Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Enable Post Excerpts Editor In WordPress?

Excerpts are the small post summaries displayd on multi post and blog pages in WordPress. By defaults excerpts are generated from the first paragraph of post but WordPress also provides you an excerpts metabox for adding manually handcrafted excerpts. Excerpts metabox is simple text area with no visual editing options. In this tutorial we will show you how you can easily add the TinyMCE visual editing buttons (the visual editor which you use while writing any post) in your excerpts metabox.

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How To Add Extensive Editing Options In WordPress?

WordPress provides you  a content editor on post edit screens known as visual editor, we have already discussed about its usage and working. We have also discussed about adding advanced options and transforming visual editor in office environ content editor. Now this tutorial is on a simple and powerful plugin called WP Edit. It allows you activate a set of very useful editing options, features, widgets etc for post editor and other sections of your website etc.

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How To Receive Audio/Video Feedback In WordPress?

In last tutorial we have discussed about some of the best feedback plugins you can use in your WordPress site. Now this tutorial is about an awesome feedback plugin that enables your website visitors to leave feedback in multimedia format like a feedback video, photo or audio etc. Also you can publish the positive video feedbacks to your YouTube channel in 1-click and make some money out from it.

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Top 10 Feedback Plugins For Your WordPress Site

Feedback can either be taken via some contact form plugin like you can use the popular Contact Form 7 or any other visual form builder or you can simply put an email address in footer and ask your visitors to email their feedback direct to your email address. In this tutorial we are listing some other styles of adding feedback feature into your WordPress site. There are several good plugins specially designed for accepting feedback from website visitors, lets take a look.

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Purchased A Domain & Hosting? Now What?

Unlike to other domain and hosting services, SANGKRIT.net provides you a step by step process to login to your account then add domain to your web hosting and install apps to bring your website online in minutes.

We have already discussed about adding domain to your web hosting and installing WordPress.

WordPress is the most user friendly website building platform, a powerful content management system, widely used blogging platform and you should know that in one click you can transform it into a good social networking website.

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Top 5 Plugins To Add Responsive Social Sharing Buttons In WordPress

There are lots of social media and sharing plugins available in WordPress plugin repository but there are very few plugins which provides you with responsive sharing buttons. The reason is social media buttons takes up very less space so their dimensions are generally hardcoded in pixels and hence on very small screen devices these buttons automatically breakup themselves into multiple lines.Here comes the use of responsive social sharing buttons and icons.

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How To Customize Fonts Of Any WordPress Theme?

Now you can very easily customize the fonts of your WordPress site right from your theme customizer screen. You can play with beautiful Google and web safe fonts live on your website. Font Customizer is the new WordPress plugin with which your can make beautiful Google font combinations and then apply them on your content like headings, links, blockquotes and other parts of your theme. This is not just limited to font family but you can apply custom font colors and use awesome CSS3 effects too.

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Easily Improve Markup Of Your WordPress Site & Make It Completely Responsive

There are some issues with default markup of WordPress like the dimensions are hardcoded on elements, captionless images are wrapped in a p tags, by default images, videos, avatars and featured images etc uses some width and height and are not responsive. This tutorial is about Pco Media Handler plugin that simply improves the markup of featured images, inline images and embeds, and make them all responsive to all screen sizes.

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How To Display Music Player Widgets In WordPress?

A few days back a user at SANGKRIT.net emailed us (after reading the tutorial on Top 5 Awesome Audio Player Plugins For WordPress) that he want to show his songs in footer widget area using a simple music player. He was looking for some easy widget where he can change the music MP3 file address, album art and everything related to it on regular basis.

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New Bootstrap Style Fancy Admin UI For WordPress

The WordPress admin UI has got a makeover in WordPress 3.8+ versions. It is new interface for the users who were not familiar with MP6 plugin. After the release of 3.8 version, new admin area color schemes started hitting the free market whereas old admin themes gone incompatible with these new releases. In this tutorial we are discussing a new WordPress admin area theme that can be used as an alternative for the popular Bootstrap Admin.

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How To Quickly Change Text Case In WordPress Posts?

Many a times it happens that your guest authors etc often send text with all UPPERCASE or lowercase alphabets. Clicking through a ton of text in order to fix the bad text case is often tedious work. Sometime back we have discussed about some free web services that lets you automatically convert your text to lower case, upper case or into proper sentence case.

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How To Use AntiVirus To Scan Your WordPress Site?

In this tutorial we are listing some good plugins for those who are more frequent in downloading and installing new themes & plugins, as themes are the weakest point of your website, especially if they are kept inactivated and un-updated on your server. You should know that all malicious content are generally injected to WordPress theme templates by hackers.

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Complete Author Box Solution With Integrated Google Authorship For WordPress

Starbox – the Author Box for Humans is an author box plugin loaded with set of all useful features, customization options and even Google Authorship snippet which shows up in Google Search Results page. It provides you professional author box themes you can choose from, HTML5, Social Media Profiles and much more.

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How To Convert & Download YouTube Videos As MP3 Files?

Catconvert enables you to convert YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and many others videos into MP3 files and then you can download them to your local disk. In this tutorial we will show you how you can easily convert videos to MP3 files and then download them in a click. We will also discuss about adding the same functionality link after each video on your WordPress site.

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How To Add After Content Widget Area In WordPress?

Now WordPress has a new awesome widget area plugin that lets you easily add any kind of widget after all posts in your WordPress site. The plugin automatically activates a new widget area which can be used from default widgets admin screen (Appearance -> Widgets) from your admin area dashboard.

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How To Show Featured Image From Other Websites In WordPress?

Sometime back we have discussed about bringing featured images via URL and then automatically saving them to your WordPress media library. Today in this tutorial we are discussing about a new plugin that shows featured images from external URL without saving them in your server.

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Top 10 Plugins To Extend WordPress Post Thumbnails Functionality

Featured images, also called post thumbnails are used for representing contents like posts, pages and other custom post types etc.The featured image can be easily assigned from post edit screen (see how), these are also used by many themes and plugins for enhancing your content presentation. In this tutorial we are listing some of the best plugins you may use for extending the default thumbnails feature in WordPress.

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How To Manually Fix Up Post Thumbnails In WordPress?

Now WordPress provides you a very easy set of features for editing images uploaded to media library. We a have also posted a tutorial about cropping post thumbnails. This tutorial is about a similar plugin called Post Thumbnail Editor which provides WordPress users with an interface to manually fix post thumbnail and other random images.

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How To Display Recent Profile Visitors In BuddyPress?

Now you can enable your BuddyPress site users to know who has viewed their profiles. The feature works privately for individual users and hence the recent profile visitor are displayed privately to the users and a member can know only about his profile visitors and not about the visitors of some other profile.

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How To Make Your BuddyPress Site Full Of Content & Activity In One Click?

Yes, you can automatically generate lots of users, messages, friends connections, groups, topics, activity items – useful for testing purpose in your BuddyPress powered WordPress site. BuddyPress Default Data not only generates data for making BuddyPress look content full website but all imported users will have their avatars, displayed via Gravatar. All auto generated data can be removed in one click.

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