Using domain redirects you can redirect an entire domain or selective links to a new domain or links to individual pages. While configuring a domain redirect on cPanel, you will notice that there are two types of redirect options; temporary redirect, and permanent redirects.
- A 301 redirect i.e. permanent redirect means that you are directing the page permanently. It prompts the search engines and HTTP clients to update their caches to the new link. It simply indicates that the page has been moved to a new address permanently. This is useful when you move your website to a new domain.
- A 302 redirect i.e. temporary redirect means Found, but it is mainly used to tell the search engines and HTTP clients that the page is temporarily redirected and will soon be available to the old address, so there is no need for them to update their caches, etc. This is useful while you are developing your website or working on a page.

To configure a redirect, simply log in to your account and follow these steps:
- Open the products page
- Select your hosting or server
- Open your cPanel hosting account or select a cPanel of your server
- Scroll down to the Domains section and click the Redirects option
- Select Permanent (301) or Temporary (302) from the first dropdown
- Choose the domain you want to redirect
- In case you are redirecting a page, simply paste the URL of the page
- Add the new destination domain or URL including https:// or http:// protocol
- Click the Add button
You will also notice that there is a wild card redirect option present as a checkbox. Ticking this option will redirect all of a site’s pages to the same URL you have entered.