automatically starts working after activation. It is a fork of After the Deadline plugin which is now a part of Jetpack by WordPress.Com plugin.

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How To Add Facebook Recommendations Bar In WordPress ?

WP Facebook Recommendations Bar is an easy to use plugin that lets you add the Facebook Recommendations Bar in your WordPress based site.

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How To Integrate HubSpot Inbound Marketing Tools In WordPress ?

HubSpot provides you a set of tools for inbound marketing. This tutorial is HubSpot users, they can easily integrate HubSpot in their WordPress sites and enable analytics and other cool features by adding their Hub ID and App Domain.

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Automatically Add Lightbox In WordPress With Royal PrettyPhoto

Royal PrettyPhoto is another easy way to automatically add lightbox effect in WordPress posts & pages. The plugin is compatible and tested on popular web browsers like Firefox 3.0+, Google Chrome 10.0+, IE 6.0+, Safari 3.1.1+, Opera 9+ etc

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Easily Display Logos & Links For 23 Different Profile Services In WordPress

Using new Our Profiles you can easily show up logos and links for 23 different profile services where your users can leave feedback. It provides you a shortcode which you can use in your website posts, pages, text widget and other shortcode supported areas. The plugin provides you two different sizes of logos and also a widget.

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How To Redirect A User After A Defined Amount Of Time In WordPress ?

You can automatically redirect your users from one page to another after the chosen amount of time in your WordPress based website. This can be easily done by using a simple shortcode inside your post/ page content.

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How To Add WordPress Theme & Plugin Menus In Admin Bar ?

Now for quick access you can easily add WordPress theme and plugin dashboard menus in admin bar by activating a simple-light-weight WordPress plugin called Plugins and Themes in Admin Bar. The plugin becomes more useful for WordPress developers who need to install, upload and edit themes or plugins often.

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