Category Archives: Homeschool

Finding VaultPress Registartion Key & Connecting WordPress To VaultPress Backup Service

VaultPress is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed by Automattic, the WordPress company. The most common problem experienced by VaultPress users is finding registration key.

Sometimes after new updates etc, VaultPress plugin gets automatically disconnected to the service website. And then it shows you following error message:

Vaultpress Message

Even the official VaultPress documentation as on 12-05-2015 doesn’t tells you where exactly to copy registration key from. It is easy, simply login to your VaultPress account, click ‘Subscription & Billing’ link on the top navigation menu and it will show you the registration key with all your account detailsContinue reading Finding VaultPress Registartion Key & Connecting WordPress To VaultPress Backup Service

New WordPress Quick FrontEnd Editor With AJAX Based Process

WP Quick FrontEnd Editor is the new WordPress plugin that lets you edit all website contents containing posts, pages and other custom post types using an AJAX based interface from front end, without going to the admin area dashboard.

You may also use this plugin in addition with ‘Remove Dashboard Access‘ to completely hide dashboard from your website users. Great for static client websites when you just want to allow your client to update content without accessing the admin section.  Continue reading New WordPress Quick FrontEnd Editor With AJAX Based Process

Easily Insert Smilies From TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG) In WordPress

Smileys, also known as “emoticons,” are glyphs used to convey facial emotions in your text. WordPress provides you option to create smilies inside your text content.

You can easily enable smilies option by visiting your admin area dashboard Settings -> Writing screen and ticking ‘Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display’ under formatting section. When this option is enabled, you may start creating smilies with traditional way of typing two or more punctuation marks.

Some examples are;-) is equivalent to smile emoticon :-) is equivalent to smile emoticon :( is equivalent to sad emoticon :-? is equivalent to confused emoticon

But not everyone knows all emoticons & smilies, it is hard to remember smilies like ragg, roll, oops, evil etc. Hence, by adding a smiley inserter TinyMCE button, you will sure be making things easy for yourself and for other users on your website.  Continue reading Easily Insert Smilies From TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG) In WordPress

Display Notification To Whitelist Your WordPress Site On Adblock Plus Browser Extension

Adblock Pus is a popular web browser extension used by over 50 millions of Internet users for blocking ads and tracking on websites to get fast and annoyance free web browsing.

Earlier we have discussed about blocking Adblock users from accessing your WordPress site and discouraging your visitors from using Adblock extension. Now today, this lesson on displaying a message to whitellist website on Adblock plus extension. Continue reading Display Notification To Whitelist Your WordPress Site On Adblock Plus Browser Extension

Easily Set Expiration Date For Sticky Posts In WordPress

By default you have to manually make posts unsticky by unchecking the sticky posts check box from WordPress admin screen. Wouldn’t it be easier if sticky posts i.e. featured posts go automatically unsticky after a set interval of time?

Before to start, first thing you should know is what actually a sticky post is? Sticky Post is a WordPress feature introduced in 2.7 update, the features allows you to make any post featured by sticking it to the top of the page. It is a check box option on WordPress admin area dashboard Posts -> Add New screen (In the Publish panel under Visibility).

When checked, the post is placed on the top of the front page of posts, it gets fixed there, no matter how many new posts are published.

Earlier we have discussed about turning posts sticky and creating sticky posts for category pages in WordPress. Now today, in this lesson you will learn about automatically expiring sticky posts after a set interval of time.  Continue reading Easily Set Expiration Date For Sticky Posts In WordPress

Including WordPress Pages In RSS Feed Of Your Website

A feed is a function of special software that allows feedreaders to access any website’s new content, then posting the information about latest content and updates to another website. It simply provides a way for users to keep up with the latest information posted on different blogging sites.

By default, main RSS feed of any WordPress site only includes new posts and not pages. A few days back, a hosting owner asked us how he can include pages in his website’s RSS feed, the reason was he was more frequent in creating pages/child pages on his website and wanted to send new page updates to his RSS feed subscribers.  Continue reading Including WordPress Pages In RSS Feed Of Your Website

Lightweight jQuery Implementation To Display Related Posts Slider In WordPress

There are many plugins that allows you to display related posts in WordPress such as Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, Jetpack’s related posts module, nRelate Related posts and there are many-many more.

Earlier we have discussed about displaying related posts in a carousel slider in WordPress. Now today in this lesson we will show you how to display related posts in an attractive slider. This way your visitors would be able to browse more content on your WordPress site.  Continue reading Lightweight jQuery Implementation To Display Related Posts Slider In WordPress

Rebuild Permalinks Based on Post Titles In WordPress

Permalinks with post name are considered more SEO friendly. Earlier we have discussed how you can change your website’s permalink structure and then redirect old permalinks to new ones.

This works great while switching to new permalink structure from WordPress admin screen of permalinks (Settings -> Permalinks) but what if you have used permalinks of words other than your post’s title, in such case you can use another plugin for regenerating post permalinks based on your post’s title.  Continue reading Rebuild Permalinks Based on Post Titles In WordPress

Allows Each Website To Have A Distinct Favicon On WordPress Multisite Network

Now you can allow each website on your WordPress multisite network to set a distinct favicon. This way each website can use its own favicon.

A favicon (short for “favorites icon”) is an icon associated with a website or webpage intended to be used when bookmarking the website. Web browsers use them in the URL bar, on tabs and elsewhere to help identify a website visually.

By default favicon is uploaded in the root directory of your WordPress install and every subsite uses the main site’s favicon. WordPress can also use favicon from active theme’s directory if a favicon.ico file is already present in theme’s folder.

In this lesson you will learn about allowing your subsite owners to use their own favicons on their individual websites.  Continue reading Allows Each Website To Have A Distinct Favicon On WordPress Multisite Network

Clean Up Unused, Orphaned And Duplicated Data In WordPress Database With Proper Functions

WP-Sweep is a WordPress plugin that uses regular WordPress functions to clean up database clatter of your website and get optimized database tables for better performance.

Unlike to other database plugins, even the most popular one called WP-Optimize, this plugin uses proper WordPress delete functions as much as possible instead of running direct delete MySQL queries.  Continue reading Clean Up Unused, Orphaned And Duplicated Data In WordPress Database With Proper Functions

Using ‘Quick Edit’ Option With Bulk Actions In WordPress

You can enable new custom fields to quick edit panel in order to apply quick edit actions to multiple posts at once.

Custom Bulk/Quick Edit is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add custom fields on edit screen bulk for posts, pages and other custom post types. This way you can you can perform quick edit actions in bulk on your WordPress site. Continue reading Using ‘Quick Edit’ Option With Bulk Actions In WordPress

Fabulous Background Colors – Add Random Colored Stripes With Smooth Color Transitions In WordPress

Earlier we have discussed about changing background color. Most WordPress themes allows you to change background color or use a custom image as background of your WordPress site. This is done from your admin area dashboard Appearance -> Customize screen and selecting the background options.

You can also change background from Appearance -> Background admin screen. In this lesson we are discussing about a plugin that allows you to switch from simple background color or image to randomly color stripes.  Continue reading Fabulous Background Colors – Add Random Colored Stripes With Smooth Color Transitions In WordPress

Hide Referer And Anonymize All External Links In WordPress

When yo link to any article on Internet, a notification is send to that website owner in the form of trackback or pingback. Whenever you link to any website, there are various services that can track the liking and send information on how many referrers are sent from your website.

This is ofcouse not problem but sometimes you just don’t want to allow anyone to track you or may be if you don’t want any website owner consider your website or whatsoever may be the reason, there are many free services that allows you to stop referrers on external links on your website.  Continue reading Hide Referer And Anonymize All External Links In WordPress

Restoring Link Title Attribute Field In WordPress 4.2+ Versions

In WordPress 4.2, the link title field from the popup box has been replaced with link text field. Link title attribute text shown when the user hovers over to the link.

But these days when smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices are more active, nobody cares about the link title attribute because it is not seen by most users.

Link title only shows up on desktop and laptops, some people thinks that it is useful for SEO and some only use it for writing a brief text for the link so that their visitors can know where they are going to.  Continue reading Restoring Link Title Attribute Field In WordPress 4.2+ Versions

Keeping Shared Menus On WordPress Multisite Network

You can pull menu from another website on your multisite network to easily achieve a universal navigation and make things go fast and easy without needing to manually recreate same menus on other websites.

Earlier we have discussed about exporting and importing navigation menus in WordPress so that you can backup them or use them on other websites. Today in this lesson you will learn about using same navigation menu or pulling menus from other websites across your multisite network.  Continue reading Keeping Shared Menus On WordPress Multisite Network

Unlock PDF Files Online To Enable Printing And Editing

Sometimes PDF files comes locked with a secure password and permissions, there are many services like PDF Protect that allows you to lock PDF files. In this lesson you will learn about unlocking such PDF files online using a PDF unlocker app.

Continue reading Unlock PDF Files Online To Enable Printing And Editing

Creating Free Passport, Visa & ID Photos In A Few Clicks

There is a Google Chrome app that connects you to a website that allows you to create free passport, visa and ID photos online in a few clicks. You can select your photo, upload it or crop it from any photograph, select side, save and then print it using your printer.

Continue reading Creating Free Passport, Visa & ID Photos In A Few Clicks

Removing Unnecessary Jetpack Modules From WordPress

Jetpack by plugin provides you a variety of useful modules but sometimes website owners don’t want them all. Earlier we have discussed about keeping all or individual modules deactivated by default.

And today in this lesson you will learn how to remove all unnecessary modules from your website to keep a less confusing admin environ.

Continue reading Removing Unnecessary Jetpack Modules From WordPress

Code Snippets: Adding PHP Functions & Filters Without Editing Theme Functions File In WordPress

For customizing the default behavior of WordPress, webmasters either use plugins or insert hacks i.e. PHP functions and filters inside activated theme’s function.php file.

This works but when you insert any code without creating a child theme, it gets is automatically washed away in new updates.

Earlier we have discussed about creating child themes, we have also discussed about generating child theme with a user friendly wizard and there is a plugin that allows you to generate child theme of any theme in a click of a button.

Yes, you can easily insert custom PHP function in the functions.php file of your child theme but today in this lesson you will learn about a more easy way of inserting and activating PHP hacks directly from your admin area dashboard.

Continue reading Code Snippets: Adding PHP Functions & Filters Without Editing Theme Functions File In WordPress

Keeping All Jetpack Modules Deactivated (Disabled) By Default In WordPress

When using Jetpack by plugin, whenever any new module is introduced, it gets automatically enabled on your WordPress installation and in-case of WordPress multisite network, all websites experiences the same issue.

In this lesson you will learn about keeping all Jetpack modules deactivated by default.

Continue reading Keeping All Jetpack Modules Deactivated (Disabled) By Default In WordPress

Front End Private Messaging System For WordPress

BuddyPress already provides you a private messaging system but the plugin is intended for creating social networking websites. Ever wanted to use a good private messaging system for the authors, editors and other users on a WordPress multiauthor website.

In this lesson you will learn about adding a private messaging system on WordPress sites and blogs.

Continue reading Front End Private Messaging System For WordPress