Category Archives: Homeschool

Configuring Email Service On iPhone, iPad Or iPod Touch offers you both cPanel Webmail accounts on Linux hosting plans as well as Business Class Email Accounts for professional use.

Both types of email addresses can be easily added to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch devices so that you can use your own email addresses on the go just like other email services.

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What Is Increased Time To 1st Byte? How It Affects Your Website’s Speed?

An increased time to 1st byte means your website is running too many SQL queries or non-optimized SQL queries which can also include server-side calls to third-party APIs.

If you’re a WordPress user, there are a number of plugins you can check out to decrease the number of database queries and speed up your website. And if you are not using WordPress then you need to check and optimize your database then use some website cache functionality. For this, you may buy expert’s support via on per hour per terminal basis. Continue reading What Is Increased Time To 1st Byte? How It Affects Your Website’s Speed?

Playing Videos Using Popup Lightbox In Your WordPress Website

Earlier we have posted on inserting links to popup in WordPress, now same thing can be done for displaying videos in a lightbox overlay.

FA Video Popup makes use of the native WordPress Video Shortcode and MediaElements.js JavaScript library already present in WordPress since 3.6+ versions to let you add popup video links in post or anywhere on your website.

You can add links by placing shortcode and when the link is clicked, inserted video starts to play in a responsive lightbox overlay.

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How Text Compression On Improves Your Website’s Speed?

The websites having no text compression are comparatively slower than the websites with active text compression. Hence, if you don’t have text compression turned on, your webpage is going to be slow. now has this on by default on all web hosting plans, so your if your page is suffering from this, it’s either because of third-party objects, or it somehow got disabled on your web hosting account and now you need to re-enable mod_deflate.

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Identifying An FTP Compromise & Protecting Your Website

There are some signs that your website’s been hacked, including the ones listed here but certainly not limited to:

  1. You find bad code inserted onto your website
  2. You find new files/directories with strange names on your hosting

However, there are many types of compromises, each of which has its own calling cards. They may include malicious injections where attackers can place code on your website that can contain malware or phishing content.

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How To Use Common Gateway Interface (CGI) In Your Hosting Account?

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) extends the capabilities of your Web server to make your website communicate with other application or script.

These programs are common on Web servers to interact dynamically with users. Many forms containing web pages use a CGI program for processing the data from the form.

CGI service at supports server-side includes, form handlers, and the hit counters.

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Starting A Budget Website Is Far More Better Than Any Free Website

Hosting your website on Blogger, Weebly or Wix etc is free and they also give you a free domain which is actually a sub-domain. But their free is not free as in freedom. Such kind of website makes you look unprofessional, impacts your search rankings and you cannot make money from your website.

Having a website on someone else platform proves that you are not serious about your online presence. So even if you are just a hobby blogger, you should be serious about your website because you can earn from it.

By spending a little money you can have your own web space running your website on your own domain address such as which means that you are having your own web property and not a website owned and rented to you by some one else. This way you become the complete owner of your online presence.

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Getting Your Business Online Is No More Complex Or Expensive

The system at provides you easy-to-use hassle-free solutions to get online in less time and allocated budget.

You simply start by registering or transferring your domain name and the system at will guide you to all important steps to bring your website online on your own.

Similarly you can make money by transferring other domains to help others on their websites. Simply ask your client to set as homepage then help him in buying things necessary for his startup, you can share your contact details for any further help and programming support which is purchasable to you on per hour per terminal basis from

This way you work as a personal outlet of by serving your clients with all technical and programming support in brining their businesses online.

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Start Your Online Store With WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular and highly customizable eCommerce platform you can use for building your online business.

It is a free WordPress plugin that easily installs on your WordPress site and allows you to run a fully fleshed eCommerce website on your own without any technical/coding skills.

When WooCommerce is used with Managed WordPress at takes ten to fifteen minutes to start a fully fleshed online store on the choice of your domain.

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Learn To Manage Your Websites On Your Own

You can reduce cost and easily start managing your websites on your own by using Managed WordPress as a complete online solution for your websites.

WordPress is no more a blogging platform, it is now fully fleshed website management system that lets you start most types of websites on your own without the need of hiring any expert.

The default WordPress dashboard is even easier to manage than you think – you simply start by affixing /wp-admin on your domain where the WordPress is installed then login to start customizing your website.

By spending a few minutes in dashboard will make you understand all its core functionalities.

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With Advancement Of Technology Hybrid Apps Will Perform Better And Cost Less

The core difference between the two kinds of app development is that a hybrid app is made by packaging a webapp (sometimes only the mobile view of a website) into a native app environ using cross-compatible web technologies, operated over web view module accessible through the built-in web browser of the app.

Whereas a native app is a program specifically coded in specific programming languages for device specific operating system such as Android or iOS.

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Stephen Hawaking Is No More Now

It is our brain that can keep our body alive and it is not vice versa.

Stephen Hawking is no more today. He was finally worried that humanity is not vigilant enough for its survival against most possible dangers of its extinction.

Respecting his legacy for us humankind can be practised as follows: –

  1. Let us become very vigilant for our survival by finding out other planetary abodes beyond earth that can be hosting humanity
  2. Let us become very vigilant for our survival against possibly more advanced aliens
  3. Let us become very vigilant for our survival against possibly more advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning

Sangkrit respects him like that considering his life as an eternal era in the cosmology of universe. Seeing him living, we have come to know fully well that it is our brain that can keep our body alive and it is not vice versa.

Meet The Men Who Clean And Cook As Well

Women must stop marrying the men who are programmed to dominate them by their wrong upbringing.

Women are burdened everywhere with all sorts of unpaid household responsibilities that go unpaid. Through ages across all societies, they bear very disproportionate burden of unpaid labour like fetching water and firewood from faraway places, cooking and cleaning for whole family and guests to taking care of all children and elderly. Such unpaid workloads amounts almost half of the world economy.

Despite this, most of the women do not have any independent income. Unpaid workloads upon women remain many times higher than on men anywhere. This unjust situation is alike in developing and developed countries. Therefore emancipating women from this yoke of unpaid workloads might earn enough in every political economy on planet earth.

Even the most untoward circumstances cannot stop women from earning independently via when they start working as people’s personal outlet, distributing and developing the internet growth to everyone around. Working like this is possible from anywhere on planet earth.

Moreover this gives women their most necessary change. They meet the men, who clean and cook as well. Since without any discrimination such as sexual consideration, Sangkrit encourages everyone to take all cleaning and cooking responsibilities equally very much like blogging and programming. Upgrading humankind like this into internet age ends all discrimination.

Thus Sangkrit is the program that actually emancipates women. The word ‘Sangkrit’ literally means an all-inclusive execution. Dominantly populating planet earth by making more and more Sangkrit households would become very much possible if women stop marrying the men, who are programmed to dominate them by their wrong upbringing. Instead marrying the men, who truly cooperate in everything shall serve the purpose of preparing a free future.

The Past Is Dead

The past is dead so everybody may move on only forward.

People’s personal outlets, upgrading humankind into internet age, by distributing and developing internet growth, always march forward so that the old world becomes everybody’s past. The past goes there, where all doors are closed forever.

Only idiots attempt to win back their defeated history. That never actually happens. The ultimate place of all history is a natural trashbin of human forgetfulness. The distant past must become that dead.

Always winning the future works. Wiseguys do not fight their battles in distant past. They settle down pretty well for their future. That is the source of all forgiving nature.

Attempt Empty Pocket Entrepreneurship

Download android app Shardul Pandey from Play Store for necessary guidance.

Empty pocket entrepreneurship is the commercial craftwork. Sangkrit encourages everyone to attempt empty pocket entrepreneurships without taking any loans or issuing any equity. Download android app Shardul Pandey from Play Store for necessary guidance. This is going to become a thoroughly transforming experience so have all the fun of experiencing all that even if you find no problem in investing any capital.

You startup in upgrading humanity into internet age. For such a startup you need not register any firm nor open a shop. Just you are enough as a dedicated humankind working from your home as the best web-app solution provider to everyone around.

Yes you shall indeed work best because a simple mail to system at connects you through its globally distributed order of internet growth. So simply start selling by helping any prospective clients to reach up to in the browser of their own smrtphones. Thereafter you may forward any task of fulfilling your client’s web-app requirements to the most efficient programmers by paying necessary fellowships. As a selling outlet you could comfortably be selling to as many clients as you can connect with whereas programming outlets regularly serve up to their top five to ten clients.

Business becomes good for both types of personal outlets with every single effort in selling an upgradation in to internet age bringing the overall cost down by 20% to 40% in general. Thus being the people’s personal outlet you become quite competent for competing with top companies across all countries alike.

Generate One Billion Employments For Humankind

Shardul Pandey is no corporate boss but a simple leader, whose sole ambition is to create one billion independent employments for his people.

Internet growth engine has globally distributed order headed by its System Administrator. Concurrent System Administrator Shardul Pandey is mostly busy in enhancing cooperation among continuously growing people’s personal outlets everywhere, who actually manage all the business of internet growth. Shardul Pandey is often asked by other corporate bosses that why the system at is not fully automated for absorbing all the revenue possible?

Incidentally he himself is no corporate boss but a simple leader, whose sole ambition is to create one billion independent employments for his people. So very reasonably the system at is programmed facilitating for the most massive human role possible instead of absorbing all possible revenue automatically. Profitmongers naturally refuse to respect the gaps given to get fulfilled by the human technology but Sangkrit is made around that only. Thus it is truly said to be powered by you.

You must come forward for generating one billion employments for freedom loving people on planet earth. Sangkrit is the program for efficiently doing that by opening people’s personal outlets, programming and selling the internet growth, involving everyone around. People’s personal outlets independently cooperate by paying fellowships to each-other as per individual requirements.

They work together and grow together in a globally distributed order, where any revenue is made only by some humankind direct in his or her personal bank account. Building individual trust and friendship works everywhere in the course of developing this business. What matters most is together developing one billion personal outlets serving all possible web-app requirements of five billion people worlwide. That is called Sangkrit being an all-inclusive execution.

Work as pesonal outlet of

You startup with just an android phone and if you do not have that either, you are trained to use any prospective client’s handset to serve him or her better. Simply ask your client to open the browser and type the web address as for registering or transfering any desired domain name. Help in doing that too wherever necessary. Help your client in buying everything necessary for building his or her business online. Tell your name for any further help if required and share your contact details.

Your being a humankind working from home is always appreciated in the business of upgrading humanity into internet age since you do not disappear the way many failing companies do. Therefore by not wasting any money on creating a firm, you upgrade your home for housing your office as well. Working as pesonal outlet of a globally distributed order for the people around you is the simplest kind of independent business.

You need not do any formalities to begin with doing business while you get all cooperation from everywhere to let you succeed. Any order you take is fulfilled by an globally distributed order that works for fellowships independently paid to each-other. Everytime any money is credited direct into the concerned person’s personal saving account. Everybody is taxed as independent individual in his or her own country. Download android app Shardul Pandey from Play Store to cooperate.

People Buy Products, Not Any Technology

Shipping a great new product, not necessarily based on a new technology is adequate for the growth of business.

Steve Jobs made NeXT once he was forced to leave Apple behind. WorldWideWeb was invented on a NeXT computer. Still the business was not that good for NeXT.

On the other hand Tim Berners-Lee refrained from releasing world-wide-web under GNU-GPL only on the basis that corporates might not get involved due to the leftist reputation of GNU and Richard Stallman. Thereafter came Linux, GNU’s much awaited kernel code from Finland. That struggled for desktop space although got server side business. Then came Andy Rubin. He simply made android by using Linux as its kernel and a great new product is born to get purchased by Google. That made its own space acquiring the highest growth rate ever seen in business.

Apple got in trouble and Amelio started looking for a new operating system. Fortunately Apple bought NeXT shelling out much larger amount for less valued stocks but for what? Steve Jobs was hired again and what he did? He stopped Apple, looking for a new operating system. Instead he prepared Apple to ship the great new product iPod. iPod by Apple was greater than Walkman by Sony. Considering that the concept was not new as music listening on the go has already been a popular behaviour. iPod simply added great value to that popularity and became successful within no time establishing a great new user experience. Business became good around that.

People do not buy a technology. People buy a product. Shipping a great new product, not necessarily based on a new technology is adequate for the growth of business.

Mixed Way Of Life Is A Must

Forming another state is like increasing apartheid among humankind up to the extent that coercion gets multiplied.

Instead of crying for another state one should work hard by respecting the free will of the individuals for establishing the plurality in society on the basis of the sanctity of social pricacy of every individial citizen. One must learn living with every difference of origin and opinion.

Staying together is what Arab and Europe need learning from India. Forming another state is like increasing apartheid among humankind up to the extent that coercion gets multiplied.

Enemies of all the people are struggling hard for staying in charge of all possible coercion and apartheid. Only technology can stop all of them with all that.

Superstitions and politics subjugate people but technology emancipates. Sangkrit insists for a mixed way of life everywhere as that is a must for consolidating the absolute human force altogether to occupy outer space before it is too late here.

Stop Looking For Employment

Sangkrit is the globally distributed order that lets people work for themselves across all the countries alike.

Sangkrit is the globally distributed order that lets people work for themselves across all the countries alike. Once here you can comfortably stop looking for employment. Simply set the homepage of your browser to for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet by charging reasonably.

People like you everywhere independently work with an android phone in hand instead of looking for employments. Together you upgrade humankind into smartphone stage of internet age by independently cooperating with each other as per any requirements in bringing everybody’s business online.

Every time you let someone earn 30% of business as fellowship for innovation or promotion in bringing down any concurrent web/app cost from 20% to 40% along with pacing up all updates in real-time advantage at a single web-place that facilitates for complete internet infrastructure with online support and global exposure, becoming essential to every business alike.