Tag Archives: ssl

How To Choose Between DV, SAN & EV SSL Certificates?

UCC (Unified Communications Certificate) and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificates are both types of SSL/TLS certificates used to secure websites and online communications. While they serve similar purposes, there are some key differences between them:

Usage and Compatibility

  • UCC SSL certificates are specifically designed for use with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS), which require SSL certificates with multiple domain names (also known as Subject Alternative Names or SANs) to secure various services such as Outlook Web Access, Autodiscover, and Unified Messaging.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more general-purpose SSL certificates that support multiple domain names (SANs) and can be used with a wide range of web servers and applications. They are commonly used to secure websites with multiple domain names or subdomains.

Validation Process

  • Both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates are Domain Validated (DV) certificates, meaning that the certificate authority verifies only the domain ownership of the applicant. This validation process is typically automated and does not involve extensive vetting of the organization or individual requesting the certificate.
  • As DV certificates, neither UCC nor SAN SSL certificates provide any information about the identity or legitimacy of the organization or individual behind the website. They simply confirm that the applicant has control over the domain(s) listed in the certificate.

Number of SANs Supported

  • UCC SSL certificates typically support a higher number of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) compared to SAN DV SSL certificates. UCC certificates can secure multiple domain names (up to 250 or more), making them ideal for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures and multiple domains.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates typically support a more limited number of SANs, often ranging from 1 to 100 domain names or subdomains. While this may be sufficient for many websites and small businesses, organizations with a larger number of domain names may require a UCC certificate for comprehensive coverage.

Price and Availability

  • UCC SSL certificates tend to be more expensive than SAN DV SSL certificates due to their advanced features and support for a higher number of SANs. The cost of UCC certificates may vary depending on the number of SANs included and the certificate authority (CA) issuing the certificate.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates are more affordable and widely available, making them a popular choice for small to medium-sized businesses and website owners looking to secure multiple domain names or subdomains without breaking the bank.

    While both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates offer support for multiple domain names, UCC certificates are specifically tailored for Microsoft environments and support a higher number of SANs. SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more versatile and cost-effective, making them suitable for a wide range of web servers and applications. The choice between the two depends on your specific requirements, budget, and compatibility with your IT infrastructure.

    The Extended Validation of EV SSL

    Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are a type of SSL/TLS certificate that provides the highest level of validation and assurance for websites. Unlike Domain Validated (DV) and Organization Validated (OV) certificates, which only verify domain ownership and basic organization information, EV SSL certificates undergo a rigorous validation process to verify the legal identity and legitimacy of the organization behind the website.

    The main features of EV SSL certificates include:

    1. Extended Validation Process: The validation process for EV SSL certificates involves thorough vetting of the organization’s legal identity, operational existence, physical address, and ownership details. Certificate authorities (CAs) conduct extensive background checks and verification procedures to ensure that the organization is legitimate and trustworthy.
    2. Green Address Bar: One of the most distinctive features of EV SSL certificates is the green address bar that appears in the browser when visitors access a website secured with an EV certificate. This green bar provides visual assurance to users that the website is authenticated and belongs to a legitimate organization. It helps build trust and confidence among visitors, increasing conversion rates and reducing the risk of phishing attacks.
    3. Highest Level of Encryption: Like other SSL/TLS certificates, EV SSL certificates provide strong encryption to secure data transmitted between the website and visitors’ browsers. They use industry-standard encryption algorithms (e.g., RSA or ECC) and support key lengths of 2048 bits or higher to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and interception.
    4. Browser Compatibility: EV SSL certificates are widely supported by modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others. They are recognized and trusted by all major browsers, ensuring that visitors see the green address bar and know that the website is authenticated and secure.
    5. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: By displaying the green address bar and undergoing a stringent validation process, websites secured with EV SSL certificates demonstrate a commitment to security and trustworthiness. This can have a positive impact on brand reputation, customer confidence, and online credibility, leading to increased user engagement, sales, and conversions.

    Overall, EV SSL certificates offer the highest level of validation, security, and trust for websites, making them ideal for e-commerce sites, financial institutions, government agencies, and any organization that values online trust and credibility. While EV certificates may be more expensive and require more extensive validation compared to DV and OV certificates, the benefits of enhanced security and customer trust justify the investment for many businesses and organizations.

    How To Choose & Subscribe?

    You may either choose the choice of your SSL from Sangkrit.net Regular SSL Service which also offers another SSL option called EV SSL i.e. extended validation. Alternatively, you may go for Managed SSL Service where a team handles the installation and maintenance of your SSL over your websites.

    Elevate Your Website’s Security Standards With Fully Managed SSL Service

    The new Managed SSL Service at Sangkrit.net saves you from the technical steps of installing and implementing HTTPS over your domains.

    What Is Managed SSL Service?

    It handles the installation, configuration, management, and renewal of SSL(Secure Socket Layer) certificates on your websites and the service ensures that your website stays safe and secure on the internet.

    The Managed SSL Service also saves you from common encryption errors such as:

    • SSL not found error
    • Mixed-content error
    • HTTPS redirect failure error
    • SSL certificate mismatch error

    SSL certificates are essential for securing data transmitted between a user’s browser and a website’s server, ensuring that sensitive information such as login credentials, personal details, and payment information is encrypted and protected from malicious actors.

    What Is Managed SSL Service Offers You?

    Here’s an overview of the features that Managed SSL Service offers:

    Installation & Setup

    Managed SSL Service providers handle the entire process of obtaining and installing SSL certificates on your website. This includes generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), validating domain ownership, and configuring the server to use HTTPS.

    Automatic Renewal

    SSL certificates have an expiration date, typically ranging from a few months to a year. If you leave this option on, the Managed SSL Service ensures that your certificates are automatically renewed before they expire, preventing any disruption in your website’s security.

    Certificate Types

    Managed SSL services offer various types of SSL certificates, including Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV) certificates. They can also provide Wildcard and Multi-Domain (SAN) certificates to secure multiple subdomains or domains.

    Security & Trust

    Managed SSL services offer SSL certificates from reputable Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are recognized and trusted by web browsers. This ensures that your website is not flagged as “Not Secure,” and users can browse your site with confidence.

    SEO Benefits

    Search engines, including Google, consider HTTPS as a ranking factor. Having an SSL certificate can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings, leading to improved SEO performance.

    Support & Troubleshooting

    Managed SSL services often provide technical support to address any issues related to SSL certificates. They can help with setup, configuration, and troubleshooting to ensure your website’s security is maintained.

    Compatibility & Updates

    Managed SSL services ensure that your SSL certificates are compatible with modern web standards and are regularly updated to meet evolving security requirements.

    Compatibility with CDN & Load Balancers

    Managed SSL services can help you configure SSL certificates for content delivery networks (CDNs) and load balancers, ensuring that your entire website’s traffic is securely encrypted.

    Simplified Management

    By outsourcing SSL management, website owners can focus on other aspects of their business without worrying about the technical details of certificate installation and renewal.

    PCI Compliance

    For websites that handle online payments, an SSL certificate is essential for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance.

    Green Padlock Symbol

    An SSL certificate displays a green padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar, indicating that the connection is secure. This symbol builds trust with users and can potentially increase conversions on e-commerce sites.

    Managed SSL Service is a convenient option for website owners who want to ensure the security of their visitors’ data without dealing with the complexities of SSL certificate management. It allows businesses to focus on their core activities while benefiting from enhanced website security and improved user trust.

    How Managed SSL Service Works?

    Authentication is the keystone of SSL protection. After you subscribe to a Managed SSL, the system itself validates your domain and issues an SSL certificate to ensure your website only takes a secure connection.

    Once the system configures the SSL certificate on your domain and verifies that everything is accurate, you receive an email saying that your website is now successfully running over a secure HTTPS connection.

    The service offers you Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates via Managed SSL Service. You can purchase a certificate for a single site or a multiple-domains certificate i.e. SAN SSL that secures one primary plus four additional domains i.e. a total of five domains.

    Why It Matters To Add SSL To Your Website?

    Adding SSL i.e. HTTPS protocol to your website is a critical step in ensuring data security, building user trust, and improving search engine visibility.

    You can successfully implement HTTPS and provide a secure browsing experience to your website visitors, by subscribing to a SSL plan here. Enabling HTTPS i.e. HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure to your website is important for several reasons.

    SSL Is Important For Data Security

    An SSL certificate will encrypt the communication between a user’s browser and your website, ensuring that sensitive data such as login credentials, credit card information, and personal details remain secure and protected from unauthorized access or interception. It helps prevent data breaches, identity theft, and tampering with information in transit.

    SSL Builds The Trust

    It provides a visual indicator on the address bar of your website that builds visitors’ trust. When a visitor accesses your website, he doesn’t see the browser warning of an insecure or untrusted zone. Instead, he sees the padlock icon called the secure label, and that makes him know that his connection is encrypted and his data is being securely transmitted.

    Hence, it builds trust and confidence in your website, especially when your website is handling sensitive information or conducting online transactions.

    Search Engine & SEO Benefits

    Now dominant search engines, like Google, consider HTTPS as a ranking factor. Websites having an HTTPS connection are more likely to rank higher on search engine results pages compared to non-secure websites. Hence, implementing an HTTPS connection can improve your website’s visibility and organic traffic from the search.

    How To Add SSL To Your Website?

    You simply need to subscribe to a general SSL plan or Managed SSL Service and the automated process will guide you in doing that. The Dedicated Server, VPS, Managed WordPress, and certain web hosting users can take benefit from free SSL service.

    How To Auto Configure SSL In WordPress Website?

    SSL stands for Secured Socket Layer. When configured it can be seen in the address bar of your website as an HTTPS lock icon instead of HTTP which generally works on websites having no SSL certificate.

    The main work of an SSL certificate is to implement encryption to protect sensitive information such as log-in details, credit card numbers, and other sensitive data from unauthorized people and bots.

    Apart from this, it has now become an SEO and internet ranking factor so now it positively impacts the website’s visibility on search engines. All popular web browsers now show a warning of an insecure zone on websites that don’t use SSL certificates.

    Anyone can subscribe to an SSL certificate plan such as Standard SSL and Managed SSL for adding an SSL to their website. Free Auto-SSL service is also available for the VPS and Dedicated Server users at Sangkrit.net.

    This lesson will guide you on how you can auto-configure SSL on your WordPress Website. Because even when you subscribe and install SSL on your website’s hosting, common issues such as partial encryption, and mixed content errors arise, and the website doesn’t get redirected to HTTPS. As a result, both HTTP and HTTPS modes remain active for the users, which is not at all good.

    How To Automatically Configure Your Website To Use HTTPS?

    You simply need to log in to your WordPress site and navigate to Plugins -> Add New page and then search for the Really Simple SSL plugin. Install and activate the plugin, upon activation the plugin will automatically configure your website to use SSL to its fullest potential. It takes your website from HTTP to HTTPS in just one click.

    Apart from this it also offers features to keep track of your server’s health, and tweak configuration to keep WordPress fortified and safe by tackling its weaknesses. It keeps you notified when plugins, themes or core contain vulnerabilities and need appropriate action.

    Build A Secure Website To Stop Losing Traffic From Browser’s ‘Not Secure’ Warning

    The browser’s not secure warning shows up to your visitors when your website doesn’t provide them a secure connection i.e. HTTPS encryption. To dismiss this warning you will need to add an SSL Certificate to your website.

    The servers and hosting services such as Managed WordPress and Cloud Hosting at Sangkrit.net provides you with free auto SSL and hence when you make your website at Sangkrit.net you don’t need to subscribe to SSL separately. Although, there are plans to subscribe to a premium SSL you may stick to a self-signed free SSL also.

    To easily start a secure website you simply need to register your domain name and subscribe to a Managed WordPress plan that gives you a highly customizable, professional-looking secure website which you can manage on your own. A Domain and subscription to Managed WordPress is a complete package, you need nothing else. And you won’t have to worry about browsers displaying the Not Secure warning because all Managed WordPress plans also include an SSL certificate displaying that trustworthy lock on the address bar of your website.

    Configuring One Server To Handle HTTP & HTTPS Respectively

    On an Nginx server, it is possible for you to configure it to manage both HTTP and HTTPS requests.

    You should also know that prior to 0.7.14, it was not possible to enable SSL certificate selectively over individual listening sockets, as we have done here in the following given code:

    server {
        listen              80;
        listen              443 ssl;
        server_name         www.yoursite.com;
        ssl_certificate     www.yoursite.com.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key www.yoursite.com.key;

    Before SSL could only be enabled over the entire server using an SSL directive, thus it was impossible to put up a single HTTP/HTTPS server. Afterward, the SSL parameter of the listen directive was added to resolve this problem.

    The use of the SSL directive in newer versions has been discouraged.

    When Multiple HTTPS Servers Listen On A Single IP Address

    In SSL protocol conduct, a typical problem occurs when two or more configured HTTPS servers listen on a single IP address.

    server {
        listen          443 ssl;
        server_name     www.yoursite.com;
        ssl_certificate www.yoursite.com.crt;
    server {
        listen          443 ssl;
        server_name     www.yoursite.org;
        ssl_certificate www.yoursite.org.crt;

    As shown above, what exactly happens here is that the client browser starts to receive the default server’s certificate (www.yoursite.com) regardless of the name of the server requested.

    This is pushed by SSL protocol conduct. Here, the connection via SSL is made before the browser sends another HTTP request and Nginx does not know the server name requested. Hence, it may only offer the default server’s certificate.

    Here’s the solution:

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name     www.yoursite.com;
        ssl_certificate www.yoursite.com.crt;
    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name     www.yoursite.org;
        ssl_certificate www.yoursite.org.crt;

    Above given is the ancientest and most powerful way used for resolving this issue. Here a separate IP address is assigned for each HTTPS server.

    Updating Nginx Server Configuration To Use The SSL You Have Purchased

    You need to update the config file on your server to use the SSL certificate you are subscribed to. This can be done by accessing the command line SSH and opening the Nginx config file for the domain you are installing the SSL certificate.

    Simply run the following command:

    sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/yourwebsite.com

    Now update the config file to use the SSL certificate:

    server {
            listen 80;
            server_name yourwebsite.com;
            return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name yourwebsite.com;
        ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/yourwebsite.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/yourwebsite.key;
        root /usr/share/nginx/yourwebsite.com/;
        index index.php  index.html index.htm;

    The next step is to save the file using this command:


    And then restart your Nginx server with this command:

    sudo service nginx restart

    That’s it.

    Configuring SSL & Intermediate Certificates On Nginx Server

    In the previous lesson, you learned about installing and configuring Nginx on your dedicated server. Now this lesson is on installing SSL and other standard certificates.

    The first thing you need to do is get an SSL certificate from Sangkrit.net, once you subscribe to it and your certificate request is approved just download it to install those files on your dedicated server.

    To download and install your certificate files follow these steps:

    1. Visit your Sangkrit.net product page
    2. Select SSL Certificates
    3. Select Manage next to the certificate you need to download
    4. Select a Server type
    5. Click the Download Zip File option
    6. Your certificate would start downloading now.
    7. Copy the SSL certificate file and the certificate bundle file to the Nginx server
    8. You already have a key file on the server which you got when you generated your certificate request.
    9. Now edit your Nginx configuration to reference these files

    Your certificate is installed now. Remember, the actual configuration file you edit depends on your version of Nginx, your OS platform, or the method you are using to install Nginx.

    Configuring SSL On Linux VPS & Dedicated Servers

    To configure an SSL on your server there are mainly three steps: subscribe to it, generate a certificate signing request, and once SSL is approved, install it on your server.

    This lesson shows you the step-by-step process of implementing SSL on a Linux-based server.

    What is SSL? The SSL certificate establishes encryption over information that is sent to the server. It scrambles data into an undecipherable format that can only be returned to a readable format with a proper decryption key. 

    How Does SSL Works? When a client attempts to send confidential information to a Web server, the user’s browser accesses the server’s digital certificate and establishes a secure connection.

    SSL authenticates the identity of a website. It contains the following information: 

    1. The certificate holder’s name & public key 
    2. The certificate’s serial number and expiration date 
    3. The digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority

    How to install SSL on your VPS or Dedicated Server?

    1. Open SANGKRIT.net account
    2. Visit your Products page
    3. Select SSL Certificates 
    4. Select Manage for the certificate you want to use
    5. Under Download Certificate, select a Server type and then select Download Zip File.

    Launch your dedicated server:

    1. Visit your Products page
    2. Click the Servers tab
    3. Next to the account, you want to use, click Launch
    4. From the management interface, next to cPanel Site,
    5. Click Manage Server (WHM) and click Proceed

    Upload & Install SSL certificate

    1. Search SSL on the left sidebar menu on WHM cPanel
    2. Click Install an SSL certificate on the domain
    3. Type your domain name in the first field
    4. Click the Browse button
    5. Select and upload your SSL certificate
    6. Click Install button

    When you choose the browse and upload option, the empty fields are auto-discovered and filled from the SSL you are uploading. Once SSL is installed you may redirect your HTTP site to an HTTPS connection.

    How To Fix The Issues WordPress Has With SSL?

    You can seamlessly map your website URLs to HTTPS and get most of the mixed and insecure content errors automatically fixed on your WordPress website.

    If you have SSL subscribed and your site has access to it, then you just need to install-activate a WordPress plugin called Really Simple SSL, and that’s it. Your site will get automatically moved to a secure HTTPS connection.

    The plugin instantly configures SSL on your WordPress site, without any modifications to other files and settings.

    In case you don’t have an SSL then the first thing you need to do is subscribe to an SSL of your choice. You may either go for a Standard or Premium SSL or you may subscribe to a Completely Managed SSL Service.

    Once you have SSL, just activate Really Simple SSL plugin on your website. It saves you from hours of work.

    As soon the plugin is activated, it –

    • Automatically updates the siteurl and homeurl to HTTPS
    • Automatically fixes all insecure and mixed content errors
    • Automatically redirects all incoming URL requests to HTTPS
    • Automatically handles most issues that WordPress has with SSL

    The plugin works by using an internal WordPress redirect, but it also allows you to use a .htaccess redirect instead. It handles when you’re behind a reverse proxy/load balancer and takes care when no headers are passed, which WordPress uses to detect an SSL connection

    The insecure and mixed content on your website is dynamically fixed by replacing all HTTP URLs with secure HTTPS, except hyperlinks given to other websites. This URL migration is dynamic so no database changes are made, except for the site URL and home URL. The plugin sets PHP cookies securely with the httpOnly flag.

    Redirecting HTTP Domains to HTTPS On Dedicated Server

    Once SSL is installed on your dedicated server (as explained here) for the domain name you have selected, you will need to redirect all non-secure http links to secure https connection.

    For any website to work over SSL, there are some modifications you will need to make to your .htaccess file, and then it will redirect your visitors to the HTTPS version of your website.

    Login to your SANGKRIT.net account and follow the given steps:

    1. Go to your SANGKRIT.net product page.
    2. Under the Server, click Manage for cPanel
    3. In the Account Dashboard, click File Manager.
    4. In the cPanel File Manager, click Settings.
    5. Make sure that Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) is checked, and click Save.
    6. Click on public_html, and open your .htaccess if you already have one. If not, click File+, name the file .htaccess and click Create New File.
    7. Select the .htaccess file, and click Edit.
      • If you just created your .htaccess file, use this code:
        RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?coolexample\.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.coolexample.com/$1 [R,L]
      • If your .htaccess file already exists, insert the lines that begin with ReWriteCond and RewriteRule directly after the already existing ReWriteEngine On.
      • Click Save Changes and Close. 

    That’s it. Visit your website and you’ll be re-directed to the HTTPS version.

    If you use WordPress, then follow these steps:

    1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Visit Settings, click General.
    3. Locate the following fields:
      • WordPress Address (URL)
      • Site Address (URL)
    4. In each field, update your URLs from http to https
    5. Scroll down and click Save Changes.
    6. Open your current .htaccess file in the /public_html/ folder with the cPanel file manager for editing. If you don’t already have a .htaccess file, you’ll need to create one.
    7. Insert the following code at the top of your .htaccess file:
    8. Click Save Changes at the top-right corner of the screen.

    In some cases you will need to edit your .htaccess file, if you don’t want that then you may also use a WordPress plugin such as Really Simple SSL It saves you from following so many technical steps.

    The Effect Of Google Chrome Updates Over Non SSL Websites

    You should strongly consider getting your own HTTPS SSL Certificate. Sometime back Google has declared SSL as an official ranking factor and now the upcoming updates to Google Chrome browser will start to mark websites running without SSL certificate as “Not secure”.

    As per the updates on new Google Chome versions expected to come before July 2018, visitors to your website using an up to date version of Google Chrome will notice a warning, which may put them off because most of the websites they visit on daily basis are properly SSLed.

    You should also be concerned about your visitors’ sensitive data which consists of names, addresses, email addresses and payment information. If your website has a “logged in”, “members section” or “clients-area” on your website, then this too counts as sensitive personal information which needs to be protected.

    How to use SSL on your website?

    Start by subscribing an SSL certificate and then follow the steps given here. If you are a WordPress user then follow this tutorial. For further support email to system@sangkrit.net.

    Why you Should Subscribe SSL Certificate from SANGKRIT.net?

    SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security technology to establish encryption between a client and a server. It allows sensitive information such as login credentials, user data, social security numbers and credit card information to be transmitted securely in encrypted form instead of plain text which leaves you vulnerable.

    Now a days there are many websites that shows you partial encryption error and some displays no-encryption or un-trusted SSL warnings.

    The reason is that the Google has not only considered SSL as an official ranking factor but is taking aggressive steps to protect users data and encouraging website owners to use a well configured SSL Certificate.

    Google now blocks all un-trusted and badly configured SSL certificates and hence potentially millions of websites that use SSL certificates issued by various big and small companies, even Symantec could find that their certificates are going effectively worthless when Chrome is concerned.

    So if your website is also showing the RED HTTPS or any SSL error then you must act now because this thing will not only stop clients from making transactions on your website but it will also stop them from accessing your website because now Google Chrome clearly displays the invalid certificate warning on each visit.

    And the link to proceed to the webpage is hidden in the advanced link which is left unseen, even then netizens will think twice before accessing your website.

    How to Remove SSL Warnings?

    Use a well-configured SSL certificate, SSL configuration is not a one step process and hence you should know how to correctly configure an SSL certificate on your website.

    Subscribe SSL from SANGKRIT.net and it will guide you with an step-by-step process of requesting, installing and configuring HTTPS on your website. If you want some expert to do it for you then you can buy online support from system@sangkrit.net.

    How To Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) On cPanel?

    A CSR or Certificate Signing request is a block of encrypted text generated on the server that the SSL certificate will be used on. It contains all important information to be included in your SSL certificate, information comprises of your common name (i.e. domain name), locality and country etc.

    cPanel provides you a built-in feature to generate CSR code to use for sending certificate signing request and get your SSL configuration settings ready to work on your website’s domain.

    Continue reading How To Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) On cPanel?

    Easily Encrypt WordPress Login And All Form Pages

    It is always good to use some security than use no security. We have already discussed about the importance of SSL certificate in WordPress and now it is an official Google ranking factor. Today, a SANGKRIT.net user asked is there a way to secure the login and other similar pages with out SSL.  Continue reading Easily Encrypt WordPress Login And All Form Pages

    Secure Your Website From Top 10 Internet Threats

    More than five thousands websites are compromised everyday. Small business site owners think that they’re too small to be noticed by hackers but that is a wrong thinking because now-a-days hackers use automated bots which keeps on searching vulnerable websites.

    Another reason of not securing website is lack of awareness. Many website owners don’t know how they can secure their website, what security tools they should be using etc etc.

    Continue reading Secure Your Website From Top 10 Internet Threats

    Secure WordPress Login & Admin Pages With SSL (HTTPS)

    Now you know how to install SSL on a domain and how to implement it on your WordPress installation. A few days back a WordPress user emailed us saying that the majority of his website is not sensitive and also he has a resource limit so he only wants to enable SSL on his website login page and not on the rest of his website.

    Continue reading Secure WordPress Login & Admin Pages With SSL (HTTPS)