Category Archives: Homeschool

Easily Setup Unfriend Notifications On Facebook

Earlier we have discussed about a web service that tells you about the people who removed you on Facebook. The service was good but in order to view unfriended persons, it asks you to access its website and then login with your Facebook account, it also sends email notifications but in this lesson you will learn about making things more easy and quick than before.  Continue reading Easily Setup Unfriend Notifications On Facebook

Installing Group Office To Start An Email & File Sharing Enterprise CRM Website

Group-Office is an enterprise CRM and collaboration tool. You can install its application on your domain in one click at to start sharing projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. It is easy to use and fully customizable application and now it works on every web-hosting plan.

Continue reading Installing Group Office To Start An Email & File Sharing Enterprise CRM Website

How To Instantly Create Multiple Posts And Post Types In WordPress?

Now you can quickly create multiple posts, pages and other custom post types from a single interface in WordPress. Bulk Content Creator is a WordPress plugin that allows you to bulk create posts and other custom post types.  Continue reading How To Instantly Create Multiple Posts And Post Types In WordPress?

How To Silently Update Posts in WordPress?

By default when a post is updated in WordPress, the modification date is automatically changed. In this lesson you learn about stopping WordPress to change modification date so that you can silently update posts without letting anyone know about the new changes you have to that post after it has been published online.  Continue reading How To Silently Update Posts in WordPress?

Auto Synchronize Users To All Websites In WordPress Multisite Network

On a WordPress multisite network, by default users are kept limited to their websites and are not automatically added to other websites. Though there are some plugins that allows you to add users to other subsites.  Continue reading Auto Synchronize Users To All Websites In WordPress Multisite Network

BuddyPress Compliments – Allow BuddyPresss Website Members To Compliment Each Other

You can now allow your BuddyPress community website members to compliment each other. New BuddyPress Compliments plugin provides a smart way for BuddyPress members to interact with each other using compliments.  Continue reading BuddyPress Compliments – Allow BuddyPresss Website Members To Compliment Each Other

Create YouTube Video Posts In Bulk On Your WordPress Website

There are some free and premium WordPress plugins such as ‘Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin’ that allows you to automatically create YouTube video posts containing videos from popular YouTube video playlists, from channels, user uploads etc.

But the common issue experienced in this process is limited PHP memory of shared web-hosting plans. Not everyone owns a dedicated server or VPS that provides you with high PHP memory resources.  Continue reading Create YouTube Video Posts In Bulk On Your WordPress Website

Turn WordPress Comments More Bearable Using Hacks By Yoast

In this lesson we will discuss about some simple but useful comment hacks used by Yoast team of WordPress developers. Using these hacks you can make comments management easier and perform some tasks more quickly and easily than you think.  Continue reading Turn WordPress Comments More Bearable Using Hacks By Yoast

Create Dynamic Links Gallery With Images In WordPress

New WordPress plugin WP Links Page allows you to easily create dynamic links gallery showing screenshot of each link in your WordPress site. The plugin is programmed to automatically create screenshots of links and save you from the process of hardcoding links and finding right image for each website.  Continue reading Create Dynamic Links Gallery With Images In WordPress

Simplifying Search URL Slug In WordPress

By default WordPress search URL slug is ?s=keyword which is prefixed after your domain name on search results pages. In this lesson you will learn about simplifying this URL slug to /search/keyword so that you can remember it and manually link to it in your website content.  Continue reading Simplifying Search URL Slug In WordPress

Starting A Managed WordPress Website (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Managed WordPress provides you complete setup to start a website in less than 30 seconds over WordPress. It delivers you one of the fastest, most scalable and reliable platform to start a dynamic website without worries of setup, backup and security.  Continue reading Starting A Managed WordPress Website (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Create High Quality Professional Banner Advertisements With BannerStack

Bannersnack is a popular web service that allows you to design professional looking advertising banners which you can use across internet and track their performances. Using this web application you can easily generate high-quality banners in popular sizes completely free of cost.  Continue reading Create High Quality Professional Banner Advertisements With BannerStack

Easily Export Google Documents To WordPress As Posts

By default Google Drive doesn’t provides you any built-in feature to export writings as posts in WordPress but still many authors are more likely to work on Google Docs in composing most of their works. This is because beyond storing documents in cloud, Google docs are interactive and collaborative by users.

But unfortunately, copy-paste and re-formatting entire post to fit your WordPress blog style often proves to be a hassle. But now no worries, in this lesson you will learn an easy way to export your writings from Google Drive to WordPress as new blog posts.  Continue reading Easily Export Google Documents To WordPress As Posts

Fix Up Incorrect Facebook Post Share Image Issue In WordPress

Facebook uses open graph meta tags to show up image on shared post links. There are various plugins (like official Facebook plugin for WordPress) that automatically generates open graph meta tags and optimize images for Facebook sharing in WordPress.  Continue reading Fix Up Incorrect Facebook Post Share Image Issue In WordPress

Things You Need To Know To Start Working On WordPress Website

WordPress is installed and working on your domain. Now what? System at has made it very easy for its users to quickly and easily activate WordPress on their domain.

Web-hosting, VPS and Dedicated Server users at may use one click WordPress install tool whereas Managed WordPress users automatically get WordPress installed and configured on their domain address.  Continue reading Things You Need To Know To Start Working On WordPress Website

Increase Your Search Rankings With’s Search Engine Visibility App

Search Engine Visibility from allows you to easily promote your website on popular search engines like Google®, Yahoo!®, and Bing® and 100+ other search engines including web-directories in order to increase traffic and get more customers everyday.  Continue reading Increase Your Search Rankings With’s Search Engine Visibility App

Domain Name At Is Enough To Start Website

Unlike to other domain registrars and web-hosting providers, now provides you complete package to start your own website and email account on your domain.

In general domain registrars ask you to purchase a hosting account along with domain name to start website.

But when you purchase a domain name at, you not only get complete control over your domain but also a website builder app and email account service to start up your own website in minutes.  Continue reading Domain Name At Is Enough To Start Website