Category Archives: Homeschool

Every Child Is A Born Hacktivist

Whatever the child in the photograph above, is doing happily, may also become a neceesary lesson in life, to start with. So let the children play the way they like.

The nature doesn’t repeat itself. That is how every child gets gifted in another way. Many people are not gifted to understand the beauty of this.

Children are born as potential hacktivists. Forced schooling spoils them. They get corrupted in the course. But the times are changed all of sudden.

Schools, colleges, jobs and qualifications are all hanged

Old world’s parameters -such as schools, colleges, qualifications and jobs- are all hanged. Nobody knows what future awaits them in the end but their hell is obviously present.

Now only this makes a sense that you encourage your child to become a Sangkrit whizzkid since Sangkrit whizzkids hold the key to the future of humanity.

Homeschool your children to build an online future

Let your children be living and learning the best for them under your own care. That is to get driven by their own curiosity in practice.

All the children are the gifted ones. The time has already come to understand the natural potential of your children and respect that above all to act accordingly.

To not let their lives go offline ever again

Thus homeschooling a potential Sangkrit whizzkid with all possible support at can make him graduate as an young hacktivist. That leads the whole family also into a domestic entrepreneurship This works pretty well anywhere in the world.

Functioning as people’s personal outlets by extending any necessary online support they are to be distributing everything into networking enabled apps. They build a better future to help everyone around.

Sangkrit whizzkids are indeed helpful in providing any necessary online support to other people’s personal outlets from their homes. Doing so, charging hourly per terminal basis, they earn as much money as much their skills improve with practising online. They need not be dealing with anything bothering them offline.

How To Use Domain Redirects On cPanel Of Your Server Or Hosting?

Using domain redirects you can redirect an entire domain or selective links to a new domain or links to individual pages. While configuring a domain redirect on cPanel, you will notice that there are two types of redirect options; temporary redirect, and permanent redirects.

  • A 301 redirect i.e. permanent redirect means that you are directing the page permanently. It prompts the search engines and HTTP clients to update their caches to the new link. It simply indicates that the page has been moved to a new address permanently. This is useful when you move your website to a new domain.
  • A 302 redirect i.e. temporary redirect means Found, but it is mainly used to tell the search engines and HTTP clients that the page is temporarily redirected and will soon be available to the old address, so there is no need for them to update their caches, etc. This is useful while you are developing your website or working on a page.

To configure a redirect, simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel hosting account or select a cPanel of your server
  4. Scroll down to the Domains section and click the Redirects option
  5. Select Permanent (301) or Temporary (302) from the first dropdown
  6. Choose the domain you want to redirect
  7. In case you are redirecting a page, simply paste the URL of the page
  8. Add the new destination domain or URL including https:// or http:// protocol
  9. Click the Add button

You will also notice that there is a wild card redirect option present as a checkbox. Ticking this option will redirect all of a site’s pages to the same URL you have entered.

How To Use New IP On Your Domain On Dedicated Server?

After subscribing to a new IP address you can add it to your domain on your dedicated server. Simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your server and click manage
  3. On your WHM home page i.e. the main page of your server
  4. Navigate to Add a New IP Address under IP Functions of the side menu
  5. Enter the new IP address and a subnet mask
  6. Click Submit to finish


  • In step number five, if you don’t know which subnet mask is to be entered, just contact the online support team
  • In step number six, in case you make a mistake, you can delete the new address in the Show or Delete Current IP Addresses option

As you click the Submit button, the new IP address gets added. Now you can associate it with your cPanel hosting or other domain accounts on your server.

To change an existing site’s IP address to the new one you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the List Accounts page from the Account Information menu
  2. Select the domain account you want to change
  3. Click the “+” next to the domain name
  4. Click the Change IP Address button
  5. Select the IP you just added

That’s it. Once you have changed your website’s IP, the site will not be available to the old IP address, and it should also appear offline to the new IP address for sometime.

How To Convert Absolute URLs Into Relative URLs In WordPress?

WordPress always saves the content using the actual domain i.e. the domain you use to write your content.

But sometimes it may cause you issues especially when you want to develop your WordPress site locally using a local host server or blog on one domain and then go live on another. Because then you need to replace all URLs in your database.

This lesson guides you on how you can easily convert all absolute URLs into relative URLs.

Relative URLs is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to move from localhost to a live domain with minimal effort. The plugin doesn’t change the links in the database, so you can develop in the staging area or on a subdomain, or a sub-directory without worrying to replace URLs in your content.

The plugin doesn’t replaces the URLs in the database but:

  • It removes the domain name on internal links
  • It also removes the domain name on image sources for the images that are located on your server

Using this plugin you can:

  • Switch between HTTP and HTTPS sites
  • Move from one directory to another with minimal effort
  • Go live in one domain and carry on your development in another
  • Backup a production site from one domain and restore it for testing process on another domain

One important thing to take note of is the plugin should always be used for local development only. As it may conflict with your server-based cache services such as Nginx or Varnish.

Configuring SFTP On Your Dedicated Server

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is one secure file protocol used to manage, and transfer files over an encrypted transport connection. In comparison to the traditional FTP protocol, it offers all the functionality in a more secure and easier to configure way.

The lesson guides you on how to connect your cPanel account via SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol).

SFTP clients generally require the following information to make a connection to the server. Open your SFTP client and configure it with the following information:

  1. Hostname — Your server’s hostname (for example,
  2. SSH port number — The port number on which sshd listens (for instance, 22)
  3. Security — Whether the client combines FTP and SFTP functionality
  4. Username — The SSH username that the client uses to connect to the server
  5. Password — The SSH user’s password
  6. Private Key — The SSH user’s private key

Lets Make This Easier For You,

  • In step number six, this is the absolute path to a private key on your local machine (for instance, c:\data\id_dsa)
  • In step number four, the username can be a valid cPanel account username or the root user
  • Remember, you cannot use your FTP account to connect via SFTP
  • SFTP is not just FTP over SSH. Instead, it is an entirely separate protocol
  • cPanel users can generate and download a private key via cPanel’s SSH Access interface via cPanel -> Home -> Security -> SSH Access
  • The root users can generate and download a private key via WHM’s Manage root’s SSH Keys interface on a dedicated server or VPS via WHM -> Home -> Security Center -> Manage root’s, SSH Keys

Sometimes, you may see a warning that the host of the server is unknown. To cut back on such situations in the future, accept the key and store it on your local machine.

How To Disable Lazy Load Functionality In WordPress?

The lazy load image functionality has been added to the WordPress core. Hence, it works automatically all over your website and by default, there are no options given to disable it.

This lesson guides you on how you can turn it off on your website in case you don’t need it. All you have to do is install-activate the new WordPress plugin called Lazy Load Disable. Once activated, the plugin simply turns off the lazy load on your website.

There are no options to turn on or off lazy load functionality so in case you want lazy loading to be back, you simply need to deactivate the plugin and the lazy loading feature will start to work as before on your website.

How To Work On WordPress Blocks As Draft?

WordPress has given a new publishing experience by introducing the block editor. Blocks work as the component to add customized content inside a post or page on your website. This lesson guides you on how you can work on some WordPress blocks without publishing them.

While working on a live post or page, you can continue to work on any block in the backend, without making it live for the public view, until and unless you are done with your editing work.

Hide Block is the new WordPress plugin that lets you hide blocks from the front end of your website. Simply install-activate it.

Once activated, the plugin will automatically add the ‘Hide Block’ option (below the ‘Advanced’ tab) to the block editor section. It shows up on the side of your screen while you edit a block on your edit post screen.

The plugin works for the posts, pages, and all post types, wherever the block editor is active.

How To Give Photo Effects In WordPress?

By applying photo effects you can give a new artistic look to images you use in your WordPress posts and produce an enhanced look on your website.

You can do it easily by using the new WordPress plugin called Image Effects. It enables you to add images to your content and apply different effects over them.

Simply start by installing-activating it on your WordPress site and then on your post editor click the ‘Add Block’ button (that small plus icon). This will open the default block editor where you will notice the ‘Image Effects’ option added by this plugin.

Click that ‘Image Effects’ icon, select the image, set your effects and insert it in your post. It is that simple.

It offers you effects for setting the image brightness, blur, contrast, grayscale, hue, and inverts option, etc. For the images, you want to insert simply without giving any effects, just use the default ‘Image Block’ option on your post editor page.

How To Update Folder & File Permissions On cPanel?

All files have some preset permission that directs the cPanel system on handling different access requests. For instance: The file permission tells the cPanel what files are only readable, or editable, or hidden on your server.

You can change file permissions by performing a few steps. Simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel account
  4. Scroll down and open the FILE MANAGER
  5. Click Settings to open the Preferences box
  6. Click Permissions on the top toolbar
  7. Now simply use the checkboxes or given text boxes to update the permissions. The setting defaults to 0644
  8. When you are done, click Change Permissions 
  9. Your changes will be saved by the system

Note: You can visually change the file permission by using the tick box. In case, if you are using number code to change file permissions then you should know that:

  1. Zero is no permission
  2. Read permission is r or 4
  3. Write permission is w or 2
  4. Execute permission is x or 1


  • Read allows users to view and read the file
  • Write allows users to edit and update the file
  • Execute allows users to run the file as a program

But the permissions have a different meaning on folders:

  1. Read enables users to list and view the files in the directory
  2. Write enables users to create, rename, and delete files in the directory
  3. Execute enables users to access the files and folders within the directory

Next to each file permission, there are tick boxes for user groups. It allows you to set what permissions on a file are applied to what group of users. There are three groups given as checkboxes:

  • User means permissions are applied to the owner of the file
  • Group means permissions are applied to other users on the group to which the file belongs to
  • World means the permissions are applied for everyone, this also includes users who are not in the group to which the file belongs to

Read other lessons on cPanel File System.

How To Change The Default Folder Of cPanel File Manager?

You can change the default folder in which the File Manager interface opens, simply login to your account and follow the steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel account
  4. Scroll down to select the FILE MANAGER
  5. Click Settings to open the Preferences box
  6. Now select a folder to open by default:
    • Home Directory — This is the main folder for your account
    • WebRoot (public_html or www) — Provides a direct route to your website files
    • Public FTP Root (public_ftp) — Is your FTP files directory
    • Document Root for: — This is the main folder of the domain name that you select from the menu
  7. Select the folder you want the file manager to open by default
  8. Click Save

And you are done.

Read other lessons on cPanel File System.

Housewives Deserve Wages

Housewives also deserve wages. So neither they do suffer through the marriage nor struggle for alimony when divorce. Both the situations have been only disrespectful to women.

Civilizations were built mainly by oppressing and suppressing the housewives. Thus women were made socially bonded into unpaid labour. This has been a thankless job till now.

Build a new world order

A new world led by the people’s personal outlets of is getting determined for changing all that. With this any woman can become financially independent within no time.

She may easily start selling its world-class cloud infrastructure bundled with her own system administration along with any necessary online support and instant global exposure to every business. She can easily be selling all this to any ongoing and upcoming business. This is enough to run her life with dignity anywhere in the world. Such a business suits best to every housewife also.

Sangkrit makes the women lead to help everyone startup as a people’s personal outlet, to let everything happen upon the personal app of a new humankind, developing the next universe where every domain is individually owned. This is the business of becoming a people’s personal outlet in the globally distributed order of home employments for everyone involved with Sangkrit.

With a new legislation everywhere

Any spouse, whether wife or husband, if responsible for managing the household, is to be paid annually, monthly, weekly or daily half of the income of the working spouse that regularly. Not paying half of the income that regularly to the housekeeping spouse is to be made a crime of the working spouse.

Laws must get made everywhere ensuring all that. In the meantime, Sangkrit’s four fundamentals are already abolishing the discriminating gender difference by making the men also equally responsible for cleaning and cooking in every Sangkrit household.

How To Create, Copy, Or Move Files On cPanel?

The cPanel File Manager allows you to visually copy, create or move files and folders in a few easy steps. Simply log in to your account and follow the steps:

Creating New Files & Folders:

  1. Click + File or + Folder icon given in the toolbar
  2. Enter the name of the new file or folder you are creating
  3. Enter the location where you want your new folder or file to be created
  4. Click Create New File or Create New Folder button

TIP: In step number two, you may also rename any folder or file. Simply click the name, enter the new name. Then, press the Return key and your changes will be saved.

Copying Files & Folders:

  1. CTRL + Click to select the files you want to copy
  2. Click the Copy icon given in the top toolbar of your cPanel
  3. Enter the file path where you want to copy the file
  4. Click the Copy Files button

REMEMBER: You cannot create a copy within the same folder.

TIP: In step number two, alternatively you may right-click and select the copy option from the menu.

Moving Files & Folders:

  1. CTRL + Click to select the file or files that you want to move
  2. Click the Move icon given in the top toolbar of your cPanel
  3. Enter the file path where you want to move the file
  4. Click the Move Files button

TIP: Alternatively, you may also move files by dragging a file to a new destination folder.

Read more lessons on cPanel File System.

Simplest Way To Insert Links In WordPress Posts

The new WordPress block editor works out of the box. It allows you to quickly add links to any text of your post, post type, or page.

Follow these three steps:

  1. Copy the link
  2. Select the text you want to link
  3. Press the CTRL+V keys on your keyboard

That’s it. Now there’s no need to use any button on the WordPress block editor or TinyMCE editor.

How To Configure PHP Directives On Your Server?

PHP allows you to control different aspects of your websites by using directives in php.ini files. These files contain the default configuration for the operation of PHP applications.

By using PHP directives you can control different variables such as upload size, file timeout, and resource limit, etc of websites running on your hosting, VPS, or dedicated server.

To add or edit a PHP directive – Log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open cPanel of your server or hosting option
  2. Navigate to the File Manager interface via cPanel -> Home -> Files -> File Manager
  3. Make sure that hidden files are visible to you or you can enable them via Settings, by ticking the Show hidden files checkbox option
  4. Navigate to the target directory.
  5. Create a new file – click New File / + File button
  6. Enter .user.ini filename
  7. Click Create New File button
  8. Select the new file from the list of files and click Edit
  9. Now enter the PHP directives you wish to adjust for the present directory
  10. Click the Save button

INI files can be configured on per-directory basis and are processed only by the CGI/FASTCGI SAPI. This functionality obsoletes the PECL htscanner extension. If you are running PHP as an Apache module then the .htaccess file will do your thing.

In addition to the main INI file, PHP scans each directory for its INI file. In a case where the PHP file has been kept outside the document root, only its directory is scanned.

How To Copy Paste Images From Anywhere To WordPress Posts?

Now there’s no need to manually upload images to the WordPress media library, before inserting them in your posts. The new WordPress block editor allows you to simply copy-paste pictures from anywhere to your WordPress posts or pages.

All you have to do is –

  1. Copy the image from your computer or anywhere online
  2. Press CTRL+V on your keyboard

That’s it. The image will be instantly inserted into your post content. In the background, it will also get uploaded to the WordPress media library.

How To Scan Your cPanel Account For Security Threats?

The free virus scanner provided on every cPanel hosting, VPS, and the Dedicated Server allows you to scan your account for possible security threats.

To use it, simply login to your account and perform the steps given below:

  1. Select a service to scan:
    • Scan Mail — To scan all of your account’s mail folders
    • Scan Entire Home Directory — To scan your account’s home directory
    • Scan Public FTP Space — To scan all of the publicly accessible folders via FTP services
    • Scan Public Web Space — To scan all of the publicly accessible folders via the web
  2. After selecting a service, click the Scan Now button
  3. Here, the scanning process starts and displays you a new interface with the following information:
    • File — Displays the number of files that the system has scanned as well as the total number of files to be scanned
    • Data — Displays the amount of data the system has scanned as well as the total amount of data to be scanned
    • Scanner Progress — Displays the progress of the scan
    • Infected Files — Displays malicious stuff the scanner has detected

The server may take several minutes to complete the scan. If the scanner identifies a threat, it will prompt you to perform an action. Once the scan is complete, you will be returned to your main Virus Scanner interface.

How To Modify Error Pages Of Your Website?

The error pages inform the clients about the issue stopping them to access the requested URL. Each error has its own status code as thoroughly discussed in this lesson.

The server itself provides all basic error pages by default. Still, you can edit specific error pages to define your own custom error messages.

To customize any error page of your website:

  1. Login to your account and open the cPanel of your hosting or server
  2. On cPanel admin, if this account manages multiple domains then select the domain for which you wish to edit an error page from the Managing menu
  3. Click the error status code for which you wish to edit its error page
  4. In case, if you do not see the desired error status code, click the Show All HTTP Error Status Codes tab to select your error status code
  5. Enter a message in the text box. Then click the appropriate buttons for the information that you wish to display to the visitor of your website.
  6. You may also enter additional HTML code and further customize your error pages
  7. Next, click Save to secure your new error pages

How To Identify & Fix HTTP Errors Of Your Website?

Every HTTP error has an HTTP code that describes the status of a URL to the client. These three-digit codes include error messages that visitors encounter.

Following are the five classes of HTTP codes divided into categories, by the first digit:

  1. Errors starting with 1, 2, or 3 are fully functional requests
  2. Errors starting with 4 are client-side error, the most common error codes span 400 to 404
  3. Errors starting with 5 are server-side error, the most common error codes span 500 to 510

4xx Errors

These errors show up where there is a problem with the client’s request (web browser etc), but often point to a problem on a website.

For instance: You have a broken link on your website, the client requests it and receives a 404 error page. That is how it works.

To resolve this you can check for broken links on your website. On WordPress this can be either done by a plugin or you can check error pages from cPanel -> Home -> Advanced -> Error Pages.

400 Bad Request

It happens when the user’s request contains an incorrect syntax.

401 Unauthorized

The error shows up when the requested file is a protected one and requires authentication, such as a username and password.

403 Forbidden

In general, this happens when the index file is missing on your server or the root directory is empty, or when you have purchased a new hosting and have not uploaded your website or have not installed WordPress, etc.

Other times, it happens when the server stops the visitor to access the requested file. To resolve this, check for the file’s permission settings. Also see whether the system protects the file in cPanel’s Indexes interface (cPanel -> Home -> Advanced -> Indexes).

404 Not Found

When the server doesn’t find the requested URL. Commonly occurs when a visitor mistypes a URL or you have interlinked to a dead URL.

Managed WordPress users may use a permalink finder plugin to reduce this error to zero.

5xx Errors

Such errors occur when a server fails to full fill an apparently-valid request made by the client. These errors are a little bit complicated because sometimes a chain of servers handles an HTTP request which means that the error may also come from other server.

In WordPress, you can resolve it by testing your themes and plugins as it generally comes from there.

Comment below for any assistance in this regard.

500 Internal Server Error

The error is a result of misconfiguration, especially when the server finds some unexpected condition and fails to gather any information about the real problem it is facing.

501 Not Implemented

Comes when the server does not support the client’s chosen HTTP method. Also, occurs on out-of-date servers. To resolve, try reloading your page, clear the browser cache. Other issues might include viruses or malware or an overload on your server.

502 Bad Gateway

Occurs when proxy servers are badly configured or IP communication between backend systems is poor or when the client’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) is overloaded. May also occur due to imroperly configured firewall functions.

Clearing the client’s (web browser) cache sometimes work in resolving this issue. Other times, you may need to report the issue to an expert. You may also comment here for help.

Try to start a new browser session, restart your system and network, change DNS and clear your cache.

503 Service Unavailable

When a server fails to handle requests due to a temporary overload or when the server is temporarily under maintenance. Generally happens when you update your website’s software. To resolve, simply wait.

504 Gateway Timeout

Comes when a server did not receive a timely response. Can happen temporarily or when your server starts to go out of resources or due to slow communication between upstream servers. To resolve, look for any server connectivity issues, check the requested page code, test your firewall for any faults.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

When the server refuses to allow the HTTP protocol that the client system specifies. This error generally occurs when the user’s system incorrectly specifies the protocol. To resolve, switch to a modern web browser.

506 Variant Also Negotiates

Means the server is not properly configured. To resolve this issue, contact an expert or research yourself or comment below.

507 Insufficient Storage

Simply means that the server is out of free memory. The error comes when requested application fails to allocate necessary server resources. To resolve this issue, contact an expert or research yourself or comment below.

509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

This means that your server has reached its bandwidth limit, and you need more resources. To resolve, wait every time until the limit resets or try reducing your resource usage or upgrade your hosting plan or move to a dedicated server.

510 Not Extended

Shows up when the webserver does not support the extension attached to the HTTP request. To resolve, wait every time until the limit resets, or reduce your resource usage, or upgrade your hosting plan, or move to a dedicated server.

Pointing Out Posts That Need Improvement In WordPress

You can show tasks on specific posts and pages on your WordPress site to easily let your users know what else needs to be done to complete the post or to make it better.

Post Descriptions is the new WordPress plugin that enables you to add small descriptions to posts and pages. It lets you do things like adding small to-dos or don’t-forget tasks for your authors or simply for your own remembrance.

How To Add Small Notes On Your Posts?

To start simply install-activate the said plugin on your WordPress site. Now, post descriptions can be added either from the main edit screen of your post or directly from the quick edit option visible on each post via the Posts -> All Posts page.

Where Your Notes Get Visible

The post description written by you or any privileged user can be seen both on all posts page as well as a post-state which is the bold text next to your post or page title. The given screenshot clearly shows how the notes written on posts would be visible to you or any other user on your website.

Enabling & Disabling The Notes

Next, when you find that your post is perfect and you no longer need to show these notes, you can simply remove them and save your post.

In some cases, especially if your admin panel has become a bit cluttered and you no longer need post descriptions there. Then, you may disable it in post states using the given tick box option.

How To Allow Subscription On Products In WordPress Ecommerce?

You can allow your users to subscribe to products they need on regular basis. The desired duration on applicable products can be set by you. The duration of the subscription can be set in months and calculated from the present day or it can be added to an active subscription.

To start simply install-activate the new WordPress plugin called Monthly Subscription. Next, from the admin panel of your WordPress Ecommerce website:

  1. Create a new product
  2. Enter the product name, price, and other information
  3. Now select ‘Monthly Subscription’ as a product type
  4. You can add the ‘Subscription Duration’ on the input field (below the price under the ‘General’ tab of ‘Product Information’)
  5. Finally, save and publish your product

That’s for products. You can also use the plugin with your content via shortcode. Here you simply need to enclose selective content within the opening and closing shortcode (provided by the plugin) and only the users having an active subscription would be able to see that text.

How Small Businesses Can Use Their Blog For Local Marketing?

If you also own a small business located in the community you live. Blogging can be the best way to remind your customers to buy from you online. It can be used as a great location-based marketing tool.

Everybody uses the internet to research just before every buying decision, whether big or small. The bigger and costly the product is, the more deep research is likely to be done by the customer.

The algorithm of Google and other major search engines use searcher’s location to serve them with relevant local business information. By making good use of it (via blogging) you can promote your business among local people.

The global pandemic has amplified the need to choose businesses that are both local and online.

Hence, a local informative blog will allow your potential customers to easily research the solution they are looking up for and contact you when they’re ready to do business with you. 

Making Local Customers To Buy From You Online

The first thing you need to do is set up your blog. You can easily do that yourself by registering your domain name and subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan. Next, start blogging your business.

Tag Your Posts With Location

Tagging your post with specific location-based words is one thing. But you should also take a more targeted approach with your local audience and do it in a way that feels more personal to them.

Geo Locate Your Posts 

Next, you can make your posts more local by geolocating them. So that the major search engines like Google and big platforms like Android & Apple can easily find location-based descriptions on your post. The plugins like GEO my WordPress and Geolocation can be helpful in this regard. Install-activate the one that suits you best.

Explore & Address Similar Topics

Blogging on similar topics can benefit you as well. 

For example: A green grocer may also post recipes as that is going to attract the same readership. 

Hence, you can blog about similar topics by connecting them to your local audience. 

Focus On Your Writing Skills

Targeting local customers with your blog is something you can do only by improving your writing skills (instead of searching services for that), everything else is less important.

So, make sure you always choose the topics that are more appealing to your target audience and see how well you can present them in your posts. Keep improving, and leave the rest to search engines. They already know what content is to be served to whom.

Cooperate With Other Local Businesses

You can get the benefit of blog traffic as well as mutual referrals by cooperating with other local businesses.

Here’s how you can do that –

You can help them in making websites so that they can also internetize their business activities. Also, encourage them to start blogging their business to expand relevance to their customers. Both businesses can mention each other in their posts.

You may also interview them on your website as local internet searches can get influenced by tagging the interview post with the business name, location, services, and products of both interviewer and interviewee.

By doing this each business would be able to grow its consumer base and mutual referrals.

Startup As A People’s Personal Outlet

Most business blogs only focus on what they call ‘business at hand’ i.e. focusing mainly on the products and services they sell. They just miss out on the easy opportunities that can actually help them to expand.

By promoting a topic that is helpful for a large number of people in your community will actually help you in raising your sales. People’s personal outlets possess that powerful thing.

Being a people’s personal outlet you help other businesses to come online as well as you also help individuals by providing them a good home-employment.

Write new posts to educate and instruct people on these two topics. By doing this you will not only open new streams of income but also attract more customers to your existing business.